
By HillariaNemakanga

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*Under major editing* Interracial(BMWW) The night had arrived,twelve midnight and all women who were pure as... More

editor's note
chapter 1
chapter 6
chapter 8
chapter 9
chapter ten
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
chapter 15
chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Editional characters!!!
Chapter 20
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37

Chapter 21

79 19 10
By HillariaNemakanga

Third person's POV
The next morning when Alex woke up her body was sour but not as sour as she felt last night,her body had felt the pain the first time she was attacked but when they kept beating her up and throwing her like a rag doll she ended up feeling nothing but numbness like she was paralyzed and if it had not been for Vusi who had saved her,she would have been dead by now.

She had asked the traditional doctors who had been helping her applying some herbal powder to her body if they knew about the attacks,they had said they were also surprised about it and they didn't know anything,when Vusi came in that morning he told Alex that the people who attacked her might have taken te wild mutefura(poisonus flower)it is found deep in the forest,people experience with it just because it makes them stronger and faster,yet it can turn a person into having animal like instincts which are very dangerous carnivorous instincts and they start attacking people.

Alex had asked Vusi why the old people though and he just gave her the reason that maybe the feeling of getting old had been weighing them down and they had to try it but deep down he knew the truth that the people who had attacked her were rouge vampires and only when you go rouge is when get affected by the mutefura flower and he felt like it wasn't the right time to tell her she lived among vampires so he told her to get some rest for the medicine to work and he left.

Meanwhile at the river while Ruvimbo was bathing the water turns dark red and that very moment she starts hearing voices of old people crying she immediately knows that the rouge vampires had died,that has never happened before she thought all these years those old pathetic blood thirst creatures lived in the forest and hunted the innocent and no one noticed,so what happened for them to be noticed and let alone get killed, only the oracle can find out I must visit her immediately she thought standing up from the water not in the mood to soak herself anymore.

She hated she had to remove her shoes and walk for thirty minutes stepping on top of snails,snakes and skulls, this place was pathetic it gave her that never come back chills but she had to anyway if she wanted her things to fall in plane.The moment she entered into the cave and sat down snakes came crawling on her legs not the slimy snakes again she thought,they climbed on her body greasing her with their slime ,Lord if one craws up to my face I'm loosing it she thought to herself when the cave turned black,snakes started hissing and you could hear dead souls crying she was here Ruvimbo knew this.

the candles lit again then a black shadow sat on a bamboo mat,snakes started climbing up the shadow until they made a nice head wrap just like that the black oracle appeared,show off Ruvimbo thought.After doing a few rituals Ruvimbo told the black oracle what she had came for she told her about the encounter at the river and that she wanted to know what was the cause the black oracle told her Vusi's mate had been found so she will unleash all the evil that has been happening in the village,she will make sure all the dead souls roaming around are put to rest,heal the sick,make Vusi find his true self and be the mother of the nation.

Ruvimbo was furious,she asked for the Oracle to tell her,her future but the oracle had said this is your last fight as everything you have built will come to nothing then the Oracle disappeared without telling her who the mate was and not helping her enough, that is what the Oracle was always like she left you hanging all the time she stood up quickly because she couldn't afford anymore of that slime of the snakes that had been crawling on her and she walked out thinking of her next plan to stop everything from going the wrong way before Vusi turned into a beast fully and then her and her family could come out and take over, how sweet the revenge will be.

Meanwhile back at the village head quarters Vusi had asked his village heads to arrange a Dare(court)so a few issues could be addressed few minutes into the Dare session Vusi had stressed out to his parents that the vampire attacks at night had started,which was something that had stopped when Tichala(dumisani's brother)was killed but it seems like something has triggered the rouge vampires again and this time the vampires has attacked Alex while she was taking a walk last night and they almost killed her but he had saved her from them and killed them.

The Dare had been a chaos that day as elders,chief priests,advisors and the Chief's son argued,the chief silence the people buy asking Vusi if he had turned that night and he told them he couldn't turn that night it's like the beast that has craved for blood so much in him is starting to neglect him and for some strange reason his eyes are starting to turn grey at some point his father nodded and looked at the chief priests one stood up and explained to the chief that the reason why Vusi isn't turning into a beast constantly anymore is because he has found his true mate but they should not lift their hopes up because someone very strong is planning something and that very someone is among them.

After a few arguments and everyone coming to a conclusion the Dare was closed and everyone was dismissed. On the other side of the village Dumisani was really exhausted,the hunt last night and training very fit and strong warriors had taken a toll on him,after all this men can be hard nuts to crack Dumi thought,with all the extra abilities you would think this guys would be easy to teach things but no at times they behaved like humans or worse children he laughed at his ridiculous thoughts when he remembered he had promised Vusi he would check up on Alex so that's exactly where he went after.

Arriving at Alex sleeping quarters he had knocked three times when he was told to come in he saw Alex seating on her sleeping mat face timing someone on her laptop,wow she had healed really faster for a human cause with all that damage she would have been in a comma if she was human, thanks to the traditional doctors too Dumi thought.Alex had greeted Dumi and told him to seat on one of the chairs in the room while she said goodbye to the person she was talking to but the person pleaded with her hands to give her a sneak pic of the guy who had just entered the room.

When Alex turned the laptop rolling her eyes to her sister's suggestion,upon seeing the picture Amara gasped in shock,she had never seen a man of such beauty before,he was strong,dark and masculine he fit perfectly in all the boxes she would be ticking tonight of the black man of her dreams,She whisper to her sister who had quickly turned back the laptop before Dumi noticed that she was coming to Africa the first day she gets her off days.When all this was happening Dumi had been hearing a very loud heart beat in the room and he knew that it wasn't Alex's cause he had somehow studied her heart beat which was really weird he knew but he did so to everyone he met to keep track if they were in danger,no one understood but it worked.

He didn't know who Alex was talking to but from the looks of it that person was really close and when she whispered to Alex,Dumi could hear everything because vampires had that extra sensitive hearing and he knew they were talking about him and from the moment she started whispering he knew he had found her,he could hear it from her strong heart beat and that angelic voice he knew it was his mate after all this years, now who this person was Dumi had to figure out on his own.

Hey there beautiful readers sorry I haven't been around due to lack of data bundles lol but I'm back now and I miss you all I hope you enjoy this chapter.don't forget to comment and vote,till next time❤😘.

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