Oceans Wrath (A Percy Jackson...

By Ernesto5700

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The Daughter of an interdimensional conqueror. A New God. An Amazon Demigoddess Warrior Princess who ascends... More

Chapter 1 - Dreams
Chapter 2 - First Mission
Chapter 3 - Doors Of Death
Chapter 4 - Mission Report
Chapter 5 - Enchanted Duct Tape
Chapter 6 - Johena the Dolphin
Chapter 7 - Interview
Chapter 8 - Lasso of Truth
Chapter 10 - Riptide 2.0
Chapter 11 - Adam
Chapter 12 - Domain of Lost Experiment
Chapter 13 - Vote
Chapter 14 - Conversing
Chapter 15 - Android
Chapter 16 - Amazo
Chapter 17 - Daughters of Zeus
Chapter 18 - Olympus
Chapter 19 - Artemis' First Day
Chapter 20 - Closure and The Stranger
Chapter 21 - Kara Zor-El
Chapter 22 - Pirates Marathon
Chapter 23 - Father's Domains
Chapter 24 - The New God of War

Chapter 9 - Progress

5.8K 120 9
By Ernesto5700

I do not own any PJO or DC Characters, Rick Riordan and DC Comics does

Chapter 9 - Progress

Mount Justice

It didn't take long for Raven to figure out what she wasn't good at: hand-to-hand combat. Canary would have no mercy on her when they would spar, and every time she would try and correct Raven she'd still end up on her back within the next five seconds.

"Make sure your feet are shoulder width apart, Raven." Fail. "Bend your knees a little," Fail. "Don't cross your feet when circling your opponent," Fail.

It was to the point she wasn't sure if she was improving these past few weeks. In fact, she was so untrained that past the two missions the Batman had for them, Raven didn't go. Granted, one was to gather Intel on a Venom distribution and the other was to check a weather anomaly at the harbor, and both of those ended in battles. So Raven wasn't all to upset, if she was going to help people and have to fight for others, she'd rather figure out her weaknesses so she could actually help the team instead of being a casualty and hindering them.

As Raven was lost in her thoughts, Canary lunged forward, grabbed her arm, spun around and put Raven on her stomach with her arm behind her back. Fail. "Never lose focus in a fight Raven. That could be the difference between life and death. Also, don't be afraid to hit back, in a fight your opponent won't be holding back, so you are going to have to give it your all. Understand?"

Raven nodded and stood up, trying to loosen up her shoulder. "I just don't get why I'm not seeing improvement. It's like I do what you say, but it just doesn't work." Dinah smiled at the girl. "Well, I have been training for years. And don't worry, your not the only one getting their butt handed to them. The whole team still has a ways to go before they can match my combat skills and experience, even Robin, and he's been training for 4 years."

Raven sighed, "Yeah but at least Robin can go for a few minutes before you get him."

"Well, he does have field experience. That's how you really improve. You can train for years and years, but seeing how you do out in the real world, that's where you actually improve. I'll convince Batman to send you on the next mission, hopefully that way you can see that you actually improved and you find out what you need to work on. You won't be alone, and your teammates are more than capable. Also, it would he a good chance to work together as a full team in the field."

"Are you sure that's a good idea?"

Canary nodded, "You have improved Raven, a lot. Plus, you have a pretty good grasp on your own powers so you'll do great. This is the only way to see how much you've grown these past few weeks."
"If you're sure, then I'm down. Any idea when the next mission will be?"

"Unfortunately, I do not. Only Batman gives the missions as of right now. But I wouldn't doubt if it was soon. The League is stretched thin all over the world, soon this team is going to have to step up and take on bigger responsibilities. From what I know, Batman is starting with smaller missions and going to gradually give you guys tougher ones. You will all need as much experience in the field as you can possibly get. Don't let these opportunities go to waste Raven."

"I will try my best Dinah."

"That is all I can ask of you right now, Raven. Now, go shower, you stink."

"Yes Ma'am," Raven responded before heading off towards her room to shower.

She got clothes and headed towards the bathroom, making sure the water was hot before getting in. The hot water for some reason always seemed to calm her down, and she just loved the feeling. Every time she took a shower or ate a meal, she was reminded that these people took her in and gave her a home and family, and for the most part they were nice.

Even Superboy was starting to break out of his shell, little by little. Instead of just grunting all the time, he's graduated towards saying upwards of ten sentences a day while her and M'gann were home. Progress.

Raven smiled, even the visions had stopped. After the third one, the green eyed man had stopped haunting her dreams and hijacking her visions, which she appreciated.

Though she still did have questions, like who was he, why did he fight in a war, and what was it he promised? She shook herself out of her thoughts before getting out of the shower. She dried off and got dressed. Robin had taken her shopping last week, and she had bought a bunch of black, purple and dark blue clothes. And hoodies, you can't
forget the hoodies.

She left the bathroom and made her way to the living room where she was met by M'gann.

"Hey Raven, how was training today?"

"Oh you know, the same. Got my butt handed to me. Though Canary did say she was going to try and convince Batman to let me go on the next mission, so that's something."

"Really? That's great! Wait till I tell the team, they'll be so excited!"

"Yeah, yeah. Where is everyone anyway?"

"The rest of the team went home and Superboy is in the gym working out. He's trying really hard in his training, trying to better himself. It's admirable." Meg had a dreamylook on her face, and Raven smiled. She could tell the Martian had a crush on the clone, and really wanted him to get out of his shell.

"Well, since everyone is away, what do you want to do?"

Meg shrugged, "Want to go for a ride in the bioship?" Raven only rode in the ship a few times, but the ship was alive. She could feel her emotions, and they usually calmed Raven. She nodded, "Yeah sure, I'll leave a note for Superboy and Red Tornado." She picked up a notepad and pen from the table and wrote the note.

After, she followed Meg to her ship and boarded. "Hey girl, let's go for a ride." The ship roared to life as the bay doors on the side of the mountain opened, and they flew out into the evening sky.

Raven was pretty relaxed, looking out the window as the city below flew by underneath them. The ship was in camouflage mode, so no one was going to be able to see them.

As she was looking out the window, something caught her attention.

"Hey Meg, go back I think I saw something." The Martian looked back at her before turning the ship around.

"There! Open up the floor quick!"

"What is it?"

"Just hurry!"

She opened up a hole in the floor and Raven flew out, into a dark alley. M'gann followed her, and they were greeted by two guys cornering a young lady. Meg gasped, but Raven held up her hand, telling her that she had this. Meg nodded nervously.

"We don't wanna hurt you miss, just come with us and don't scream, or that'll be the last sound you ever make."

Raven got mad, they were not going to take advantage of a woman like that, definitely not on her watch.

"Hey! Leave her alone and back away from her. She doesn't want to go with you, you freaks."

The two guys turned around, and when they saw Raven floating there they froze for a split second before laughing.

"Oh yeah? And what's a teenager like you going to do about it, huh? I don't care if you're a meta, it still doesn't make you a hero."

The two doubled over in laughter, but before they knew what happened, they weren't on the ground anymore. They were wrapped in shadows floating in the air, the darkness around them slowly squeezing the oxygen from their systems.

"People like you are what ruin this world. You don't deserve to be free, you belong in a cell. You disgust me," with that, Raven threw them against the brick wall of the alley, hard. The two men were knocked out on impact and Raven turned towards the young lady. She was shivering, but as Raven landed on the ground the woman ran up to her and hugged her, surprising her. She wasn't used to physical contact.

"Thank you, thank you, thank you! I don't know what would've happened if they had taken me with them. Thank you so much!"

Raven slowly hugged the woman, "Of course, miss. I saw what they were trying to do and no matter what I could not let that happen. Just make sure to call the cops to get these two scumbags into a prison, alright?"
"Yes, of course, of course. Thank you again, miss."

"You're welcome, ma'am. Just be careful at night, alright?"

The woman nodded, and with that, the two superheroines flew back to the ship. Once inside, Meg also hugged Raven. "That was awesome Raven! You definitely showed those two evil pigs what was up. I really can't wait till you go on missions with us, things are definitely going to be a whole lot more interesting."

As Meg pulled away from the hug and went back to the controls, Raven again looked out the window towards the alley of where she just saved that girl. "Yeah," she muttered to herself, "It just might be."

A/N So this had a little bit of plot, not really. This was more like a filler chapter to show what Raven has done the past few weeks and what they were doing
before her first actual mission with the team. I'm probably going to follow the plot of Young Justice loosely, I don't necessarily want the villain to be the Light, but they will be making an appearance most likely. Also, the Themyscira story arc is about to start and I am super excited to write about that, and
to finally explain what his domain's are and reveal his Godly weapon. For those who didn't know, it's not the black and gold sword, but I am going to explain
that too, in time. Basically, I'm excited. Also I'm curious, does anyone have any guesses on what Percy's two oaths were that he made? I want to read some
theories, they'll be entertaining. Anywho, till next time guys.

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