A Place With No Name (revampe...

By conceited_nae

119K 7.2K 8.4K

"How do you expect me to live a life that's not worth living?" (Early Dangerous era-HIStory era) Rewritten:... More

Cast -- 2
- Honesty Hour(Before We Continue With The Story) 1.
MJBFA's โคโคโค
A.N; A lil constructive criticism for my soul โค.
She's alive (& well I think ๐Ÿ˜‰)
new year , new me ๐Ÿ’‹ (please read & be informed ๐Ÿคจ)
Publicly Service Announcement (last one before the books ends, I promise)
Entertainment Weekly
Ana's Diary


689 52 50
By conceited_nae

- we reached 15k (almost 16k) within 24 hours earlier this week. Thank you very very much my loves. ❤


- no quote inserted


Temple City, California

Annalisa Green -- February 27th, 1993
Location: 1341 Evergreen St.

To make up for our missed movie night, Michael managed to turn my backyard into a complete theater while I was out helping Aunt Jolene get groceries.

It was well into the night, maybe nine fourty-five, when we finished our grocery shopping. After I helped put everything in its rightful place, I started to go upstairs until a small beam of light caught my eye from outside.

"Who's out there?" I asked Aunt Jolene.

She shrugged. "You know ain't no one here but Harry and Michael. So one or the other." I laughed. "I'm gone go 'head and soak myself in some bubble bath, and go to sleep chile."

"Good night then." She pressed a kiss to my forehead making me smile.

"I love you, sweet pea."

"I love you, too."

As she traveled upstairs, I grabbed a bottle of water before going outside to see who was out there. I should've known it was Michael the moment I saw pink and red rose petals thrown on the sidewalk, leading to the huge white screen and projector, followed by a couch with a blanket sitting there, and a large bowl of popcorn and mixed candles beside it.

Michael stood there, hands behind his back, dressed in silk pajamas with a soft loving smile on his face. He watched as I slowly approached him, checking out what he managed to put together in what might've been a short time.

Once I made it to him I wasted no time wrapping my arms around his neck, initiating a tight hug. The smile on my face was permanent for the rest of the night.

"You didn't have to do this," I said, pulling away enough to look at his handsome face. "Your apology was enough."

As he smiled at me his hands inched down to my waist. "I promised to watch a movie with you, and that's what I'm going to do. I shouldn't have stood you up that night," he said, leaning in to kiss my forehead after. "Let's do things right, yeah?"

I nodded. After we shared a very soft and subtle kiss, he turned me towards the door, urging me to go upstairs to get dressed in my pajamas. More petals, candles, and a smaller matching silk pajama set was waiting for me in my room.

Now that I've finished getting myself ready, we now cuddled under the blankets as the projector flashed the movie on the snow white screen. We finished watching Modern Times, and now ventured onto a classic Disney film. Peter Pan.

I was halfway onto Michael's lap with the bowl of popcorn munching softly and occasionally feeding some to him. Two bottles of Coca-Cola's with straws in them sat on the table, fizzing up and waiting for us to take a sip.

"This film never gets old," he said softly. I felt his chin resting on my shoulder.

"What makes this film stand out from the rest?" I asked, genuinely curious. I was aware of Michael's love for Disney movies, Peter Pan being his top favorite. I just never knew exactly what makes Peter Pan different from the rest to him.

"Just... the giddiness I feel when I watch it. It's like watching it for the first time, everytime. I feel like a child again and that's the best feeling in the world to me besides being in love. I'm deeply in tuned, letting myself float into the magical world of Neverland. There's no media, no tabloid junk, no nasty rumors from the press, or crazy paparazzi. Just me, Peter Pan, Wendy, and Tinker Bell. Captain Hook can kick rocks." we giggled. "That is mainly why I named my home after him, and why everything you see inside of my home somehow correlates with the idea of childhood and magic. Because I deeply feel a connection with him. I never had a childhood growing up and he kind of shows me what it would be like to have one."

"I don't think I've ever heard an explaination this beautiful," I smiled, seeing the innocent glint in his eyes. "In truth, I've never quite had a childhood myself. Aunt Jolene and Uncle Harry has always tried to make sure that I enjoy the first few years of my life, and to make sure that I never had a feeling of worry. That's why I'm majorly close to them and I'll always appreciate them for taking me in after my parents disappeared. Even though they did all they could for me as a child, I think I've always felt like I was going to be forced to grow up eventually. And..." I sighed softly. "I guess I was right." I felt him holding me tighter. "But let's not make this special night bad, okay? We can both escape our sad realities tonight."

Michael looked as if he wanted to keep this conversation going, but after seeing the look on my face, he sighed gently and nodded. "Let's do that."

I smiled, going back to my happy state. Like we agreed on, we continued watching the film, diving into the magic of it all. We escaped our stressful reality and allowed ourselves to enjoy this one night full of magic, pixie dust, and neverland.

The next morning, I woke up in bed. My head was on Michael's chest as he snored softly. He must have carried me upstairs when I fell asleep. I squinted my eyes, feeling a small pain from how bright it was.

"He didn't close the curtains," I mumbled, willing myself to get up.

I slid my feet into my house shoes and closed the curtains. Then I went straight to the bathroom to wake myself up. I splashed water on my face a few times before I washed my face. And after my face was dry, I tied my hair up into a bun and began brushing my teeth. Oddly, I didn't have an urge to eat breakfast today so my meal was only water. And maybe some fruit so no one had to worry.

Quietly, I started my journey downstairs. As expected, Aunt Jolene was in the kitchen preparing this morning's feast and Uncle Harry was in front of the tv watching this morning's sports news. I joined him, smiling when he pressed a kiss to my head.

"You missed last night, neice. Jordan blew the frame out against the Nuggets," he told me. "That man was dunkin' the Hell out of 'em."

"Really?" I smiled widely. "I expected no less."

"Damn right! I felt like a proud mama lookin' at that score. Nuggets was so behind."

I laughed. We continued discussing what I missed until Aunt Jolene announced that the food was ready.

My stomach cried in despair as I looked at all the food placed on the dining room table. Scrambled cheese eggs. Honey biscuits. Bacon. And french toast again for Michael. Why would my body choose today to not want to eat? Why?

We sat down together, joining hands in a short morning prayer from Uncle Harry. Then after saying 'Amen', we dug in. I drank the water first before trying my hand at the food. Hopefully I wouldn't have to throw up after swallowing.

As Aunt Jolene discussed her plans today, there was a knock on the front door. "I got it, excuse me." I said politely, scooting my chair and standing up.

I didn't expect to see both Semaij and Kidada on the porch. When they saw me, Kidada squealed excitedly, pulling me into a tight hug.

"Girl, I've missed you! You and Michael disappeared on me after the Grammy's!" Was the first thing she said after pulling away.

I laughed. "We've been here the whole time, Kid."

"Ohhhh, okay. A little, cute romantic get away after your first public appearance, huh?" She smirked. "Let me go to the media about this one."

"You better not." I slapped her shoulder playfully.

After I welcomed her inside, I turned back around to greet my best friend, who I haven't seen in what feels like forever. "How have you and Tony been?"

"We're good," her response was short and it left me confused. "He says hi, by the way."

"Are you sure? You've been acting very distant."

Semaij laughed dryly. "Trust me, it's not me who's bein' distant." And with that, she welcomed herself inside.

I frowned, feeling even more confused. "Um.... okay."


Temple City, California

Michael Jackson -- March 1st, 1993
Location: 1341 Evergreen St.

I must say, it feels great not being the center of the tabloid's attention this week. The only news they had about me was after the Grammy's and how beautiful Ana looked that night. After that, seemingly it was quiet. I could only wonder how long this was going to last.

For the whole week or so, I've been staying at Ana's house. It wasn't intentional, however, it just felt right to be here. She is my girl, after all. I'd be a fool to go days without seeing her.

Her and I helped Miss Jolene put the groceries in their rightful places. I have never done anything like this, not since my family and I lived in Gary, Indiana. I was so used to people going out to get groceries and stocking them for me that I honestly forgot how and where things went. Ana had to stop and laugh a few times when I was putting things in the wrong place.

"Michael, the can of beans goes into the pantry over there. Not the fridge."

"Oh," I said sheepishly. "Sorry." Miss Jolene looked at me with a smile.

"At least ya' helpin' out, love. Harry still don't know manners in this house," she said loudly so Harry could hear.

Since he was just in the dining room, he heard her clearly. "That's a woman's job!"

"Say it again, I dare you!"

Ana and I giggled quietly at their harmless bickering. Within a few minutes, the items were neatly put away. Miss Jolene and Harry excused themselves upstairs to take a nap before cooking, leaving Ana and I by ourselves.

She rummaged through the refrigerator, grabbing two bottles of water while I helped myself to an apple from the fruit bowl. I thanked her after I took the bottle, and watched as she hopped on the countertop.

"I think Semaij hates me," she started, after taking a sip of her water.

I frowned. "Where is this coming from? She doesn't hate you."

"She does, Michael. I know she does."

"What makes you think that?" I asked, genuinely confused.

"Remember when her and Kidada came over?" I nodded. "She was acting kind of standoffish with me, and was barely speaking to me no matter how hard I tried to talk to her. I don't know what I did to her," Ana finished, sighing sadly. "What do you think?"

I stood in front of her, putting my hands on either side. "I think that, that isn't true. Maybe she just misses you and doesn't know how to show it?"

"She'd be way nicer to me if she missed me," Ana replied, placing her hands on my shoulders. "Semaij has never acted this way towards me before."

"Maybe you two should have a talk. That could solve whatever problem you two have. Maybe she does miss you, at least that's what I think," I suggested.

Ana nodded. "What if she doesn't want to be my friend anymore?"

"Then she'd be making a huge mistake," I replied. "For the past two years I've witnessed you being a great friend to her and those around you. Semaij would be crazy to end it." That made her smile.

"Thank you. I hope we move pass this."

I leaned forward, kissing her lips. "You will. Then I'd say 'I told you so' when she says that she only misses you."

She rolled her eyes playfully as I giggled. "Whatever."


Let's sprinkle some comments here for a lil razzle dazzle. 💞

It's finally the weekend & I'm ready to update. Thank you for being patient but I'm trying.

Y'all know it's never easy updating while in school. It's the absolute fucking worst.

But luckily for you & me, this is my last year. So updates will be frequent, & hopefully back to back once I start college next year. ❤

Anyway, tell me how you feel about these chapters. Be nice. 😌

This of course (like every other chapter) is a filler. I hope y'all figuring out that the real bs doesn't start until HIStory era. 🤭

So enjoy the mellow-ness while you can. 😈

Again, thank you for faithfully reading, commenting, and voting on EVERY SINGLE CHAPTER (shade to those who doesn't do two of these things). You're greatly appreciated. 💋

& thank you for 15.7k reads on this book. Keep em coming. 🤧❤

Until next time loves.

- nae 💋

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