DRACARYS: game of thrones sea...

By marvelis04

8.1K 225 17

"You don't know me. You don't know what I am capable of." - Davina Tyrell "I want nothing to do with you. Yo... More

c a s t
winter is coming
the kingsroad
lord snow
cripples, bastards, and broken things
the wolf and the lion
a golden crown
you win or you die
the pointy end
fire and blood
the north remembers
the night lands
what is dead may never die
garden of bones
the ghost of harrenhal
the old gods and the new
a man without honor
the prince of winterfell
valar morghulis
valar dohaeris
dark wings, dark lords
and now his watch is ended
kissed by fire
the climb
the bear and the maiden fair
second sons
the rains of castamere

walk of punishment

117 5 0
By marvelis04

AEVA TULLY watched her father's funeral pyre float away from the platform that she now stood upon by her older sister. She and Catelyn had always had a good relationship, but had lost that relationship when Catelyn moved North. As Aeva grew into a woman, she realized the importance of family and attempted to rekindle the sisterly bond she had once had with Catelyn and eventually succeeded.

Her older brother Edmure was meant to be shooting a flaming arrow at the funeral pyre and after several failed attempts Aeva herself ripped the bow away from her older brother and shot the arrow herself. She knew that her aim was true and strode away with an agitated frown as the small boat carrying her father's body was set aflame.

Aeva had met her brother Aeryn's betrothed, Marlena, only briefly, but she wished for them to be good friends in the midst of the war. Marlena was an intelligent and sweet girl, perfectly suited for Aeryn's calm and pleasant demeanor. Aeva knew that Aeryn wouldn't do anything to harm the princess and she would do the same, which comforted her.

The same could not be said, however, for Robb's new lady wife, Raena Martell. She had a foreign lady's maid by the name of Talisa and was once a nurse. At least she could tend to Robb's wounds he sustained in battle whenever he had need of her assistance. It was clear that the two truly loved one another and that was dangerous.


RAENA MARTELL was currently treating the wonunds of Martyn and Willem Lannister, distant cousins of the Queen. "You're Robb Stark's wife." Martyn observed looking down at the woman who treated his arm.

"Hold still." Raena said sternly as the boy swallowed anxiously.

"Is it true what they say about him?"

Raena smiled softly when she realized what the boy was referring to. "I don't know. What do they say about him?"

"That he can turn into a wolf at night." Raena decided to tease the boy even further.


"And he eats the flesh of his enemies?"

"True." Raena hadn't looked up from her work once until then. She looked between the two boys who glanced at each other. "You're a Lannister, aren't you?"

"Martyn Lannister." The boy introduced himself with a small smile.

"Martyn Lannister." Raena repeated with a small grin. "You've nothing to fear. My husband doesn't eat children. Unless it's a full moon." Raena glanced back at the guard attending her. "It's not a full moon tonight is it?" The guard shook his head with a teasing grin. "See? Nothing to fear." Raena finished the stitching on the boy's arm with a small smile. "There, all finished."


TORIA BARATHEON stared at her mother with anger. "You cannot make me marry!" Toria glanced at her brother who sat in a chair near her. "My place is here, godsdamnit!"

"Toria, you will do as your grandfather dictates!" Toria groaned sitting on the floor with a pout on her face.

"Mother, if she wants to stay, we should let her stay!" Joffrey argued with his mother angrily. "She is your last remaining daughter here!"

"Marlena and Myrcella are gone!" Toria exclaimed angrily. "Does it not make sense to keep me here until they are married first?"

"It does, but your grandfather has told me that you will be married before Joffrey." Cersei sighed heavily at her daughter's anger. "I know you didn't expect for this to happen so quickly, but we think that we must move you from the city. It's getting to be too dangerous."

"For who?" Toria countered with a raised brow. "For you or for me?"

"For you." Cersei sighed again moving towards the window. "Your Uncle Jaime is missing, your Aunt Amberlee has sided with traitors, and you Uncle Tyrion has become obsessed with ensuring the princesses their safety. Now, pack your things. You're leaving."

"And where will I go?"

"North." Toria nodded and left the room to pack her belongings. Joffrey entered her room to say his goodbyes.

"I'll miss you, sister." Joffrey moved to kiss her, but Toria moved away from him. "What is it?"

"How long did you really expect me to keep up the act?" Toria laughed in his face as she moved to her trunk. "Did you actually think I loved you and that I cared for you?"

Joffrey's eyes hardened as he stared at her with utter pain in his eyes. "What?" He stumbled back as his sister only smirked. He didn't know it, but this was her way of coping with the pain of leaving. She wanted him to think she had never loved him so she could convince herself that she never had either.

"Didn't you hear me the first time? I never loved you and I never will." Joffrey stormed from her room slamming the door behind him causing his sister to collapse into tears behind her closed bedroom door. She only looked back at him one more time in sorrow while on horseback, but he looked away his eyes to never meet hers again.

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