Choices And Affairs

By Arietoks

2.2K 372 111

She just wants to be independent, have her own freedom to make her choices and live her life free from aches... More

How I begun
Our Current Lives
My Reality
Author's note
Narrow Escape
Surprised actions
New personality
Alec's story
Alec's part continued
Finally (for now)
Ziri's part
Like seriously🤦
What? said Ziri
Swimming incident part 1
Swimming incident part 2
After the incident
After the incident II
The drama Continues
Drama Continues II
Drama Continues III
Oh My Gosh
First day of Work as Mr Kelenna
This is Reality not a Disney Show
Never say Never
Two Strikes
Cute but stupid
Season premiere
Rise to Fame 🎶
A start of something new
Port Harcourt for Life Baby!!!!😂
Speaking of the devil
Passion for Gemstones
More than friends
The past is in the past
Event of the season I
Event of the season II
*A process gone wrong*
I made the right choice.... right?
Oh no you didn't .......
The stunt he pulled was a shocker
The End Is Just The Beginning
Affairs of the Heart ❤ -2021

You're pretty without makeup🙂

24 4 0
By Arietoks

Avery’s POV

After work, I quickly left the office to get ready for my meeting at the hotel. I couldn’t be seen in my work clothes so I went to change and get prepared and probably think of an idea that won’t make them slightly suspicious of my ignorance.

I wasn’t on duty today so I wore sweatpants, a crop top and wore a hoodie and quickly put on sneakers as I grabbed my phones and got into the car.

When I arrived at the hotel I saw Allan and Idara;

‘You’re pretty without makeup’ she complemented

‘Thanks’ I said realising I didn’t wear makeup.

‘It’s okay besides none of us are snitches around here and you can cover your face so that no gossip would get you here’ she said

‘Thanks’ I said as I covered myself with my hoodie.

We all got in and our meeting started but it didn’t last long and luckily we weren’t asked for our ideas apart from those who were on duty today and they had already rehearsed their lines for the show.

‘Do not forget to tune into MTV base for DOING IT WITH THE DJs and go live on Instagram for its premiere and it starts in two weeks so I expect you guys to be well dressed on blue and heels are mandatory for the women; Thank you and have a good evening’ the manager said as he exited the hall.

‘Today’s meeting ended early’ Allan said

‘I know right and its better’ Idara said

‘Let’s go shopping’ she suggested

I was about to refuse but Allan agreed and said ‘besides we need to look attractive for our audience and those admiring us from afar and we don’t want to annoy Idara do we’ he said looking at me in a weird way

‘Dimma, are you in?’

Allan gave me that same stare and I didn’t know when I agreed.

‘Great, let’s all go to Marina’s mall’ she said as she quickly jumped into her car.

‘Okay, let’s go’ he said

When I entered the mall I was surprised; it had been a while since I last came there and everywhere was so different and elegant; it was crazy.

Idara dragged me to the clothing section as we started looking for outfits to wear. Idara was going to be the first to anchor and she wanted to look unique; the first three days we were to dress in a particular colour before we dress freely; Idara bought a blue off shoulder jumpsuit and a pair of nude stiletto heels that were _4 inches high. The outfit was gorgeous and it stood out; while I was seriously looking for my type. I finally settled for a strapless long sleeved black top, I already had a pair of dark blue jeggings, and I had ankle strap heels with a covering that would match my combination.

I bought some perfumes and a pair of earrings that would suit it.

‘Are you sure that’s all you want to buy?’ she asked

‘Yeah, I’m sure besides our makeup and manicure would be done there’ I said

‘I know right’ she grinned

‘It’s like we’re already celebrities’ she squealed

‘It’s like a fantasy come true’ I smiled

‘Are you guys done, I’m hungry’ Allan said out of frustration and Idara and I giggled

‘Yes we are, let’s just pay for these’ she said


When I got home, I had multiple texts from Ziri, Mia and I.B and I didn’t realize when I entered I.B’s chat.

I.B: Hello

Me: Hi

He wasn’t online at the moment so I switched to Ziri’s chat

Abnormal one:  Avy Dims?

Me: Hello

(After 5 minutes I receive a text)

Abnormal one🤧💝: Isn’t it too early for you to text me back; I wasn’t expecting you anytime soon.

Me: Ah, what’s up with you, on a normal basis you’re ready for the wahala I’m ready to talk to you about

Abnormal one🤧💝: But I always plan my chats and this wasn’t the perfect moment.

Me: I’m sorry please don’t chew me raw

I laughed as I sent the text

Me: I’ll go and talk with Mia

Abnormal one🤧💝: She isn’t available either; love you

Me: I hate you too

Great, today just wasn’t meant for me. I started thinking of what happened today until I was interrupted by my phone’s vibration and I saw it was from I.B.

I.B: How are you

Me: I’m okay just a little bored. Is there anything wrong?

I.B: Not really, I just wanted to say hi

Me: Oh okay

I didn’t want to talk to him but I felt like it was the least I could do

Me: So, how was work today?

I.B: It was boring like always, sitting behind a computer going through documents, attending board meetings and the list goes on

I laughed and I tried to imagine the look on his face which made me blush.(weird)

Me: At least my job is slightly better, I get to actually do something practical and deliver new beings who have to face this wicked world.

I.B: I wish I was a doctor at least I would find an excuse to touch without query😌

I laughed and texted

Me: Pervert😂

I.B: 😏

I.B: So what are you up to?😁

Me: I’m just eating the fast food I bought with some of my friends

I.B: Wow, I never thought you were very sociable

Me: I’m not that active socially but at least I’ve stepped out of my shy zone

I.B: They weren’t lying when they say people change over time; shy Avery, now a hot sociable independent chick

Me: Stop flattering me😂

I.B: I’m just stating the fact😍

Me: Now you’re flirting ☺

I.B: My specialty😌

Me: You never change do you?😂

I.B: I don’t know, you tell me😏

I.B: Maybe we should hang out some time🙂❤

Me: I don’t really know, with all that has happened and all the tasks I do I don’t think we’ll be able to hang out anytime soon

I.B: Please?

Me: I.B please don’t push it

I.B: I’m sorry😔

Me: I need to run some errands I’ll see you later

I said as I switched off my phone and started thinking

‘Dimma, what’s wrong with you? You can’t keep running away your whole life; besides fate brought you back here for a reason so stop running and face your past’ I said to myself

It’s been over 7 years since I left secondary school. I.B really had a huge impact on me and it’s a miracle I picked up and tried making efforts to have a better future for myself.

I remembered those days in the hostel when I was the gossip of the school especially my class; how I would quietly cry at night and have difficulties sleeping, lack of concentration in school, I was so depressed I felt like committing suicide; honestly looking back at it I was wondering stupid I was to allow those things get to me because of a guy; not just anyone, a spoilt rich kid.

My grades dropped badly and of course my parents who were unaware of what I was passing through didn’t help matters in any way; going home was like another form of jail. I felt so suppressed and lonely in that big house but Ziri tried keeping me company most of the times.

I never understood I.B; back then he had a guilty look on his face but behaved like I was an obstacle he just accomplished. I still hated myself for allowing him touch me.

I decided to channel my depression into my studies after I saw my average score in my postal exams; I wanted to be a Doctor but my score wouldn’t let me and I wasn’t on good terms with my parents so they had decided I would change course and study here but I didn’t want to. Most of my classmates were going to the best universities in Nigeria and abroad and I didn’t want anyone stomping on me  and I needed to stay in a different environment free from familiar negative energy so I put in extra effort in my school leaving exams and my hard work paid off but I still had a lot of obstacles to overcome before I succeeded  in going abroad.

I came back here hoping I wouldn’t see some faces but I guess fate had different plans.

Happy new month guys ❤

I hope you all had a wonderful day

P.s: Arietoks cares😄❤❤❤

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