It's All About Destiny (SwaSa...

By saluna_srk

52.6K 1.8K 225

This story starts when Sanskar saves Swara from Mohini's attack who intends to kill her Sanskar threatens moh... More



1.7K 66 16
By saluna_srk

After arriving at Baadi, Swara and Sanskar immediately entered the house and met sharmista

"Why are you taking so long? Where did you go" asked sharmista

"No maa, we are not going anywhere, I just met him at office" Swara replied

"Okay then" said sharmista. "Sanskar, sit down I'll make a drink for you" said Sharmista and went straight to the kitchen to make tea. Sanskar just smiles and obeys Sharmista's words to sit down, Swara also sits on a chair not far from Sanskar.

"By the way, Sanskar, didn't you come here this afternoon?" asked Sharmista

Swara panics when her mother asks that "Now Sanskar will tell everything to maa" Swara complained to herself.

Sanskar looks at Swara mischievously, while Swara is still busy with her thoughts,

"Yes maa, actually I came to take Swara out. But she refused and threw me out" says Sanskar.

Sharmista is shocked by Sanskar's confession, she looks at swara sharply. "Swara .." growled Sharmista

"Sorry maa.." regrets swara

"Never mind, you better not fight over this trivial thing" said Saharmista. "And sanskar, you can take swara out now" she continued.

Instantly Sanskar is shocked by Sharmista's statement. He regrets that he complained about Swara's deeds,his extraordinary drama has brought him to a worse problem

" maa, I think I'll take her tomorrow" Sanskar tries to refuse it gently.

"What Sanskar said is right maa,after all it's already evening"said Swara

"No need to hesitate,I trust you,you will definitely take care her"

SwaSan looked at each other for a moment then gave sharmista a wry smile. Because forced, Swara and Sanskar also obeyed Sharmista's orders to come out

"Where are you going?" Asked Sanskar

"It's up to you" replied Swara

Sanskar sighs heavily, he is really confused about where to take Swara. Hungry, finally Sanskar decided to take Swara to a restaurant


Swara and Sanskar just reach in front of the restaurant and come right inside to have food. But before entering suddenly Swara crash into a man

"Oh my God I'm sorry,I really accidentally happened earlier" he regretted

Instantly Sanskar scolds the man, he feels unacceptable because the man hit swara. "Next time walk with caution!" said Sanskar irritated

Hearing Sanskar's scolding, Swara immediately grabbed his arm and pulled him back. "No problem, I should apologize earlier for not seeing you" Swara said with a smile

"Geez Swara, you don't need to apologize to this careless person,after all this is his fault, he Don't use his eyes properly when walking'' said Sanskar as he glared at the man

It looks like the man is getting annoyed, but he just sighs harshly

"Never mind sanskar, you should not escalate the problem" said Swara trying to calm Sanskar

"What she said was right, you shouldn't have to increase the problem" the man spoke up.

Sanskar snaps at the man quickly. "Shut up! You don't need to interfere with my business!"Said Sanskar

Before the man answered, suddenly a girl who might be his lover came suddenly

"Sahil ??? What's happend? Are you okay?"

Sanskar's gaze falls on the girl. He knows very well who it is, she was the most loved one 5 years ago, she is Kavita. Sanskar looks at her deeply.
Swara hasn't realized that the girl in front of her is Kavita. What is in her mind right now is only taking Sanskar away from there so that he doesn't make a fuss

"Kavita ..." sanskar sighs.

Swara was really shocked when she heard this, so many questions popped up in her mind. But her mouth can't open in shock. "That means Kavita is still alive. And she is really engaged in sahil. But what made her leaveing Sanskar?" Thought Swara.

Sahil looks at Kavita, he is still confused as to why Sanskar knows her. "Kavita? Do you know him? "Asked Sahil

"Yes! She knows me! She is my lover"sanskar grabbed the question sahil

"Keep your talk! Don't talk nonsense like this!''Said Sahil who started to get annoyed

"I never talk nonsense! If you don't believe me just ask her!"

Sahil turned his face looking at Kavita "Tell me the truth, is he really your lover?" Asked Sahil

Kavita looks at Sahil with teary eyes. "But that was then, now I'm not his lover, after all I didn't really love him" said Kavita

"What?!" Asked Sanskar confused.

Kavita turns to face Sanskar. "Yes, I didn't really love you, I only thought of you as my best friend. That's why I lied to you and made you believe that I was really dead. And now that I am happy with my fiancé, I really love him, I hope you know that love cannot be forced. Now I beg to forget everything, treat everything as the past and never again force me to come back in your life''said Kavita.

After saying this kavita goes into the restaurant leaving swara and sanskar there. Swara gets shocked seeing Sanskar leaving from there. She immediately follows where Sanskar has gone

After searching for a long time, Swara finally found Sanskar who was sitting on a bench which was not too far from the restaurant. Swara can see disappointment in his eyes, tears are forming in the corners of his eyes. But he didn't let others see his tears. Swara walks slowly towards him and sits beside Sanskar.

"I was looking for you, thank goodness we met, I know you are very sad" Swara says without looking at Sanskar.

"Thank goodness we met, at least you are not unlucky like me, who easily lose loved ones" said Sanskar. "I'm sorry because this matchmaking has made you suffer a lot. For that you can cancel this matchmaking"he continued

Seeing Sanskar like this, tears started rolling down Swara's cheeks too. "No sanskar, please don't say that" said Swara.

"Then what else can I say? Everything you say is true, I don't deserve anyone's love. Maybe you also came here to say that you want to cancel this matchmaking"

"Really sanskar? What made you think that I was going to cancel this matchmaking? Why do you think like that?"Asked Swara with teary eyes

"Maybe not, but whatever it is, this matchmaking really makes you suffer"

"I'm here to explain it to you, please don't think like that"

"What should I do swara? I was so blinded by love that I didn't realize who I loved. I'm totally lost! Sometimes my mind tells me that I should end my life! I don't know what game is given
God me. He gave life but He also has taken my life's purpose"says Sanskar

"Who said there is no purpose in life sanskar? Your whole family is with you, they need you and .. "

"Swara please, leave me alone"

"No sanskar ... I will not leave you in this state"

"Swara please ... go ahead"

"No sanskar ... no"

"Swara go!" This time Sanskar pushes Swara,so that Swara falls on the ground.

"Swara ..." says Sanskar who is surprised to see Swara falling

Swara really didn't think that Sanskar could be that rough, she was crying badly there. Without saying anything else Swara runs from there leaving guilt in Sanskar's heart


After that incident, neither sanskar nor swara spoke to each other. They will only talk when they are with their families and only answer a few questions. The wedding will take place in a week. Several rituals have been carried out. The whole family is very happy with this matchmaking, but not the bride and groom. Both have different feelings, failure in relationships makes them a little hesitant to start a new relationship

That night Swara was still pensive in bed,don't know what was on her mind. Maybe she is thinking about Sanskar? Of course yes, her mind can never escape the shadows of Sanskar.

"No swara, you don't have to waste your time thinking about it, you don't need to think of someone who doesn't even care whether you are alive or not"

That's what swara tells herself whenever she thinks of sanskar.

Deep ... deep ... deep

The voice of phone interrupted swara's reverie. She immediately picked it up without seeing who called

"Meet me tomorrow at 10 am in the city park"

Without waiting for an answer from Swara, he immediately hung up the phone. Without looking, Swara also knew that Sanskar had called her. This is the first time after that incident Sanskar called her and talked to her directly. After putting down her cellphone, Swara lay down on bed and closed her eyes

Next Day!

The next day after waking up, Swara went straight down to the kitchen to help Sharmista cook

"Shona,maa will deliver this tea, do you please fry the parathas" said Sharmista

"Jee maa" replied swara

Soon Swara immediately replaced Sharmista's job to fry parathas. Again Swara started thinking about Sanskar, she was really lost in her thoughts until she started to lose concentration while frying

"Ahh.." Swara groaned when there was oil on her arm.

Sharmista is the first person to come to kitchen. "What's wrong, shona?" Asked Sharmista worried

" mom I'm fine, this is just a small wound, I will treat it immediately"said Swara while holding her arm which had a quite serious wound.

"All right, you should immediately treat it. Maa put the medicine box in the drawer next to your bed" said Sharmista

Swara just nods yes and comes out of kitchen to treat her wound. After arriving in her room she immediately took the medicine and put it on her arm, she also bandaged the wound

Maheswari Office●

At that time Sanskar was still busy with several files on his desk. He looked so busy that he didn't realize that in 15 minutes he had to go to city park to meet Swara. 6 minutes later Sanskar has finished with the files. He glanced at the clock which showed 09.49 o'clock. Remember the promise, sanskar immediately takes his phone and comes out of office to meet swara in city park



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See you in next part😅👋

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