Restrained Addiction

By qveen54

658K 25K 5.2K

Read my first novella "Chained" before you read this story. More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9.
Chapter 10.
Chapter 11 part one
Hey guys
Chapter 11 part 2
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
ANSWERS. Curiosity killed the Cat :)
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22.
Please and Gracias.
Chapter 23 part 1
Chapter 23 part 2.
Chapter 24
Chapter 25.
Chapter 26 part 1
Chapter 26 part 2
Chapter 27.
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31.
To my Bad ass Readers !
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34.
Chapter 35 part 1
Chapter 35 part 2
Chapter 37
Just a lil side note for you messy asses !
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Just so you knooowwww
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Move, move ! Get out di way !
Untitled Part 55
Get yo coinsss Hun

Chapter 36

11.8K 492 188
By qveen54

Jordan in MM

Milyn POV 

I woke up and saw Montell stretched out at the bottom of the bed. I silently laughed to myself and grabbed my phone off the nightstand. I unlocked it and turned my camera on. I leaned over and took a picture of the side of his face. I posted it on Instagram, captioning it with, "Guess Who ?". After I posted it, I locked my phone back and sat it on the night stand.

I got up from the bed and started getting my clothes ready. I sat my clothes in the bathroom and my other hygiene products. I walked out the bathroom, "Montell." I began to poke his face, "Montell wake up."

He shifted a little but he still didn't wake up, "Montell !" I yelled. I watched as he jumped out his skin, "What the fuck Milyn ?" He asked, rubbing the sleep from is eyes.

"I kept poking you but you wouldn't budge. So I had to yell your name." I shrugged, "But i'm soon about to take my shower."

He nodded, "Ima go home and change. Text me later if you're not up to shit."

I watched as he started putting his shoes on, "Okay. Just lock the door behind you please."


Once he left the room I jumped straight into the shower.

Tyler POV 

Class was over and I picked up my things and left. I unlocked my phone and called Jordan. On the second ring she answered.

Jordan: Hey Ty.

Me: Wassup Jordan? What you doing ?

Jordan: Sitting here being bored. Nothing really, I miss you.

Me: I miss you too. You coming to the game tonight ?

Jordan: Yep, front row for my baby.

I heard her laugh and I smiled a little, "Bet, i'll see you tonight."

"Okay, Love you."

"Love you too."  

I hung up and slid the phone back in my pocket. So far in life everything seems to be going good. Jordan stays down at my place since i'm up here in school. I heard that Cheyenne had the baby and I called her and Chris to congratulate them. Chris now has two kids, a boy and a girl. That should interesting.

As for Milyn, I haven't really heard anything from her. Yeah, i'll always love her but life goes on. I'll admit, it is crazy how we drifted from each other like that. She was mine. I was hers. We trusted each other, we were committed and it was great. Then one day something changed. We argued more and I really did it by lying to her. I know how stubborn she is so I let her cool down. But we stopped talking to each other. I really knew that she meant she was done. Love doesn't just go away. Watching her pretend to be happy or be happy without me won't stop hurting. I remember see her reaction when she first saw Jordan. She may had on a stone face but I knew that she was really hurt. But who's fault was that? Let's be honest, she left me. I do miss her but I found someone else to be in my life. It might sound harsh but it is what it is. 

I walked inside the building and down to LJ's dorm. I moved out the dorms and to the apartments down the block. LJ place is just a shorter walk for me.

I knocked and waited for him to answer. He opened the door and I walked right in.

"Wassup LJ ?"

We dapped each other and I sat down on his computer chair, "Chillin lately, wassgud ?"

"Got a game tonight, so i'm just about to chill until then."

"Jay coming ?"

LJ met Jordan couple times when she came down to visit me. He thinks she's cool people.

"Yeah. You coming tonight ?"

"If I finish this essay shit on time but i'll see if I can come through."

I nodded, "I'll hit you up later." I walked out his room and down the hall. Time to relax until then.

Milyn POV 

"I just got word about a game at UCLA." Montell said as I put the phone on speaker.

I helped Mell get out the car as I closed his door. We started walking to the front door, "Mommy a game !" Mell yelled with excitement. I unlocked the door as I held the phone in my other hand.

"Umm... I don't Montell." I replied unsure.

"Mommy please." Mell begged. I watched as he pouted and gave me the puppy dog eyes as his curls fell all over his face. Who can say no to that face? Curse his cuteness.

"If you don't want to go we can do -"

"No it's okay. We'll go."

"Cool, just give me 15."

"Okay, bye."


HI hung up and shifted my eyes towards Mell. He was smiling from ear to ear.



"Who is this your listening to ?" I asked him.

We were half way to the game. We left early because it's a two hour ride and that'll actually give Mell some time to sleep before the game starts. He can't handle long rides.

"Logic." He replied.

"I never heard of him."

He glanced at me then back at the road, "You live under a rock or some shit ?"

I laughed a little, "What ever."

He reached down and turned the radio up a few notches. He started rapping some lines, "That body one of a kind / I'd be lyin If I said I wasn't tryna make you mine." He winked at me and gave the road back his attention, "I could give you my number / you could give me what ever / we'll have a hell of a time."

I looked at the window and let him continue to rap to himself.

We got to the game and I woke Mell up ten minutes before we were even close, so he'll be some kind of awake.

"Ready for the court ?" I asked Mell.

I waited for him to get out the car before I closed his door. Montell walked up to us and I grabbed Mell's hand.

 We walked inside Montell guided Mell and I down the row of front row seats. He stopped in the middle and I sat Mell in the center of us two.

Some of the players were practicing before the game start. I watched as they laughed and horsed around.

"Mommy look it's da- Tyler." Mell said.

I had to break Mell out of the moment of calling Tyler daddy. I looked up and saw Tyler talking with the other players across from us. If Tyler's here then that means... I looked over and saw Jordan a few seats from us. She was in the first row too. I sighed and i'm guessing Montell heard me because he looked up. He saw Tyler across the court, "You wanna -"

"Nah, i'm good. We can stay."

He rose a brow, "You sure ?"

I nodded and looked around the place to see if any other surprises were here. How could my ass not know that tjis was Tyler's game? He goes to school here ! This is my first time seeing him in like two months. To be specific, Shai birthday.



The game just ended and home team won with 35 to 12. Every time someone would make a shot Mell would jump up and down for about two minutes or ask if I saw it. This was an interesting experience. I wanted to go home so badly but I stuck it out for Mell. I know that he would be devastated if we had to leave the game. Montell was making me laugh with his jokes, it helped me take my mind off the obvious. We took some pictures and I captioned one, "My M babies." and posted it a few minutes ago.

I collected my trash as I stood up getting ready to go. "Mommy can I say hi to Tyler ?"

If I say no then that'll seem petty. I don't want Mell in the middle of our problems, "Yeah but come right back."

"Okay." He nodded and ran across the court to Tyler and Jordan.

"I admire you for that." Montell said, "You don't let the past reflect on Mell."

"I just don't want to be one of those types." I shrugged.

I watched as Tyler picked Mell up and gave him a hug as Jordan smiled. I'm glad she's not a petty bitch. I haven't fought in a while. They laughed and smiled. Tyler had put Mell back down as he ran back over to me.

 "Ready ?" I asked him.

He nodded and we proceeded off the court.


"I had fun with you today. I bet Mell did too."

I smiled as I turned around in my seat to see Mell sleeping. Montell parked the car in my driveway, "Yeah, it was cool. I didn't mean to make you feel awkward with your ex there and shit."

"It's okay. I barely paid him attention."

I got out the car and opened the back door. I unbuckled Mell and picked him up, toting him on my side. I closed the door gently with my feet.

"Can you come open the front door ?" I asked Montell.


He got out his running car and jogged out to the other side. He walked with me to the front door, "The keys are in my pocket."

He dug through my front pocket for the keys and unlocked the front door, "Thanks." I said, walking inside.

"I'll see you tomorrow Milyn."

"Okay, just text me or something."

He nodded and locked the front door before closing it after him. I walked down the hall to lay Mell down in his bed. After I got him situated, I changed out my pants and climbed in my bed. Today was a cool day.



Excuse any spelling or grammar error's.

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