Devil of Remnant

By HotDorRod

411K 5.5K 11K

Vergil; the Son of Sparda. Dark Slayer. Alpha and Omega. Devil in a Blue Coat. He has been given many names... More

Bio Update
Yet Another Bio Update
Vergil's DxD Bio
DxD 1
DxD 2
DxD 3
DxD 4
DxD 5
DxD 6 Pt. 1
DxD 6 Pt. 2
DxD Bio Update
DxD 7
DxD Filler: Issei's Punishments
DxD 8 Pt. 1
DxD 8 Pt. 2
DxD 8 Pt. 3
Vergil Ability Update
Vergil Harem Update
A/N: Thank You!
10K Special: Surprise Party
10K Special: Berserker's Dance
10K Special: Cat's Shadow
10K Special: Royal Test
10K Special: Drooping Rose
RWBY Harem Update #2
Hold Up
A/N: Thank You Again!
30K Special: Halloween Dance
30K Special: Christmas Day
100K Celebration
100K Vote Results
100K Special: Beach Day
RWBY Teaser
RWBY 36: Rebound
RWBY 37: Power
RWBY 38: Test
RWBY 39: Embrace
200K Celebration
200K Vote Results
200K Special: RWBY/DxD
RWBY 40: Brothers
Teaser to Sequel


4.9K 68 67
By HotDorRod

The next day, Vergil and Weiss stand together in the battlefield of Amity Coliseum, as they prepare for their match against a duo from Atlas.

Vergil: Alright, Weiss. You are from Atlas, so what should we expect from our opponents?

Weiss: Well, seeing as their academies and armed forces are merged, I believe we should expect militant and strict fighters. They'll likely be using advanced technology and will have carefully rehearsed strategies in mind beforehand.

Vergil: Hm, is it just me, or do you fit each of those categories?

Weiss: Mm-hmm. So, how about we try out our combinations? After all, we should expect our enemy to be quite formidable.

Before Vergil could say anything in response, a rainbow dashes past the two, and stops in front of them, revealing a pigtailed girl with rainbow clothes, along with rollerblades and glow sticks. Next to her is a young man in a suit, with a fedora and sunglasses. In his hand, is a gray-colored trumpet. In slight confusion, Vergil and Weiss glance at each other.

Weiss: Or...whatever they are.

Flynt: Hey!

The young man calls out to Vergil and Weiss, and they both turn to him.

Flynt: You Weiss Schnee, right? The heiress.

Bowing her head to the recognition, Weiss smiles.

Weiss: Indeed I am!

Flynt: I take it you're pretty good with Dust, then?

She shrugs humbly while holding her forearm.

Weiss: I do my best.

Flynt: Yeah, my father was pretty good too. Owned a nice little Dust shop...

He lowers his head, the fedora covering his eyes. When he looks back up, his expression is changed from a smile to a scowl, and he glares at Weiss.

Flynt: ...That was 'till your father's company ran him out of business.

From a happy expression to shame, Weiss hangs her head.

Weiss: O-oh...I, I'm sorry to hear that.

Looking away, Flynt crosses his arms.

Flynt: Tch, sure you are.

Vergil points Yamato at the young man as he keeps his usual stoic face.

Vergil: Holding someone accountable for another's deeds is simply idiotic, is it not?

The girl next to Flynt mocks Vergil as she does a poor imitation of him.

Neon: Holding someone accountable for another's deeds is simply idiotic, is it not? Hey, quick question: do you always try to sound cool or is it because of that dumb hair?

Narrowing his eyes at the girl, Vergil sighs as he turns his hip slightly, his hand hovering over Yamato's handle, while Weiss gets into her own battle stance.

Vergil: (I should hold back...after all, this is supposed to be an entertaining match. It'd be a shame if it ended so quickly. At the same time, though...) Be glad this tournament doesn't allow maiming.

As the two duos stare each other down, the field opens. It is split into four different environments: a volcanic area, a sandy desert, steaming geysers, and a broken down cityscape.

Port: Here we go, ladies and gentlemen! Three! Two! One...begin!

Right when the match starts, Flynt brings his trumpet to his lips, and blows as a large sound wave is emitted, pushing Vergil and Weiss back. While they are being held down, Neon dashes through the wave, and rams into Vergil, pushing him further back and into the city environment. Turning his focus to the obnoxious girl, Vergil launches Yamato at Neon as it rotates clockwise, and she barely avoids the attack. However, the sword continues to spin faster, to the point of creating a small vortex. Neon yelps as she almost gets sucked into it, and Vergil retrieves his katana mid-flight. As he sheathes his blade, Neon continues to skate through the environment, making faces along the way.

Neon: You should lighten up, y'know! Being uptight like that is sooo lame!

Vergil: There's a big difference between being uptight, and being silent and focused.

In a quick second, Vergil dashes forward, slashing at Neon as she barely avoids his attacks, just by a few centimeters. He internally smirks as he analyzes her fearful expression whenever she is almost slashed. Yamato begins to build up energy, and Vergil swings diagonally, leaving a large slash mark in the air itself. Neon narrowly slips past the attack, and suddenly Vergil's right leg is encased in ice. Looking up, he finds the faunus laughing as she slaps her butt, her tail swishing in the air.

Neon: Come on, this is too easy! I'm gonna yawn soon!

Vergil: ...How cute. But, you're not the only one who can use elements.

Shattering the ice covering his leg, Vergil fires multitudes of icy summoned swords at the girl, and she quickly uses the environment for cover as she dives behind a cement wall, and the swords almost pierce right through. Reappearing from behind the wall, Neon dashes towards Vergil as her glow sticks are radiating a reddish orange color. With a smirk, Vergil easily blocks her surprisingly quick attacks, and then he gets an idea. Noticing the railing around him, he activates his spiral sword ability, and all of the ghostly swords are blazing. He destroys all the railings in the area, temporarily sending Neon spinning out of control. She disappears behind a cement structure, and Vergil turns towards where Weiss and Flynt are, at the volcanic environment. While rushing towards the two, he catches Weiss' attention.

Vergil: Weiss!

She turns, and simply nods, understanding the internal message between herself and him. She jumps back a distance away from Flynt, who was about to blast her away with a shockwave. At the same time, Vergil grasps at Yamato, the blade beginning to glow.

Weiss: Ready!

Vergil: Let's go!

Weiss twirls, before stabbing Myrtenaster into the ground. Large, pointed pillars of ice erupt from the ground as they move towards Flynt. He does the logical thing and rolls to the side, but then Vergil tricks forward, slashing the pillars into millions of pieces. Weiss follows up by summoning another glyph, and the shards float for a moment before aiming towards Flynt, then they fire at him like bullets.

Flynt: What the?!

The ice bullets fast approaching, the young man dives behind a hole in the ground, as a column of fire rises from below, and he uses that as a shield to protect himself. Now standing his ground, Flynt uses his trombone, and the waves from the instrument travels through the flames, launching them at Vergil and Weiss. The two of them swiftly dodge, and Vergil grasps Yamato with steely eyes.

Vergil: You're going down--

Suddenly, he gets attacked from behind by a familiar rainbow-themed cat girl. Vergil tumbles back to the broken down city area, where Neon is circling him like a hawk does it's prey. She starts zipping back and forth around Vergil, attacking him with her ice cold glow sticks, freezing his body solid. Laughing and pointing at the large ice cube, Neon claps her hands.

Neon: Haha! See, you really are cooled down now!

But in a few seconds, the ice begins to crack, and Vergil shatters his temporary prison with a shout, as he has now entered his Devil Trigger.

Vergil: Don't get so cocky!

Now completely ridding himself of any thought of holding back, Vergil suddenly appears in front of Neon, and connects with multiple light-speed slashes before swinging upwards, launching the skater girl into the air.

Vergil: Down you go!

In an instant, Vergil drops a large number of swords on the faunus girl, planting her into the ground. Looking up, Vergil finds her Aura to be right before the red zone, while his is yellow-green. He then finds Weiss to be in the mid yellow area, and Flynt is almost in the yellow as well. Cracking his neck, Vergil grasps Yamato.

Vergil: Ashes to ashes.

With a barrage of Judgement Cuts, Vergil annihilates Neon's Aura, and she is launched across the air and out of the ring. The buzzer goes off immediately after, signalling her elimination.

Port: Oho, and with that, Neon Katt is eliminated from the match!

Not wasting any time, Vergil heads back to where Weiss is, while still in his Devil Trigger state. He soon finds her blocking sound waves from four different Flynts.

Oobleck: Oh my, can Weiss endure Flynt Coal's Killer Quartet long enough for Vergil to lend a hand?

With a powerful lunge, Vergil lands in-between Weiss and Flynt, and destroys Flynt's clones in the process. Looking at his partner, Vergil nods.

Vergil: Let's finish this!

Weiss: Right!

Vergil dashes forwards and slashes diagonally, forcing Flynt into the defense as he use his trumpet to block. While he is pushed back, Weiss summons a time dilation glyph, and her figure starts glowing a gold color. At the same time, Vergil's Yamato starts radiating a blue energy, and the two of them assault Flynt with synchronized slashes and stab strikes, before they both appear behind the young man. Vergil sheathes Yamato while deactivating Devil Trigger, and Weiss swings Myrtenaster downwards. At the same time, Flynt collapses onto the floor, his Aura flickering and fading away. The buzzer goes off once more, followed by the roars and cheers of the audience.

Oobleck: And the winners of this match are Weiss and Vergil of Beacon!

Port: My goodness! An incredible showcase of teamwork between these two incredible students!

With absolute joy on her face, Weiss jumps towards Vergil and hugs him tightly as she celebrates.

Weiss: We did it!

She then realizes what she's doing, and turns pink before letting go and clearing her throat.

Weiss: A-ahem, I mean, as I expected from our working together.

Vergil smirks as he looks around the crowds.

Vergil: Well, I think they got quite the show, didn't they?

Weiss: Mm-hmm, they sure did.

They both hear a cry, and the two turn to see Flynt and Neon, who is mumbling loudly as she slaps her hands on her cheeks.

Neon: Whaaaa?! We lost?! That's...that was...AWESOME! You two are incredible! And Vergil! I dunno if I should be scared of you or if I should admire you, so I'll do both! We should totally party next time! Right, Flynt?

The young man dusts his shoulder, and stares at Vergil and Weiss before shrugging.

Flynt: You two are pretty good...alright. I'm down with that.

Weiss smiles and bows her head gratefully, while Vergil simply nods. Soon, Yang, Ruby and Blake come down to congratulate them.

Blake: Good job, you two!

Ruby: Yeah!

Yang: Did you guys plan that last attack or was it improvised?

Glancing at each other, Weiss and Vergil smile as they hold their respective weapons in similar fashion.

Vergil: They simply weren't ready for our skill.

Weiss: Nor were they ready for our style and grace.

The five take in the cheers of the crowds as they begin to leave the battlefield.


Still taking in their victory, Vergil and Weiss stay in RWBY's dorm, while the others are out for the evening. Weiss is sitting on Vergil's lap, on her bed, as the two enjoy each other's warmth.

Vergil: Good work today. You were as graceful as ever.

Weiss: Well, I do care about my form during battle, I don't want to look like an unorganized mess.

She smiles while leaning onto his chest, sighing in affection as Vergil gently rubs her shoulders.

Vergil: Enjoying your treatment, ice queen?

With a pout, Weiss hits Vergil's arm.

Weiss: Rgh, why does everyone keep calling me that?

Vergil: So you don't like it when I call you that?

Turning a shade of pink, the heiress looks down shyly while fiddling with her fingers.

Weiss: I-I didn't say that...

His lips curling into a smirk, Vergil kisses the top of Weiss' head, making the princess squeak and blush deep red.

Vergil: Well, the others are out for the evening. Anything you want to do before it gets too dark?

Weiss: much as I'd like to go shopping...I think spending some peaceful time with you is time better spent.

Vergil: Well said.

In one swift motion, Vergil moves so he's laying down, with Weiss on top of him. He has a hand on her waist, and the other is resting on her head. With a dark shade of red coloring her face, Weiss stutters under her lover's touch.

Weiss: V-V-Vergil, th-this is--

Before she could finish her sentence though, Vergil plants a quick but tender kiss on her lips, effectively shutting her up. With the same shade of red, she hides her face in his chest as she whines cutely.

Weiss: Rrgh, you always know what to do with me...

Vergil: Is that a bad thing?

Weiss: ...No, it's nice...I-I like it.

She looks up towards him, their blue eyes meeting as they gaze at each other. While leaning up, Weiss exhales, and the two of them kiss passionately. Vergil feels her small and silk-like hands snake through his top, and she breathes in anticipation while feeling out his toned midsection. At the same time, Vergil slips his hands through Weiss' dress top, making the ice queen's cheeks flare dark red.

Weiss: V-Vergil...

Vergil: Hm?

Weiss: I...want you--

Suddenly, the door slams open, revealing Yang, Blake and Ruby.


The sudden noise causes Weiss to yelp and she faints, right on top of Vergil. The three girls look at him as he returns the motion, and awkward silence hangs in the air.

Ruby:, is she okay?

Vergil: Well, she still has a pulse, I think you just scared her.

Yang:, what were you two doing while we were gone?

Vergil: Is it not obvious?

Ruby: Not really, what did you guys do?

Chuckling nervously, Blake grabs Ruby by her shoulders and turns her around.

Blake: Um, this isn't something for your eyes and ears, Ruby.

Ruby: Oh, come on! I'm sure it's not that bad!

Vergil: (How is she still so innocent, yet she nonchalantly massacred an entire horde of beowolves just last week?) Well...

While getting up, Vergil lays Weiss on her bed, and pets her head a little before standing up. He places Yamato down next to her, and she somehow grabs the sheathed katana and wraps her arms around it as she snoozes.

Vergil: Hm...anyways, where did you three go?

Yang: Oh, just around town. We got some cookies for Ruby since she hasn't had her daily feast of them since two days ago.

Ruby: They're like my life line!

Blake: Keep that up, and you'll get fat.

Ruby blushes with embarassment while pouting.

Ruby: H-hey! My body is perfectly fine! Right, Vergil?

She turns to the swordsman with an expecting look on her face.

Vergil: Why is that decision up to me?

Yang: Uuhh...I have no clue.


Later that night, Vergil struggles to fall asleep. So, he heads up to the roof, and leans Yamato next to him as he leans against the side of the doorway. Looking up to the stars, he sighs. He feels the gentle and slightly warm breeze of the summer night blow around him as he stargazes.

Vergil: ...

He then hears footsteps coming up, and he glances over to see Pyrrha.

Pyrrha: Couldn't sleep either?

Vergil: Ah, I was having some...difficulty. So I came out here to admire the night sky.

She walks over, and rests her head on Vergil's shoulder, smiling as she looks up.

Pyrrha: It really is beautiful tonight...

Vergil: It truly, was there something you needed?

Glancing away for a second, Pyrrha takes a deep breath.

Pyrrha: I...I love you!

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