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Lauren Jauregui. FAMAS International School, School Softball team Captain Camila Cabello. FAMAS International... More

C1:LJ And NK
C2:CC and DJ
C5:They Just Look Like Her
C7:Sunday Morning And Monday Evening
C8:Let's Just Rest Before Chaos Break Loose
c11:Jealousy and the sleepover
c14:Let's GO!!!
c15:Day 2:The Encounter
c17: Back To Where?
c19:Cabello's weekend vacation
c20:The EX
c22:Angel Sent
c26: Living the Life


1K 28 7




I groan waking up. I stretch some muscles... When I fully open my eyes, I see A tent under my Blanket

"Welp looks like little devil here is awake too, better get going then," I said to myself, getting in the shower


I walk downstairs only to be met with the smell of Bacon, Eggs, coffee toast and something i don't know... YUMMMMM

I walk hurriedly to the kitchen, only to see...

"MOM? I thought you'll be gone for a meeting?" I ask Confuse as to why my mom is the one cooking me breakfast instead of the Cook we hired

"Good morning to you too Honey, and no... I will be not attending any more meetings from now on, I'll be leaving it to your dad... I'll be staying at the house for good" Mom Stated smiling

"REALLY?!!?!You'll be staying here??" I ask excitedly
"Yes honey you heard me Right" mom answered me while chuckling

I run to her excitedly, squeezing her out of joy

"C-CAN'T B-B-BREATH Honey!" Mom said, i let go of her, and kissed her whole face instead

"OH MY GOD MOM, I'm so happy!!!" I said truthfully

"I am too honey, now sit down... Break Fast is Almost ready"


"Mom, I'm gonna go to school now, i don't wanna be late, i still need to meet up with the boys..."
"Yeah, sure honey"

"Uhmm, mom I'm getting home late later, cause i have practice and i have dinner with the team, so i may not be eating with you for dinner! I'm gonna go now mom, see you later LOVE YOU!!" i yelled before going out
I heard a faint"Ok honey, drive safe love you too"

I hop on my car, which is one of my favourite one, cause it's so Cool and, my Uncle from Pakistan Gave it to me
Saying that her Favourite niece should be getting all the best out of this world... I just laughed at him and said that i am his only niece... I am his only niece on my mom's side anyway so...


I arrived at the school property and students who were there eyed my sweet baby ride... HMM,what can i say? This baby is gorgeous, and it really fits me


I turned off my car and got off only to be met by one of my best Korean buddy YANG JUNGWON
He just got out of his car as well.

"Nice Ride we got there Laur" Jungwon said Smirking

"Mhmm, my Uncle gave it to me saying
'Aww, this is for my Favorite niece' " I said mimicking my uncle's voice but failing miserably
Jungwon Laughed at me

"Laur, YOU are his ONLY niece

" Well, what can I say. I'm everyone's favorite "I said cockily
Jungwon only rolled his eyes at me

" So, where are the Guys? "I ask while walking out of the parking lot

" Jake just got back from Australia... I think... He visited his family there. And Niki Just got back last Saturday from Japan, And Sunghoon just got back yesterday afternoon after his competition in Canada... I don't know the others tho" Jungwon said Shrugging

"Oh, ok let's get going then, we still have 45 minutes till school starts... And Knowing you, you didn't eat breakfast" I said smirking

"HA. HA. Very funny, MICHELLE"

"Say my second name one more time, and I'll kick your ass back to Korea, JOHNNY," I said, emphasizing "JOHNNY" it's his name in English, and he hates it

I hear a silent groan, and I know that I won. Smirking I follow him to the school

We enter the Cafeteria only to be met with a rather loud laugh coming from none other than our other friends, Lee Heeseung, Park Sunghoon, Kim Sunoo, Park Jong Seong(Jay), Shim Jae Yoon(Jake) Nishimura Riki(Niki), and the Great Normani Kordei... THIS BITCH CAME EARLY AND DIDN'T BOTHER TO TEXT ME?







"Sup my Korean And Texan Friends!!!" I approach them happily

"Sup Laur, Jungwon"

"What up with the noise guys?" Wonnie ask his Korean friends

"Oh, we we're just teasing Sunghoon here about the girl he met in Canada at his competition," Jay said making the others laugh

"What's up with that?" i ask

"well Mr. PRETTY FACE right here has a crush on her, and even ask for her number," Jake said teasing his Bestfriend, who is now Red

"Oh yeah? Who is it sunghoonieee" Jungwon ask teasingly

"It's none of your business guys, she doesn't even go here," Sunghoon said

"It's KATIE GAZER guys!" Normani said which made Sunghoon even red


"You know her Laur?" Niki Ask Confuse

"Of course i know her, she actually Goes here," I said Smiling proudly... The guys tease Sunghoon even more


"Guys, let's go we only have 5 minutes till class starts" Said Heeseung "And my class is at another side of this building" he adds

"Well, we better get going then, see you at Practice Lee" I wave at him

"Well, guys let's go, we have the same class for the first period," Jungwon said

We wave at Niki Cause his' class is at the other side of the building too, cause he's a grade lower than us...


ARGHHHH!!! Whose car is this?? It's so cool!! Maybe I'll ask my dad to buy me a new car... I'll just say that I'll give my old car to one of my cousins who don't have one...

I got off my car and examined the car that's parked next to mine... It has initials written on its tires "LMJM" and it has a Roman numeral "XXVII" on its side window, it's small but looks cool... Well, i better get going, i only have 10 minutes before class


I walk straight to my locker and get the books that I'll be needing for my first subject... When out of nowhere my Friend ALLYSON Pop-out scaring the shit out of me

"JESUS!!! ALLY!!! what the hell??!!" I ask her
"tss, just don't do it next time"

"So, ally do you know whose cool car is that's park outside? The new one?"

"Oh, the black one? I've never seen it before... But I heard some students talking about it... I think that car belongs to one of the Koreans at Lauren's squad, what was his name? Yin Junnoon?" Ally asks, which made me Laugh

"Ally, it's YANG JUNGWON"
"yeah him"

"You think that a cute 16-year-old drives that kind of car ally?? Seriously, Lauren's best friend is too cute to look like a 16-year-old" I said to ally

"What? Those Koreans who are in Lauren's squad all look younger than their real age, Aren't those korean aged 14,16,17,18 and 19 years old? And i think Hisang is the oldest of them all but look at him, looking only 17 years old" Ally said

"Ally, It's HEESEUNG" which is pronounced as 'Hisung'

"Yeah yeah, their names are hard to pronounce, the only local names those Koreans have is Jay, Jake, And Niki"


We arrived at our first subject, my eyes land on Lauren and her squad...

SHIT! I forgot we have the first period together

"Ally, let's go sit at the middle row" i whispered to my friend, who only nodded

We walk by the squad of Lauren and we sit at the middle row, close enough to see her perfect side profile, but not close enough to hear what they saying



"Damn, that ass" Jay said dreamily
I smack his head, and he groaned in pain which made mani and the boys laugh at him.

"OUCH!!Laur, The hell?!!"

"That's what you get for being a pervert to my girl!" I said quietly but stern

Jay widened his eyes and his jaw dropped

"YOU GOT YOURSELF A GIRL AND DIDN'T EVEN BOTHER TO TELL US?!?" Jay said shocked almost yelling making all eyes in the room fell on us making me quickly cover his mouth and throw an awkward smile at my classmate 

" Shhh! shut your mouth, she's not my Girl... YET. I'll ask her out after the game at Sunday" i said and the boys Smirk at me

"Oh yeah? Lucky you, you'd tap that ass... I want that too" Jay said once again, which I smack him once again, this time hard

"Laur!! chill, I was just kidding Geezz" Jay Said rubbing the back of his head

"should've thought of that before saying those things"

"So guys, you coming to the party some cheerleader will hold in one of the suites at the hotel we're staying?" Mani asks the Boys who looked at it each other somewhat nervous??

"Uhmm, sorry mani, Laur, but we need to leave after the game, we need to get back at Korea to record some songs for our album, we need to finish it before our tour this Summer" Sunghoon Said

As you noticed, these Koreans is in a Boy group Called "ENHYPEN" funny name, i know... But once you know what that name means then you know... Their group is just a new Kpop group around the world, but their name become popular once they debuted.

"Nah, it's ok... Maybe next time tho" i said
Jake open his mouth to say something but close it as soon as he sees the teacher



I walk into the cafeteria to find my squad, once i saw them, i noticed that there is another body who sits by them... He's tall, and Handsome too... hmm, As i got closer i heard that their talking at some foreign language, i guess its korean

"Hey guys!" I greeted them
Niki quickly stood up

"Hey Laur, so this is my brother, K"

"He's visiting me today cause he has some work in here, but will be coming home later," Niki said

"Lauren, k... K Hyung, this is Lauren" I shake Niki's brother hands and smiled at him

He smiled at me too then we sat down and ate our lunch...


Finally lunch

I'm starving
I walk inside the cafeteria with my friends beside me...
Dinah, Ally, Mason, Hazel, and Alessia

When my gaze fell upon Lauren's table, she's talking to a new face that I've never seen before...

"Guys, do you know who's that guy talking to Lauren?"
They soon look at what I'm looking at and chuckle lightly

"Yeah, that's Niki's brother," Alessia said

"oh, then the new cool car that's parked outside must be his," I said to the girls

"Uhmm, actually it's not... Niki's brother is out of school already, i think he's 23 now... So that's not his" Alessia continues while eating her fries

"Oh, so what he's doing here?" I mumbled to myself but Alessia heard it and said

"Oh, he's from Japan, his work just got papers that need to be delivered here," Alessia said

I looked at her weirdly

"Are you Niki's stalker or something?"

"What?! NO! Of course not... Did you forgot that we have all the same class together? And He is pretty much my Guy best friend?" Alessia Said with a "Duh" Tone

"Geez, sorry ok? But I didn't know that Niki is from Japan... I thought they're all from Korea and all Koreans?" I ask

This time Mason Answered

"No, not all of them are Koreans and from Korea, Jay Was born here in America, and He is American Citizen, but both his parents were from Korea, they just migrated here in America when his father's company was rising, And Jake is From Australia, I think his mom is Australian or something and Yeah, Niki is From Japan"

"Oh, so That's why Jake Talks weirdly, it is his Australian accent"

"it's not weird, it's actually cute," Mason said staring at Jake

"Awww, is mason has a Crush on that Australian man?" Dinah said teasingly, which cause Mason to turn red
We laughed at her Embarrassment...


The bell Rang which indicated that all class is over for the day... I walked to the locker room when a voice called behind me

" Yow, Mila wait up!!! "I turned around and saw my Friends catching up on me

" So what are we gonna do today? "asked Ally

" oh, we're just doing some few adjustments then we're good," I said

"Where's Hazel and Alessia?" I asked

"Oh, they're at the library, getting some books for their project" Mason Answered while searching for something in her bag

When we reached the locker room, we quickly changed into our cheer uniform...


"OK 1...2...3...4...5...6...WAIT!STOP!!! YOU'RE DOING IT WRONG!!!" I yelled at the girls

"Lily, You are supposed to lean yourself sideways so that Leigh can step onto your thigh" I instructed the girls, I earned a few "Got it" and "ok" from the girls




"So Jake, I want you to swing at full once the ball is released ok?" I ask my friend, who only nods.

And I signal one of my teammates to throw the ball hard and Fast

And jake hit it, and it made a sound of a" TOCK" and it flew away... Outside the fence

"Nice swing jake!" I said

"OK GUYS!!! WATER BREAK FOR 20 MINUTES GO! GO! GO!!" I yelled at my teammates and they all quickly scattered around to run towards their bags 

"So Laur, what's with the experiments we're doing with some of the guys?" Mani asks while drinking from his bottle of Water

"oh you know, to see if how would we do if we use it at the game this weekend," I said she only nods

When our friends walk our way

"YOW LAUR!!!" Jay yelled even tho he knows that we can hear him

"YES JONG SEONG?" I ask smirking, while Mani and the boys laugh at him

"c'mon Laur, don't use it here... In Korea, they call me jay, so don't start now"Jay Grumble which made us laugh more

" So, what do you need? "I ask him while drinking the water I got from the jug

" Oh, right... Look at those girls in the cheering squad" I only hummed in response and look at the cheering team
*What's up with them? "Jungwon said

" Bro, look at those asses!!! Their spandex makes it more round and it's so tight and short that some of their ass is showing"Jay said still staring at the cheer team

"Yeah especially Cabello's" Heeseung said smirking at me
I spit out my drink and cough out a little, and I feel my cheeks heat up

"Geez, Laur, what was that? What if those were Camila's juice? Would you spit it out too?" Jay asks smirking, which earned him a Smack at the back of his head... HARD

"ouch Laur, I'm sorry ok?" jay said

"You better, cause next time, I will not only give you a smack... I'll break your neck," I said threateningly, which caused Jay's eyes to widened and Put his hands up in defense... We laughed at him

"Guys, look at Mason over there, I'd tap that," Jake said staring at Mason Fiero and smirks when Mason Sway her hips side to side which is part of the Dance

"Ohh, is Jakey has a Crush on Miss Feiro over there?" Mani teased Jake, which caused Jake to turn red

"OH MY GOD!!! JAKEY YOU LIKE HER?!!!" Heeseung shouted, which earned the whole cheer squad to look at us weirdly

"HYUNG!!! Why would you shout that?! Now look at the cheer squad looking at us" Jake said turning even more red if that's possible

The boys laugh at him, while I turn my gaze upon my two friends who fell silent... They were staring at the Cheer Squad
Jay Is staring at Hazel Casino, while Normani is Staring at Dinah...

"Psst, Look at these two over here," I said quietly to the three whose laugh died down after a while.

They turn to look at Jay and Normani...

Smirks on their faces, and knowing what's on their mind... I quickly but quietly stood up, grabbing my water bottle.
While the other three hold the Water jug that's full of cold ice water above the head of my two oblivious friends...

They poured the water on both Normani and Jay

"COLD... COLD... COLD!!!!" Were heard before we took off running to the other side of the field

We saw Normani and Jay running after us Fuming, leaving traces of water behind them
Which made us laugh harder

"YOU'LL PAY FOR THIS JAUREGUI!!!" Shouted Normani behind me running faster almost catching up on me, but I increase my speed so that she won't catch me... HA! perks of being the captain and Being the star player of softball

"WHAT DID I DO?! THOSE THREE WERE THE ONES WHO POUR WATER ON YOU!!! NOT ME!!" I said Loudly while Laughing with the guys who are running with me

When we near the cheering squad, they stopped at what they're doing to see what's the commotion all about.

Once they see us running fast to them
They quickly give way for us to run through

When I felt myself collide with the solid ground and weight above me

I groan in pain
When I look up I saw Jungwon, Heeseung, and Jake stop running and laughs even harder at me


Normani and Jay Believes me, and look at The three still Laughing assholes, and smirk at each other

They both grab the cheering squads jug of cold water and pour it to the three boys
Who then stopped laughing when they felt the cold liquid being thrown at them...

I laughed loudly at the faces the three of them made

But I saw them slowly walking to me, holding the still half-full jug of cold water

I quickly stood up and run for my life, when I looked back I saw the 5 of them chasing me, Cold water bottles at hands

I quickly grab my bag without stopping, I search through my bag for my keys

When I found them I quickly unlocked my Car and get in before they reached me

I locked the car before I let out a loud sigh, Relieved that they didn't catch me...

I started the Car And their eyes widened when they see that I headed at the field...

I parked my car near the cheer squad who's taking a break. They eyed my car... some tilted their heads in hopes to see who's inside the car, but my car is heavily tinted so you won't see a thing that's going on inside...

When I look outside, I saw my friends sitting at a bench, laughing at themselves

I quickly took off my keys from the ignition and got off the car...

I heard some gasps from the girls, but I Looked at Camila's reaction, her reaction is... QUITE confusing I guess.
She's shocked, excited? I don't know
But it's cute

I wave at the girls and ask them if it's ok if I park my car near them, and they said that it was fine

When i see Camila Looks at me, I winked at her then smiled.
I then Run towards the other side of the field where my team is

"OK GUYS! BREAK IS OVER GET BACK ON THE FIELD NOW!!! WE'LL CUT THE TRAINING EARLY TODAY, I'M TAKING YOU GUYS OUT FOR SOME FOOD!!!! NOW GO" I yelled at my team who quickly stood up and cheered loudly when I said that I will treat them to food

"Woah, so you're serious about last night aye Lauren?" mani said standing beside me

"Yeah, well you're right... I was hard on them at yesterday's training so it's only fair if I treat them for some ice cream maybe, and I'm cutting our training off early is because I want to eat dinner with mom tonight... And if I stick to cutting our training on our usual time, I'll be going home at 9 latest"
I said smiling at Normani

"Aunt Clara is here?! Seriously Lo?? Why didn't you tell me?!" Mani said excitedly

"I just discovered my mom is staying here for good when I woke up and saw her cooking breakfast for me," I said shrugging yelling some instructions at the team

"aw, I want to see Aunt Clara, can i come with you?"

"You know what, what if i invited you and the boys at home for dinner? I'll text my mom" I said as I quickly searched for my phone inside my bag...



Oh my god...The cool car outside the school earlier is LAUREN'S!!! AND LMJM means LAUREN MICHELLE JAUREGUI MORGADO!!! How can i be so dumb?!!

I was cut off my trance when i see Lauren waving at us and asking if she could park her car near us, and we said that it's fine

I look at her, then she looks at me... She winked at me and smile before running off to her team... Yelling that break is over

"So That's Jauregui's Car" Rebecca Said

"Mhmm, I need to step up my game girl. I wanna ride this sweet baby, And maybe ride Jauregui herself" Chloe said smirking

I glare hard at them.

if looks could kill? These Bitches will be 6 feet underground already

"Chanco, Chill... Stop Glaring at them" Dinah Whispered at me

"AND HOW CAN I NOT HUH CHEE CHEE?!?" I whispered yell at my best friend

"Well, Cause i know that you'll be the one riding that sweet ride and you'll be the one riding Lauren's Little devil one day"
Dinah said smirking at me

I felt my cheeks heat up For her bluntness

"CHINA!!! Shut up!!" I said still red

Dinah just laughed at me



"So Chanc, what you wearing for tonight??" Dinah ask leaning in the sink

"What? What's for tonight Chee chee?" i said applying my lip gloss

"Uhmm, Walz... Did you forget that you have a date with Shawn at 7 tonight?"

My eyes widen...




"Oh shit c'mon, Dinah... LET'S GO!"
I said pulling Dinah towards the exit

"Walz, Chill... It's not that you're impressing Shawny over there... You're just going on a ONE DATE with him" Dinah said slowing down

"Oh right..." I sigh in relief

"Shawn said just wear Casual clothes," I said while fixing my skirt

When i saw Lauren, Normani, and the 7 Baby Faced Koreans talking

One of the Koreans Saw Us and Smirks
I guess he tells the others Cause ALL OF THEM LOOKS AT US!!!

I quickly look away and pretend to talk to Dinah..

But when we were nearing the exit, I look back at them and saw Lauren still staring at me... I wave at her And winked

We heard loud laughter in Lauren's group, but we can't hear anything they're saying... TSSS these Koreans
Louder than my mom when she's mad at us... But still, Dinah is louder than these boys...

Then we were off to go to my house for A DATE WITH SHAWN



"Mom!!" I yelled opening the door, Dinah behind me

"In the kitchen!"

We quickly walk to the kitchen and saw Mami And Sofi eating some snacks

"Hola Mami, Sofi" I greeted them and kiss their cheeks

"Hola Mija, Dinah" Mom said

"Sup mama C. Sofi... Where's Dadi C?" Dinah ask while grabbing some of Sofia's snack, which earned her a HARD GLARE

"Ale is at some of his meetings out of town, he'll be back tomorrow," Mami said

"Ok mom, we'll gonna head upstairs"


"Dinah, Is it ok now?" I ask Dinah while looking at the mirror

"Yeah, You know that you don't need to dress up you know"
Dinah said while eating a Bag Of Cheetos

"Yeah, I know... Besides I dress up not because of him, I Dress up because of me" I said

"Shawn should be here any moment now"

I said looking at my phone
It's currently 6:53
And Shawn said he'll pick me up at 7


 7:05, We heard a Honk from outside
I rolled my eyes

"This Asshole is 5 minutes late and didn't even bother to knock on your door... MINUS POINTS FOR HIM" Dinah said

"Yeah, let him be. It's not like I'll be stuck with him for long" I said shrugging while picking up my phone and purse up

"Byee Cheech... See you at School"


Shawn and I arrived at the restaurant, which is kinda Cute
It's like a family resto
But can also be one for those romantic dates

Some waiter lead us to our table

I know I said that this is just one date but he didn't know that though

He didn't even let me sit down first before he sits himself making me huff lowly 

when a waiter took our orders I just settled for a baked potato, peas, and back ribs

"So Mila, How's cheer practice?"

"Oh, the usual... But we're just doing a few adjustments for the game this Friday" i said not interested

We talked a few things while we wait, but the opening of the door caught my attention...

When I look up, I saw Normani, A middle-aged woman maybe 45 or something, but still beautiful, The baby faced Koreans, Lauren, and some chick that I don't know
That's latch into Lauren's fucking arm!!!

But they just sat down a few tables away from us making me frown but also sigh in relief because i wouldn't have to see Lauren with some girl latching onto here

I guess Shawn saw what I'm looking at and said

"Oh, the seven Koreans are here"

"You know them?"

"Oh, No I only know few things about them... Niki is at our team, he's actually good at it. He said that his brother taught him, he's actually the youngest out of all of them, he's just 14 turning 15 this December... He's also very very good at dancing, you should see him sometimes... Then there's Park Sunghoon, with the sharp jawline and let's say one of the quietest in the group, he is a figure skater since he was 9...."

Shawn keeps talking but I didn't wanna listen to him, cause I'm busy planning on how to kill this bitch who's flirting with Lauren...

After dinner, we exit the resto and Shawn takes me home...

" So Mila, uhmm that's a nice date... Would you like to go out with me again next time?" He said with a hopeful smile making me smile in return

"Shawn, the date is good, but I just went out with you because you keep asking me out... And I thought that maybe when I went out with you once you'll stop asking me" I said a little guilty cause i don't know how to say these things without hurting his feelings

He looks down for a moment before looking up back to me and gives me an awkward smile "Oh, sorry Mila... But it's still a good date... Maybe we can still be friends?"

"Of course Shawny... Good night, drive safe see you at school"
Shawn just smiles at me...


I walk inside the house straight to my room, I change into my pj's and walk into my bed...
Once I hit the bed, I fall asleep instantly... Guess I'm exhausted



"So guys, change of plans... Mom said that she can't cook dinner cause she lost track of time, so we're just going into some restaurant for dinner... Is that Cool with you guys!" I ask looking up them

When I saw Sunghoon Smirking...

"Lo, look who's coming this way," Sunghoon said

We all look at what Hoonie is saying and we saw Dinah and None other than CAMILA CABELLO

I stare at Camila till she nears the exit
She looks up and waves at me, but before she got into her car, she winks at me... Then Drove off

I guess one of the guys saw
Cause they started teasing me and Laughing
Arghh, These Koreans, Japanese, and Texan!!!

"STOP!!! So we cool? See you at my house at 6:30 then we're off to the resto at 7?"

The guys nodded then said their goodbyes.


"MOM!! I'M HOME!!" I yelled

"MIMIIII!!!" I hear a familiar voice called me
"KEANA!" I said hugging her

"When did you get here?"

"Oh, I just got here maybe like 2 hours ago or something"

"You should've told me you know? I can ditch school to pick you up"

"Nah, where's the surprise in there if I told you?"

"Yeah yeah, whatevs... Where's mom?"

"She's upstairs... She said she have dinner with you and your friends tonight."

"Welp, I'm gonna get ready too... You should get ready also, you're going with us... I wanna introduce you all to my friends"




When I walk downstairs I saw my mom my friends and Keana talking to themselves...

"So mom, These are my Friends...
Lee Heeseung, Park Sunghoon, Kim Sunoo, Jay Park, Jake Sim, Niki, and Yang Jungwon... And you know Normani here"

I said introducing my friends to my mom and cousin from my dad's side.

"You're not from here, are you? It's just that you're Surnames are not Americans or something" mom said

"Uhmm no, Ma'am... We're actually Koreans... Niki is Japanese, Jay is Actually American Korean, then Jake is Korean Australian" Heeseung said

"Oh, so how'd you know each other?"

"Well, Lauren here is our captain at softball team, then she had some class with the boys," Jake said

"Ohh, so you all do softball?"

"No Ma'am, I do Soccer, then Sunghoon is A figure skater, Heeseung, jake, jay, Jungwon are in the softball team, and Sunoo doesn't do sports cause he had a lung problem, he just got a major surgery last year, so he only does school activities" Niki said

"Guys, no need for you to call me" MA'AM" Aunt Clara is Fine... So let's get going? " Mom said smiling at all of us 


We arrived at the restaurant mom was talking about... We got off our cars then head to the resto... Keana and I enter last cause I wanna talk to her about something...

" So Keana, I noticed that you're staring at Heeseung," I said Smirking

"Yeah and so? He's still 16, and I'm 19... And there is no way I'm persuading a 16-year-old boy"

"Huh? How do you say that he's 16?"I ask confused

" Well hello, I know for a fact that you are all aged 16 and 17 turning 18, cause you are friends with them so still under-aged," she said shrugging

I only laugh at her and she looks at me confused

"Kea, Just because I'm 17, doesn't mean we are all the same age! Heeseung is 19 years old also... Jungwon si 16, Sunoo is 17, jake and Sunghoon are both 17, they're just turning 18 next month, Jay is 18, and Niki is just 14 turning 15 this coming December" I said

I saw Keane's face lit up at the information


"OH MY GOD, YOU BETTER HOOK ME UP WITH HIM," she said excitedly shaking my arm aggressively
"Yeah sure," I said Laughing

We sat at the booth near one of the windows because it has big and longer tables
And wait for our orders.


We were talking about something when I saw a familiar face out of the corner of my eyes.

I saw Camila And Shawn exiting the resto, which causes my heart to drop...

I guess the guys saw what I saw, cause they smiled at me sadly...


We arrived home after dinner
And I go straight to my room... I changed into my pj's and head to bed.

I toss and turn for about a few minutes...

Damn, maybe if I move fast, I'll be the one on a date with Camila...

I fell asleep after a couple of minutes thinking of Camila And Shawn...

A/N: Was it good? Well, at least I tried
 It's my first time writing a story... Also
I included my new favorite boy group in this story... ENHYPEN.
And not all the people who got included in this story are true people, I just invented some of them, and in the following chapters, I'll invent places for this story...
Thank you for reading!!!!!

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Camila Cabello, she is the head cheerleader but she isn't a rude person like every cheerleader in the movies, she's actually a really loving person w...
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Camila Cabello and Lauren Jauregui from Miami, Florida both applied to Kensington Academy in England. They both get in and on their first day they me...
2.5K 61 8
Camila transfers to Miami University in the middle of the term to be closer to her sister Sofia when she's not in the best mental state. There she d...