Star Wars Imagines, One-shots...

By Tanya_Writes_Stories

47.5K 884 198

My running collection of fics I have published, everything Star Wars. More

Shoulder Pains~Domino Twins x Reader
Treasured Times~Obi-Wan Kenobi x Reader
Jesse's Girl~Jesse x Reader
Seeing Red~The Bad Batch x Reader
Indecent Distraction~Commander Cody x Reader
Insomnia Interrupted~Sinker x Reader
Touch~Kit Fisto x Reader
An Apple A Day~Doctor!Anakin Skywalker x Reader Modern AU
Koala~Fives x Reader
Beneath the Armor~Kix x Reader
Who He Wants To Be~Waxer x Single Mom!Reader
Favorite Spot~Commander Cody x Reader
In Trouble~Plo Koon x Reader
DNA Test, Anyone? ~ Wolfpack x Reader
Love On The Front Lines~Captain Rex x Pregnant!Reader
Love On The Front Lines pt. 2 ~ Captain Rex x Reader
Caged~Anakin Skywalker x Reader
Bad Enough ~ Commander Fox x Reader
Living the Dream~Commander Wolffe x Reader Modern AU
Dearest Cyar'ika~Echo x reader
Christmas With Torrent~Torrent Company x Reader
The Turned ~ Dark!Kit Fisto x Reader
Pain In Hurt Places ~ Fives x Reader
Close Encounters ~ Kit Fisto x Reader
Frozen Miracles ~ The Mandalorian x reader
Saltwater Feelings ~ Kit Fisto x Reader
Bliss Beneath Waves ~ Kit Fisto x Reader
The Soldier and the Senator ~ Fives x Reader
Keep It Warm ~ Commander Wolffe x Reader
Friendly Competition ~ Boost x Reader
Heal All Wounds ~Jesse x Reader
Pull ~ Tup x Reader
Slip Up ~ Hardcase x Reader
Better Than Cake ~ Fives x Reader

No Time Like The Present~Fives x Reader

1.3K 24 0
By Tanya_Writes_Stories

Word count: 1,453
Warnings: None really, just fluff. Hardcase getting drunk, Fives being a chaotic boi
“To the 501st!” The shout from the 6 men could be heard throughout every square foot of 79s. Were they celebrating anything, who knew. Did the boys of the 501st need a reason to celebrate?

“Cn we git anotherr round, (y/n) cyar’ika?” Hardcase slurred. “Only if you stop calling me cyar’ika?” You bargained. Hardcase hummed in thought. “Aight cyare,” he smirked. You cocked an eyebrow at him. Sure his words annoyed you but you couldn’t be mad at the inebriated trooper, you knew he wasn't normally like this.

“Hey, only I can call (y/n) ‘cyare’.” You looked to the right of Hardcase and saw your boyfriend Fives approaching the bar. "S ok Fives, I didn mean anythin m jus tryin a get a drink," Hardcase stumbled over his words. "I'll get your drink, you go back to the booth with the rest," Fives assured. Hardcase slipped off his barstool and nearly fell straight to the floor, luckily Fives managed to catch him before that. "Jesse, come help me with him," Fives called over his shoulder. The trooper in question got out of the booth and made his way to the bar. "C'mon vod, let's sit you down," Jesse said as he took Hardcase's arm and slung it over his shoulders. You and Fives watched as Jesse, with the help of Kix and Echo, managed to get Hardcase to sit down properly.

"Are you sure you want to give him another drink?" You questioned. "Just fill some shot glasses with water, he'll never know the difference," your boyfriend told you. You chuckled. "I'm surprised you're not drinking more." Fives leaned his elbows on the bar top. "Normally I would but I plan on taking someone home to my bed tonight and it's not easy when completely sloshed." "Yes, I know full well how you perform when drunk," you teased. Fives smirked mischievously, "Keep mocking me like that and I might sober up completely." You shot him a wink before walking to another part of the bar to help a customer. Once you got him a drink, you filled a few shot glasses with water and returned to Fives. "As per request for your extremely intoxicated brethren," you said as you sat the glasses down. "Thank you, cyare." You crossed your arms and leaned on the bar, "So, are you gonna tell me these plans that involve you, me, and your bed?" Fives stood up and took the glasses in his hands. "Control yourself, (y/n). We're in public," he joked, turning and making his way back to his booth. You gaped at his back as he walked away. “That’s rich coming from you trooper!” You called after him. Fives merely turned around and blew you a kiss.


It had been a couple hours and the nightlife was still going strong. Echo and Dogma had volunteered to take Hardcase back to the barracks so Jesse, Kix, and Fives could have fun without having to watch him. After spending much time with his brothers, Fives had resorted to bugging you at the bar as your shift was nearing an end.

“Can’t you just leave 15 minutes early?” Your boyfriend whined. “No, Avi will be here soon to take my place, you can wait.” You finished making a drink and slid it to a customer a few seats down. “But I don’t want to wait that long." Fives rested his head in one hand while the other toyed with a little skewer that had held the fruit in the last drink you gave him. You moved to the opposite side of the bar and Fives couldn’t help but stare at you as you made another drink.

An idea popped into his head and a smug grin formed on his face as he thought about it. He put the skewer in between his thumb and index finger and used his other index finger to flick the skewer in your direction. He had planned on hitting you in the shoulder to get your attention but you moved at the last second, the tiny skewer hitting a clone officer in the chest. Fives’ eyes widened and he pretended to be looking at a drink menu to avoid suspicion. He continued to stare at the menu like it was the most interesting thing in the room until he noticed you had come to stand in front of him once again.

“How much time have I got?” He looked at the clock. “Ten minutes,” he answered. You sighed, couldn’t the time go any faster? Fives was just about to ask you for another drink when a new song started playing. He knew this song, it was one of his favorites! He looked around, taking note of the other two bartenders also working with you. “(Y/n) come dance with me.” You tilted your head to the side, “Babe, can’t you wait nine minutes?” “No I can’t, I like this song,” he protested. “I’m sure it’ll play again later.” He leaned halfway over the bar. “But I want to dance with you right now,” he pouted. You put your hands on the edge of the bar and locked eyes with your desperate boyfriend. “Fives, I’d love to dance with you but-“ “Good! No time like the present!” He exclaimed.

Before you could do anything, Fives had grabbed under your arms, lifted you up, and dragged you over the bar top. “Fives!” You yelped. You grabbed onto his shoulders to stabilize yourself as he pulled you, unknowingly knocking over a couple people’s drinks with your feet. He moved one arm to support your upper back and the other arm under your knees as you slid the rest of the way into his arms. He proceeded to carry you to the dance floor as several angry clones shouted from behind him. “I think they’re mad that you spilled their drinks,” you said as Fives set you down on your feet. “Nah, they’re just mad I get to have you and they don’t.” You shook your head in amusement and put your arms around his neck. “Without you my life would be so incredibly boring,” you disclosed. Fives put his hands on your hips and nudged you closer to him. “Are you saying I’m the best boyfriend you’ve ever had?” “I’m saying you’re the best boyfriend in the galaxy,” you said, pecking a kiss on his nose. “I am honored and flattered, my dear,” he said as he squeezed your hips and began swaying you both with the music. You laid your head on his chest and sighed contently, a smile automatically coming to your face. Fives smiled at your loving gesture and moved his hands to the middle of your back, placing a kiss to the top of your head.

The two of you swayed slowly to the next few songs, each of you enjoying the other's embrace. You lifted your head, your faces only centimeters from each other, “I love you, Fives.” “I love you too, (y/n),” he said with a smile. You stared lovingly into each other’s eyes before you both moved at the same time and your lips connected in a sweet and loving kiss. You hummed happily against his lips and he moved his hand to the back of your neck, deepening the connection. You could feel some of the unruly hairs of his usually neat beard tickling your chin and you giggled, prompting Fives to break away. “What’s so funny?” He asked, moving his hand to your cheek. “Oh nothing. My shift is probably over now, huh?” “Yes, I think it is. Go clock out and meet me by the door,” he kissed your forehead before letting you go to clock out and gather your things.

You met him by the door as you slung a bag over your shoulder. Fives pushed himself off the wall he was leaning on. “You ready to go?” “Yes, where are we off to?” Fives offered you his arm and you linked your arm with his. “I don’t know about you,” Fives said as you exited the club with him, “But I got a celebration invitation from my bed, I believe it sent one to you as well.” You both stopped at the platform to wait for transportation and you stepped in front of Fives. “Hmm, I never got any invitation,” you stated. “Then maybe you need a password to get in,” he challenged playfully, taking a step towards you. “Would that password happen to be CT-5555?” You questioned, also taking a step closer. “Yes, it is,” he concluded. Your lips clashed with the ARC troopers once again in a passionate kiss that held promises of more than just dancing.

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