Naruto: The Fool's Sister

By AriaLord

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Naruto's little sister Aika cares deeply about her big brother, they are twins after all, and since the villa... More

Character Description: Aika Uzumaki
Chapter 1: Big Brother and Little Sister
Chapter 2: Enter! Naruto and Aika Uzumaki!
Chapter 3: Sasuke and Sakura: Friends or Foes?
Chapter 5: You Failed! Kakashi's Final Decision
Chapter 6: A Dangerous Mission! Journey to the Land of Waves! Part 1
Chapter 7: A Dangerous Mission! Journey to the Land of Waves! Part 2
Chapter 8: The Assassin of the Mist!
Chapter 9: The Oath of Pain
Chapter 10: The Forest of Chakra
Chapter 11: Growth
Chapter 12: The Broken Seal
Chapter 13: The Weapons Known as Shinobi
Chapter 14: The Demon in the Snow
Chapter 15: A New Chapter Begins: The Chūnin Exam!
Chapter 16: Identify Yourself: Powerful New Rivals
Chapter 17: Chūnin Challenge: Rock Lee vs. Sasuke!
Chapter 18: The Team Splits Up! All Ten Rookies Face Off!
Chapter 19: Start Your Engines: The Chūnin Exam Begins!
Chapter 20: The Tenth Question: All or Nothing!
Chapter 21: The Chūnin Exam Stage 2: The Forest of Death
Chapter 22: Fire in the Forest: A Life Changing Speech!
Chapter 23: Battlefield: A Fight Between Frenemies!
Chapter 24: Narrowing the Field: Sudden Death Elimination!
Chapter 25: Final Battle: You Can Do It Aika!
Chapter 26: Ebisu Returns: Time For Training!
Chapter 27: The Final Rounds: Let the Battles Begin! Naruto Vs Neji!
Chapter 28: Sasuke Arrives: Aika's Life or Death Match!
Chapter 29: Aika Unleashed: Secret Technique! The Konoha Crush Begins!
Chapter 30: The Third Hokage Forever: the Strongest
Chapter 31: Hate Among the Uchihas: The Last of the Clan!
Chapter 32: Goodbye Sasuke: the End

Chapter 4: Pass or Fail: Survival Test

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By AriaLord

Aika sat on the desk eating pocky next to the seat where Sasuke was sitting in the classroom. Sakura was leaning against another desk while Naruto was peering outside the door again for about the 100th time.

"cut it out Naruto!" Sakura shouts at him, getting annoyed of him constantly opening the door

"Why are we the only teams whose sensei hasn't shown up yet?!" Naruto shouts annoyed

"don't be impatient big brother" Aika says as she puts another pocky in her mouth

Naruto crosses his arms "but all the other teams have already gone off with their teachers. Even Iruka-Sensei has gone"

Sasuke reaches over and takes the pocky from Aika "stop eating junk food" his voice was still as emotionless as ever

"meanie" Aika whines as she finishes the pocky she still has, Sasuke sighs and hands her another one which she looks happy for "yay"

"Hey Naruto what are you up to!" Sakura suddenly shouts

The two look over to see Sakura watching Naruto wedge an eraser in the top of the door.

"It's what he gets for making us wait" Naruto jumps down off his stool and laughs

"Grow up" Sakura says annoyed "I want no part of it"

"hmph" Sasuke looks away "no way could a jonin be caught by such a simple booby trap"

"He might" Aika sweatdrops then mumbles "if we have who I think we do"

Suddenly a hand appears on the door and pushes it open. The eraser falls from the top and hits the Jonin right on the dead.

"HAHAHAHA" Naruto laughs immediately "Gotcha!"

"I'm sorry sensei I tried to stop him" Sakura frantically apologizes as she's probably cheering in her head

Sasuke stares at them from his seat as Aika puts another pocky in her mouth, not saying a word either.

"hmm.. how shall I put this?" the Jonin bends down and picks up the eraser, he looks at the group "my first impression.. you're all idiots"

The group looks annoyed at his comment

"meet me on the roof" the Jonin then disappears

The team look at each other before making their way up to the roof where their Jonin was leaning against the rail. They all sit in a row in front of him, from the Jonin's left to right: Sakura, Sasuke, Aika, then Naruto.

"Alright, why don't we start by introducing yourselves, tell me about you" the Jonin instructs

"Like what?" Sakura questions

"you know.. what you like, what you hate, hobbies, dreams" the Jonin explains boredly

"Why don't you go first, you know to show us how it's done" Naruto suggests

Aika pulls on Sasuke's sleeve and he hands her another pocky which she happily puts in her mouth. Naruto glances as Sasuke annoyedly.

"me..." the Jonin points to himself "I'm Kakashi Hatake, things I like and things i hate.... i don't feel like telling you that, my dreams for the future... never really thought about that, as for my hobbies.. i have lots of hobbies"

"That was totally useless" Sakura whispers to the group "all he really told us was his name"

They nod in agreement

"Alright now it's your turn, let's start with you on the right" Kakashi points to Naruto

"I'm Naruto Uzumaki, i like instant ramen in a cup and my little sister, i hate the 2 minutes you have to wait for the ramen to cool off, my hobbies are eating different kinds of ramen and training with Aika, and my dream for the future is to be the greatest Hokage so that everyone will treat me like somebody, somebody important and stop looking at me and my sister like we're some kind of diseases" Naruto answers

Kakashi nods "ok next" 

"I'm Aika Uzumaki, Naruto's little sister" Aika smiles "I like- no love pocky and I hate when duck butt over here takes it and acts like my father" she points at Sasuke who glances at her with an annoyed look "my hobbies are... you know I don't really do much, anyway my dream for the future is... it's uh.. you know I don't really know that either"

Sakura facepalms and mumbles "Aika don't take after our Sensei"

"alright next" Kakashi says

Sakura went next and just to sum it up their was a lot of looks at Sasuke and squealing.

"Last" Kakashi says looking at Sasuke

"I am Sasuke Uchiha, I hate a lot of things and I'd rather not say what I like" he glances at Aika who was happily eating pocky "my hobbies are training and looking after an airhead" he glances at Aika again" i don't have a dream because it will become a reality i'm going to kill a certain someone" Sasuke said darkly and mysteriously

"good you all are unique and have your own personality" Kakashi smiles "meet me 5am tomorrow morning in the training grounds"

"what are we doing?" Naruto asks exciting

"A survival exercise that us 5 will be doing together" Kakashi replies

"But sensei we did this in the academy" Sakura complains

Aika looks at them with her head tilt "you guys don't know? Out of the 38 graduates only 10 will become genin, this test will determine which of 27 graduates will be sent back to the Academy"

The team stares at her

"very good you still remember" Kakashi claps sarcastically

"devil" Aika mumbles as she finishes her pocky

"Aika why didn't you tell us this earlier!?!" Naruto and Sakura shout and Aika hid being Sasuke

"you didn't ask" Aika sweatdrops

"how would you know anyway?" Sasuke questions

"Oh I passed one year" Aika admits then rubbed her head and smiled stupidly "but my team failed Kakashi's test and was sent back to the Academy"

"that explains it" Naruto mumbles

"Oh and skip breakfast or else you'll puke" Kakashi tells them before poofing away

At 5am the next day, Naruto, Sasuke and Sakura arrive at the designated area as instructed.

"Where's Aika?" Sasuke asks Naruto "I thought she'd come with you"

"She forgot something at the house and went to get it, she'll be here in a minute" Naruto yawns

3 hours later at 8am, Kakashi arrives with Aika walking next to him.

"good morning class" Kakashi greets

"YOU'RE LATE" Naruto and Sakura yell together

"Sorry a black cat passed my path so he had to go the long way" Kakashi says as an excuse

Sasuke looks at Aika, expecting an explination

"I fell back asleep" Aika shrugs

"You knew he was going to be late!" Naruto and Sakura shouts and Aika laughs

"Alright everyone" Kakashi sets down a clock and turns the alarm on "I've set this alarm to go off at noon" he takes out 3 bells "I have here three small bells.. your challenge is to steal these from me before the timer sounds. Anyone who fails will be tied to a tree stump and watch as I eat your lunch in front of you"

"Sensei made us skip breakfast to make the test more difficult" Sakura complains "

"I ate" Aika mumbles to herself

Kakashi scans over the team "one...... two...... three..... START"

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