Marvel Academia - My Hero Aca...

By Atom226

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When the world is inhabited by people who have developed a peculiar and amazing ability known as quirks; bein... More

Part 1: New Beginning.
Part 3: The Heroes Test.
Part 4: The Month Before the Test.
Part 5: M.U. Entrance Exam Pt.1
Part 6: M.U. Entrance Exam Pt.2
Part 7: First Day.
Part 8: Heroes VS Villains.
Part 9: Wall Crawler: Origin
Part 10: What Makes a Hero.
Part 11: The Attack.
Part 12: The Plan.

Part 2: Meeting an Idol.

277 7 0
By Atom226

Peter sat in awe as he looked at the red and gold suit that stood infront of him. He simply had no words. He was having a hard time trying to decide if he should thank him for saving his life or ask for his autograph. As he sat there, Iron Might started to notice he was in a small state of shock.

"Hello? Earth to kid? Talk to me buddy." He said as he lightly knocked on his head.

"Ohhh y-yes sir! Im fine!" Peter said in an outburst. He was really nervous that he just spoke the first words that came to mind.

"Well that's great. You took a heavy hit from that bastard. I thought I'd lost  you." Iron Might said with a light chuckle as he pointed to the cracks on the wall.

Peter looked at the wall with awe. He knew he wasn't a powerful human or some hero, yet he was amazed that he resisted and survived that incident.

"By the way... what's your name kid?" Iron Might asked.

"Oh... Im P-Peter Midoriya." He said as he lowered his head as if he was bowing.

"Peter, huh? So what's your quirk?" He asked as he crossed his arms and looked over to where the fight had happened a while ago.

"Well... it's nothing, it isn't useful at all... well I thought... you see it's a weird one and I don't know why but I was able to do some weird things today and I ju-" He was cut off by Iron Might who placed a hand on his shoulder.

"Calm down bud. It's a simple question." He said with a chuckle.

"Well... my quirk is that... I can climb walls." He said as he felt embarrassed.

"Climb walls? How?" Iron Might asked intrigued.

"Well... using my hands and feet I can climb up walls and stay stuck to them." Peter explained as he started to stand up.

"Wall climbing? Then... how did you dodge the scorpions hits?" Iron Might asked.

"W-Wait... you saw that?" Peter asked surprised.

"Well yeah... I was in the sewers following this guys tracks when I picked up on your heat signature. You were moving all over the place." Iron Might said.

"Well... I... I don't know..." Peter said as he sighed. "I've never been able to do that before. It was the first time it ever happened."

"Huh... let me guess..." He said as he took some time to think. " Im thinking... your body moved before your brain could tell it to move?"

"W-Well... yeah... how did you know?" Peter asked. He was still in shock that he was having a conversation with his favorite hero, but he was trying to stay cool.

"Well... others will call it dumb luck. You were in the zone and luck was with you and blah blah. But, when you're in the field for as long as I've been, you can tell when it's luck and when it's an ability you're born with." Iron Might said with a small chuckle.

"Ability I was born with?" Peter asked.

"Exactly... looks like the wall climbing doesn't seem to be your only ability. You, my friend, have a hightened reflex quirk. Meaning, you can see an attack and dodge it with perfection." He said.

"You really think so?" Peter asked as he looked at his hands.

"I know so... I have a few friends that have abilities similar to yours. Also... I was wondering, when you held his tail... was it part of your quirk?" Iron Might asked.

"I-I don't know... I have no idea how I managed to pull that off." Peter said.

"Huh... you are full of surprises kid. You wanna know the reason I stopped to chat with you?" He asked.

"Well... because you saved my life a few minutes ago?" Peter said as he pointed to the scorpion who had been restrained.

"Yeah, that... but also, because I see something in you that I don't see in many young heroes. Before I showed up here, I was pursuing Mr. Scorpion here through town. Many other heroes tried helping ,but none of them were able to stand up to him. And somehow I find you. Thinking that your power is useless and yet you resisted and fought with him for a longer period of time than anyone else. And the others that fought him were pros." He said as he put one of his hands on Peters shoulder.

"What are you saying, sir?" Peter asked in a confused way.

"I see the way you look at yourself because I was once in your position. Thinking you're weak when, in reality, you have incredible power. If there's something I want you to take away from this is that... you too can become a hero." Iron Might said as he suddenly powered down his armor.

The armor opened up and released a bit of steam due to all the work he'd been doing during the day. And from the suit came out a man with a jumpsuit and a beard.

"Wait... y-you're Toshinori Stark!" Peter said as his eyes lit up.

"So you know me?" He said with a chuckle.

"Know you? Who doesn't!? You won alot of awards for your reactor technology! Your research helped push our understanding of the future!" Peter rambled in a very excited tone. When he slowly realized the whole point of this reveal. "Wait... so you're Iron Might?"

"I thought you wouldn't get there." He said with a chuckle. "Yes... I am Iron Might. At first, the idea was that I would control the suit from my office. Some things changed along the way, and I ended up piloting it. The point of this is, that just because you don't physically look the part, it all depends on what's in your heart." Toshinori said with a smile.

"Woah... I-I don't know what to say..." Peter said in shock.

"Well... you know what? How about we meet back here tomorrow at the same time. I have a gut feeling that you are going to be a pro some day and I want to be the one who helps you reach your goal. Sound good?" He asked as he stretched out his hand.

"S-Sure." Midoriya said as he shook his hand.

"Well then young Midoriya." He said as he got into his armor once again. "I'll be seeing you tomorrow... hero." He said as he saluted the young boy and flew over to the scorpion.

Iron Might picked up the scorpion with one hand and flew away with him to take him to the authorities. Once he was out of sight, Peter let out a huge sigh of relief.

"What... just... happened?" He asked himself as he looked down at his hands. "I dodged his attacks and held his tail with my ability? I-I could never do those things." He said as he walked over to his bag and picked up his stuff.

He picked up his phone and realized it had been almost an hour and thirty minutes since he had texted Aunt May. Once he realized this, he darted straight for his house. He was a few blocks down, so he sprinted with all of his strength to make it in time before his aunt freaked out. Once he made it to his house, he opened the door and walked into the living room.

"Hey May! Im home!" He shouted as he placed his stuff on the floor near the door. He looked around and he didn't seem to find his aunt anywhere. "May!? You here?"

"Oh Peter! Im upstairs! Would you be kind enough to grab the meat from the freezer?" She shouted from the second floor of the house.

"Sure!" Peter replied as he did what she had asked.

While he was doing this, he couldn't stop thinking of the events that took place earlier. He was proud of himself that he was able to pull of such a high level technique when he had zero experience in fighting. Once he was done with grabbing the meat from the freezer, he walked upstairs to see where his aunt was. After he walked around the hall, he saw her cleaning the bathroom tiles.

"You're cleaning the tiles? Again!?" Peter said with a chuckle.

"Ha ha... maybe YOU should do it next time." She said as she turned around to face Peter. Once she looked at him, her eyes opened wide.

Peter didn't notice it, but he had small scratches and bruises around his body and his clothes were a bit messed up.

"What happened!? Was it those kids again?" She asked concerned for him.

"It's fine Aunt May... it was actually something completly different." He said as a small smile appeared on his face.

"Hmm... well? Are you going to tell me?" She asked as she raised an eyebrow.

"I'll tell you at dinner, but just to put you at ease. Im fine... nothing hurts, nothing's broken. Im perfectly fine." He said in a joking manner.

"Well okay... don't come crying to me if it starts to hurt." She replied in a joking manner aswell.

Peter walked over to his room where he jumped into his bed and began to replay the events of the encounter he had earlier. He couldn't believe that Iron Might saved his life and that he wanted to meet up with him again. Peter had a huge smile on his face as he thought of all the awesome things he would do with Iron Might. As he let his imagination run wild, Aunt May walked into the room.

"Hey Pete, the bathroom's clean... if you want to take a shower, you can go ahead." She said as she walked away. "Oh... and before I forget. We might be getting some new neighbors soon." She said as she smiled at Peter.

"Neighbors? Aunt May, that didn't go well last time. Remember the whole barbecue problem?" Peter said as he chuckled.

"How could I forget? Your uncle ran over there to put out the fire." She said as she chuckled aswell. "But, who knows. Maybe they end up being great people."

"Yeah... we'll just have to wait and see I guess." Peter said as he got up from his bed and looked for some fresh clothes for when he showered. He makes his way toward the bathroom and shuts the door.

He started to unbutton his dirty shirt when he started to see a couple of bruises and scratches on his torso. The hit the scorpion had landed left a mark but the bigger bruise was on his back from when he hit the wall. He hissed a little in pain as he touched his chest.

"This isn't going away anytime soon... I should take some painkillers tonight." He said as he got into the shower.

Once he was finished, he got dressed and walked out to the hall that led to his room. He walked in and started to look at the posters he had on his walls. There were a few from heroes like Captain America and Iron Might. He smiled a little thinking that he finally had a chance at making his dream a reality.

"I won't waste the chance you've given me Mr. Stark. I will be a hero." He said with a determined look in his eyes.

- Iron Might POV-

"Sir... the readings have gone down once more. Im starting to think that the palladium in the Arc Reactor could be causing this." Said Jarvis as he analyzed some test results.

"Yeah... that figures. I know vibranium is a good substitute... but I have to work a little to get my hands on it." Stark said as he looked at the results.

"Well, shall I set a course to go look for some tomorrow?" Jarvis asked.

"No... it's fine. I have a meeting with the kid, remember?" He said with a chuckle.

"Sir, why are you meeting with him? He clearly has no idea of what he can do." Jarvis said.

"I know Jarvis. That's why he needs someone to help him... because he might be better than me... and when Im gone... it'll be up to someone like him to take my place..."

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