File: Marchen Morder

LexxRain126 tarafından

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These files contain stories from all over the world that are under the... odd and strange category. But are f... Daha Fazla

File A: Natalie Outlette
File B: Jackson Tyler Hemmerson
File D: Matthew Inel

File C: Selena Gertrude Williams

11 2 0
LexxRain126 tarafından

( Warning! This story has sexual assault and maybe a trigger to survivors! Also, this is a re-write of Play With Me by La-Misha-Mish. The writer of the previous story. Like that story, I will be changing somethings.)

Selena Gertrude Williams, AKA Selly Williams

April 2, 1965

The Third Incident

( Selena Williams's file is nowhere to be found. Again,wewill have to take eyewitness accounts to form a file.)

The spring rain was nice and warm that year. The sun, as always, brought warmth to Sel's skin. The light breezes that swept through the neighborhood made the days not too hot or cold. It was simply perfect weather. But one spring Selly will never forget.

Selly was a young girl, eight years old, long curly brown hair, and bright green eyes. She was always polite, she never lied, and did as she was told. Her mother and father simply adored her, they couldn't ask for a better daughter.

Selly giggled as she played with her friends outside of their home. Various games like hopscotch and jump-rope. Even dolls and tag. Selly's Mother Marie smiled warmly at the innocent sight and wiped her hands on her apron, calling out.

" Selly! Come inside now, it's time for lunch!" Selly looked up from her doll and smiled.

" Okay, mommy! "

Sitting down at the dinner table, Selly lightly bounced in her seat, excited for who knows what. Her mother placed down a peanut butter and jelly sandwich with the crusts cut off. Some carrot and celery sticks on the side, and juice to drink.

" Thank you, mama ."

" You're welcome, sweetie." As Selly began to take hold of her sandwich, her mother took a seat across from the girl and smiled watching her eat. " Guess what! Your Uncle Johnny is coming over. " Selly looked up and smiled, the corners of her lips had traces of peanut butter on them.

" Mmg! Munle, Jommy??" Selly repeated through her food. Her mother laughed and nodded.

" Mhm. He's coming to help daddy with his job, and to look after you too. Maybe all of us can go to the carnival too!" Selly chewed the rest of her bite quickly and swallowed.

" Can Sarah and Jennie come too? " Her mother looked up in thought.

" Well, that's up to their mom and dad's to say. But if they can, sure! " Selly giggled and bounced in her seat again, now even more excited of this year's summer vacation.

Over the course of the next few days, Johnny drove up to the house. Climbing out of his car, the man stretched his arms over his head and let out a tired sigh.

" Uncle Johnny! " Selly dropped the jump-rope she was playing with and ran over to the family member, hugging him.

" Hey, Sel! How've you been? " He asked lifting Selly up with ease, giving her a proper hug. The girl giggled and looked back to her friends, who were now waving in their direction.

"I've been playing with Sarah and Jennie. Let's go inside and tell mama you're here!"

"Sounds like a great idea." He smiled and walked inside the house, calling out to the woman. "Marie! I'm here!" He called, followed by Sally mimicking him.

"Mama! He's here~!" Michelle out of the kitchen and smiled to see Johnny made it.

"Johnny, you got here safe and sound." Jonny placed Selly down on the ground and gave her bottom a pat to send her off, then hugged Marie.

" Of course I did. Why else wouldn't I come here safe and sound? " He laughed, walking into the kitchen with the woman. Sally trotted over to the front door, calling out that she was going back outside to play.

" Make sure you come in before dark! "

" Yes, ma'am! " And off the girl went.

As dinner drew near, Selly's Father Andie came home, happy to see his brother was there as well. Walking in with his Selly, he strolled up to Johnny with a handshake and hug.

" Nice to see you man, how have you been?" He asked crossing his arms, watching his wife set the table up for supper. Johnny gave a shrug of his shoulders, fiddling with his thumbs.

" Karen and I split up. "

"Aw, that's terrible, I'm sorry.." Johnny shook his head with a smile.

" Nah, it's alright. I'm happy, I can move freely without having someone constantly wanting to know where I am and what I'm doing. " The two men laughed together, making their way to the table to eat. "Mmm."

" Thank you, I'm glad you like it. "

" Mhm! It's yummy, mama." The adults smiled and chuckled from the Selly's praise.

Plate after plate was empty, and Sally began to yawn over and over again, rubbing her eyes with her hands. Her mother smiled and gently rubbed her back.

" Looks like someone is tired. Time for bed! " Senylly nodded and hopped off her seat, picking up her plate and carrying it to the sink. Her mother rose up to take her to bed, but stopped from John grabbing ahold of her arm.

" I'll take her to bed. " He smiled, earning one in return.

" Alright, thank you John. " Jonny, watching as Michelle make her way to clean the dishes and put up any leftovers. Then looked to see his brother leave for the bathroom to wash up, and followed after the young girl to her room.

John smiled and closed the door behind him, watching Selly rummage around through her dresser for pajamas to wear.

" You need any help? " He asked, watching Selly look up and nod. " Okay, let's see what you got." 

Jonny waltzed up alongside her and began looking through her various pajamas. "You got some strawberry printed ones. I bet you'll smell just like them in your dreams." He took the shirt up and showed her, giving it a few deep inhales. Selly giggled and shook her head, indicating she didn't want to wear her strawberry pajamas. Johnny nodded and placed the shirt back, then pulled out another shirt with a unicorn on it. " How about this one? Bet you'll ride on miss unicorn here." 

Again Selly giggled and shook her head no. Jonny let out a small huff before placing it back. Then took out a regular white nightgown.  

" How about this? Be able to turn into a princess with this." Selly's eyes lit up and clapped her hands excitedly and nodded. Placing the gown on her bed, he reached over to her and began to unbutton her shirt.

" I can get dressed Uncle. " She said with a smile, looking down at his hands on her shirt. The man smiled back and nodded, continuing to work his way down her shirt.

"I bet you can, but you're tired, and why not have some help?" He asked, watching Selly nod a few times. 

Once getting her shirt unbuttoned, he slipped it off her shoulders and gave her tummy a nice poke, making her giggle. He grinned and took a hold of the rim of her shorts and pulled them down. Finally, Jonny a hold of her nightgown and pushed the opening over her head, making sure her arms could go through the sleeves. 

" All done!" He said happily, watching Selly smile back, giggling when she bounded on top of her bed. Johnny rose up and picked up her clothes, the door opened up and in walked Selly's mother coming to tuck her in.

" You ready for bed? " She asked walking around the bed. Johnny looked up and hurried over to the other side of the bed.

" I'll tuck her in, that okay? " Marie looked up at him and smiled shaking her head.

" Of course not. " She looked down at Selly and leaned in, kissing the child on her forehead. " Goodnight sweetheart. "

" Goodnight mama." Giving the girl a gentle rub with her thumb on her forehead, the woman took the clothes Johnny had and made her way out of the room. Johnny smiled to the Marie and walked over to the light switch, flicking it off. He carefully closed the door to her room and locked it. Slowly, he looked over his shoulder towards Selly, a smile on his face.

" Something funny Uncle?" Selly asked, tilting her head. 

" Not at all, just wanted to talk to you about something that is important, and feels good."

Uncle Jonny sat down beside Selly  and put his hand up her nightown, and into her underwear, Selly jumping at the cold hand of her Uncle.

" Now, this will hurt at first, but not forlong, OK? And you can't tell anyone, because they wouldn't understand.

His fingers went to places Selly didn't even know about.

" Awe." Selly cried.

" I know." Her Uncle said, as his lips touched hers. 

Her cries were now covered up by his lips, her Father and Mother were just next door. 


After the next few days, Marie noticed that Selly wasn't acting herself. She wasn't smiling as brightly as she did. She wasn't chipper and didn't speak with the same amount of happiness. Marie took ahold of Selly's hand as she left to play with her friends, and took her aside. Selly looked up at her mother with a confused look.

" Honey, are you feeling okay? " She asked, kneeling down to be at Selly's height. Selly stared at her idly, and slowly began to weep. Her mother widened her eyes in confusion. "Selena?"

" M-mama... I... I didn't want t-to... " Selly said though hiccuping sobs.

" Didn't want to do what, sweetie ?"

"I-I.. I didn't want t-to play... I didn't want to play his g-game..." Selly looked up at her mother and hugged her tight. "H... He put his f-finger in me... A-and made me t-touch h-him! "  

Marie frowned and gently began stroking Selly's head, comforting her. Lightly shushing her to calm her down.

" Shhh, it's okay. Mama's here now. " It was a nightmare, that's all. The girl had a scary nightmare. "Everything is fine now, okay? Don't worry about it anymore." 

" NO IT'S NOT MAMA! HE TOUCHED ME!" Selly screamed, shoving her Mother away, then darted outside.

" Seleana! Wait!" Her Mom screamed after her. 

But it was no use. Selly was already halfway don the road.


"Sally what?" Andie asked, the shock clear in his voice.

" I tried to call her back, and I called everyone... they can't find her. I'm sorry." 

" Did you think to go look in her fort?"

Marie shot a look of anger at him. " Why would she lie is the bigger question."

" Your worried about that?! Not the fact that our daughter's missing!?" 

" He wouldn't do what she said she did! I know him!" 

"He's my goddamn brother! Not yours!"

" Whoops.. did I interrupt something?" Jonny asked. 

Andie turned his pissed of gase to his younger brother. " DID YOU TOUCH MY DAUGHTER!?" 

Jonny's slow reaction to question gave him away.

" YOU FUCKING!" Andie yelled as he socked Jonny. 

" STOP IT! DON'T KILL HIM!" Marie screamed. 

Andie shoved Jonny out of his bedroom and turned back to his wife. " ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME!? HE RAPPED OUR DAUGHTER!"




" You said she didn't tell you when. YOU FUCKING NEW!"

" Selena lies Andie!" Johnny yelled, getting up. " She's a spoiled brat. A daddy's girl."

" I suggest you fuck off before Ismash your fucking head in." Andie said through gritted teeth.

" And leave you with a pregnant-"

" What?"

" He's not in his right mind. He dosn't-" 

" Shut up whore," Andie snapped. " Both of you, GET THE FUCK OUT OF MY HOUSE!"

" Dear-"

" OUT! Or I will esquart you off my property."

" Are you threatening me boy!" Jonny said, stepping up aginst Andie. 

" I am doing way more than threatening." 

Something sharp stepped into Jonny's side and he stumbled backwards. 

" Your fucking luckey I didn't slit your throat. Now, GET. OUT."

Marie and Jonny left, leaving Andie to think of where Selly would have gone off to.

She loved her friends and their family's, but his wife said she already checked with them. 

Only only other place she would go was her school. The janitor and the teachers loved her. 

There was a football game tonight, wasn't there? 

Andie quickly took out his phone, seeing that there was a football game. 

Andie didn't bother with going to his car, the Elementry school wasn't far. 

Andie huffed it in the heated air, making it to the Elemenrty school, then darted for the playground, welcomed to a puddle of blood, along with Selena's stuffed bear Charles. 

" CALL THE POLICE!" Andie's mind screamed. And he did just that.

Same Time

" MOMMIE!" Selly cried from the trunk. 

" SHUT UP, BRAT!" Jonny screamed. 

" It's ok baby, we have to go or else I can't keep you. And I can't let you ou of there because people can't know your with us." 

" My head hurts!"

" I know love. We have to get far away before we can got you help. Keep pressure on it."


Jonny turned up the radio, learning he and Marie were wanted for kidnapping. 

" Those pigs....."

" Were going to be ok, right dear." 

" Just fine," Jonny said as the car came to a screaching hult. " Get out of the car."

" Where are we going to go?" 

" There's a can abandoned camp ground around here with a fallout shelter I've been keeping up. We will be ok. Here, use these to sot the marker."

Johnny handed Marie a pair of binoculars and when she did what he said, a shotfrom his shotgun went off.

" Mommie?!" Selly squealed. 

" SHUT UP!" Johnny slaped the trunk door thenopened it, letting Selly see her blother's body, her head completely missing.

Johnny tossed Selly onto the ground, and drug the sledgehammer out of the trunk and held it above my head. " You were a nice little screw Selena. To badyour a bitch like your Mother."

" Uncle?" Selly's eyes widened. 

The sledgehammer came down with a crunch the first time, followed by another, and another, then a squashsound as blood, brains,and tissue went everywhere in a close proximity. 

With his business handled, Johnny walked into the forest, his rusted up shotgun glinting in the moonlight.

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