
470 48 11

Albus Potter, son of Harry and Ginny Potter is very excited to finally reach the age to go to Hogwarts. He ha... Еще

Author's Note
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Thank you...

Chapter 15

12 1 0

"Mcgonagall wants to talk to us." said Scorpius.

"Not another death note. I am not at all interested in knowing I am going to die. " said Albus.

"Well we can't tell that to her, can we? Come on." said Cheryll

They went to her office. She was reading something. "Oh! Come in. I was expecting you." she said.

"Professor, no offense but I am least interested in knowing that I am gonna die." said Albus.

"No Mr. Potter, it is not a letter." Before she could continue or anyone else could say anything, James came barging in, "Another letter?" he asked.

"No Mr. Potter, it is not a letter." she said again. Cheryll didn't even try to suppress her laughter.

"Mr. Malfoy, I happen to know that you are the most intelligent student in this room." James snorted. She continued, "If you may." She gave a newspaper to Scorpius and he started reading, "As we all know, Harry Potter, Head of Magical Law Enforcement, married to Ginny Potter, ex quidditch player and now the editor of the sports section of the Daily Prophet. They both have three children two of which are presently studying in Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry." Albus cut in. "I am not at all interested in knowing about my father's fan club."

"Shut up." Cheryll said, knowing that something serious was going to come. Albus didn't dare talk. Scorpius continued, "Albus Severus Potter, their second child could be in grave danger. On 2nd May this year the dark mark was conjured in the sky. It has just come to our notice that the Dark Lord, Voldemort has an heir, a daughter who may be after Albus Potter. Just like her father she also has followers who are ex death eaters or their children, they are referred to as Knights of Walpurgisa. We have no real evidence why she is after him, maybe she wants revenge for her father. The Minister for Magic, Hermoine Granger who also happens to be the boy's aunt says 'We will not make the mistake that the Ministry made the last time. We are in full acceptance that we might be in terrible danger but we should not forget that we have Harry Potter. He has defeated the Dark Lord once and might do it twice. In the meantime we have to keep Albus Potter and his family safe. We cannot guarantee winning or losing but we must not lose hope.' "

"So Mr. Potter, she has gone public. But you must not forget that Hogwarts is maybe the most safe place at this time so you should distract yourself and start studying for the exams that lie ahead."

"Professor, I might die. No one is going to ask me if I passed or failed." said Albus.

"Let me tell you I told your father, you dont need to hand in the paper if you die but you should study, just in case.'' Cheryll and James laughed, Scorpius gave him a knowing look. They thanked Professor Mcgonagall and left the room.

The next day, they went to meet Professor Longbottom. They had no idea why they wanted to meet him but they thought that they might get some questions answered. Cheryll couldn't stop thinking about what he had said during their first meeting about Draco Malfoy liking Hermoine Granger. Her brain was in a huge conflict whether she should tell Scorpius or not. 'His dad is married, it was just a silly old crush.' she thought. 'What if it was more than that.' her brain replied. So she decided that she would stop thinking about what ifs and start concentrating on the problem that lay ahead.

"So what brings you here?" asked Professor Longbottom.

"We just had some questions." said Scorpius.

"Ask away," he replied. They thought for a while but nothing came to their minds. Then Cheryll asked, "Professor, how did Harry Potter kill Voldemort?"

"Good question. Now, you must remember that Harry did kill Voldemort but he could do so with help. You see, Voldemort had split up his soul into pieces and hidden them in objects. These as you might know are known as-"

"Horcruxes." Scorpius finished for him. Cheryll and Albus gave him an annoyed look.

"Exactly, horcruxes. A person can only be killed when-"

"All the horcruxes are destroyed." Scorpius finished again.

"Why don't you only tell us? Why bother Professor Longbottom?" asked Albus, irritated.


"So, it took about a year for Harry, Hermoine and Ron to find and destroy them. The problem was that even Harry was a horcrux. When Voldemort killed him, the horcrux inside him died and then he could kill Voldemort."

"And you were the one who killed one of them, the snake.'' said Scorpius.

"I sure did but how do you know?"

"Dad told me. He was secretly happy." Then his face paled. "Do not tell him I told that."

"Of course not." said Cheryll

"Now, it is very late. You should go back to your dormitories. Always remember, if you want to talk my doors are always open." he said warmly and the three of them left.

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