Wolf's Charm🐺 (B×B) ✔️

By mochibusan1st

115K 4K 234

Alec a small shy Omega who struggle to get into his eighteenth birthday safely...met with turn of events as s... More

Authors note


2.1K 75 11
By mochibusan1st

Alec couldn't believe Caleb had an audacity to look at him with those loving eyes. He was already dead for heaven sake.

The rest of congregation went out leaving them alone, saying to settle things! But believe me, that isn't something you can settle in one day, let alone few minutes.

He always wonder why those girls who have been cheated on by their partners still go back to them. He understands that people changes but he nearly died. If he really died, Caleb wouldn't have anyone to settle things with right?

The awkwardness in the room was unbearable! Alec sighed and struggled to find anything to say because everything he already had their answers.

"Alec, I'm-"

"Save it Caleb! I'm not mad! I'm not mad at all so there is nothing to forgive! You did what was right at the moment! You chose the one your inner person really wanted and I appreciate the honesty. Actually it was good thing that it came to an end! I was starting to wonder when you will love me,and I was determined to change the fact that you loved the Caren inside of me!"

Alec stopped and let out a light chuckle. Caleb's eyes was wide open. Does this mean everyone around him knew his feelings except himself?

When he was with Alec, he swore he really loved him. But even Alec himself saw that! That left a really sour taste on his tongue.

Alec looked up and saw Caleb's expression. He sarcastically laughed.

"Don't give me I didn't know what I was doing shit Caleb! If I must enlighten you dear one, my wolf is awakened and I'm still your mate! I can hear and feel everything you feel right now!" Alec said with such distaste.

Caleb looked up feeling relief that Alec was still his mate. But Alec wasn't having any of the shit that night. Ever since his memory came few hours ago, he swore not to be Luna for Caleb, or anyone for that matter.

He came to a resolution that he will live alone for the rest of the remaining life. He will talk with Alex for that.

"Alec, please give me ano-"

"This isn't how it's done Caleb! I'm dead already remember? The Alec who loved you is dead! Now, why don't you run to Caren darling and bear children together? I'm sure she will like that!"

Alec said sobbing because that's not what his inner mind is saying. Caleb couldn't pass the chance to grab onto that. His facial expressions turned as he thought of Caren.

"Caren was still under Bryson! Bryson didn't get what he wanted but he was satisfied with screwing up my life nonetheless! Caren was seen just living her life somewhere! But no, please Alec! You know I really want to-"

"Caleb! We are already pass the romantic phase! You broke me first! Don't expect that we will be lovey dovey again! We don't tick again! I wish you didn't do that! I really loved you, you know! And I hate myself for feeling like this when you nearly killed me! I hate myself that I can't hate you! I hate myself that I'm still anxious you will reject me in the way! I'm still-"

Caleb stopped him by connecting his lips to his own. Which Alec struggled at first but then melted on the way.

"We will work out Alec! Please let me cherish you! Let me-"

"You don't get to say that Caleb! You are not number one in my heart anymore!" Alec said with broke Caleb's heart in millions pieces.

"I know! We will work that out together!" Caleb said resting his forehead on Alec's.

Alec never felt disgusted with his life as that moment. He just stupidly melted into Caleb's arms. The man who couldn't sort his feelings. Well, he was already dead anyway... So he will just live collecting few happy memories with the second life that the goddess gave him.

Dina's POV

Dina with Liam's hand on hers, walked angrily to the outside garden. Liam stopped her and hugged her.

"Dina! You know that anything Alec decide we don't have any power to reject right!? We should go with whatever makes our brother happy!"

Liam told Dina as he patted her back. Her chest was rising and falling as she sob.

"I know! And that makes me so angry! I mean! He... Liam!" She couldn't say anything further and just hugged him tightly.

When they were in a sibling bliss, someone came and interrupted.

"Excuse me?" The girl said. Liam was the first one to see her since he was facing her. Liam smiled at her but didn't let go of sobbing Dina.

"Yes? Can I help you?" Liam said to the girl whose aura screamed Omega. When she saw that they were omegas too she smiled.

"Wait, both of you are omegas? And Alec is your brother?" She asked making Dina to pull away from the hug angrily.

"Got problem with that pretty girl?" Dina suddenly said making Fleur to look down her cheeks taking a red shade.

Dina now that he looked at her and she was really pretty! But, she couldn't differentiate the meaning of the headache she had that time. Was it because she cried so hard that time, or is it because...


Her wolf growled as her eyes turned black and breath getting heavy second by second. Liam noticed and helped her. Fleur seeing commotion and looked up.

Her head burnt and she groaned in pain. Dina squirmed out of Liam's hands and ran to Fleur.

"Are you alright?" Dina asked as she groaned in pain and breath heavily too.

Liam looked at them and smiled. Idiots. But the expression in Fleur's face faltered the smile away from Liam's face.

Will things be okay between these two? Or will Fleur reject her as Terrence rejected him, saying he is not homo!

Liam's anxiety was kicking so hard as he looked at the two. Dina with worried and painful face, Fleur with disgust and painful face, until her eyes turned black and she opened her eyes in shock.

"You are my mate?" She asked making Dina to smile through pain. Liam tensed not liking the words that follow.

"My mate is a girl?" Fleur asked again making Liam confirming his doubts. He made his way to them and took Dina who had a sad look in her face. Fleur was still confused as Liam took Dina away.

"Hey, where are you taking her?" She asked making Liam to stop in his tracks.

"You want me to leave her with you after you looked at her like that? You like Caleb right? I heard you the other night! So you think it's inappropriate to have same sex mate because I heard you talking shit about our brother-"

"That was before I knew my mate! Now that my mate is here why should I drool over other mates?" Fleur asked visibly confused.

Liam stopped and looked at groaning Fleur and at Dina who was already sobbing.

"So you are not going to reject her?" Liam asked scrunching his eyebrows. Fleur was still confused

"Why would I reject my mate? What shit are you on dude? Come here please!" Fleur said to Dina who squirmed out of Liam's hands again and ran to her, engulfing her in a hug.

Liam looked down his eyes watery. He laughed bitterly as he remembered how Terrence rejected him and how Caleb rejected his brother.

The couple turned to him as he was laughing. Liam looked at them, they don't even know each other's names but they are hugging. While..

"Right!? Who in the earth rejects their mate?" He said continued to laugh. Dina got what was that about and regret not being there for him.


"I'm okay! At least know each other names! I will go to Alec!" He said left them.

"Is he okay?" Fleur asked Dina who looked down guilty.

"No! His mate rejected him! That's why he is so sensitive! And I think you know story between your alpha and his brother! I'm sorry if he came out as rude, I'm Dina!" Dina said softly.

Fleur smiled and hugged her.

"I'm Fleur! I don't know you but I love you! And not because you are my mate only, but because you are you! So delete any thoughts that I will ever reject you!"

"I'm glad you think like that Fleur! But Caleb said the same thing the same day he rejected Alec! I just hope things work out for them!"

Dina said and hugged her tightly.

One thing she doesn't regret coming to the household, is that she got a beautiful mate.

Authors note

Well, that's the end for you dears! Thank you for being with me throughout all this book! And thank you for your unconditional love!

Now, I will write short epilogue and we are outta here!

See you soon!

José 🤸🌹

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