Blood & Power [Book One of Th...

By SurroundMe

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[Watty's 2022 Shortlist!] CURRENTLY EDITING 4/27 In the City of Eternity, Nika's life is one of decadence and... More

1.1: Crave
1.2: Endure
1.3: Pugilism
1.4: Surreptitious
1.5: Concurrence
1.6: Unease
1.8: Revelation
1.9: Encounter
1.10: Begin
1.11: Survive
1.12: Authority
1.13: Youth
1.14: Choice
1.15: Disloyalty
1.16: Bond
1.17: Whimsy
1.18: Reunite
1.19: Infinity
1.20: Fondness
1.21: Altruistic
1.22: Disillusionment
1.23: Culmination
1.24: Shattered
1.25: Retrieval
1.26: Estrange
1.27: Golden

1.7: Chivalry

88 8 0
By SurroundMe

Leaving Rudhairi's office I had to come to terms with the fact that the sunrise was coming soon, and there wouldn't be much time to gather those children and bundle them through the zone without someone seeing if I wasn't careful. This promise I had made seemed to be weighing heavily on my mind; the pleading golden eyes had made me lose my strength. My body was in two ways about the whole thing; They had gotten themselves into this mess, surely, they could navigate their own way out of it. But then, would I be content with the knowledge that if the two had died because I did not help it would be my fault?

I had decided to drop back in on Seventeen before I made my way to the outskirts; if Adrienne didn't see my face every so often she'd run and tell Kara, and if Kara ended up worried then I'd have her clutching to my arm like a scared kitten for a few days. I couldn't handle that kind of attention right now.

The dispute in my mind had gone on until Kara had pushed herself onto the armchair in front of me, tilting her head to look me in the eyes. She was squirming in her chair excitedly and without speaking a word I could tell her energy would be too much for me to handle tonight.

"We have to go out, Nika! There are so many delectable people booked in to come tonight!" She demands, pushing herself to the edge of the seat with her head in her hands, "I went on a visit to Central with Adrienne whilst she was at her weekly meeting and hit up an old friend who showed off the roster of people who purchased tickets; there are so many young ones with O blood types. I think you'll find something you like there..."

"Kara-" I began to protest, I knew fine well the delights of Ruby were bountiful tonight, my trip earlier was enough to satisfy that, and I had other plans that didn't include Kara. An excuse forming in my mind that isn't given a chance to truly come into its own before she interrupts me giddily.

"Don't give me any excuses!" She grins, moving from the chair and onto my lap. Her smile only becomes wider as my face holds a line, "I've spent more time with Adrienne than you. That's just not okay. So come on, let's go."

"I have some people to meet, Kara," I reply honestly, but her demeanour shifts completely. A hollow scowl plastered on her face as her arms crossed.

"What a pathetic excuse," She says through gritted teeth. In a moment she shifted off my lap and walked back towards the hallway, shouting over her shoulder, "If you don't want to spend time with me, just tell me!"

I can't find the words to shout back at her, and even when I do get up to follow her I lose the patience for an argument as soon as I reach the hallway. Often our arguments were emotionally draining and required a specific appetite and flare for the dramatics. She was now coming down from a blood high, returning to small supplements every day, which only brought out her almost-childlike tantrums more.

I hadn't time to compose myself before I heard footsteps coming behind me in the hall; considering the entire building seemed to be vacated when I'd arrived earlier, that came as a surprise to me.

"Nika," Adrienne exclaims, the tone already screaming that she wants something from me. I pause for a moment in the hallway before continuing to walk. There wasn't a single part of her tone that implied I wanted to listen to what she had to say.

"I'm busy, Adrienne," I muttered over my shoulder as she settled on the bottom step of the staircase.

"You've never been too busy to talk with me. Are you really putting Ruby over me?" She whimpers, almost sounding hurt. I want to protest even the suggestion, but I realise I don't have the time to get into an emotional debate with her tonight; they often take hours.

"What is it?" I exhaled.

"I-" She begins as though she'll tell me, but stops abruptly. She bites her lip forcefully before continuing, "We'll talk about it later, Nika."

"Adrienne-" She raises a hand to me and walks away from me slowly and back towards the lounge, hooking arms with Kara as she passes. Apparently, Kara hadn't gotten too far before I decided to stop my pursuit of her; leaning against the wall of the hallway looking rather desolate. I can't help but shake my head as I make my way out of the building.

The conversation was one that played over in my head on my walk to the rundown area. Part of me wanted to push her to tell me the issue, or to go back to the start of the conversation and completely change my response. There was an intense gnawing feeling in my gut that I'd regret not listening to her. An almost indiscernible pain was drumming in the back of my mind, begging for an answer to the question, What did she want to tell me?

Instead of going back, I find myself moving forward. I could always find time for Adrienne and her whims any other time, but the twins didn't have any of their own time left to spare. They were in the heart of a rundown area, which was nestled in a zone filled with people who would be delighted to come across them - I had to wonder whether the decision to come here was still a positive one for them at all.

The familiar street didn't give any comfort, the dim light from the upper floor window was a reminder of exactly what I was getting myself into. There wasn't a chance that these twins could survive without me, their childishness apparent to me even now. I tap sharply on the window glass downstairs and hear a distinct shuffle from the other side of the door. Valentyna had slowly peeked around the door and pulled me into the landing in a quick movement. The floorboards creak upstairs, the breathing of the male apparent to me immediately.

"You came back!" Valentyna had squealed, closing the door behind me and wrapping her arms around my neck. The excitement was radiating off of her. There was genuine doubt that I would return to give my aid to either of the siblings and that was clear. I think it was the look of relief that rested in her eyes that stung slightly.

"You thought I wouldn't?" I questioned, embracing her hug and giving her a tap on the back reassuringly. The girl was the warmer of the two and I realise I was lucky it was her that answered the door. The response of her brother would not have been like this.

The girl had sunk in on herself and a quick glance at her digital watch only seemed to make it worse. I witness her beginning to gnaw on the inside of her cheek, and soon the smell of blood fills my senses. I take a quick glance away to compose myself.

"I feared..." She had begun, looking up at the staircase as another creak occurred. I stifle a chuckle as she continues, "We would be more trouble than we were worth," Her arms had crossed against her chest and she began to drum her fingers against her arm, each click of her nails in time with her heartbeat. She was taut with tension, and as the seemingly more carefree of the two, this leads me to wonder how her brother was actually coping.

It was nice to get a good look at the girl as the daylight shone through the window - she'd changed clothes from the ripped blue dress I'd seen her in, to a green sweater that was two sizes too big for her with a plaid green and white shirt on top, and a pair of worn through pale blue jeans - a preferable choice for this weather.

It was now that I could see her hair again that I found the choice to dye it odd - her roots were coming through that blinding white-blonde colour her brother possessed, stubbornly taking over half of her head. It seemed an odd colour to still be going this strong into adulthood.

I had to swallow back that curiosity and return my attention to what the girl had said as she was anxiously awaiting a response.

"I do not like to see a human life wasted frivolously, Valentyna," I muttered, my voice swallowing her name whole. There was something alluring about the girl that I couldn't quickly put a finger on. I pondered on the sentence for a moment before adding, "Or at all." The thought was a genuine one.

Even when I could freely wander up to the surface and feast on the souls of the living I tended to wait until I was desperate. Even then I still managed to keep them alive; clinging to life, of course, but alive. The thought of genuinely ending anyone's life was one that haunted me more as the days passed.

Her boots squeaked against the panelling of the floor as she ushered herself backwards. Her face switched from tense to carefree once again in a split second, her eyes lingering on mine for a moment longer than they should have, "I apologise for doubting you," She uttered.

She'd turned to grab the backpack that had been thrown onto the armchair behind her and placed it over one of her shoulders, "My brother is upstairs sleeping," She had explained, making her way to the bottom of the stairs and glancing up to the dim light that was illuminating the hallway.

The first step had given way under her weight and let out a squeak. This sound had caused her brother to scramble upstairs and move from his original position. I smiled as she began to walk up the stairs.

"We have to leave now if you'd like adequate time to get back," I found myself muttering, turning to open the front door. The door let out a loud screech that caused me to wince and look up and down the street quickly. The cold of the air had passed me, and the warmth that the home had possessed had been sucked out.

My boots crunched in the snow as I waited for the siblings to follow me out. I found myself fiddling with my knuckles, my fingers weaving in and out of each other. The sun was high in the sky and radiating a subtle warmth that even I could feel against my skin. Valentyna had firmly set herself at the same pace I was travelling at, refusing to leave my side. Her brother, on the other hand, was lagging behind by a few steps, taking in the environment as we walked.

My eyes kept darting to and from the openings onto the road I'd chosen to take. I'd opted for a route that would be out of the usual paths of those that had requested favours from witches as I had; many of whom I'd met on my own walks. The girl seemed to be doing the same thing as me because she'd leaned into me after a few turn-offs.

"Where are they all?" She whispered, finding herself out of step with me as she leaned back to get a good look at a building, "They don't sleep, right?"

I couldn't help but smile at the comment. I nodded briskly, pulling her arm so she'd be in time with my steps again, a thankful nod following.

"No, we don't sleep. We don't like sunlight." I agreed, running a hand through my hair. My eyes darted up to look at the sun; it glared down at me spitefully, unhappy with my response.

"Forgive me - but you're in sunlight," The brother had interjected, rushing forward a few steps to come in line with the two of us. He had pointed up to the sun as though he wasn't sure I knew where it was. I found myself exhaling breath and shaking my head. If I hadn't promised them I'd get them back to their zone, I would surely have bitten into his throat.

"It's a spell," I admit, taking longer strides.

"A spell?" Valentyna had said, her eyes widening in genuine interest. It hadn't occurred to me that humans didn't know about magic or spells.

"From the witches?" I ask questioningly. I took hold of her hand and pulled them both into a lane of houses. It was the best route to the Northern Human's shop, but I wasn't sure if it would get them to their own entrance. As I glanced at both of them in turn, I realised they weren't sure where I was taking them.

"There are witches?" Valentyna had squealed, slightly louder than she had previously. It was louder than I wished she would have, but I couldn't tell her off for her excitement. When I'd first learned of witches I had been equally as enthusiastic about it. I'd made quick friends with one of the witches I was still friendly with today - the months without contact we were currently going through was the only downfall.

"You humans really don't know anything do you?" I found myself saying through a chuckle, raising the necklace from below my shirt and showing it to both of them quickly, without a chance to get a good look. I gripped it tightly before placing it back under my shirt, "I paid for it before they went into hiding underground."

I found my way to the house that I'd seen many vampires flock to over the past few days; some commotion about human life they'd chased. They'd followed the trail to a house on the outskirts but couldn't figure out where it had gotten, stopping dead at the end of a closed-off pipe. I resisted the temptation to believe I'd found their targets before them.

"There are witches?" She had repeated with another genuine squeal of excitement. I noticed her brother wasn't quite as thrilled as his sister to hear of the news. It made me want to question him, and learn more about them as a family. Then I decided I didn't need more attachments. I exhaled before pondering her question, and how much she ought to know.

"They're the reason there's peace. They took your side and helped with negotiations." I recalled, opening the door to the house that Valentyna had seemed to recognise immediately; her brother didn't seem to share this feeling, however. I closed the door behind both of them and gestured to the staircase that lowered into the basement. If they came from the pipe, that's where it would be.

They followed me down after I'd taken the first move, and they stopped dead at the entrance to the pipe. They shared a look of relief before turning to look at me. Valentyna had rushed into my arms and embraced me in a tight, warm hug, her face reading as genuine gratitude.

Alexander had nodded at me slightly, before muttering words of thanks and walking to a palm scanner that I hadn't noticed, on the right wall of the entrance.

"I can only advise you don't do this again," I had whispered, furrowing my brows at both of them as I analysed the brother. He didn't seem to heed my words of warning. I looked up towards the staircase, and back towards them. If they came back I couldn't assure they'd make it out alive. I thought of either of them coming back down here, and added, "Either of you."

They nodded in unison and I gave them a brief grin before rushing out of the basement. I had to hurry back to the other girls in my life before they decided to abandon me completely. Despite my capacity to live this existence alone, having some reasonable company couldn't hurt in the long run.

I had to admit, it was a comforting sound to hear the pipe slam shut behind them. There was an instant shedding of weight off my shoulders knowing the two were safe and out of Eastern.

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