Tolkien oneshots, imagines, m...

By Eldacala

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A collection of headcanons, oneshots, imagines, poems, memes and art, ranging from the raging Feanorians to g... More

And so it begins
Imagine Gimli whacking Feanor...
Thranduil x reader- The Cookie Thieves
Just a couple memes...
Telperion Lairë
Imagine if the Arkenstone was a Silmaril...
Legolas sister!reader xMeludir- Brother
Lord of the memes
Cirdan, Hall of Shells- headcanon
Legolasxreader- Stone and Flowers (soulmate AU)
Elrond is fire Elmo- Tolkien discoveries
How to celebrate Tolkien week + challenge
How to celebrate like a Hobbit
Imagine convincing Elrond to send Elves to Helms Deep by telling him a story...
Legolasxreader- Fangorn
I bid you stand! People of Middle Earth!- Amazon update
MerryxOC- Letters
Memes! And A/N
The Laughing Terrors- Fili, Kili and reader
The Fire- Maedhros, Maglor and Reader PART 1
Lords and Ladies of Imladris-pics
Glorfindel headcanon ft. The Company- Is that my blade?
Legolas headcanons
Feanor-- Forgotten

SunxMoon- Where are you?

433 10 1
By Eldacala

Warning: very AU
Note: each dot represents a shift in POV

Her daughter was missing, and the moon was stationary—Tilion was nowhere.
The Elves began to wonder why the moon had stayed in place for the last three days. In all their years they have never seen the moon stay still. Even the ones who were older than the moon confirmed the suspicions of the younger ones. This should not be happening.
Despite her husband and daughter missing she still had a job to do. So, she continued to burn her way through the skies, hoping to catch a glimpse of either one. After all, being Earth's personal star did have its advantages.
There was only one Elf who wasn't looking for the moon. Instead, he was looking for his tan-skinned, silver-eyed beauty of a friend, but it seemed like she was nowhere. He continued to walk through the white halls, after searching for what seemed like hours, he finally stopped at a certain door. He knocked twice, then entered. Of course, she wasn't there. But as he was about to leave, his eyes caught something lying on her bed. He swiftly scooped it up. Only two words were on the note:

    Error 404

He looked around the room again, the gold and silver sparkles that lived in her room was gone. How could he not notice?
She had begun to awaken the people of Lindon with her searing light as she searched the earth for her favorite Maia.

'Of course,' she thought 'there are places within the earth I cannot reach.' She sighed, but continued on her task of guiding the light.
Laito looked out the window to see gold and silver sparkles littering the leaves on the ground.

His sweet, sweet laughter rang out. 'Should have known.' He laughed again.

He ran to his quarters only for a moment to gather his bow, before racing back down the halls. Knocking down a few grumpy Elves who didn't sing enough. It was only a matter of time before he picked up the sparkle trail and took off once more.
Arien watched in curiosity as the elf started running. She smiled, and the whole world became brighter, making it easier for the Elf lad; he was going in the right direction.
This is it. This is where the silver sparkle trial ended. At the end of a cliff.

It was a deep gorge, with even deeper waters at the bottom. If he jumped and was lucky, he would only wreck his back, brake an arm, and twist his ankle. Of course there was also the possibility of passing out on impact.

'Worth it.'
She was surprised. Laito actually left his beloved bow behind. He put it down and left it where anyone could take the coveted bow. And for what? So he could try to dive an impossible height that would surely killed him?

'The boy's got it bad.'
'This is so fun! I'm a bird!' Laito thought as he flew through the air.

'That's close.' He sucked in a breath.

'Cold.' He hit the water, 'ow' it hurt.

His head was beginning to throb with what could possibly be his first headache. But that was just the kind of day he was having; first a mysterious 'error 404' message (what ever that means) then a Silver Sparkle Trail, and now a headache. Who knows what would happen next? A falling star?

'Well that would explain all the glitz—it's getting ridiculous.' He was practically swimming in it now. 'Too much glitter.'

He wanted to gag, but he rolled his eyes instead. If he gagged now he would get a throat full of glittery water.

"Laito's Death of Glitter" he could here it now, the song his fair kin would carry remembering his unlikely demise.

He would never hear the end of it.
* * *
They were deep underwater, but they were dry. The cave was large, and they had asked Uinen and Osse to move the water for a short time. Uinen was excited to do it and was even able to convince her husband to cooperate, after much grumbling... there would definitely be a thunderstorm and some very shaken sailors when this was over.

'Worth it.' Mal thought with a smile, her tan skin radiating just a little more glow.

Laito's head surfaced, and he saw a beautiful but scowling ellon sitting in front of his Maldacalima. Maybe he would need his bow, if only he had it...

"If you ever need me too take you far away from here, let me know. You could join the others..." the tall silver guy said.

"Adar, its fine," Mal said, Laito was confused father? "he passed the test." They both turn to look at him in unison.

"Your lucky he's not mortal, he would've died." Her father said. "Laito, you're very foolish. Do you realize? Why did you come?"

'Now that's a good question,' he thought as he scramble out of the frigid waters. 'Why did I come here?'

"I wanted to make  sure Mal was safe."

"Mal?" Her father asked in a dead tone, he did not look happy.

"Maldacalima." Laito corrected, and he received a dazzling smile from her. One that made his eyes hurt as she walked over and gave him a warm hug.

"I can take care of myself." She whispered.

After a few more moments of irritation, Tilion walked over to the pair and roughly pulled them apart.

"Alright," Tilion started, it seemed like the silvery glow of his skin was getting colder each moment. "I've watched you enough to know that you a decent enough person. But if you ever stop being worthy, I will not hesitate to send you to Mandos. I have many friends there."

"Oh" he cleared his throat "ok?"

"You have permission to marry my daughter."


And they all lived happily ever after. Until the next war...

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