Cold Hearted + Emotionless

By MalditadiAsh

312K 12.6K 1.6K

In the world of Mafia. There is this mysterious killer name JJ and he was known to be the most dangerous Mafi... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46

Chapter 3

8.5K 366 64
By MalditadiAsh

Warning: Some cursing and Violence may occur in this chapter, pls be Guided.

3rd Person's pov

Suga was on his mini-desk and he was encoding some stuff in his laptop when someone just burst in,kicking his door on the process. He glare deadly at that man and that man tremble. 

"Better be important, or your life shall be taken from you cause you kick my fucking door." Suga said coldly and deadly. 

"We've been raided sir, and the enemies are still killing!." The man said. 

Suga eyes widden as he quickly grab his weapon and went outside. He saw that beneath the stairs his gangs members and some other gangs members are fighting and one thing is clear for Suga that his mens are losing. 

"Tell them to retreat as soon as they can and hide in our temporary hide outs. " Suga order the man and he quickly help his own man retreat. 

Soon, they finally retreated but unfortunately one of their enemies  captured one gang mate of Suga. This one man is already bleeding to death. 

"Now~ Now~ Now~ Tell me where JJ is or death shall be upon you." V said pointing a gun towards this man,

"Tsk, I'll die here anyway. So why would I tell you?" The man said. 

"Tell me now!" V demanded.

The Man smirk. "I'll never tell you even if you have a scary deep voice. " The man said and V was annoyed with that and with a single 'bang' the man skull is now bleeding because of a bullet. 

"You killed him, it seems his the only one who is alive the rest of them were dead." RM said. 

"How about the others?" V said. 

"Our mens said that they escaped." RM said. 

"Our mens are really useless, But maybe not since because of them we found this base. I wonder how many bases did that JJ had~ ? " V smirk. 

"Probably more than your fingers. " Chim said.

V glare at him and Chim slightly shiver. " Tsk, doesn't matter. I'll destroy the all." V said. 


The door suddenly burst open, and it revealed a injured Yoongi. 

Jin eyes widden. "What the hell happened?" Jin asked. 

"As you can see I got shot, but not directly. A bullet just pass in my arm." Yoongi said. 

"Sit down," Jin demanded and Yoongi sat down on the couch while Jin was tending the wounds of Yoongi. 

"What happened?" Jin said as he treating the wounds of Yoongi.

"One of our Fucking enemies found our hide out, my group hide out. They are currently in a safe place." Yoongi said. 

"I See." Jin said. 

"Where's kook?" Yoongi said. 

"Asleep, shall I wake him up to bring the news?" Jin said. 

"No, let him rest, we will tell him soon when he would wake up." Yoongi said.

"Hiss... ayah! that hurts hyung!" Yoongi said as he hiss in pain.

"Sorry." Jin said. 


"here kookie~ Your favorite~" A little girl gave him a banana milkshake. 

"Thank you Princess~" Kookie said and giggle as he got the drink. 

The princess pouted. "I'm not a princess Kookie, I'm a woman that fit to be a queen." The Princess little girl said with a confident. 

"Oh~ My queen, you look so beautiful today~ What shall your command for a humble Prince like me?" Kookie said playfully kneel infront of the little girl.

"Kookie is a Prince, he doesn't need to asked order from the queen. Instead he shall rule the kingdom with the queen." The little girl said. 

"Yup, so what shall we call our kingdom?" Kookie asked. 

"It would be the kingdom of happy land. The land would be full of happiness, pink clouds , unicorns, giant cakes and many sweets. " The girl said happily. 

Kookie got the 6 years old girl and carry her. "And I will be in that kingdom?" Kookie asked. 

"Yup, Kookie would be my Prince~" The girl said

"And your always be my princess~" Kookie said happily. 

the cute girl chuckle and she jump down on the ground and run away from Kookie. "Hey! wait! Where are you going!? Princess!" Kookie said as he runs after the little girl but he seems can't reach the girl.

The girl then stand up and face Kookie. "Why? Why?...Why ? Did you kill me? Don't you love me?" The little girl said. 

"Wait? What!?... I didn't kill you...I'm...." Kookie said with a worried face but he saw that the little girl is now cover in blood and his hand is cover in red too. He fell on his knees and cried. 

"No.... I'm sorry... I'm sorry... Kookie... Is sorry... For Killing you my little one... Pls... Pls... don't leave me." Kookie said and cried. 

Kookie felt that someone pat his head and when he look up, the little girl was holding a gun pointed at him. "Die Kookie!" 

and with a 'Bang'

Jungkook woke up panting. 

"Tsk." Jungkook got annoyed and clench the sheet tightly.  He quickly got off the bed and went to the bathroom and wash his face. He look at hisself on the mirror on all he can see was that emotionless eyes looking at him, those pale face like he was a ghost, and those black bugs under his eyes...

"I'm really a lifeless zombie. " Jungkook thought and wanting to punch the mirror but, he doesn't want to get scold by Jin and Yoongi's never ending rapping sermon. They won't sermon him for breaking the mirror but they will sermon him because he was hurting hisself and he knows his hyungs is always hurt seeing Jungkook giving pain to himself. 

Truthfully, Jungkook cares for his hyungs but he wasn't sure if he had care for hisself. Sometimes he was wondering why the hell is he still alive. Can he just leave this place called earth and be in hell already? Because for him his already experiencing hell in earth so whats the difference?

Many painful things that lead to Jungkook to become numb and emotionless. Many regrets... he had done, if only he could turn back time he would undone everything. If only he could just press Ctrl+Z and then he could re-write his history once more he would. 

Jungkook sigh and with his emotionless expression he existed his room and went to the Garden, but as he pass in the living room he saw that Jin was treating Yoongi's arm who seems to bleeding. 

"What happened Hyung?" Jungkook asked still emotionless. 

"Our enemies found us. " Yoongi said. 

"I see, who are they?" Jungkook asked. 

"I heard their leader is called V." Yoongi said. 

Jungkook sigh. "Got it," Jungkook said and walk back to his room. 

"Wait!? Kook, what are you gonna do?" Yoongi said. 

"Asked him of what does he want. If he wants war then so be it, and maybe finally I'll be dead. " Jungkook said still emtionless and walk away.

Jin and Yoongi look at the younger with worries and concern. 

"Jungkook..." Jin said sadly.

"That kid... really..." Yoongi said and sigh. 


Jungkook is on his laptop and do some few clicks here and there and finally he found something and start to send an e-mail. 

"Now lets just wait." Jungkook said and looking at the screen lazily. 

"You send an E-mail to our enemies?" Yoongi said as he appeared behind Jungkook looking at the screen. 

"I'm just asking as to why he attacked us and what does he want." Jungkook said. 

"He wanted one thing, for you to surrender and to kill you. All of our enemies wanted that Jungkook. " Yoongi said. 

"I Know Hyung. Don't worry I won't die in a hands of unworthy." Jungkook said still emotionless. 

Yoongi sigh.  "Unworthy... I wonder if there is someone worthy who would kill you...if they only know..." Yoongi Thought.

Yoongi knows that Jungkook wanted to die, but Jungkook promise hisself that he won't die on someone's hand who is a devil like him. He wanted to die who is someone innocent and what he can call an angel, if a person like that exist then Jungkook is willingly to surrender hisself to that person to clean his sins. Jungkook even offer hisself to Yoongi and Jin for them to kill the younger, but Jungkook is like their younger brother already so they... 

They can't never do what Jungkook wanted for them to do. 

So the Younger have no choice but to do more sins and maybe faith would bring 'that worthy person' finally to end him.

 To end JJ. 


Thanks For Reading 

Hope You enjoy ^-^ ^-^ ^-^

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