In Her Embrace

By Kamaru_chan

118K 3.1K 553

***** If the Justice League have Diana Prince, why not the Avengers? Meet Layla Prince, older sister of Dian... More

1. Not Everyone Likes Her
2. Unforgivable
3. Unexpected Encounter
4. Don't Underestimate
5. Codename: Saber
6. Forget Me Not
7. Déjà vu
8. Rescue
9. Bad feeling
10. Grief
11. Not Alone
12. Between Two Men
13. Serenity
14. Do I know You?
15. To Change
16. In Order To Protect...
17. Nothing Is Safe
18. Anguish
19. Home
20. Stay
21. Tony Stark
22. Mysterious Man
23. Decision
24. Missed
25. Green
26. Red And Wolve
28. Reunion..?

27. Reindeer Game

2.7K 103 50
By Kamaru_chan

A/N- Finally! The chapter you all have been waiting for!! Enjoy  TT^TT


‘Actually… that’s where you were wrong. All of our focus was on making money, always focus on your work… never paying attention to your family. When the time comes, eventually they will soon leave from your life forever.

At first you don’t care and just focusing on works and making money but over time, you will soon realized…

No amount of money was worth losing your family over.’


Third POV

Year 2011

“So, let me get this straight.” Inhaled with calm face, “You were saying that after the Stark Expo… causing a huge ruckus? And you never even bother to call me for HELP?!!”

In somewhat secret place, currently where SHIELD’s negotiation place.

The goddess had just received an unexpected call from Nick Furry, stating that her ‘family’ is in big trouble for causing damages and creating an army of robots attacking innocent citizens. Also, receiving few complaints about the-so-called Iron man. Before she came here, she was preparing a New Year celebration with all the young mutants at Xavier’s school.

Starting tomorrow will be a new year…

…and of course happy moment will ruined by certain someone and looks like she couldn’t spend more time with the others this year.

Just in time for her to arrived early to speak with him before Nick comes. Thus, here she is, sitting in front of him and glaring slightly at his scoffing face, avoiding her.

“I don’t want to ruin your moment there. Beside, I did my best to avoid any missions that provide for you buuttt I reasoning with your boss, saying that you are on a vacation, labeling ‘Layla is off-limit’.” He proudly said, “Well, no need to thank me. I know I am the best.”

“You WHAT?!!”

“No need to show your appreciation too much, Layla.” Waving his lazy hand, “Praise me later.”

“No I am not ‘thanking’ you!” She rubbed her forehead in distressed, “Why do you had to? No wonder my phone’s signal was blocked.”

He stares at her for a moment before he mumbles softly, “I just… want you to spend your time with the twins. They are your only family.”

This is so not-the-sarcastic-Tony-Stark to suddenly brings up the family topic. He usually avoids talking about family or something personal and would just ignore people around him. The topic is too sensitive for him.

He always tried his best to be the top. To be famous that can own anything he wants and he can get easily and thinking that working is his life time but when Layla left to stay at Charle’s place to finally having a family reunion with her children… He felt lonely in his mansion.

Nightmares? Yep, still have it.

Yet he tried to be stoic in front of her, lied to her, saying that he doesn’t had any more nightmares and will be fine living alone.

What a bunch of lies.

He couldn’t sleep, not even a blink.

Distracting himself while upgrading his iron suits, the strange tangling feelings in his chest is getting unpleasant and he unconsciously thinking about her through the whole night and the next.


“….” Still not looking at her.

She reaches her hands out to grab his on the table, mutter softly. “You are wrong.”

He looks up at her in confuse as she continue with a smile, “The twins are not just my only family thou—“

“Yeah, yeah, you want me to add my speech that the magnet-germen guy is also your family.” He sarcastic yet rudely interrupted her but only received a smack on his head by Layla. “Ouch! What was that for?!”

“I’m not even finish talking. Hear me out.”


Shaking her head in amused by his silent obedient, “Don’t forget that you are also a part of my family, Tony.” Seeing his expression changed, “You are not alone and I was serious when I said call me if you are in trouble and I will be there to save you.” Ruffling his ruin-facial-haired with a chuckle, “Yet it’s strange that you never once call for my help until now.”

He scoffed but his face flustered by her gesture, treating him like a kid again. “I no need your help. I am a grown up man with high reputation, missy.”

“Typical Tony.”

She stood up from the chair with a file on her hand, she turn the page until something caught her attention before looking at him in suspicious. “Really?”


“Prone to self-destructive tendencies?”

He role his eyes as he raise his hands up, “In my defense, I was dying.” Receiving a glare from her, he gulps, “N-Not that’s important anymore…”

“You are dying?” She said to herself, more than questioning.




“…during my absence?”

“Oh come on! Can we please…” Glancing at her, trying his best to make the puppy eyes, “…skip this one, Mommy Lay?”

She crossed her arms under her chest and looking back at him with straight face. “That’s not going to happen, Tony.”

“Welp, I tried.”

After that, Nick Furry enters and begin the conversation with Tony about his personal files and Avengers’s recruitment. She took her chance to leave them alone. After all, both Nick and herself knew that it was dangerous for her to join in the new group… she still had to stay hidden if the remaining Hydra is still out there.

During her live working as an agent of SHIELD, few of the agents in the HQ were staring at her with calculative eyes. By instinct, Hydra is secretly disguised as SHIELD agents.

She needs to be careful for now.


“Why..? You were keen-deep in Jotun blood, why would you take?” The prince spoke in desperation, looking straight at his so called father.

“You were an innocent child.”

“No. You took me for a purpose. What was it?” He raise his voice in anger, “Tell me!”

Seeing at the prince cried expression, he mumble in somewhat guilt, “I thought we could unite our kingdoms one day. Bring about an alliance, bring about permanent peace. Through you.”


“But those plans no longer matter.”

“So I am no more than another stolen relic, locked up here until you might have use of me!” He exclaims.

“Why do you twist my words?”

“Just like how you used Layla for forming the alliance with the Amazonian!”

The king raise his voice at his child, “Do not mention the dead person in my presence, Loki!”

Loki glares at him with much hatred, “You could have told me what I was from the beginning, why didn’t you?!”

“You’re my son.” The king simply replied. “I wanted only to protect you from the truth.”

Shook his head in denial, “Because I am the monster parents tell their children about at night?” Tears slowly fall to his cheek, “You know, it all makes sense now! Why you favored Thor all these years!”

Stepping closer to his father as he shouts in rage, “Because no matter how much you claim to love me, you could never have a Frost Giant sitting on the Throne of Asgard!”


Night time.

Arriving finally arrived at her destination, the moment she entered the hall of young mutant’s dorm, a 16 years old Pietro rushed to her side with a panicked expression. “Mom! You’re finally here!”

“Is something the matter?” Layla stare at her son in confuse by his restless behavior.

Waving his arms before he carried her in bridal style, “There is no time to explain! We need to hurry!” With a blink of an eye, they stopped in front of a certain door that leads to someone’s bedroom.

Surprisingly the other young mutants were either gathered around and few of them staring through their bedroom door at the hall way and their expressions matches like Pietro. Soon, a scream was heard and Layla knew who that is.

Quickly enter his room to see Logan was screaming with his eyes close and there few feet away from the bed were Jean, Wanda and Charles, with both Jean and Wanda power to hold down Logan. Noticing Layla, Wanda exclaims with a mix of trouble and happy. “Mama!”

Rushing to stand beside the bed, the goddess look at them in urgent, “Nightmare?”

Charles nodding his head, “But this time, a stronger one.”

At this time around, today is different.

Layla was away just to scolds Tony today and due to her long journey, she had returned during night time where everybody is sleeping. During her late arrival, Logan had to force himself sleep without her presence thus it come out like this.

His nightmare getting worse.

No one have the power to calm or soothing him… no one except Layla.

“Leave us.” Layla simply ordered.

“B-But he—“ Jean about to reasoning to her.

“No. it’s alright. I can handle him.” Layla smile at them.

They reluctant to leave the goddess alone with the wolverine. What if she get hurt? with one last look, the three of them leave the room and Charles glance at her, speak, “We will wait outside.”

“Thank you, Charles.”

His scream fills in the room, his arms thrash around and he is sweating in fear with his eyes close. Making her way towards his bed side, with her left hand to push his left arm down so she can sit beside and her left hand reach to his forehead with her glowing blue aura.

Though she regret not to hold his other arm, swing and clash her left arm with his steel claw. She grunted in pain but keep going to soothing him. “Come on, Logan. Wake up.”

With one last push of energy, Logan finally calm and slowly opened his eyes in confuse. Huffing in tired, he look up to meet her eyes before his gaze land on her bleeding arm, “Did I…”

Her face soften with tired eyes.

Suddenly, she cough blood causing him to sit up in alarm and his eyes widen when he felt his left hand stuck on something…

…or more like stuck at her abdomen near to her heart with his claw.

“…no…” Quickly pulling it out of her, he wrapped his arms around her while place his hand to stop the bleeding, mumbling in fear, “No no no …. Please… don’t leave me! I-I am sorry!”

“H-Hey… it’s alright…” She breath.

“N-No! It’s not alright! Y—You’re bleeding!” He freak out more.

Reaching her hand up to pat his shoulder, “Idiot… I can heal…”


“Shut up.”

While still in his arms, she hand touch her wound as is starts to glow in light, with the power of eternal healing, it stopped bleeding and her skin slowly heals. After she had heal herself, Logan immediately pull her close to him and drop his head on her shoulder with a sigh of relief.

“…sorry…” He mumbles lowly, hiding his face deeper at the crook of her neck in shame like a guilty puppy.

“You don’t have to apologize.”

Looks like she had to stay for awhile. The next morning, Layla went to the dining room to spend her time with her teenage children. Wanda had become beautiful just like her while Pietro is handsome with his slight white haired and people will mistake Peter as is father because of their appearance is almost identical.

They were talking about celebrate new years together today since last night Layla was absence.

Not long after, Layla’s phone rings. Switch on her phone, seeing Tony’s name at her screen, she answer the call.

“Hey Sweetie, where are you~?” Tony greets with his typical sweet talk.

“At Xavier’s dorm. Is there something you need?”

“Need you to come at SHIELD though… it’s an emergency.”

“What’s this time? Don’t tell me it’s your fault again? Did you cause another explosion again?” Layla sighed, rubbing her forehead at the thought. This is Tony Stark we all talking about. There is never he could do his duty without an explosive.

“Hmm? Oh… N-No! not that…!”

“Good good. So, a mission?”

Surprisingly Tony speak in serious tone. “Agent Barton was brainwashed by our current enemy… Does the name of Loki rings any bell? He is the—“

Her phone dropped to the floor as her body freeze at the name. Her eyes widen in disbelieve. Did she hear him right? Is it really him? Stood up from the chair, causing both the twins surprise by her action before she glance at them with an unreadable expression.

“I… need to go. It’s urgent..”

Year 2012

Yesterday at the night of New Years Eve..

Midnight, Germany.

In the deepest dark mind, there will always be a light. Even the slightest… the only light of hope.

His hope that kept him sane.

Everyone label him as villain, stating that it was too late to save him from his darkness.

But there is something they didn’t know.

What kept him sane was his precious memories.

The memories of his mother…

…and Layla.

They misjudge him by his ambitious and attitude.

In his deepest mind..

A precious memories of his little world.

A world where his last moment together with Layla.

In the royal library, she sat near at the wall like-window. A little boy lay his head on her laps while kneeling in front of her as her hand gently comb his raven hair with her fingers.

Little Loki spoke up causing the goddess to stopped reading her book and look down at him in curious. “Lea…” He whispers softly.

“Yes, Loki?”

“Can you… promise me to stay by my side forever?” Nuzzling his cheek at the fabric of her dress. The way he mumbles is adorable.

She hummed with a smile. A smile that doesn’t reach her eyes. A sad one. “A promise like this is not easy to fullfil….” ’Especially with your father who seems to hate me for unknown reason.’ She sadly thought.

Loki clenched his fist with a mix of frustration and confuse. “Are you saying that you are going to leave me?” He hates this feeling. The feeling of being left alone and abandon.

Everyone except Frigga and Layla.

As negative feeling slowly consumed him and his dark thoughts, Layla place her right hand on top of his head to catch his attention and secretly cast a soothing blue aura to calm the boy.

“I won’t leave you…”

“Then promise me!”

“I would make a promise to stay but if the fate decide otherwise…”

“If you disappears, I will find you!” He bursts out, showing all his emotions in front of her.

Her eyes widen as she pulled him closer to her, in her embrace, “Don’t say such things. Why would you think I will disappear?”

He sniffed, this is the first time he let his emotions out of control. He doesn’t know why but he feels as if she might disappear forever. He doesn’t like this bad feeling.

Wrapping his arms around her neck tightly, he murmurs at her shoulders in desperate.

“If that happen in the future…”


“…even if it takes me thousands of years to find you…”


“…you are the only person I want to cherish forever, Layla.”

A/N- I draw my point of view of their moment XD

Opening his eyes in nostalgic revealing his emerald green eyes staring at the night sky, he will find her soon enough. Once a fallen goddess falls from the heaven, a god will save her to reclaim her rights backs.

He will be the god.

The king who will rule the Earth.

In front of the crowd, he lift his spear as he speak, “Kneel before me!”

“Loki, drop the weapon and stand down!”

It happened to fast as the blue soldier throw his shield to attack Loki off guard before the speaker turns on with some jazz song and a beam attack the god by surprised. An red iron suit land few feet away from Loki, with his glowing-beam hands in attack stance, ready in case he attack back.

“Make your move, Reindeer Games.”


Getting caught so easily is very suspicious as if he had plan this from the beginning. In the aircraft, the mightiest heroes gathered in a room after they watched the CCTV video at the screen.

Steve sighed, “Loki’s gonna drag this out.” Glancing up at the God of thunder, “so, Thor, what’s his play?”

“He has an army called the Chitauri.” Turn to face the captain, “They’ve not of Asgard, nor any world known. He means to lead them against your people. They will win him the Earth in return, I suspect, for the Tesseract.”

“An army from outer space.” Steve said in wonder.

“So, he’s building another portal? That’s what he needs Erik Selvig for.”

While they discuss about what Loki was planning, upon Tony’s arrival, what he said next catches both the attention of a certain soldier and a god.

“Should I notify our beautiful goddess about this?” Tony simply said while typing his earpiece to call her.

“Goddess?” Steve mumble at the familiar title while Thor stare at tony in suspicious.

Natasha stand up from her seat with a serious face, “I think we should. She is also Clint’s mentor.”

Tony nodded his head, “of course. You and Barton are her apprentices.”

“So how are you going to tell her? Saying that Barton is brainwash or something?” Bruce question.

Tony move at the side near the rail where Nick usual spot for command, he place his finger at his earpiece once he received the signal. “Hey Sweetie, where are you~?”

Natasha and Bruce cringed at Tony’s sweet talking while Thor blinks his eyes in confuse and whispers beside Steve, “Maybe the goddess he mention was his… lover..?”

“No idea.”

Looking at Tony’s calculative gaze at the system, “Need you to come at SHIELD though… it’s an emergency. Hmm? Oh…” Glancing at them as he wave his hand and pointing to his earpiece like ‘can-I-tell-her-about-our-enemy-?’ and Agent Hill just nodded her head in approve.

Sighing, Tony speak in serious tone. “Agent Barton was brainwashed by our current enemy… Does the name of Loki rings any bell? He is the—Huh? Hello?”

Tapping his earpiece before he turns his attention to the others, “She hang up.”

“I think she doesn’t want to come…?” Steve said, more like question to himself.

Natasha shook her head in disagree, “Actually, it’s the opposite.”

“What do you mean?”

Bruce cracked his shoulders before he bend down and grabbed a strong hold on the rail beside him, this action cause Steve and Thor to look at him in confuse.

Natasha make her way to the metal chair beside the entrance door, clicking some buttons at the side as a metal seatbelt slowly form around her waist and handles each of her sides. Not just her, every agents in room follow her too.

Tony, being the ‘I’m-too-cool-for-this’ one, had already use his iron man’s boots that look like magnet stuck to the metal floor. Steve stares at them weirdly before he heard a warning siren.

At the screen, a dot of red getting closer to the airship.

Agent Hill in standby, “Prepare to open the window!”

“Don’t wanna have another broken windows again.” Tony sarcastic replied.

The window of front immediately slide open as a flash of blue crashing down at the center of the floor in front of the entrance door and few feet near where Natasha was sitting. Agent Hill quickly punch the switch button to close the window, preventing anyone sucking out from the ship.

The smoke slowly faded to reveal a beautiful goddess with blue aura around her. Tony, being the 'brave' one, he walks closer to her with an open arms and grinned. “Well, that was fast.”

Lifting her hand to stopped him, “Not now Tony. Where is Loki?”

“I will take you there.” Natasha spoke as she stands beside her.

Once the two ladies left the room, Tony clicking his tongue in somewhat grumpy manners, “She rejects my greeting again…” Bruce pats his back in pity.

Although, no one saw the shocking expression of a certain soldier or even a disbelief and speechless face of a Thunder God as if he saw a ghost. They could only think one word…



Stood in front of the entrance to the prisoner, Layla taking a deep breath and calming herself of what will awaits in that room. Glancing at her companion, she smile at her and said, “You can wait here. I… want to interrogate him…”

Natasha nod her head in understandable.

She knows that once a goddess exists, a god will too and her hence might be correct that maybe Layla had a history with the so-called Prince of Asgard. Step back a little, she speak, “If there is anything, just call me in.”

“I will.”

With that, Layla enters the room.

Her breath hitched at the sight of him.

He couldnt see her as his back lean on the glass door that trap him in. she couldn’t make a sound because she just couldn’t believe he is here. He had grown into
A man, not the boy she use to know, she could sense this is him. His magic… has improved too.

He could be a master in magic.

“Are you going to interrogate me again?” His tone of voice is deep too. “Like I said, I have nothing to reveal.”

Clenching her fist at her chest as she slowly walks near the glass wall, she is voiceless and the tears slowly form at her eyes. What should she say?

How has he been? Does he knew she was ‘dead’? Does he lonely? All of this… she want to say all at one. But she couldn’t. She caught a slight dark magic linger around him. She wish to reach out to him and dispose the dark spell.

“Why are you silent?” He ask, still hasn’t turn his back to see her.

Gulping, her hand touch the glass as tears finally fall to her cheeks and she murmur with a hoarse voice, “Loki…”

His body stiffen at the voice as if he couldn’t believe it yet he doesn’t turn.

“…Loki..” She called again.

By his body posture, she knew that he was trying to figure it out who was calling him. Stiffen yet slowly he turn around as his widen eyes finally meet her teary gaze, he gasp in disbelief at the sight in front of him.

“Is it… really you…?” He breath out.

His legs slowly move forward one at a time as he reach his hand out to touch the glass where her hand was as if wanting to grab hers. With one more look at her face, he broke down and sobbed like a child finally meet his mother.

Falling down to his knees, Layla follow suit and crying along side, hearing his desperate wail echo in the room. “Lea!!”

Outside of the room, Natasha leans at the wall in front of the door while crossing her arms with a sad smile. She can hear the cries in the room and she will let them have their moment.


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