Ferris Wheel - Oscar Diaz

By kekeCece1705

70.8K 2.6K 320

Ferris Wheel noun A Ferris wheel can represent something exciting or enjoyable - however it isn't consisten... More



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By kekeCece1705

I leaned on the car my dad insisted I drive since my own one was wrecked for obvious reasons. I don't know what difference it'll make knowing that the car wouldn't hide me from them but I took it without arguing. I brought my baseball cap down to shield my face, another thing he insisted I do. I was outside of Alaïa's school waiting for her to get off and then I was going to spend sometime with her. And hopefully Oscar... Oh, and the boys too. 

I smiled when I heard the bell ring and picked myself up slowly making my way to the school gate. In the corner of my eyes I could spot a black car, any other day that would've worried me but I sent a faint smile to the two people sitting in the driver and passenger seat of the car. Prophets. Prophets my dad broke down doors and demanded protection from. He didn't have to do all that for the simple fact that, that was already arranged. 

After hearing what happened to me 50 himself sneaked into my house and offered his allegiance. 'I'm a prophet and Prophet protects their own' those were the words he used. 

"Mummy!" my smiled turned into a genuine bright one when I heard Alaïa call out my name.

"How are you doing?" I looked up at her teacher who had a smile on her own face. 

"Good. And you? How is she doing?" I asked, looking down at her hand who hasn't released my daughters'. 

"She's a good girl. Very good... Very smart." She smiled down at Alaïa, I nodded

"Yes, she is."I agreed proudly. 

"Your boyfriend... Her dad forgot to take this the other day...was hoping to catch him today but I didn't." I looked at the hairband in her hand, my eyebrow shooting up curiously. 

In her hand was my daughter's hairband which she could've placed on her head, where it should be or in her school bag but she didn't. Instead she was hoping to catch my boyfriend to give it to him. 

"Yeah... Unfortunately, you got me." I gave her a forced smile taking Alaïa's other hand and pulling her gently towards. 

"Have a lovely evening." With that I turned around with Alaïa trailing behind me. 

"Mummy, I didn't say goodbye to Miss Courty." She pouted and I shook my head. 

"Well Ms Courty is interested in your daddy and we can't have that." What was meant to be something I said in my head was said out loud and I cringed. Alaia was a kid and she was going to repeat things like any kid would do. And I didn't want her to repeat that, especially not to Ms Courty herself. 

"Is that a bad thing mummy?" She asked. I cursed myself. 

"Not necessarily okay. Because Daddy has a girlfriend." I explained. 

"But you're his girlfriend right mummy?" I stopped in my tracks right Infront of the car. I could go ahead and be selfish and lie or tell her the truth and have her ask a bit more questions. 

I unlocked the car opening the backdoor for her. 

"Well baba. No, I am not Daddy's girlfriend. Daddy has another girlfriend..." I explained as I strapped her in her car seat. 

"But Jam Jam said you guys kissed and isn't that what mummies and daddies do?" She tilted her head to the side in a cute way and I couldn't help but smile and then I finally realised what she said. 

I pursed my lips in annoyance. "Oh is that what Jam Jam said? Well he's right some mummies and daddies do kiss but...." I stopped not sure what to tell her "...I'll tell you when you're a bit older okay" I leaned forward kissing her on the forehead. 

As I was about to close her door her voice stopped me. "Mummy....Joshie said you and daddy.... had s... s-...se..." My hand flew in front of her mouth in a panic shaking my head. 

"Bad word baby. Don't say it." I knew no one was watching but I turned red. From both embarrassment and then anger. 

I was never leaving those two with her! 

The drive to my house was longer because ever since that day I decided to take the longer way home just so that I wouldn't drive pass that particular street. I wasn't ready yet. 

As I pulled up in my driveway, my chest tightened once I saw the one person I hope and prayed I didn't see sitting on my porch. I haven't seen her since that day where she walked inside my house unwelcomed, and talked to my daughter. I left my house that day because of her, I needed to think, and me leaving my house lead me to have the accident. It resulted in my daughter who was only 4 being in a situation a kid her age shouldn't be in. 

I put the car in park and just stared at her while she stared at me. 

"Mummy's coming back. Gimme me a sec." I got out of the car walking up to her, 

"What are you doing here?" I questioned crossing my arms. She gave me a once over and a fake smile. 

"Have you seen Oscar?" She asked and I shrugged. 

"No... He's not here if that's what you want to hear and I have no idea where he is." That was a lie, I know exactly where he is because the man himself told me this morning. 

She sighed looking away from me briefly. I looked at her expecting her to get off my property but it didn't look like she was going to do that. 

"He's not here can you please leave so that my daughter and I can enter our home." I asked nicely, already feeling my patience wearing thin. 

"Look...Leigh-Anne. What Oscar and I have is real. I've been there when you haven't. I was there to nurse his broken heart when he thought you died. I made him forget you.... Just because you're here now. You've well... lived and you somehow trapped him with a daughter doesn't make you special." I blinked back at her words. 

I couldn't help but start laughing. Her words only made want to bash her pretty face in my wall. Her blood would surely add a nice touch to the bare grey walls of my house.

"I'm going to tell you this for the last time... Get the fuck out of my face before I fucking hurt you Camilla." I muttered the words not wanting Laïa to hear it. In fact, I didn't want her to hear any of this or witness what I'm close to doing. 

"What are you going to do? Punch me? I'll love to see you try. Because we both know Oscar will end you if you do." Her words made me laugh even harder. 

This bitch really felt entitled. 

"Please tell me... when's the last time you saw Oscar? Because let me tell you. I saw him this morning. In fact, he kissed me good morning and goodbye. What did you get" I questioned 

"His friends don't like you. We both know he still loves me... So, do you think he'll bat an eyelash if I reach over and strangle you? You might've been with him for the four years of my absence but Oscar and I have history... You're just a rebound that's lasting a little bit too long. But guess what Chica... I'm back now..and we both know I could take him away if I want to. And there's nothing you can do about it." I stepped closer to her 

"..And get this straight bitch...I didn't trap him. I'll let you know after all the shit I've been through. Shit your boujee Latina ass cannot begin to know how it feels. I was told that I couldn't conceive but hey., I did. And that little human in my car is the best thing that happened to me. Don't come in front of my face and threaten me and speak absolute nonsense. When you don't know shit." I stepped away from her. Sighing to calm myself down. 

She was turning red and her hands were balled up. 

"Don't you think you should've stayed dead?" I chuckled. 

"Like your unborn baby?" I asked. I know I shouldn't have said it but my mouth had a mind of its own 

"No... I'm talking about your little accident. Both you and your little brat....dead. He'll mourn but I can bet he'll get over it" And that's when my hand flew punching her in the face. Her cries filled me up with joy. 

"I should do much more than that but my daughter's in the car, get the fuck off my porch and make sure you don't bleed out on it"

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