the school's player [lrh]

By fourvocals

18.6K 418 96

luke hemmings. everybody knew who he was, he's gotten it on with just about any girl you could possibly think... More

chapter one // first day.
chapter two // luke hemmings?
chapter three // how was homeroom?
chapter four // makeover.
chapter five // table for two.
chapter six // megan.
chapter seven // the talk.
chapter nine // table for four?
chapter ten // double date.
chapter eleven // valentine's day.
chapter twelve // the interruption.
chapter thirteen // who's michael?
chapter fourteen // the explanation.
important update
chapter fifteen // the bet?
chapter sixteen // dirty hands.
chapter seventeen // what the hell mom?
chapter eighteen // the end.
Please read!

chapter eight // different in a good way.

1.1K 24 8
By fourvocals

hey im running out of ideas for the story and it sucks because this chapter is stupid due to me not knowing what to write, hope ya enjoy chapter eight, at least try to!

wednesday mornings. the worst. other than monday mornings, of course. i get up from my warm, comforting bed and check the time. 7:50. wait. 7:50!? alison usually comes to pick me up at 7:35, she's probably wondering why i wasn't up and ready.

i didn't even sleep late! well, school starts in 30 minutes so i should be ready by then.. but i cannot walk there. it'll take me 15 minutes and i certainly cannot get ready in 15 minutes.

i change into a plain black tight long sleeved shirt, dark washed jeans, and my black converse. i tie my hair up into a ponytail and brush my teeth. once that was done, i put on some mascara and chapstick and thought about who to text to take me to school, since i couldn't walk and my mom was already at work.

the only friends i had were ali and luke. oh wait, luke!

me: hey im running late and ali's already at school and can't take me, can you? please!

luke: yeah sure, i'll be right over :)


i left the house and went into his car and greeted him with a simple "hey".

"hey princess." he said with a smile.

"so, how're you on this lousy wednesday morning?" i ask. "eh,
could be better, you?" he questions. "im alright." i reply. "wanna hang out tonight? we could go to an amusement park!" he says excitedly. "as much as i'd love to go, tonight's my girl night with ali haha." i say. "ali as in alison? ashton goes on and on about how perfect she is!" he says. "oh god really? she goes on and on about HIM!" i say, feeling excited for my bestfriend. "yeah, ali is uh a sensitive topic." he says, changing the mood of the conversation. "oh right, sorry."

we pull into the school's driveway.

"hey, thanks for wasting your time on me." i say. "it's not called wasting time if i'd do it again." he replies, making me blush.

we then walk into school together and all i could feel were girls staring me down, probably wondering what luke saw in me enough to be around me. it bothered me, im not the type of girl who gets much attention and you'd think i'd like it once in a while but it terrified me. what was there to like about people stopping what they were doing just to just stare? at you?

"see you later?" he asks. "yeah, sure." i reply.

i then rush to my locker, trying to avoid stares. i get my books for my first three classes and go to my first class.


i scan the packed cafetorium for ali. when i finally spot her, i rush over.

"hey al- wait, who's this?" i ask, pointing to the attractive guy next to her. "this is ashton! he's friends with luke." she says, smiling. "oh well, hi ashton, im kate." i say shaking his incredibly huge hand. "oh, kate! yeah, i've heard about you. luke talks about you a lot." he tells me. "oh, really? what does he say?" i question. "he says your beautiful and um different, in a good way." he says while eating the disgusting pizza the lunch serves. "oh, well alright." i say smiling.

(a/n) didn't wanna write the end because the rest of the day was pointless and boring and yeah.. sorry for taking so long to update, im running out of ideas! and this chapter was short af! until next time :)

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