Our Sacred Space (Ariana/You)

By Camrenansnorminah

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"Wait!" I exclaim. She turns back around with a smirk "change your mind?" I stay silent for a second before I... More



743 36 21
By Camrenansnorminah

Y/n pov

"You're acting weird"

I blink out of my trance and turn to my best friend. "What?"

She nods "yeah, something is up"

I furrow my eyebrows and shake my head, returning to my assignment "I don't know what you're talking about mila, and be quiet Mr.V is gonna get mad"

She rolls her eyes "what's up with you y/n"

"Nothing milz" I retort. "Mhm Well if I can't get it out of you then I'll have Dinah give you a Polly beat down" she states.

I raise an eyebrow at her "what makes you think something is wrong?"

"You're zoning out and when you introduced me to Ariana earlier you got really fidgety" she explains.

I give a weak smile "you read me too easily and I don't like it"

She snorts "of course I can read you easily, we've been best friends since fifth grade, now what's up"

I sigh "I don't know I'm really confused, I'm feeling a lot of emotions right now". Camila places a hand on my shoulder "is it because of Luke?". I shake my head "no it's about-"

"Ladies, do you have something you wanna share with the class?" The teacher shouts.

Camila and I look at each other and back at Mr.V "no sir" she answers for us. He gives us a stern look "okay then get back to work"

God I hate history class.


"Chinnnnaaaa!" Camila squeals running over to dinah, another one of my best friends.

I shake my head and giggle, spotting my other best friend,ally. I make my way over to the table where she's sitting "Hey allz" I say waving,putting down my backpack and taking a seat the opposite side of her.

She looks up from reading her book and smiles "hey y/n/n, not hungry? Or are you planning on driving out to lunch somewhere?"

"Im not hungry, I see your still studying for your test huh?" She nods "yeah, it's huge and if I do really well I might get a few colleges attention"

I smile "I know you'll do well ally, your really smart and incredibly determined"

"Thanks y/n, that means a lot" her warm smile is a thank you enough for me. "Of course, but you've been studying day and night I think you should at least enjoy some lunch"

She shrugs "sure, what's the harm in a little food, but if I'm eating you are too, what's going on with you, your usually very food driven"

I chuckle "I don't know I'm very confused about somethi-"

"Hi babyyy" amber says sitting next to me and placing a kiss on my cheek. My heart warms as a smile makes it's way onto my face.

"Hey you, how are classes?" I ask. She takes a hold of my hand "good I guess, I saw camilas boo thang in world literature, and I saw your new friend too, I was going to sit with her but she was with some dude"

My stomach drops Ariana has a boyfriend she didn't tell me about?

"Oh" I shake my head of the strange thoughts. I have a beautiful girlfriend right here and I can't have anyone else.

"Uhm well what did milas boo thang do?"

Amber giggles "she was sitting with her friend normani, I tried to go up to her but it would've been weird, we just need to give Camila some balls"

"Excuse me?" Mila scoffs as she comes up to the table with her tray of food, alongside dinah.

"Amber saw lauren in her class today" I tease. My best friend grins "did you get any photos?"

My girlfriends eyes widen "no you weirdo, I'm never doing that again, if you want to look at her so bad, just go and talk to her"

I nod in agreement "yeah common mila you've had a crush on her since junior year when you guys did a project together"

She shrugs "I don't think she'll like me back"

"What's the worst that can happen chanch, it's your senior year, it's literally now or never" dinah says with a mouth full of food, causing the mom of our group to correct her "dinah please eat your food before speaking honey" ally says.

Dinah rolls her eyes and swallows her food "sorry mom"

I giggle at my dorky friends and look around the cafeteria, one person catching my full attention. The way her ponytail sways as she walks. Her jeans hugging her curves. Her adorable dimples as she smiles. There's something about her that draws me closer.

I'm mesmerized and caught off guard as she scans the cafeteria, her chocolate doe eyes landing on my chestnut ones.

My stomach flips as I notice her bite her lip. With a bit of confidence, I wave at her. She beams and waves back, quickly turning back around to her friends. I return to mine as well.

My friends chat nonchalantly about school and how their days have been, but mila doesn't seem very interested in the conversation as she's staring somewhere else.

With a raised eyebrow I turn to where she's looking only to find her staring at the one and only Lauren jauregui, aka her crush since forever.

I smirk and snap my fingers in camilas face causing her to come back down to earth from whatever planet she was on, most likely planet green eyes over there.

"What" she says. "I was serious earlier You need to talk to her cam" I state.

She shakes her head "I get really nervous and last time I made a fool of myself"

"Well maybe it's because you didn't know what you were gonna say when you went up to her, but I saw her face she thought you were cute" I explain.

"I guess"

Suddenly an idea clicks in my head "what if I invite her to the party this weekend?"

She sits up "that would actually be perfect" I wipe fake dirt off my shoulder "I know I'm a genius milz"

She rolls her eyes with a smile "shut up"

A little bit of time passes when my stomach begins to rumble, I check my watch to notice there's only 10 minutes of lunch left and theres no more lunch being served.

I sigh with my stomach aching for something to digest when amber taps my shoulder. I turn to her and look down at her hand holding out an apple for me "I know your hungry, and besides you have to eat considering your not going to be able to since your gonna be working"

I smile and grab the apple "thanks baby" I kiss her lips softly and take a hold of her hand.

Shes the one and I don't want anybody else.


Ariana POV

"This is actually so stupid" I groan at my new schedule.

"I wonder why they changed it, maybe a few new students got here and your classes were too full ari" Vic theorizes.

"Yeah and besides its only your classes after lunch, the rest are the same" Brian explains.

I sigh in defeat "yeah your right, thanks guys"

As if on cue, the bell rings. Everyone waves bye to each other as they set off to their classes.

"Hey I'll walk you to your new math class since my English one is right next door" Courtney offers. I thank her as we link our elbows and walk together.

When we arrive at my class, I hug my best friend and enter with a nervous smile.

I scan the room,searching for a place to sit when I spot her. She has her head down, focusing on one of her assignments.

My nervous smile soon turns into a gentle one as I make my way over. "Is this seat taken?" I ask.

She shakes her head "no" then looks up, when she realizes it's me her eyes widen and her cheeks turn pink.

She clears her throat and smiles, she's cute. "Hey uh, I haven't seen you in the class and your pretty easy to spot so I'm assuming your either new or you got a schedule change"

I grin and take a seat next to her "yeah, a lot of new people came in so"

She nods "make sense, what class do you have next?"

"Chemistry" I respond. "Hey cool we have the same class next too, with Ms.Lopez right?"

I check my schedule and nod "yeah, what about last period?"

"I have choir, you?" Y/n says. I beam "me too! That's good we have the last three periods together"

She chuckles "finally I have my last classes with someone I know, well except for choir, amber is in there"

My shoulders deflate but my smile stays on my face "oh ha yeah that's good"

"So how long have you and amber been together?" I ask.

She thinks for a second "uh to be honest I don't really keep track but if I were to take a guess I'd say maybe a year and a half?"

"Oh wow that's uh, a while" I say shocked.

"Longest relationship I've been in actually, she's nice" y/n says.

I give a awkward smile, why do I feel this way? I barley even know her. "That sounds sweet"

She cackles "yeah, thanks erm...so are you coming to the party this weekend?"

I grin "I'll definitely try if I'm not busy, it sounds like a lot of fun"

She nods "it will be, and maybe this time you'll stay longer than two minutes"

I giggle "and this time I won't be terrified to follow you to you're house"

She chuckles "touché"

Our conversation ends there as we proceed to continue through class. When our class ends, we walk together to our next one.

"So what are your plans after school?" I ask her. She shrugs "I have to work until 6:30"

I stop in the middle of the hallway "work?"

She nods "Yep"

"What time does the coffee shop close at?" I ask in shock that she works morning and evenings.

She clears her throat and continues walking "on no it closes at 12pm but I - uh I work at a diner as a waiter during the evenings"

I furrow my eyebrows in confusion "weekends too?"

"Nah I only work at the coffee shop on weekends" she reply's.

"Wow that's a lot....saving up for college?"

Her demeanor changes like how it did earlier "uh yeah sure...something like that"

I decide not to push it further based on her attitude as we walk into class.

I'm about to ask her where she wants to sit when I see a familiar face "Ariana! Hey come sit!" He says.

I look to y/n who just shrugs and gives a small smile "it's fine I'll sit somewhere else"

"Y/n wait I-" But before I can say anything else the bell rings and she walks to sit next to some raven haired girl.

I sigh and sit next to him "hey Dalton"

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