The Journey Of Takeem

By jwrites0514

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THE JOURNEY OF TAKEEM Tiana and Hakeem hold a love for each other that is unimaginable but they will need to... More

Authors note


418 19 63
By jwrites0514

Next day

Today is the first day of the press tour for the movie. Tiana and Hakeem are standing behind a curtain waiting for the interviewer to call them out.

"I would like to welcome our next guest here to promote their movie Hakeem Lyon and Tiana Brown." The interviewer introduces them. The audience members get up from their seats and clap to welcome them. The director motions for them to get on stage. T and Keem reveal themselves from behind the curtains and walk to greet the host.

"Welcome." She says after they get the pleasantries out of the way. She gestures for them to take a seat. 

"Thank you." Hakeem and T reply at the same time. 

"This Movie is about how Empire was built." She explains to the audience. "Also your families rise to fame and power." She says while gesturing to Hakeem. All Hakeem does in nod his head yes. "I cant wait I love me some Cookie." She adds excitedly.

"Don't we all." T responds.

"Ok first question was it weird working with your ex?" She asks. 

"No because we know how to keep it professional and we are and have been on good terms." Tiana states and Hakeem nods in agreement. 

"We are cool no drama or anything." Hakeem adds.  

"That's good, what about your time on set how was that?" She asks after reading her questions card. 

"I had a great time on set everything went without a hitch and everyone got along with each other. It was a fun experience especially since it was my first time doing a major acting role. I've been in commercials but I've never acted to that magnitude before so that was different." Tiana explains. She had fun on set everyone was nice.

"How did it feel to play your dad especially when it came to intimate scenes was it weird because it was with your ex who was playing your mother." The interviewer aims the question at Hakeem. 

Hakeem's responds to her with "I didn't think about that and now that you say that I'm uncomfortable." The audience chuckle. 

"There was only kissing nothing weird or extreme." T comments. They continued the interview and it all went smooth. No questions were asked about their personal life.  

2 weeks later 

After that interview they went through that whole process throughout the week to promote the movie. All the interviews were great. When they had female interviewers they would flirt with Hakeem knowing he is married. That was annoying for Tiana but she got through it. The last two weeks had been very eventful for the Lyons. Lucious had a big fight with Damon which ended in Damon's death. The cops had started an investigation but they ruled it as self defense on Lucious part. Since it had been such an action pact week the Lyons are ready to have something go their way which is the movie. The Premiere for the movie is actually today. They had their fitting and have their outfits. The stars of the movie are going to match and since the kids are coming they are also going to match with their parents. 

Hakeem is performing one of the songs from the soundtrack called the oath.  

The premiere was good they watched the movie and everyone seemed to like it. Since it got a standing ovation from the viewers. After they are going to an after party to celebrate with the rest of the cast and crew. Since the party will be filled with alcohol and grown ups the kids were taken home by their nanny. 

Everyone is having fun the music from the soundtrack is playing and everyone's dancing and drinking. While everyone else is having fun T is just sitting in the corner trying to give herself the courage to talk to Hakeem about the pregnancy. She isn't scared she is more embarrassed that she has to do this. She finally works up the courage and walks to where Hakeem is drinking with his friends.   

"Hey can we go talk somewhere privately." T asks. 

"Sure." He says and nods his head for them to go to the back. They go to a back room that no one is using. The party is really loud so Hakeem closes the door so he can hear her. 

"Ok I've been going over in my head how I was going to tell you this for a while now and there is no way to sugarcoat it so I'm just going to say it." T explains. She takes a deep breath and blurts out all in one breath "I'm pregnant and it might be yours or Devon's so I need you to do a paternity test to determine which one of yall it is." Hakeem doesn't say anything he just stands there stunned. He then backs up and sits down on one of the chairs. Tiana is just standing there waiting for him to say something. 

"You good T." Asks after a while of silence.

"When did you find out?" He asks.

"I found out a couple of weeks ago." T responds.  

"So it could be mine or Devon's." Hakeem asks still in shock. 

"Yes so I need your blood to do a paternity test."

"Why not ask Devon."

"Because we kind of messed him up by sleeping with each other so I don't want to get him involved so please don't make this more embarrassing for me than it already is." Tiana says taking a seat on the chair next to him. "So will you do it." She asks looking him in the eyes.

"I mean yeah why wouldn't I." Hakeem says holding her hand. T finds that surprisingly comforting and her nerves die down. 

"Thank you." She says with a smile.

"Hey baby." Maya says from behind Tiana. Both Hakeem and T move their eyes to the door. They must of not heard her enter the room.

"We are in the middle of a conversation." Tiana says frustrated with her. 

"Well I wanted to check up on my husband." She says emphasizing the word husband and a sly smile creeps up on her face.

"You know what I don't want to do this tonight so Hakeem call or come by the house so we can talk." T walks past Maya rolling her eyes at her. She decides to just leave the party all together.

"Yo why are all up on me." Hakeem says moving from Maya who was holding on to him.

"Sorry I just wanted to get her mad." Maya says chuckling. 

"You need to stop working her up." Keem tells her. 

"She has been bullying me since we first met and now I finally have something that will mess with her." Maya says remembering how T treated her during the tour last year. 

"You know that will backfire when she finds out our relationship isn't real." Hakeem says knowing that if T finds out they are faking the marriage she will never let them outlive it. 

"That's why I need you to promise to never to tell her." Maya says being very serous. 

"Ok I guess but you know you are petty right." Hakeem points out her trait. 

"Thank you." She says taking it as a compliment. 

"But Tiana is Pettier she will come after you if you come for her you should already know that after that song." Hakeem says referring to You're welcome which is on the billboard hot one- hundred at eighty-nine.  

"I am not scared of her." Maya says as a matter of fact. "What were yall talking about?" She then asks. 

"Nothing." Hakeem says not knowing whether Tiana would be mad if he told her or not. 

"Hakeem I'm your wife we have to communicate." She says knowing throwing out the word wife means nothing to him.

"Bro this is fake remember that." Hakeem says reminding her that just because she can use it on others to make them do what she wants doesn't mean she can use it on him. 

"I know but seriously what were yall talking about?" Maya asks again since she is curious.

"She is pregnant." Hakeem caves in. He knows she will not give up because one thing about Maya she is persistent. 

"Wait seriously." She says wanting to laugh. 

"You better not tell nobody and if I see this anywhere online this little arrangement will be through." Hakeem warns her. 

"I wouldn't do that." Maya says knowing she is lying. 

"Sure you wouldn't." Hakeem says knowing that she probably would if Tiana gets her mad enough. 

"So does Devon know?" Maya asks. 

"That's the thing it could be his or mine." Hakeem explains.

"So the rumors of Devon breaking up with her because she cheated on him with you is true?" Maya asks. People on social media have been talking about their breakup but a lot of people just kept saying they saw it coming a long time ago. 

"Yeah." Hakeem confirms. 

"Yall are just wrong." Maya says condemning them. 

"I feel like I was the one who was wronged in that situation but ok." Hakeem expresses because of how T just ended it between him to be with Devon. 

"What will you do if it's yours." Maya asks. 

"Take care of mine like I have been." Hakeem says and gets up to go back to the party leaving Maya by herself.

Honors apartment

Tiana is knocking on the door of her best friend Honor. She need someone to talk to. She opens the door for T. 

"Why are you knocking at my door like I owe you money." Honor asks her. T was beating the door down to the point where people downstairs could hear.

"Because you probably do." T says walking past her and making herself comfortable on the couch.  

"True. Shouldn't you be at your movie premiere party?" She ask Tiana while closing the door and then taking a seat next to her. 

"I left cause I saw a rat." T says referring to Maya and Honor has a look of disgust on her face thinking it was an actual rat. 

"Well you look cute." Honor compliments her trying to move past the rat comment. 

"Don't I always." T replies confidently. 

"A simple thanks will do." She says with a fake attitude. 

"You a hater." T jokes with her. 

"So what you doing here." Honor asks her.

"Can't I visit my best friend." T responds. 

"I didn't say that but it's one in the morning. I could of been asleep so this must be important for you to be here at this hour." Honor explains. 

"Yeah I have news. I've been keeping this to myself for a while now but I'm ready to share." T says. She can share with her close friends now since she has told Hakeem. 

"Ok what is it?" She asks as she gives T her full attention. 

"I'm Pregnant." T says with a little bit of excitement in her voice. 

"Excuse you?" Honor asks taken aback by what T just said. 

"Yeah." T confirms. 

"How far along are you and when did you find out?" She asks looking at T's stomach even though there is no bump yet. 

"I found out like 4 week ago and I was 3 then so now I'm 7." T adds the weeks up. 

"So you've known for 3 weeks and your now telling me that." Honor asks. 

"Yes I had to kind of do something first." Tiana says referring to asking Keem to do the test. 

"Have you told Devon." She asks. 

"See that's the thing I don't know if it's Devon's." Tiana says quietly but she still heard her. 

"Who else would it be. You know what Neverminded I know who." Honor realizes there is one person Tiana would do something dumb like that with.  "You really cheated on Devon he was sweet and he was good to you." She tells T. 

"Yes but it was an accident." T say still trying to justify it. 

"How is that an accident. An accident is when you slip and fall down the stairs on your way to get a snack from the kitchen you don't accidently slip and fall on the D now can you." She asks rhetorically. 

"It depends who you asking." Tiana says with a smile.

"Nobody, that doesn't happen to anyone." She responds as she furrows her eyebrows and  shake her head. 

"Sure it doesn't." T says trying to annoy her.

"It really does not. You know what I'm going to change the subject before you give me a headache. You really cheated on dude." She says going back to their previous conversation. 

"I know I already feel bad you don't have to make me feel worse." Tiana knowns Devon didn't deserve what she did to him. She still hasn't apologized to him. 

"I mean we could see it from a mile away but I was really hoping you would fight your urge." Honor could tell that Devon's relationship with Tiana was kind of one sided. She knows T and she knows that Tiana liked Devon but the way she was still emotionally invested in Hakeem their relationship was going to flop. 

"Fight what urge?" T asks furrowing her eyebrows.

"Yes your urge to be with Hakeem that's why yall keep doing this childish back and forth. At this point can yall just get together and stay together or be as far away from each others as possible." Honor says honestly. Tiana can always count on her to tell her the truth. 

"We have kids we have to eventually see each other." T states. 

"What about Devon will you get him involved." Honor asks genuinely wanting to know how T is going to navigate this mess she has on her hands. 

"With how our relationship ended I don't want to bring him into this start drama and it turns out not to be his." T replies still standing with her decision to not get Devon involved. 

"Yeah that man has gone through enough by you. I really liked him for you." Honor says wanting what's best for T. 

"I really liked him for me too." T replies. 

"But did you really." Honor asks her. 

"What do you mean yes I did." T says but the way she said it made it sounds like she was trying to convince herself. 

"Like I get that you like the way he was treating you but were you even invested in the relationship cause when you heard about Hakeem and Maya you got on the phone and started crying about that to me." Honor reminds her of the night she found out that Hakeem had married Maya. 

"First of all I wasn't crying I was venting plus me and Devon had already broken up and second I did like Devon but we were literally in that "relationship" for like 3 months so it couldn't have gotten serious in that short amount of time." 

"Yet you had him around your kids." Honor says trying to make since of that relationship. 

"You know what I'm an adult I don't have to explain myself to you." T say with an attitude since she doesn't have any real comeback.

"You know what I'm gonna act like you did not just catch an attitude with me like I'm your child." She then moves closer to T to ask her the question that's been on her mind since T said she was pregnant with either Devon or Hakeem's child.  "So let's move on to the most important question who would you rather the father be Devon or Hakeem."

"Honestly I haven't thought about." T says and Honor could tell that was a lie. 

"How are you in a movie again because you are a terrible actress. Be serious who do you want it to be." She says wanting to know who T would rather the father be. 

"I kind of want the father to be......"


I wonder who T wants the father to be.🧐🧐

Just incase you don't understand how she is already 7 weeks pregnant I'm gonna give yall a timeline.

Chapter 20 and 21 equal to one week after she found out 

The interviews took one week to finish 

Then a 2 week time skip to get to the premiere 

So in total 4 weeks have gone by and in one week she can do the paternity test. 

Hope that helps if you were confused 

I wonder who got cropped out of that photo😚😊😊

PS. Yall will find out who the father is next chapter. 

PPS. Happy birthday Anyliaah

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