My dads best friend

By jobarnett24

595K 11.9K 883

Paisley jones is the oldest daughter of Memphis Jones. She fell for her dads best friend, Logan Matthews. Goi... More

1. Stop asking questions
2. Art class
3. Logan
4. Of course
5. Anything, please anything
6. This stops now
7. Embaressment and jokes
8. It's ok
9. Nightmare
10. First kiss
11. I love you
12. I'm ready
13. Stay home
14. I'm taken
15. I've got you
16. Let me treat you
17. They are old enough
18. Nate
19. Aren't you too young?
20. Nate does
21. I will... stop!
22. It's not possible
23. What's going on
24. I fucked up
25. What do you want to do?
26. Today is the day
27. Scan
28. Houses
29. Wedding
31. The gender is...
32. It's a...
33. Welcome home
34. Baby names
35. Baby shopping
36. It's happening
37. Xavier Lucas
38. Coming home
39. Three years later
40. How was the date?
41. Just tell him
42. Day out
43. I can't ruin his happiness
44. Meeting
45. Lunch gone wrong
46. Night out
47. Come home with me
48. You have no idea
49. Confessions
50. Lewis & Ivory
51. Sebastian & Kirsty
52. Autumn & Cole
53. I crashed in a spare room
54. Cramps
55. I'm done
56. It's over
57. Ice cream
58. You're replacing the bed
59. Red cheeks and hugs
60. Why are you here?
61. Weekend away
62. It'll be ok
63. Another one
64. You ready?
65. Mr and Mrs Matthews
66. I can't believe you
67. All good things must come to an end
Authors note!!!
Authors Note

30. After party

6.9K 157 4
By jobarnett24

Logan POV

After the wedding, everyone started making their way to the after party. As I drove Lewis, autumn and Sebastian, paisley went in the car with Martha.

"How long will it take to get to the party?" Sebastian asked me.

"Not long. Why?" I chuckled at his usual kid question.

"I want to see my dads." He shrugged then started playing on his phone.

Soon enough, we got to a pub where we'd all have a meal then do all the after wedding shit. I'm so happy for my friends but I can't seem to show it. All that's on my mind is paisley and our baby.

Danny, Memphis, Martha, autumn, Sebastian, Lewis, paisley, Christian, Gabbie and I all sat on one long table. I was next to Memphis, Gabbie next to Danny and so on. I had Lewis on my other side, autumn next to him then Sebastian and paisley at the end.

"I'd like to make a toast." Martha stood up. "To my wonderful son in law, I can't ask for a better man to be with my little boy. He may be a grown man but will be forever my baby boy. And I have never seen him happier than when his is with you and your kids. To Memphis and Danny." She raised her glass with everyone else.

"Memphis and Danny." The guests raised their glasses and took a sip. All the adults had champagne while the kids had coke or something like that. We all took a sip then went back to normal.

Once everyone had eaten, we all vacated to a hall with a bar. People were congratulating the happy couple and giving them wedding gifts. 

For the wedding I had on dark navy blue trousers with a matching waist coat, a blue and white striped shirt and a dark blue tie. I had a jacket to match my trousers and waist coat but took that off from all the heat radiating from the many people in the room.

Me, Memphis, Nate, Danny, Chris and Alfie were all laughing and joking with each other. Typical men things with beers in our hands. Lewis, autumn and Sebastian were sat with Gabbie, my mum and Martha.

Alfie and Memphis had made up a couple years ago so they were having that father son time as well. It was all well and good until I looked over at paisley. She was sat at the bar looking a bit pale and breathing in through her nose and out of her mouth with one hand on her bump.

I excused myself from the men and went over to sit next to her. "Hey, you alright?"

"Yeah, just feeling nauseous." She smiled a little. "Dr Abbott said it's just nerves from today and I'll be ok when I get home or something. But it's natural to feel like this throughout the pregnancy."

"Nothing too serious then? Do you want me to take you home?"

"No, no I'm ok. Just need to think of something else. I thought I'd be ok here but with all the people looking at me doesn't help." Paisley laughed nervously.

"Hey, don't listen to them or them thoughts in your head. It was your choice to have the baby and that's fine. And if no one can see how happy you are with that decision then screw them. They don't matter to you, the only thing that should matter to you at the moment is your family and most of all your baby." I told her.

"They're your baby to." She rolled her eyes with a smile.

"Oh I know they are." I smirked then laughed. "Just don't let them get to you. And if it gets to much, just ask me or someone to take you home."

"Thanks. I guess I needed that." Paisley smiled gratefully.

"No problem. When do you find out the gender?" I asked.

"Tomorrow so I'll be fave timing dad and pa after. Do you know where they are going for their honeymoon?" She asked before taking a bit of her drink.

"Yes, they're going to Venice, so romantic." I rolled my eyes and fake gagged.

"Yeah I feel the same. How's everything at the new house?"

"Good. I've only done my room up because I'm waiting for the gender to do the baby room. That's if you'll let me have him or her sometimes. I know you'll be protective for the first year or two so I'll just put in a young child's bed instead of a cot or something like that." I told her.

"Did you think I wouldn't let you have part custody of our baby?" Paisley frowned. "I may be a Bitch but I'd never let my baby from seeing his or her dad. Of course you can make up a room but like you said, I'll be protective for the first year or two. There is nothing stopping you from seeing your baby or having them over nights a couple times a week or whenever they want to."

"Ok, just making sure before I do anything. I didn't want to get my hopes up and then you say I can't have them over night or on weekends." I sighed.

"Logan they're your baby as well. I have two amazing parents and I want that for our child. They'll have both their parents, even if we aren't together it will happen wether you like it or not." Paisley smiled with a laugh.

"You truly do amaze me, paisley Martha." I chuckled before taking a sip of my beer.

"And you amaze me." She replied.

We sat there for a while just talking about the baby. Just like old friends getting along, not just for the sake of our baby but because that's just how we are.

Me and paisley have always been able to talk to each other about anything and everything under the sun and make jokes about it and laugh unless it's a serious situation.

"Hey, there's my little baby." Paisley laughed and looked down at her bump. "They're kicking. Do you want to feel?"

I have felt them kick before a couple times which was the best experiences of my life. Being able to feel them makes this more real than anything. It makes me feel more than ready to raise this baby sigh paisley than I have done anything in my life.

I nodded then put my hand on her belly. She moved it to the side where I immediately felt our baby kick. Like always it brought a smile on my face.

"This will always be the best thing I've ever felt." I mumbled.

"Same with me. It's been a real experience that I'm glad I chose to do. They're apart of me now and I'm attached already." Paisley giggled.

"Yeah so am I." I smiled. Am I glad paisley chose to keep the baby? Yes I fucking am. And I will love both of them unconditionally.

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