Twilight/The Originals: Jessi...

By xoxo_natylie

34.4K 561 8

Jessica Black is the only daughter to Sarah and Billy Black. She is Jacob Black older sister. She is also a w... More

Twilight Cast
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Twilight Breaking Dawn Part 1
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Twilight Breaking Dawn Part 2
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14

Chapter 3

2.5K 33 0
By xoxo_natylie

~ The next morning~
Jessica woke up the next morning still on top of Paul. She smiled. She tried to get out of his arms but Paul tightened his grip on her. Jessica giggled. "Paul let me get up" Jessica said. "No stay. Don't leave again " Paul whined. "I'm going to cook breakfast. I'm not leaving" Jessica said. Paul finally let her go and Jessica went to the kitchen and got out the eggs bacon and toast. As she was cooking the eggs she felt two arms wrap around her waist. "Morning sleepy head" Jessica giggled. Paul just groaned and put his head in her neck. "Aww my  poor baby is still sleepy" Jessica teased. Jessica finished cooking the eggs an bacon and she went to get plates. Paul still have his arms around her waist. "Paul let go" Jessica giggled. "No." Paul pouted. "Why" Jessica asked. "Because I don't want to." Paul said cuddling to Jessica. "Is it because you don't want me to leave." Jessica asked. Paul nodded. Jessica smiled and turned around. "I'm not going to leave." Jessica said as she wrapped her arms around Paul's neck. Paul pulled her close. "I know you already forgave me but I'm sorry Jess." Paul said. "I know you are. I forgave you am now we are together again." Jessica said. Paul smiled and he lifted Jessica up and Jessica wrapped her legs around Paul's waist and Paul didn't want to let go now. "I love you" Paul said. "I love you too" Jessica said. Paul then put Jessica down. Jessica got plates and put eggs and bacon and toast in both plates. Paul sat down waiting for Jessica. Jessica grabbed cups and put milk in them. As she put down the cups Paul grabbed her by the waist and pulled her into his lap. "Your never gonna let go are you" Jessica asked. "Nope" Paul said. Jessica laughed and enjoyed her breakfast with her boyfriend.
~ a couple days later~
Jessica was laying on her bed reading a book. Then her door opened to reveal Paul. "Hey" Jessica said. Paul smiled and laid on her bed. "So we found out there was a vampire army and we have to help the Cullens fight." Paul said. Jessica sighed but nodded. They were going to have to train. Jessica was not going to go when the pack went. She is going with Hayley and Klaus.
~ Day of training~
Jessica was getting ready as Hayley was as well.
Jessica outfit/Hair/make up

Hayley Outfit/ Hair/ makeup

Both girls got ready. Hope was staying with Billy. Klaus was waiting for them and both girls were ready to go. They met Klaus at the door and vamp speed towards the clearing. "So cold ones and newborns are different because newborns have their human blood that lingers in their tissues. Cold ones don't. We sparkle in the sun as well as Newborns" Carlisle said. "As original vampires or hybrids have special daylight rings to protect themselves from the sun. We can also eat human food and drink blood from blood bags" Klaus said. Everyone turned their attention to the three hybrids. "Or in your case you have a bunny diet" Hayley and Jessica said. Klaus smirked. "Who are you three" Rosalie said. "Now love that's not a nice way to talk to the Mikaelsons" Jessica said. "Mikaelson. As in the first vampires" Esme said. Carlisle nodded. "Carlisle you might want to get your daughter to learn her manners. That's no way to speak to my sister in law"Klaus said. The Cullens stood quiet. After their training session everyone left. Jessica went to Paul's house and saw Paul sitting on the couch with his hands in his face. "Paul what's wrong" Jessica asked. "I just really am nervous about this relationship because I want this to work but I'm scared I am going to mess this up for you" Paul said with tears in his eyes. "Paul it's okay" Jessica said. "No it's not. I already broke your heart once who is to say I won't do it again." Paul said full on crying. Jessica pulled Paul into a hug. Paul put his head on Jessica chest. "Hey it's okay" Jessica said. Paul just kept crying. "Hey don't cry it's okay" Jessica said. Paul stopped crying and looked at Jessica. Both leaned in and kissed each other.
-Mature Content-
Jessica took off her jacket and stopped kissing Paul. "Why did you stop" Paul asked breathlessly. Jessica got up and locked the front door. She went back to Paul and straddled his lap. Paul put his hands on Jessica thighs. Jessica moaned and Paul carried her upstairs and into his room he locked the door and gently put Jessica on his bed. Paul then took his shirt off. Jessica racked her nails against Paul abs and Paul groaned. Paul then kissed Jessica again. Jessica took her short off and her pants and shoes. They both were basically half naked. Paul started to kiss his way down Jessica chest. Then to her stomach. Then he finally made it to her flower."oh god Paul don't stop" Jessica moaned out. Paul smirked against her sensitive skin. "Paul I'm going to..." Jessica said. "I know just let go baby girl" Paul said. Jessica released. Then he slipped inside of Jessica. Jessica got used to the feeling and nodded for Paul to keep going. Paul was going at an inhuman pace. "Oh god Paul" Jessica said. Paul and Jessica felt something in the bottom of their stomach. "Just let go" Paul whispered into Jessica ear. Both let go and Paul collapsed on top of Jessica. Paul wrapped his arms around Jessica waist and pulled her close. "I love you Jessie" Paul said. Jessica smiled an kissed his lips. "I love you too" Jessica said. Then they both fell asleep.

This is the first time I have ever made a sexual content for a story.

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