
By specers

485 26 33

After Sam passed away, everyone in the house had split up. Corey and Jake remained to live together but, Devy... More



83 4 22
By specers


Corey cried out in agony, his face red with hot tears streaming down his cheeks. Colby was wrapping Jake's neck to stop the white haired male from bleeding all over his car. Colby felt terrible because he knew what Corey was feeling. He felt the pain, the sorrow, the regret, the guilt, the misery. He felt it all and he truly felt sorry for the crying male.

  "Hey man, maybe we can find her and we can bring her home. She'll be fine." Colby sighed at Jake's words and silently prayed (to no one in particular) that the boy would shut up. He knew that he was only trying to help but he was just getting Corey's hopes up for nothing. He knew that Devyn was dead. He felt her die. He felt their friendship bond end. That's why he had to come find Corey and fast. But, he wasn't fast enough. Devyn was gone.

  "Colby. I don't know what the hell you are. I don't know what you did to Sam to make him run like he did that day! B-but you need to t-tell me if she's ok-kay! Please Colby! I'm begging you!" Colby sighed, stopping his work on Jakes neck to look at the desperate male in front of him. Tara's metal like teeth clinked together as she clenched them and waited for Colby's answer.

  "I'm so sorry Corey." And that was all it took for Corey to break down again. The young devil looked to Tara for advice but the young demon herself was looking at the broken man in the car with heartbreak in her evil eyes. They all felt terrible for Corey.

  "I never even had the chance to tell her i was sorry, or that I loved her, or even a goodbye. I never got to marry her. I'll never have kids with her. I'll never be with her again and I was so awful the last time-" the brunet choked on his sobs as he cried even harder, a panic attack breaking through his body as he hyperventilated and cried out for his ex-lover.

  "Devyn! I'm so sorry, baby!" Colby sighed, snapping his fingers and watching as Corey went limp. He was out cold. Tara sighed from the front seat.

   "I've only ever seen one person that broken... It was you." was all she said to her boss.  He looked at the broken man next to him and returned to healing Jake's wounds.

    "I know. That's why I wanted to prevent it. I would never wish that kind of pain on anyone. No matter who I was." Jake looked Colby in the eyes, watching as the bloody red turned back to their sad and broken blue. Crystallized and welled over with tears that he fought hard to keep in.

  Trying to be careful with his actions, Jake reached his hand out and put it on Colby's cheek. The devil stopped his movements, his breath hitching before he locked eyes with the white haired boy and let one single tear escape.

  "It wasn't your fault. Wherever he is, he forgives you. And he loves you."

  *"Colby, I forgive you."
Sam whispered to Colby who glared at the blond and kissed him harshly.
Colby didn't want forgiveness, he wanted Sam...*

  He was so terrible to him. So worried about staying evil. So blinded by lust and hatred. He used to be an angel. What the hell happened to him? Colby didn't know. All he knew was that he did not deserve Sam. He never did.
And that Angel fucking Loved him.

  And he ruined it.
He killed him.
He was a Monster.
He was a Devil.
He is a Devil.
The Devil.
But he wasn't Evil.
He was good.
And he was loved.

  "Colby?" Colby snapped out of his trance and turned to look at Tara, the nineteen year old demon looking back at him with concern in her green eyes.

  "He's right. Sam does love you." She whispered. Colby furrowed his eyebrows and went back to helping Jake, looking up at the guy who looked so pure despite all of his darkness.

He would definitely be an angel one day. So would Corey.

Hopefully, so would Devyn.


"Are you unhappy my dear?" Devyn let out small tears as she waited for the knife against her throat to slice her neck open. She was praying in her head, praying for a savior and praying for forgiveness.

  "Such a shame Sam never warned you not to pray in front of a Demon, little Angel." The male had strapped her to a metal chair, something you would see in a psych ward, and was now holding her prisoner against her will.

  "I just wanted to see him one last time-" Devyn gasped and held her breath as she felt the blade against her throat press deeper into her skin.

  "I can arrange that, darling." He smiled evilly, ready to slice her throat before the door slammed open.

  "And just what do you think you are doing Mike?" The demon groaned at the sound of his brothers voice.

  "Ariya, I'm in the middle of something!" He removed the blade from against Devyn's throat, waving his arms in her direction to make his sentence obvious.

  "Sam said he wanted no visitors." Mike whispered hastily. Aryia sighed and put a hand on his face, shaking his head softly.

  "He requested her, Mike. Plus, I don't think he would take too kindly to you trying to kill his best friend." The split haired male whispered back with the same amount of venom. Devyn, who was sat there crying silently and frozen from fear, finally realized what was happening. Was she being saved?

   "Katrina is his best friend. Plus, I can't kill her if she's already dead, stupid." She clenched her eyes shut as her heart had many palpitations. Was she dead? Was this purgatory? Was it hell? Where was she and why?

   "Well, he wouldn't want you to torment her soul then." The younger mumbled, rolling his eyes. He sighed and walked over to the chair Devyn was strapped in, removing her gag and beginning to release her.

She looked up at the stranger with grateful eyes as he shot her a small smile and held out his hand to her. She shyly took his hand and he helped her up and out of the chair. With his hand still wrapped tenderly around hers, he began to lead her through the hallway.

  "I'm sorry about him. He has some mental problems. That's why hes a demon." Devyn had tried tears on her cheek and dried blood on her neck. She looked like an utter mess but she still managed to look adorable.

  "A- a demon?" She whispered. Aryia released her hand and put his hand on her back, giving her a small pat of comfort as he continues to lead her down the dark hall. She felt happy to know that he was there to help her but didn't quite trust him yet.

  "Mostly everyone here is a demon. Katrina is a Meld like me and a few others here. She's the beautiful lady that lead you to the wrong room. Honest mistake." He said, turning the corner with Devyn and sending her a warm smile. Devyn was extremely confused now.

  "What's a Meld?" The scared brunette whispered back to him.

  "It is basically a demon mixed with an angel, like a hybrid. Some people mix them up with fallen angels and crossbreeds but, melds have never been to heaven." The male shrugged his shoulders as he finished his explanation. He was about to smile at the girl again but she was still trying to process the confusing information.

  "Basically, i was a good person in my lifetime. I made a few mistakes, like getting addicted to drugs and liquor, but I was able to overcome those addictions and get back on the right path. They didn't count as sins anyways." He said softly. Devyn looked at him in shock. Why was he telling her this? Was he going to kill her? Surly not, he wouldn't have saved her if he wanted her dead, right?

  "Anyways, I got my life back on track, found a wife and fell in love. All was well. I had a perfect life and a beautiful wife and a good job but... We can't all be perfect." Devyn looked at the man who held tears in his eyes. Why was he crying? Why is he part demon if he was such a good person? She was so confused. Almost everything she once knew was now confusing her.

  "I came home early one day, I bought my wife roses... It was our anniversary. I went inside the house with the biggest smile on my face but when I walked in... My wife was with... Another man." Devyn gasped, stopping next to the man in the hallway as he stopped as well, trying to wipe his tears away.

   "Something snapped in me, I was filled with hate, I couldn't think straight and I tried to strangle the bastard as soon as I saw him. I scared my wife so bad that she ran away with him. It drove me mad... I stalked them for months. I tracked them down, memorized their schedule so I would know when he was home and when she wasn't." Devyn listened carefully, trying to figure out where this story was going.

  "One day, I decided it was time and I... I waited for her to go to work. I brought an ax and I hid in his house. I scared him a little and then I snuck up on him with it. The rest is a blur. All I know is that once I started, I couldn't stop." Both of the souls stood there in the hallway, tears in their eyes. Unable to move as they both tried to comprehend the sadness and the heartbreak.

   "She messaged me the next morning and told me to meet her on mulholland drive. She called the swat team to have me arrested. She kissed me, one last time and all of the memories came flooding back. My heart was whole again. When they were putting the handcuffs on me I fought back and I ran. I didn't want to go to jail. I thought I could get away but they unlawfully shot me. Its how I died." Aryia finished the story, looking back at the young angel standing in front of him. He was surprised to find tears in her eyes.

  "You didn't deserve... Any of that. You were- you are a good man..." She choked out. She didn't know this man well but she knew that he wasn't evil. He just saved her life.

  "Its why I'm half and half. Stuck on earth, in some kind of purgatory. I was a good person but I did something evil. This is my punishment until I can prove I'm good enough to be an angel." He smiled. He then cleared his throat, wiping his hears away and whipping his tail out.

  "This way to the room." He said quietly. Devyn followed after him, slightly frightened by the tail that was sharp and strong enough to cut a boulder. 

  "Sorry we had to get all sad there." He laughed, nudging her a bit. She gave a small laugh in reply.

   "Its fine... Aryia?" She asked. He hummed in acknowledgment.

   "If I'm an... Angel... Why am I still here?" This caused Aryia to pause in his steps once more before he snapped out of it and kept walking with Devyn.

    "It seems that you have some unfinished business, my dear. You won't be able to go into heaven until it is finished. You don't have to leave once its finished though, Sam is going to be here for a long, long time." He finished. Devyn gave him another confused glance.

  "Why?" She asked quietly.

  "Because lucifer is quite unlucky."


1979 Words


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