Hellboy 2 (Lil Peep Fanfictio...

By XxLonely4EvaxX

21.7K 374 122

I hope you guys enjoy book 2 of Hellboy More

❤️Chapter One❤️
💚Chapter Two💚
💛Chapter Three💛
💖Author's Note💖
💙Chapter Four💙
💜Chapter Five💜
❤️Chapter Six❤️
💚Chapter Seven💚
💛Chapter Eight💛
💙Chapter Nine💙
💜Chapter Ten💜
❤️Chapter Eleven❤️
💚Chapter Twelve💚
💛Chapter Thirteen💛
💖Author's Note💖
💙Chapter Fourteen💙
💜Chapter Fifteen💜
❤️Chapter Sixteen❤️
💚Chapter Seventeen💚
💛Chapter Eighteen💛
💙Chapter Nineteen💙
💜Chapter Twenty💜
❤️Chapter Twenty One❤️
💚Chapter Twenty Two💚
💛Chapter Twenty Three💛
💙Chapter Twenty Four💙
💜Chapter Twenty Five💜
❤️Chapter Twenty Six❤️
💚Chapter Twenty Seven💚
💛Chapter Twenty Eight💛
💙Chapter Twenty Nine💙
💜Chapter Thirty💜
💖Author's Note💖
❤️Chapter Thirty One❤️
💚Chapter Thirty Two💚
💛Chapter Thirty Three💛
💙Chapter Thirty Four💙
💜Chapter Thirty Five💜
❤️Chapter Thirty Six❤️
💚Chapter Thirty Seven💚
💛Chapter Thirty Eight💛
💙Chapter Thirty Nine💙
💜Chapter Forty💜
❤️Chapter Forty One❤️
💚Chapter Forty Two💚
💛Chapter Forty Three💛
💙Chapter Forty Four💙
💜Chapter Forty Five💜
❤️Chapter Forty Six❤️
💚Chapter Forty Seven💚
💖Author's Note💖
💛Chapter Forty Eight💛
💙Chapter Forty Nine💙
💜Chapter Fifty💜
❤️Chapter Fifty One❤️
💛Chapter Fifty Three💛
💙Chapter Fifty Four💙
💜Chapter Fifty Five💜
❤️Chapter Fifty Six❤️
💖Author's Note💖
💚Chapter Fifty Seven💚
💛Chapter Fifty Eight💛
💙Chapter Fifty Nine💙
💜Chapter Sixty💜
❤️Chapter Sixty One❤️
💚Chapter Sixty Two💚
💛Chapter Sixty Three💛
💙Chapter Sixty Four💙
💜Chapter Sixty Five💜
❤️Chapter Sixty Six❤️
💚Chapter Sixty Seven💚
💛Chapter Sixty Eight💛
💙Chapter Sixty Nine💙
💜Chapter Seventy💜
❤️Chapter Seventy One❤️
💚Chapter Seventy Two💚
💛Chapter Seventy Three💛
💙Chapter Seventy Four💙
💜Chapter Seventy Five💜
💖Author's Note💖
❤️Chapter Seventy Six❤️
💚Chapter Seventy Seven💚
💛Chapter Seventy Eight💛
💙Chapter Seventy Nine💙

💚Chapter Fifty Two💚

148 3 1
By XxLonely4EvaxX

+Stephanie's Pov+

I woke up and decided today, I'd dye my hair. I was going to do half and half like Gus so I was going to dye one side all neon green and keep the other side black. Gus and Haidyn were still asleep so I got ready as quietly as I could then went on my way to get the dye. When I was in the car I started getting a call and I seen it was Miles. I answered and put it on speaker.

Me: Hey. What's up?
Miles: Hey. I wanted to ask you if you wanted to go out to the skating rink today?
Me: That sounds fun. Is it gonna be just us?
Miles: I actually wanted it to be us and your family. I figured we could all go out and have fun.
Me: Well, that sounds great. I'll talk to them about it.
Miles: Okay. What are you up to now?
Me: I'm going to get some hair dye.
Miles: Oooo, what are you gonna do?
Me: I'm gonna keep it a secret. I guess you'll have to wait to see it later in person.
Miles: Ughhh, fine. I'll see you later though.
Me: Kk.

He hung up and I put my phone down. I then went to go get my hair dye.

+Time Skip+

I was now in my bathroom with the door locked and Start a Riot by DUCKWRTH was playing. I had bleached my hair already and I now had the color sitting in it. Once it was finished I started rinsing my hair out. When that was done I dried it out and flat ironed it. I then put on the gothest all black outfit I had that was still comfortable for skating. I then went and slid down the stair railing. Once I landed Bexey looked up and his eyes widened.

"Damn Steph. That color looks good on you."

Goth said,"I agree. You look good."

Emery said,"What's the occasion?" "Well, Miles invited us to go to the skating rink today. Any of you wanna go with me?" "I'm so in. I haven't been skating in so long."

Jamie said,"I'm in. And you lookin cute bestie." "Thank you bestie."

Goth said,"Sure. I'm comin."

Bexey said,"I can't skate but I'll go."

Emily said,"I'm in. I can't really skate either though."

I smiled then Gus said,"Why does Miles want us to come?" "He said he just wanted us to all have fun. I think it's gonna be. So tell me you're coming."

Gus looked at me with a look then said,"Fine. I'll go. But he bet not be actin weird." "Oh stop it. He won't."

I then looked at Tracy since he didn't say anything and I seen he was looking at Jamie while she was on her phone. I smiled at him.

I then said,"Tracy, are you coming?"

He looked up at me and said,"Huh? Coming where?" "To the skating rink with us." "Oh, yeah, sure." "Okay." "Wait, when did you dye your hair?" "Just earlier." "It looks good." "Thank you."

I then pulled my phone out so I could dial Elizabeth. She answered on the third ring.

Elizabeth: Hey Steph. What's up?
Me: Hey. I was wondering if you wanted to go to the skating rink today.
Elizabeth: Sure. Should I ask Melanie and Aiden to come, too?
Me: Of course.
Elizabeth: Okay.
There was silence for a minute then she spoke up again.
Elizabeth: They said yeah.
Me: Is Aiden coming, too?
Elizabeth: Mhm.
Me: Okay. I'll text you when we're coming to pick you up.
Elizabeth: Okay.
Me: Okay. See you later.
Elizabeth: Kay. Byeeee.

We hung up with each other then Bexey said,"And while you guys are all skating I can watch Haidyn." "Bex, you don't have to do that." "I can. I wasn't gonna skate anyways. And I don't mind watching her. I also don't trust anyone else to." "Okay..but are you sure?" "I'm sure." "Okay."

I then looked at Gus and told him to come into the kitchen with me. He came and I looked up at him.

"You can invite Emma if you want to."

He looked at me surprised and said,"Why?.." "Because..I know you guys have been talking and..that's your friend so, you should invite her." "Well..if you say so but..she doesn't have to-." "Invite her."

I walked out of the kitchen then texted Miles about when we were going to start going.

+Miles Pov+

I was waiting on Stephanie and her people to get to the skating rink and when they finally did she seen me and came to give me a hug.

"Your hair girl." "You like?" "I do. The only thing you need now is a eyebrow slit." "Is it weird that I was thinking that exact same thing?" "It's not at all. But anyways, you know how to skate?" "I do." "I probably skate better than you." "Oh do you now?" "I'm gonna say so." "Alright. Lets see what you've got."

She had brought her own skates like I did. Mines were all black like my outfit. I had on black jeans, a black tee and a black flannel. Once she got her skates on we went onto the skate floor. I started doing my own tricks and she smiled at me as she just glided on the floor smoothly. She then put some headphones in.

+Stephanie's Pov+

As I seen Miles doing tricks I put my headphones in so I could hear my own music and I continued to glide across the skate floor. Like I didn't know how to do anything. I put on SAINt JHN's song Roses Imanbek Remix. I started gliding a little faster and after awhile I was doing twists, turns, going backwards then back forwards. I felt ecstatic as fuck. Then after awhile Miles started to catch up with me. I looked at him, winked, and went even faster. Doing whatever I could to show him up completely. I then started skating backwards again and started teasing Miles. When the song was over I turned back forward, went to stop by the wall and I took my headphones out. Miles came to stop next to me.

"So, wanna tell me why you showed me up like that?" "Nope. Now lets see if you can keep up this time."

I put my headphones back in and started skating again.

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