ON HOLD before the storm - d...

By ccw1315

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LOVE TRIANGLE (DRACO, CEDRIC) Before my fourth year as a witch at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry... More

☽ Cast ☾
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33

Chapter 13

399 19 9
By ccw1315


Over the next week, I felt like a switch had flipped. There was something new about how I viewed Cedric. Anyone who has a pair of eyes can see that he's gorgeous; it's different than just attraction. I'd started noticing all the little things: the way he bites the inside of his cheek when he's thinking, and the little creases at the corners of his mouth when he smiles. How his big blue eyes take me in, making me really feel seen, and how he constantly needs to be doing something with his hands whether its fiddling with the hem of his shirt, cracking his knuckles, or running it through his hair. His voice sounds like summer rain, embracing me and warming me from the inside out every time he speaks. Just being in his presence makes my heart beat a little faster.

Something has definitely changed, and I'm not quite sure what.

I was spacing out in Potions, trying to figure out what was different - was it him? Or was it me? And what could have caused it to change so suddenly? And what even is "it" in the first place? - when a snobby male voice dragged me unwillingly back to reality.

"What a bitch- she's ignoring me!" I snapped my head around to see Malfoy scowling over at me.

"Why are you calling me a bitch?" I sighed, genuinely confused at what was happening.

"I was trying to tell you that it's the 28th day of the lunar cycle. Our potion is finished." He rolled his eyes and crossed his arms, leaning back into his seat. I stood up abruptly, jumping at any chance to get away from him and Potions class.

"I'll go get it," I volunteered, already halfway toward the door.

"Oh, did you start going to the gym, Dawson?" Malfoy provoked. "Because last I checked you couldn't even raise the cauldron off the ground." I rolled my eyes and slumped back into my chair in defeat, knowing he was right. "How much do you lift?" He snickered, giving Goyle a look to cue in his laughter as well.

"Ha ha, very funny." I retorted curtly. I can probably lift more than you anyway, twiggy.

His classic smirk spread across his sharp features. "Goyle, go get the cauldron why don't you." Goyle sighed, and slowly began lifting his meaty body from his chair. "Come on, get on with it! We don't have all day!" Malfoy forcefully shoved him in the direction of the door, and Goyle lumbered out of the room. When he was gone, Malfoy rested his elbow on the table and leaned closer to me.

"So," he prompted, teasing malice laced in his tone. This should be magnificent. "How was your date with Diggory the other weekend?" I sighed and rested my chin on my hand, trying to focus on reading the next instructions for our potion. He doesn't give a damn about how our "date" went anyway, he's just trying to get a rise out of me.

"It wasn't a date, Malfoy," I muttered coldly.

"Ah, really? Because you had me fooled." He cocked an eyebrow at me before continuing, "And I guarantee you had Diggory fooled as well."

"What is that supposed to mean?" I didn't lift my eyes from my textbook, trying to stay collected and douse the hatred that was smoldering in my gut.

"It's not very proper to lead someone on, Dawson," Malfoy mused, clicking his tongue in sarcastic disapproval. I slammed my book shut and looked into his piercing silver eyes.

"It's not very proper to ask someone to a ball for your own personal gain and amusement." It felt good to spit that out at him, and I was hoping he would flinch or show some sign of weakness to let me know that he's actually human but my retort only made his sneer grow wider.

"We're still obsessing over that, are we?"

"Yes!" I threw my hands up in exasperation, struggling to keep my voice down. "Because it was wrong and you need to understand that!"

"Oh for the love of Merlin, what did you expect?" He hissed in my face, sending chills down my spine and causing me to flinch. "No, I'm genuinely curious Dawson, what did you expect?" He began to laugh, and his body relaxed into its usual, arrogant posture once more with his arms resting against the back of his seat - his way of showing his naturally "deserved" position of power. "Did you really think that I wanted to go to the Yule Ball with you? Have you met yourself?" He looked me up and down as he spoke with his cold, calculating gaze. "You're boring, to put it in simple terms. You're stuck up, you're a smart arse, you have no fun, and you certainly have no appeal to me. And don't even get me started on the people you choose to associate yourself with," he scoffed and rolled his eyes, casually tossing his hair out of his face with a flick of his head. "I have no desire to be in your presence any more than I absolutely have to be."

Malfoy's sharp words scraped against the insides of my stomach, causing hot, angry tears to prick at the backs of my eyes. They were threatening to spill over, but I choked down a gasp and blinked away the tears and excruciating embarrassment. I dug my fingernails deep into my palms and bit my bottom lip to restrain myself from cracking my fist against his jawline. Turning away from him, I opened up my textbook again and flipped through it to find the page about Veritaserum. I had to swallow the burning sensation that was rising into my throat before I spoke:

"And I'm perfectly fine with that." I seethed, my voice much calmer than I felt. "I do recall that I told you to never speak to me again, don't you?"

"Ah yes, a world where I'd never have to speak to Adelaide Dawson," he crooned, turning back to face Snape at the front of the class once more. "Sounds wonderfully pleasant to me."

I shook my head slightly and gnawed on my lip a little harder, distracting myself from the pain that his words were causing me. I was absolutely humiliated that I had given him the opportunity to walk all over me like that, swatting me away like I'm some kind of nat buzzing in his ear. Why was he getting to me so easily today, and why am I getting so upset? Why the hell am I acting like I give two flying Flobberworms what Malfoy thinks about me? This is nothing that I didn't know already; he only associates with Slytherins and Purebloods and I am neither of those things. I never have and I never will want to be friends with Malfoy, so I should be thrilled that someone like him wouldn't want to be associated with the likes of me. I shouldn't be bothered in the slightest.

But I am-

Thank. Merlin. that Goyle trudged back into the class with the cauldron right then, interrupting my ridiculous thoughts. I practically jumped from my seat and quickly headed over to the supply shelves in the back of the room, gathering a large handful of small glass potion bottles and a ladle. I kept my back to Malfoy and began spooning the clear, water like potion into the bottles. I swore I could feel his eyes boaring into my back but when I whipped my head around to snap at him, he was doodling inside of his textbook, not paying attention to a single thing I was doing. That's perfectly fine by me.

"Goyle," I turned to the man-sized Slytherin, "Would you like to help me?" I extended a glass bottle to him cautiously in an attempt to offer him a kind gesture, something I figured he's not used to. I shouldn't have been surprised when he scoffed in disgust, shoved past me, and slumped down into his seat, glaring at my extended hand. Such classic Slytherin charm. I swallowed my annoyance and simply said, "Okay. That's fine," while turning back to the Veritaserum.

I continued to fill bottles with the potion until the cauldron was empty, a task that wouldn't have taken the entire bloody class if I had had help. A scorching sensation crawled up and down my spine all the while. I just don't understand, I thought to myself. Sure, each house comes with its stereotypes, but that doesn't mean they have to be upheld. Slytherins don't all have to be a bunch of Pureblood pricks; cunning doesn't have to mean conniving.

"You should all be done bottling your potions," Professor Snape's monotone voice drawled. "I will have you test them soon, but first I must prepare a Healing Potion in case of the likely situation that you have royally screwed this up. We will test your Veritaserum next class. You are dismissed." I put my books back into my bag as slowly as my eager body would allow me, trying not to make it too obvious how desperate I was to get out of class.

I was still the first to leave the classroom, and I took quick, big strides to put distance beteeen myself and Malfoy. The classes I passed along the way were beginning to open their doors, and the flocks of students babbled in bubbly conversation as they casually flooded into the halls. My head was starting to drift back to the events of Potions class, picturing the contempt in Malfoy's eyes as he berated me. This is twice now that he's crossed the line, and nothing he could say would ever make me think differently of him - not that he cares.

"Adelaide," someone called from behind me. I looked over my shoulder to see Gwen making her way through the crowd, a frustrated look contorting her elfish features.

"Are you alright?" I asked cautiously, eyeing her furrowed brow and slumped shoulders.

"No," she answered, falling into step by my side. "Trelawney gave me a zero on that stupid assessment we had last week. When my parents see that on my transcript they're going to kill me!" She whimpered, exasperation choking her voice.

"I'm sure they'll understand," I comforted, putting my hand on her shoulder. "Why did she give you a zero?"

"Apparently I 'don't have the vision for Divination,'"she mocked Professsor Trelawney's wavering tone in air quotes. "Is she seriously trying to tell me that her crystal balls actually work? Because that sounds like a bunch of bloody lies to me."

"That whole class is basically a joke," I scoffed, even though we all know I don't have a single atom in my body that would ever not take school seriously.

"This day has been shit." Gwen sighed and shook her head, shouldering past a Slytherin that gave her a dirty look.

"I couldn't agree more," I muttered in agreement, thinking back to Potions once more.

"We need to do something fun," she stated, perkimg up as the usual sparkle in her eye returned. "I will not let my Friday be ruined by an old, lying hag. Let's go get some damn ball gowns." I knew by the determination in her voice that "no" would not be a possible answer, so I let her grab my wrist and drag me out the castle doors. Bubbly laughter escaped from our mouths as we let the fresh autumn-come-winter air kiss our lips, rejuvenating us with the joy that class had drained from us.

"I hate this one too," Gwen grumbled as she looked into the mirror at the dress she was wearing. It was a simple, baby blue, satin gown with a sweatheaet neck line. "It makes me look like I have man shoulders."

"Oh, would you stop!" I laughed and shoved her playfully. "Nothing you could wear would ever make you look manly. And besides, it's only the second dress you've tried on. There are hundreds in this shop, you just haven't found the right one yet."

"Why do you have to be so right all the time?" Gwen teased as she slipped back into the changing room.

While she got into her next dress, I scanned the rows of gowns and plucked anything from the rack that caught my eye. I slung a dress that I liked for Gwen over my left shoulder, and dresses for myself on my right.

"Where'd you go?" Gwen called from the corner of the shop that was covered floor to ceiling in glittering mirrors.

"Coming!" My voice was muffled underneath all the fabric and I was tripping over the long skirts as I made my way back to Gwen. She snorted at the sight of me, drowning in satin, tulle, velvet, and chiffon.

"What do you think of this one?" She asked, running her hands down her torso over the fabric. I took one look at the silver, shimmering column dress and knew that I had found something that would suit her much better.

"It's pretty, but I think you'll like this one more," I mused, passing her a gown. I waited excitedly as she ducked back into the stall to slip on the dress. I heard a muffled gasp before she stepped out once more.

"Merlin..." She mumbled as she examined herself.

"Wow Gwen, that looks remarkable on you!" I gasped.

The layers and layers of pale violet tulle fell perfectly around Gwen's petite figure, flattering her beautifully. The bishop sleeves were long and billowing, making her look like a princess right out of a Muggle fairytale.

"This is it," she said quietly, a grin spreading across her face. She kept nodding, her excitement growing. "This is the one!" Gwen jumped up and down, the ball gown rippling like a lilac ocean as she did. "I never want to take this off!"

"It's perfect for you," I giggled at my gorgeous friend's joy. "Everyone will be blown away."

"Why, thank you," Gwen replied in a sarcastically proper tone and curtsied. "But now it's your turn!" She grabbed me by the shoulders, shoved me into a changing stall and threw the dresses I had picked out along with me, giggling maniacally the whole time. I smiled and shook my head as I slipped into the first dress my fingers touched: a navy, satin gown with a square neckline and spaghetti straps that crossed in the back. I wasn't even halfway out the door before Gwen was waving me back inside.

"Pretty, but too boring. Next!"

A white, lacy, fitted gown with a plunging neckline that pooled around me on the floor like freshly fallen snow.

"You look like you're about to get married. Next!"

A pale pink dress with flowers on the torso that floated gently down into the princess-style skirt.

"Meh. It's okay. Next!"

This next one made my heart stop a little. I pushed my hair behind my shoulders to get a better look at myself in the small mirror that was inside the stall. I ran my hands over the silky fabric.

"You okay in there?" Gwen called impatiently.

"Ye- yeah, I'm fine!"

The satin, cowel neck dress was a deep shade of emerald green, with a dramatic slit up the thigh; something I would have worn if I was going to the ball with-

I shook my head, angry at myself for letting him slip into my head again. I will not let simply the thought of him ruin something that's supposed to be fun. I stepped out of the changing room to hear Gwen's thoughts, with a pretty good idea of what she was going to say.

"Woah," she did a double take, shocked by my choice. "It's really pretty Addy, but it just doesn't seem like you. It looks like-"

"Something Pansy Parkinson would wear?" I finished her sentence for her as I gazed at myself in the grand mirrors, shifting my weight from left to right to get a better look. I felt exquisite, but also strange and slightly uncomfortable. I've never seen myself in something like this, something that screams confidence and power.

"Yes, exactly!" She giggled. "Don't get me wrong, it looks way better on you than it ever would on that snake, but I feel like you need something more...you."

"You!" A high pitched, nasal voice shouted from across the store, causing me and Gwen to flinch. The owner of the voice emerged through the racks and put her hands on her hips. "What are you wearing?"
Speak of the devil, it was Pansy Parkinson, as snobby and conceited as ever.

"Um-" I stuttered, not really sure what to say and feeling self conscious in the dress. I wrapped my arms around myself to cover up a little and shifted my weight from foot to foot nervously. "A dress?" She scoffed at my response and looked me up and down.

"Trying to impress someone in particular, are you?"


"You're the skank Draco Malfoy asked to the ball, is that correct?" She cocked an eyebrow and took two long strides toward me. Everything about her movements screamed "Pay attention to me!"


"She's not going to the ball with Malfoy." Gwen interrupted, standing up for me and joining me at my side. Pansy shifted her weight into her right leg and put her hands on her hips.

"Is that so? In that case, give me the dress." The dark-haired Slytherin suddenly took another stride toward me, reaching out with her hands. I instinctively backed away, struggling to find my voice.

"Why should I?" I chocked out weakly, sounding terrified.

"Because I want it. It looks shitty on you anyway. Give it to me!" Pansy lunged toward me and gripped her sharp fingernails into my shoulders. I yelped in shock as she clawed at the gown, attempting to rip it off of me. Gwen grabbed the back of Pansy's braid and yanked her off of me, causing her to cry out in pain.

"Merlin, leave us alone! Go find a different dress!" Gwen shouted in her face. Pansy's eyes were blazing with fury.

"Gwen, it's fine! I'm going to take the dress off now," I sputtered, slightly panicked. Pansy smirked in victory and shoved Gwen off of her, dusting herself off where they had been in contact like she was now infected by a disease.

"Adelaide, you don't have to-" Gwen protested, but I was already returning from the stall with the satin dress in my shakey hands and hesitantly extending it toward Pansy. She snatched it from my grip and strutted away without a single word in thanks.

Gwen inhaled like she was about to go off on a tangent, but before she could get a single word out I was already back inside the changing stall, absentmindedly reaching for the last dress on the hook, not really paying attention to what it was. My thoughts drifted back to the realization that I had just let a second Slytherin harass me. What was with me today? Embarrassment had its sweaty hands wrapped around my throat but when I stepped out to take a look in the glistening mirrors, my jaw dropped and the events of this day vanished from my mind.

"Holy Hufflepuff..." Gwen muttered.

The gown was off the shoulder and simply the most stunning thing I've ever seen: layers of blush, gold, pale yellow, and peach tulle blended together to beautifully resemble a sunrise - the kind that you wake up to on a spring morning knowing that your day will be better simply because you got to witness it.

"I swear to Merlin if you don't buy that dress right now.." Gwen laughed, never taking her eyes off of it. I couldn't seem to look away from my relfection either - I didn't even recognize myself. I've never felt this beautiful in my life. "You look stunning. Cedric will simply drop dead when he sees you in that," she added, shaking her head slightly. I blushed, a little flustered from the compliments.

"Come on, let's go pay for these."

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