
By HillariaNemakanga

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*Under major editing* Interracial(BMWW) The night had arrived,twelve midnight and all women who were pure as... More

editor's note
chapter 1
chapter 6
chapter 8
chapter 9
chapter ten
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
chapter 15
chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Editional characters!!!
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37

Chapter 25

68 20 15
By HillariaNemakanga

Alex's POV
*slightly mature content ahead*

Today at work things were  a little bit crazy,everyone was running around,coming in and going out,three hunters were attacked last night and they were badly injured,so as three patrol guards and two women,what the hell happened last night I thought.I didn't even wanna get the imagination though because these people were badly injured,after 3hrs of working together as a team of doctors everything was stable the patience were now resting in bed and medication awaited them when they woke up,but whatever that attacked them wasn't human at all because no human attacked fellow humans like that.

Before lunch I walked into one of the rooms where a young girl had been sleeping,she came in a few days ago and she had a fever,which was worrying me to why it was still serious,because a fever will turn less days to go away, another factor worrying me was that she was cut on her arm by a very weird silver blade tand the cut was turning white.

"Good morning beautiful, I brought you some breakfast",she kept starring out the window,"I brought you your favorite",I said in a sing song voice,"I don't wanna eat",she refused,"why Stella"I asked,"how did you know my name?"she asked,"you my patient that's why",I said smiling,"I hate it,I hate life infact, people always see me as an outcast,I just want to be independent",she said looking at me,I must admit she looked a little bit out of place but beautiful either way,"Stella you are seven what independence do you need",I said placing the food on a small table and seating on her bed.

"I don't know  maybe a friend is freedom enough,I don't have a friend because no one wants to pray with me,they think I'm irresponsible and evil",she said wiping a tear that had fallen from her eye,that hurt ,who would do that to a child,"tell you what,I will be your friend,from today on you don't have to worry",I said moving close  to her.she looked at me smiling,showing a few missing  teeth "really?",she asked,"yes really", I said,now come let me tell you a story,she got out  of bed really fast and sat in the chair in front of me,kids are adorable I thought smiling.

During lunch,Mufasa,Tinashe,me and the other guys played a game called wizzle twizzle,then we switched to playing cards,then we ended up just randomly talking things about work,until Mufasa asked how I was,I knew exactly where he was going  and on cue my mama called me so I had to excuse myself to answer her call,i secretly thanked her,then after talking to her I went back to work and the rest of the day was went on just fine.

The first thing I did when I arrived home was go for swim at the river since the day had been very hot and exhausting,it was five o'clock when I arrived at the river,the sun hadn't set yet because we were in summer,I took off the large t-shirt dress i had been wearing then jumped into the water the water was so refreshing I thought,in the middle of enjoying my swim I heard a woman screaming I looked at the direction where the voice was coming from and I saw a woman struggling in the water I rushed where she was to help her when I saw her foot had stuck between two rocks where she could have removed it easily,women can be over dramatic at times I thought.

After removing her and checking if she was hurt she said she was fine,I have known almost every woman in this village but her face was new,I haven't met her before,"it's because you don't know me",she said looking me "what?",I asked in disbelief,"yes I can read your thoughts,I'm an Oracle and I live in the forbidden caves,I was burnished,a long time ago,people thought I was evil but the thing is I can't work against people's wishes because I'm designed to work according to people's interest,that's why a lot of people think I'm evil",she said standing up,"are you though?", I asked her now not feeling comfortable,"it depends on what I'm here for",oooh so she was here for something.

"The thing is I was about to go back home since it will be getting dark soon",in the middle of talking the water behind me rose and it covered me up like a giant body of water that had swalloed me,I struggled for few minutes,then I  couldn't breathe.she started chanting and what looked like slime started coming out of her mouth and turned into slimy snakes which moved in my direction and into the body of water I was in,hell no I hate snakes so I started screaming.

The water wasn't choking me up or anything,it just suffocated me, the snakes started climbing on my body they were really slimy and slow it was really creepy,I started to scream please let me go but she looked like she was hypnotized so she wouldn't hear my cries for help,I struggle for a while until I gave up that's when the woman chanting was roughly pushed and her head hit a rock and she fell.

The water dropped and the snakes were gone I started coughing hard when Ruvimbo came running towards my direction,she had a towel in her hand,"ooh my god I'm so sorry,I heard someone screaming ,I was also coming for a swim so I had to check what was happening are you ok",she asked handing me the towel,"I'm fine I just felt choked up for a bit but thanks",she nodded her head, "ok let's get you dressed and get you home",she said going to get my clothes on a rock,"thanks"I said.

I woke up around 7oclock and it was already dark outside,Ruvimbo had saved me and helped me all the way from the river to walk home,if it wasn't for her I would have been dead,I had been thinking about it for a while and me messing up with her man just wasn't right so I woke up and decided I was going to talk to Vusi right now and putting aside how I felt about him what we were doing was wrong because we both had partners,so I just put on my huge t-shirt without bothering to wear anything underneath besides my pair of lace  black panties,I locked my door and headed to Vusi's sleeping quarters.

By the time I arrived I was a bit exhausted because his sleeping quarters was were a bit far from where I slept,I knocked three times then his door was open by Dumi,"oooh Alex hie",he said smiling,"hie Dumi is Vusi around", i asked him,"yeah sure I was just heading out tell him I'm gone when he comes out of the shower",he said,smiling extra large this time,"ok cool",i smiled back then he walked out I closed the door.

I had prepared my speech along the way so I was ready to say what I was here for and go back home that's until he walked out of his bathingroom looking all fresh and water dripping on his body.

"So Dumi has already left,that idiot",he said looking up,"Alex what are you doing here?",,he asked looking at me then looking at my outfit,I suddenly started feeling self conscious,"well I...the thing is I wanted to talk to you about...geez can you at least put a t-shirt on first I'm trying to say something important", I said turning around giving him my back,the moment I felt breathing behind my neck I froze then he touched my shoulders.

"You came here in my sleeping quarters to tell me something, and you order me to get dressed, is that fair Alex,I mean look at you,you wearing a T-shirt dress that barely covers your thighs and you not even wearing a bra,does it look like you here to talk uhmmm Alex",the way he said it was so erotic and  his voice was dangerously low even my nipples registered that.I ummm....I think what we are doing is wrong,like you have....",he didn't even let me finish talking before he turned me around and smashed his lips on mine.

I couldn't resist his lips so I kissed him back,he lifted me up then he threw me on his bed,gush I looked so small under him when he hoovered over  me,our tounges battled for dominance but of cause he won,he moved down to my neck and started kissing me there and when he found my weak spot I was praying silent not to make a sound but his tounge and teeth made me betray my self so let that moan out,after insulting my neck with kisses and small bites I'm sure I had hickeys all over  my neck.He moved to my chest then kissed my already erect nipples and lightly biting my left nipple through my shirt.

I held him there to do it again,then he started giving the attention that I needed on my left boob,I was so jealous of my dress right now,I wanted him to tear it appart,he moved to my right  and gave it the same attention then,started kissing me going down to my belly button,I felt overwhelmed already and I didn't want to embarrass my self by cuming undone with him just kissing me so I stopped him.

I couldn't turn him around since he was a big man so I patted the place next to me he laid down with a confused expression but that all changed when i straddled him.I didn't wait for him to ask anything i just took off my dress and threw it on the floor then started kissing him,the moment i began grinding on him he held my waist to aid me when Ruvimbo said from outside,"babes come open up I'm home",oooh shit.

hey beautiful readers ,sorry for the longest chapter.Hehehehe so maybe something was about to go down but not yet cause I'm not planning on giving you a heart attack soon,anyways what do you think,next chapter is Vusi's POV,and after that shit goes down...till next time❤😘.

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