The Half Breed (Slenderman x...

Por RatedKrazy

135K 3.2K 1.9K

I seemed to have made this a "Story Based" read, then of a "Lemon" read. But dont worry, I'll eventually get... Más

Reader Details
Chapter 1 - The truth
Chapter 2 - Into the Forest
Chapter 3 - Sunday
Chapter 4 - School
Chapter 5 - Transformation
Chaper 6 - Meeting Him
Chapter 7 - I am a Creepy Pasta
Chaper 8 - Slenderman Mansion
Chapter 9 - Meeting the Brothers
Chapter 10 - Getting to know other proxies
Chapter 11 - First training day
Chapter 12 - Doctors know everything
Chapter 13 - Birthday Suprise!!
Chapter 14 - Meeting Zalgo
Chapter 15.1 - Zalgos Place
Chapter 15.2 - The Change
Chapter 16 - Questions & Answers
Chapter 17 - Rosane and Slender's history
Chapter 18 - The First Test
Chapter 19 - Explanations!!
Chapter 20 - Love Struck
Chapter 21 - Back to "Normal"
Chapter 22 - Sickness
Author Notes
Momento Mori
I made a Discord!!
Added stories to Inkitt
Author Note
New Update

Chapter 23 - The Results

2K 58 13
Por RatedKrazy

(Your POV)

It has been a day since I visited Dr Smiley, and I felt so nervous about the results. All the possibilities of what the test would say, kept clouding my thoughts as it distracted me from my day.

"(Y/n) are you alright? You've been sitting on the couch since this morning, whats up?" Ej asks while he sits beside me.

"I've been nervous about the test results from Dr. Smily." I say rubbing my neck. "I threw up for no apparent reason yesterday and I went to take a blood test, so now I'm waiting for the result."

Ej crossed his harms leaning back on the cushion. He then sat forward and asked, "Can I touch your stomach?"

I was surprised by his question that I hesitantly replied, "... sure ..."

Ej rested his left hand on my shirted stomach for a good couple of minutes. He removed his hand then said, "I don't sence any of your organs failing. You should go check up with Dr. Smily to see if your results are done tho."

"Alright, might as well." I say while getting up. After saying good by, I headed on my way.

Once I reached Smily's door, I knocked 3 times and the door opened immediately. Dr. Smily was inside fixing up some of Jeff's current cuts and stab wounds from his last killing spree.

"Ah. (Y/n) its nice to see you. What can I do for ya?" Dr. Smily asked as he allowed me to step inside his room.

"I came by to see if my blood test results were done." I say shyly while rubbing my arm where the blood was taken earlier.

Dr Smiley nodded and headed towards his filing cabinet pulling out an envelope with the words (y/n)'s results, then handed them to me phrasing, "You may be surprised at the tests you read. It surely was to me."

I left with the envelope in hand, headed towards the living room, plopping onto the couch next to BEN playing Mario Cart.

"Hey (y/n)." BEN greeted as he paused the game. "What ya got there, your test results?"

Nodding, I began opening the envelope. Slowly grabbing out the paper to read what it said.

Sitting there quietly, BEN spoke up, "Well, whats it say?"

"I'm pregnant." I say quietly, as tears began rolling down the sides of my cheeks.

I get up, walking my way towards Slenders office. Ignoring everyone on the way as they followed behind, curious as to why I was crying and not answering them. Upon reaching Slender's office I knock.

"You may enter (y/n), I sensed your presence, and the others behind." Slender says as he opened the door. "What can I help you with?"

I handed Slender the paper without saying a word to him. He looks over it, keeping silent as always.

"So... this means... and your..." Slender tries to say as he finished reading.

Dropped the paper he embraced me into the most warming hug, as I cried happily into his shoulder, spinning me around while laughing.

"Whats so funny daddy?" Sallie asked, as she walks past everyone towards the front.

Slender stopped spinning, and set me down to say, "I would like to announce that, (y/n) is pregnant."

Slender then looked back at me, went down on one knee bringing out an engagement ring.

"I am the happiest man alive to have met you (y/n)." Slender says smiling. "(Y/n) (l/n), will you marry me?"

I jump into Slender's arms and scream/cry, "Of course I'll marry you!"

Slender slipped the ring on my finger as everyone cheers and congratulates us for everything thats happened.

"This has been the happiest day of my entire life. Only wish my parents were here to see me now." I say then kiss Slender.

Then all of a sudden Sallie yelled, "I'm going to be a big sister!"

Everyone began to laugh at Sallie words, and the rest of the day went about as normal as can be.

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