Does That Make Me Crazy? Kuro...

By Fool4Toga

33.4K 971 854

TRIGGER WARNING!: Cancer, abuse, death, suicide, sex, depression, and too much cuteness All is well between K... More

-FINALE- Part 23


1.3K 36 22
By Fool4Toga


An hour later, I fell on the bed next to Kenma, panting. It felt amazing. His light kisses, his hair, his lips, his touch. Kenma brushed his hair out of his face and put it back into a ponytail.

"I kind of liked it..." Kenma said, "Does that make me crazy?" He asked. I stroked his cheek.

"No, why would it?"

"I rarely find anything fun or interesting except video games, Hinata...and... you. But I didn't find you interesting until a while ago." What Kenma was saying made sense.

"I guess you are a little crazy then," I told him. He threw a pillow in my face.

"You were supposed to say, 'Of course not, Kitten.'" Kitten? Did he tell me to call him Kitten?

"Kitten?" I teased. Kenma laid on top of me to make it hard for me to breathe. It didn't work. All it did was make me say, "Cute," which caused his ears to turn red and him to bury his face in my chest in an attempt to hide. Even cuter, I thought. It was moments like this when I forgot about cancer. It was times when Kenma fell asleep on top of me when I forgot anything was wrong at all.

I woke up later in the day with Kenma asleep on top of me. I stroked his soft hair, only to accidentally take along a bunch of hair with my hand. I sighed, remembering. I wished I could forget again. I gently moved Kenma off of me and went to throw the hair in the trash. He woke up and noticed what I was doing.

"After you throw out my hair, can you please put some clothes on?" He asked. I realized I was still naked.

"Of course! I am so sorry!"

"It's fine. Hey, Kuroo can you help me with something?"

"Sure, anything for you."

"Could you shave my head? My hair is going to keep falling out, so might as well." I winced. I didn't want to. If I shaved his head, I wouldn't be able to look at him and forget about cancer. No. This wasn't about me. If he wanted his head shaved, I would do it. I would do anything for him.

"Of course. Get dressed and meet me in the bathroom," I said, kissing the top of his head. I headed to the spare room and took a chair. I placed it in the bathroom and got a razor. I shook. I wasn't ready for this. Kenma trudged down the hallway and came into the bathroom. He sat down and closed his eyes. "Want me to start?" I asked. He nodded. I turned the razor on and shaved off one strand of hair. Then another. Then another. Soon enough, Kenma was bald. "I guess this is goodbye to pudding hair," I joked. Kenma didn't laugh. Instead, he cried. The anvil fell on my heart. I quickly hugged him and comforted him. I wanted to cry too, but I didn't want to break my promise more than I wanted to cry.

In the next few days, Kenma went to school on his own. I sat alone most of the day and focused on the homework Kenma brought back for me every day. Sometimes, when I got bored, I would practice spiking in the gym at my apartment or talk on the phone with Bokuto. On Thursday afternoon, my phone rang. It was Bokuto. I picked it up.

"HEY HEY HEY!" Bokuto yelled from the phone. I winced and moved it away from my ear. I heard Akaashi's voice in the background yelling at Bokuto to shut up. I laughed.

"Hey, Bokuto," I replied.

"How's Kenma?"

"He's been better," I said, "the nights are the hardest. He gets these weird stomach aches. Sometimes he throws up, sometimes he doesn't. This chemo is beating him up. He still looks more of the same, though. Just bald. No more pudding head."

"Oh well. I guess I will just have to think of something else to poke fun at. Maybe I'll call him Baldie's Basics." I laughed.

"He'll get annoyed."

"I don't care. Hey! I have an idea! Let's all have a double date. I'll bring Akaashi and you bring Kenma. Tell him to bring his Nintendo. Akaashi had been really into this game called Pokemon Sword." I laughed.

"That's funny. Kenma likes Pokemon Shield. Maybe they can argue about which one is better or something. That would cheer Kenma up. Does Sunday work? I have volleyball practice on Saturday."

"Yes! Your place or mine?"

"Kenma doesn't like driving, so you come to us. We can do it at my place."

"Sounds good! We can order pork cutlet bowls!"

"Yeah!" Someone yelled for Bokuto.

"Oh! I gotta go spike something! Bye!" Bokuto hung up the phone. I sighed. Seeing a good friend would be nice. I was hungry. I walked outside my house and headed to the boba shop. Kenma would like some, I thought. The bar was next to the shop. I glanced inside. My eyes widened at the sight of my dad. I saw him making out with some chick that wasn't my mom. She looked about twenty. He cupped her breast. I looked away and thought I was going to puke. My dad was worse than I thought. No. He wasn't my dad. I refused to think that. He was just an old, drunk man. Not my dad. I didn't have a dad. The closest thing I had to a parent was Kenma's mom. I walked into the boba shop and ordered a chocolate milk boba for Kenma and green tea for me. I also got some pocky sticks. I got chocolate for Kenma and vanilla for me. I walked out of the shop with the food and drinks at the same time the old man walked out of the bar with the chick. I looked down, hoping he wouldn't notice me. God wasn't feeling nice today. The old man approached me.

"Your mom misses you, son! What are you doing? Come home!"

"I'm not the son of a man who cheats on his wife," I replied, coldly staring into his eyes.

"Come on, sonny boy. She's a good kisser! Maybe you could go out with her." I puked in my mouth a little.

"Excuse me, Tetsuro, I have to get home to my boyfriend. The boyfriend who I am loyal to." I watched Tetsuro's face start to anger. Before I knew it, he'd slapped me in the face. The woman backed away from him. I picked up the boxes of Pocky sticks that had dropped on the floor. The woman Tetsuro was with backed away slowly with fear.

"Tetsuro, you didn't tell me you had a son or a wife. And you didn't tell me you slapped him."

"Look at what ya did now, sonny!" Tetsuro yelled. "Ya lost me this hot chick!" I watched him pull out a pocket knife. The woman screamed and ran away. The old man limped towards me. I backed away slowly.

"Leave. Me. Alone."

"Aw now sonny, that isn't very nice, is it?" He put the knife to my neck. "Little boys, who disobey their fathers gotta be punished, don't they?" He smelled like alcohol. I punched him in the face and ran. I felt something slice my arm. I winced and ran. My house wasn't safe. I went to Kenma's instead. I knocked on the door, and Kenma opened it.

"Hey," I panted, "I got you some snacks." Kenma's eyes smiled. Then they noticed the wound.

"What's that?" he asked.

"Oh. I got cut."

"Was it your dad?"

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