The kiss Sequel to Best Frien...

By ashleyash2003

960K 17.6K 4.7K

Hey guys so this story is the kiss sequel to Best Friends Brother (raura) Ross and Laura got back together fr... More

Sad, Naked
The house
Telling lauras family
Sleeping like you.
The House!
Your scaring me!
Half skinny dipping.
Its my time
Super nice
I love you
The date
What have I done?!
Really important
The house!
Our 1st day
Cast off
I'm ready
Check up
Telling everyone
Side affects
Ultra sound
Baby stuff
I Hop
Ross forgive me!
A boy!
Dinner party!
Mad at eachother!
Mabye forgivness???
Babys room
Room is done!
Baby shower
Not fair!
Is he ok?
Are you ok?
Baby jake
32 weeks
Not gross
My dads!
Pumpkin patch
A break as in forever?
Embarrassing stories
Making love fail!
Halloween party
Why did you do that?
The baby is comming
First bath
Will you marry me?
Packing/somach bug
Long car ride/lake tahoe
Mini R5
Adult night!
Rydel and ratliff caught
Hidding things!
Going home.
Cute Bath Picture!
We always fight!
Wedding Dress!!!
More planning+Pain
Wedding cake+Crying Baby
Lauras's Birthday!!! part 1
Lauras Birthday part 2
Oh no..............
He's Back...........
Gone for a week,Sick.
I will miss you!!!
Im back!
Christmas eve!
Ross's birthday
Pree-Wedding, big news
Uh Romeo???
Going home.
Bringing Rascal Home.
Tour troubles
3rd anniversary Part 1
3rd anniversay part 2
3rd anniversary part 3
Perparing for One Direction
One Direction Concet!
Lazy day!
Love making!
Jakes birthday!
What happened?
It was......Him
"Im might just kill him."
Fuck you!
Another Baby Shower?
Baby shower part 1
Dirty Raura edits?
Baby shower part 2!
Help with baby names?
Suprises, thoughts, tours
Getting naughty
Thank you guys!
Home, sex, fun
Home, sex, fun
Fun nights
Happy birthday, Romeo!
Where it starts!
Got you!
New world
Welcome London!
Stress takes over
Birthday getaway?
Will anything go right?
Home sweet home.
Sick baby?
Night out.......?
You knew?
Hate myself!
For Christams?
Hockey troubles?
I'm not dead.
Night in Vegas
Getting at it
Baby problems
Shes ok?


4.3K 96 72
By ashleyash2003

It's been a month sense Ross and Laura's amazing day off. Romeo is now 6 months old!!!! He just started learning to crawl. Ross and Laura were sitting on the couch as Romeo was playing on his play mat and he just started crawling towards them. Laura shed a few tears. Romeo is still breastfeeding but he is now eating baby food. As for Laura she is 4 months pregnant. Her baby bump is still small so she always says she is fat. Of course Ross disagrees. Laura can never sleep through the night because of how uncomfortable she gets. Also, because she gets little sleep so dose Ross, making sure she is ok. As for R5 they still have been leaving to play shows but Ross makes them come right back so he can see Laura and Romeo. They haven't had a tour in a really long time tho. R5 was talking about it but Ross said he wants to wait until Romeo can walk and the tour can't be really long. Also, Laura is done filming! The movie comes out in 5 months.

I woke up from Laura twisting and turning in bed.

"Good morning baby," I said and she she turned around with her leg accidentally kicking me where the sun don't shine.

"FUCKING SHIT!!" I screamed grabbing myself.

"Rossy, I'm so sorry!" Laura said and I groaned in pain.

I then looked up and saw her crying.

"I didn't mean to! I'm so sorry!" Laura cried.

"Baby don't cry," I said, still holding myself.

"No, Rossy, I hurt you!" She said in tears.

Crap! Mood swings!

I pretended the pain went away.

"Laura, Baby girl, I'm ok," I lied.

"I'm sorry Rossy!" Laura said, so I pressed my lips to hers.

I smiled when she kissed back.

I slowly put my tongue in her mouth as I tried pulling her pajamas off.

I felt her put her hand on my cheek and pull away.

"Not right now, please," Laura said and I nodded.

"Let's see that baby!" I said pulling up her nightgown, kissing her stomach.

Laura giggled.

I kept kissing her little bump making her laugh.

"Laura, if it's ok with you the guys wanted to go clubbing with me tonight?" I said unsure.

"Finally! You haven't been clubbing sense Romeo was born!"

"It's cause I want to be the best Daddy ever!" I said making Laura smile.

"I'm not going to drink tho," I said.

"Ross! No, I want you to have the best guys night out! Get drunk and just party!"

"I don't know....." I trailed off.

"I know you want to."

"But their are going to be other drunk girls trying to get in my pants," I said.

"So what?" Laura asked.

"I want you in my pants!" I said making her giggle.

"There will be strippers to," I sighed.

"Enjoy the show then."

Is she being serious?

"Lauraaaa!" I said.

"Rosssss!" She mocked.

"Please go! For me?" Laura asked.

"But-" Laura cut me off.

"No buts your going! I can hang out with the girls or something," Laura said.

"Ok fine but I need a kiss!" I said and Laura giggled, pressing her lips to mine.

We then heard Romeo crying.

"My baby boy!" Laura said pulling away, making me chuckle.

"Let's go get him," I said.

Laura and I then got out and went to him room.

Romeo was sitting in his crib, holding on the rails, and crying. He smiled when he saw us.

"Baaffffaaaa!" Romeo said as I picked him up.

"Damn Romeo! Your diaper smells so bad!" I said, setting him on the changing table.

Laura chuckled.

I then changed his smelly diaper then Laura breast fed him.

I couldn't help but bite my lip.

"Stop starring you pervert!" Laura said.

"I can't help it! Romeo is so lucky!" I said making Laura giggle.

"Oh Ross," Laura said.

It's now 5:30. Ross and Laura had to go shopping earlier in the day and Romeo was making a fuss the entire time, making Laura stressed, and Ross frustrated. They got him to stop crying by putting him in Laura's shirt, and covering him with a blanket so he could breast feed. They also had to take him to the doctors for a couple of shots.

"So Ross, when you leave to go clubbing with your brothers I'm going to be hanging out with Stormie, Rydel, Alexa, Savannah, Romeo, and Cody," Laura said sitting next to me on the couch with Romeo in her arms.

"Well, I'm glad!" I said pressing my lips to hers, then slowly pulling away.

"Gosh! I really want to take a hot bath or shower with you then make love!" I said, making Laura giggle.

"Another time."

"I know," I said.

Romeo then started crying in Laura's arms so she set him in his play pen with all his toys, making him happy.

"Maa ma!!" Romeo said looking at Laura.

Laura got a shocked looked on her face and I think she was about to cry. I smiled.

"Romeo said his first word!" I exclaimed.

Laura then went over and picked him up, in tears. I then quickly grabbed my phone and started recording.

"Maa ma?" She asked and Romeo smiled.

"Maa ma!!!" He said clinging onto her.

I smiled.

"Rossy!" Laura exclaimed.

"His very first word!" I said, making Laura's smile bigger. I then turned off the camera and went up to Laura and Romeo.

From all the attention we were giving Romeo he had a big smile on his face.

"See Laura, I really need to stay tonight what if Romeo says his next word?" I asked, making Laura laugh.

"Ross, he is six mouths old! I don't think he will say his next word for a long time," Laura said.

"Fine!" I said and she giggled.

Romeo ended up falling asleep for a little nap so Laura and I decided to get in the shower together.

"Ross?" Laura asked, as she was grabbing the soap.

"Yea baby?" I asked.

"After, this baby," Laura said with her hands on her stomach. "When will we have our third?" Laura asked.

She then quickly looked down.

"Sweetie?" I asked.

She didn't reply so I lifted up her head.

"Baby, are you ok?"

Tears started running down her face.

"It hurts! It hurts!" She panicked.

"Laura, what hurts?!" I asked.

"Pregnancy pains d-down there!" She said and I quickly understood.

"Let's get out!" I said and helped her out and put her on the bed, and wiped her off with a towel.

"Owwwww!" Laura groaned. I then quickly dried off, and put on my clothes and tried to comfort Laura.

"R-Ross, c-can y-you call t-the girls? I c-can't make i-it tonight," Laura said under the covers, groaning.

"Laura, your not feeling good! I'm not leaving you with Romeo!" I said sitting on the edge of the bed.

"Ross, p-please g-go. I'm o-ok."

I sighed.

"I'll be right back,"

I then went in the other room and called Mom.

"Hi sweetie, what's up?" Mom asked.

"Laura, isn't feeling well," I sighed.

"That's awful! Poor girl!"

"So tell the guys I'm not going tonight."

"Ross, I know Laura wants you to go so the girls and I can come over. Plus, I think Cody will be excited to see Romeo,"

" I don't know....." I trailed off.

"Ross, I was pregnant with 5 kids. I know how she feels," Mom said.

"Ok fine," I said. "But remember Romeo likes Laura's milk before he falls asleep," I said and Mom chuckled.

"Ok Ross, I will be over in 2 hours with the girls," Mom said.

"Ok," I said and hung up.

I then heard Romeo awake from his small nap. I went upstairs and took him out of his crib.

"Hi buddy," I said, putting him on the changing table so I could change him. Lately, it's been really hard to change Romeos diaper because he kicks his legs as much as he can, cries, and wiggles around. He will sometime be good but he has to have a couple toys and a warm bottle helps.

I then took him downstairs for dinner. I put him in his playpen by the TV and put on spongebob for him to watch, along with some toys for him to play with.

I then went in the kitchen. I then got out baby carrots, apple sauce, and I heated him up a bottle. After, I got everything ready I put Romeo in his high chair and started feeding him his Apple sauce. After I finished feeding Romeo I put him back in his play pen.

"ROSS!" I heard Laura yell, so I went upstairs to find her on the floor.

"Holy shit! Laura, are you ok?" I asked rushing up to her.

"I tried walking to the bathroom but it hurts!" Laura said, so I picked her up bridle style.

"Do you still need to use the bathroom?" I asked and she nodded.

I then brought her to the bathroom then put her back in bed.

I softly pressed my lips to Laura's and kissed her cheek.

"I fed Romeo his dinner and he is now in his play pen." I said and Laura smiled.

It's been a hour and there was a knock at the door.

"Rascal! Shh!" I said as he started barking.

I then picked up Romeo and answered the door to see Mom, all the girls, and all the guys plus Cody (Rydel and Ratliff's adopted baby)

"Hey guys," I said as everyone came in.

"Ross, are you really wearing jeans and a tee shirt?" Ryland asked and I chuckled.

"I'm not wearing a tux," I said and everyone laughed.

"Ok I'm going to say bye to Laura," I said going upstairs, with Romeo.

"Bye baby!" I said kissing Laura.

"Bye Rossy," Laura said.

"How are you feeling?" I asked.

"Better I don't feel great but I'm coming down," Laura said and I nodded.

"I'm glad your feeling better," I said and we went downstairs.

The second Romeo spotted Cody the biggest smile came across his little mouth.

"So Ross, are you ready?" Riker asked.

"Yea," I said kissing Romeos cheek and handed him to Laura.

"I'm sorry if I come home wasted," I said and Laura chuckled.

"Bye guys," All the girls said.

"Bye," the guys and I said and left.

Laura's pov

"How are you feeling Laura?" Rydel asked as we all sat on the couch except for the babies who were in Romeos play pen.

"Lots of pain down there but Im feeling better," I said and the girls nodded.

"Crap! It's 8:30 Romeo needs to get in the bath!" I said.

"Can Cody join?" Rydel asked.

"Of course,"

We then all went upstairs and I started the bath.

Stormie, stripped Romeo for me and Rydel stripped Cody. When we got them in the bath Romeo got all excited like usual. Cody didn't like it as much.

"Romeo reminds me so much of Ross when he was a baby! Ross loved the bath so much!" Stormie said and I smiled.

Ross's pov
When we entered the club the first thing I saw were strippers.

"Sexy ladisssss!" Riker said.

"Let's grab some beer!" Ryland said over the loud music.

We then all got a cup.

I wish Laura was here.

All us guys then started dancing on the dance floor.

After an hour I was on my third cup. Rocky was the only one not drinking so he could take us home.

"Where is Riker?" I asked Rocky.

"I don't know," he said.

"Oh," I said and kept dancing.

After awhile I went to the bathroom and went I walked out I heard moaning and I could tell it was Riker. I then opened the door next to the bathroom where I heard the moaning and I saw Riker fucking one of the strippers.

"Hi Ross!" He said thrusting into the girl.

He is so high.

"Yea hi." I said and left.

Rockys pov
Let's see Riker is really high banging a random girl, Ryland is drunk watching the strippers, Ratliff is passed out on a random couch, and Ross is really drunk and hip thrusting on the dance floor.

"Ross, calm down on the hip thrusting!" I said.


That's nice, Ross.

Laura pov
After, the babies bath Alexa ended up putting Romeo to bed for me. As for Cody he fell asleep on Savannah's lap.

The girls ended up leaving at midnight so I got in bed and fell asleep.

Rockys pov
As the pary started to end I woke up Ratliff and got him in the car.

"Come on, Ross!" I said taking the drink out of his hand.

"Nooooooooooo!" He complained.

"Come on," I said bringing him to the car.

"Riker, get out of that girl and put your clothes on!" I said.

"Ugh!" He said, getting out of her and got dressed.

"Go to the car," I said and he nodded.

"Come on Ry." I said taking him away from the strippers. When I got back to the car Ross took off his pants.

"Ross, put your pants on!" I said and started driving.

"I need air!" Ross said.

I have no idea what that means.

When I got to Ross's house he was passed out. I helped him out and went to the door and rang the door bell.

I then realized Romeo was sleeping.
And Rascal started barking.

"Shit..." I mumbled.

"But I don't n-need to g-gooooo!" Ross groaned.

A tired Laura opened the door with a crying Romeo.

"I'm so sorry!" I said.

"It's ok."

"Let me see him," I said taking him from her calming him down.

"Thanks," Laura said and I smiled.

"Where is Ross?" Laura asked.

"One sec," I said handing Romeo back to her. "Go put him back in bed,"

"Ok," Laura said.

"Ross?" I asked.

I then saw him trying to poop in a bush.

"Ross!" I said.

"You told me toooooo!" He said pulling up his pants.

"Guess what!" He said falling onto me.

"What?" I asked, leading him inside.

"I- I smell f-fried chicken!" He said then laid on the floor.

Laura then walked back down.

"He is wasted! I will bring him to bed for you." I said.

"Thanks Rocky!" Laura said.

"Let's go Ross!" I said pulling him upstairs.

"You smell like my farts!" Ross said as I lead him upstairs.

I then got him in the bed.

He stripped to his boxers and right away passed out.

"There you go!" I said to Laura and she chuckled.

"Thanks," she said and I smiled.

"No problem I will see you later!" I said.

Laura then got in bed with wasted Ross and fell asleep.

I feel awful for the late updates!!!
Comment an idea for my next chapter!
Romeo said his first word!!!!!
Do you guys like drunk Ross? 😂😂😂😂

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