Stay ✓

By leviackermans1ut

77K 2.8K 810

Sasuke Uchiha and Mai Masaki used to be childhood friends. However, after the masscre of Sasuke's clan by the... More

Chapter 1: dead memories
Chapter 2: first day
Chapter 3: fallen flowers
Chapter 4: new weapon
Chapter 5: thirteenth birthday
Chapter 6: party
Chapter 7: spy
Chapter 8: complications
Chapter 9: clouds
Chapter 10: stay away
Chapter 11: training
Chapter 12: haunting past
Chapter 13:exam day
Chapter 14:squads assemble
Chapter 15:first mission
Chapter 16:hotsprings
Chapter 17:messiness
Chapter 18:stranded
Chapter 19: an understanding
Chapter 20:captured
Chapter 21:tortured
Chapter 23:curse mark
Chapter 24:panic
Chapter 25:waiting room
Chapter 26:forever
Chapter 27:trust
Chapter 28:comfortable
Chapter 29:departure
Chapter 30:failure
Chapter 31:winter
Chapter 32:back home
Chapter 33:anbu
Chapter 34:nothing
Chapter 35:mixed feelings
Chapter 36:overwhelmed
Chapter 37:crumbling
Chapter 38:impossible
Chapter 39:submissive
Chapter 40:changed
Chapter 41:stuck
Chapter 42:official
Chapter 43:brothers
Chapter 44:insanity
Chapter 45:the truth
Chapter 46:vengeance
Chapter 47:fervent
Chapter 48:im with you
Chapter 49:terrorist
Chapter 50:elimination
Chapter 51:you and I
Chapter 52:giving in
Chapter 53: inclination
Chapter 54:tension
Chapter 55:visitors
Chapter 56: accountability
Chapter 57: our sins
Chapter 58: end

Chapter 22:late night walk

1.2K 57 10
By leviackermans1ut

Mai's pov

"You finally are being released today, you seem better." Sasuke said as he walked through the door with a plate of cut up apples.

My body was doing better, but me mentally, no. Every night I've been having cold sweat nightmares about being locked up and abused in that cold jail cell. Nonetheless, I always put a smile on my face and tried to stay positive. I'm here, I'm with Sasuke, and for right now I'm safe.

"Thank you." I approved while grabbing the plate from him.

Sasuke sat down on a black chair that was placed next to my hospital bed. His eyes watched my every move as I shoved the delicious juicy apple slices in my mouth.

"Mai, the things they did to you..." Sasuke lowly started to speak, his voice trailing off.

I swallowed an apple before forcing a smile to form on my dry lips. "I'm okay. See, I'm right here and alive."

"I'm going to kill whoever that boss is." Sasuke spat.

"Trust me, I want to kill him too. I'm sick of him sending ninja to kidnap me. It's like you said... I put all of you in danger. I should just stop being a ninja and-."

"You're not leaving my sight." Sasuke cut me off to reassure me.


"Mai! Looks like you're getting discharged today!" Naruto yelled as he and Sakura walked in the room. She was carrying a vase filled with pretty pink and black flowers.

Sakura walked over to the bedside table and placed them down before glancing at me with her arms crossed. "We were so worried about you!"

"Thanks for the flowers, Sakura. And I know, I'm sorry." I affirmed.

"It was Sasuke who was so determined to find you! I mean, we all were. But, everyday Sasuke would go searching for you! He's the one who found you!" Naruto loudly exclaimed.

My eyes widened upon hearing this, and I gazed at Sasuke who was also looking at me. Sasuke.. he really did that for me?


Suddenly the door busted open and Shikamaru came running at me, his arms lacing me into a tight hug. I smiled into his shoulder and wrapped my arms around his waist.

"I was on a mission and then I was informed on what happened. I'm so glad you're okay, Mai. God, are you okay?" The Nara rambled and I chuckled.

"Don't worry, Shikamaru. I'm okay." I tightened my grip on his waist to reassure him so he would stop worrying about me.

"Alright, I think that's enough." Sasuke bossed, standing up to nudge Shikamaru from my grasp. They both shot daggers at each other with their eyes before Sasuke plopped back down onto the chair.

Ino also came strutting in and sat down on my bed in front of me. Her cheeks were stained with tears, and her eyes were bloodshot. I feel so bad for making everybody worried about me. They don't deserve this, I'm such a burden to them all.

Ino stroked my loose braid with her fingers as she smiled warmly at me. "I thought I lost you. Mai, you're my best friend and I'm sorry for the way I've been acting towards you." Her apology made me content, and hopeful that she will stop being jealous of Sasuke and I.

I returned a grin and hugged her. "It's okay, Ino."

Then, Kakashi Sensei walked through the door, book in his hands per usual. "Lord third said you're able to be discharged now. I'm glad you're okay."

"Thanks, Kakashi Sensei."

"I'll walk her home." Sasuke demanded, and nobody argued.


It was a late night. The moon was glowing brightly as stars twinkled in the midnight sky. The air was brisk, a light breeze hitting my face every so often and the chilly air sent shivers down my body.

"Hey, Sasuke." I said, glancing at the raven who was walking silently next to me.


My cheeks unknowingly turned crimson red and I bit my lip. "Thanks, for, ya know, saving me."

"I had to."

"Because I'm a comrade?" I quietly muttered.

"Yes," His response made my heart drop. "And, no. It was a combination of things."

My face brightened up. "Like what?"

Sasuke groaned before continuing, "I don't really know how to describe it. I just felt like I needed you to be safe."

I secretly smiled as my heart started beating quicker than usual. "When I saw them hurting you, I was so angry. I desperately wanted them to stop; I hated seeing you in pain." I admitted, his eyes widening before gazing at me with his midnight orbs.

"You know my pain, and I know yours. It's like.. it's like we're supposed know each other. Ya know?" I bit my nail beds as I nervously rambled on. "And.. I know the past stays in the past.." my once low voice became louder. "I don't want it to! We were such good friends, six year olds or not! Damn it, Sasuke. I can't help but care about you. I always have."

Sasuke abruptly stopped walking and my nerves were building in my chest as I anxiously waited his reply.

"You're the only one in this village I don't find annoying."

I widely smiled at him before slowly reaching out to hug him, which I was worried about since he hates when people touch him, but once I saw no sign of him wanting me to go away, I successfully laced my arms around his waist and squeezed tightly.

I felt him hesitate, but I didn't mind or blame him. Sasuke isn't use to people showing him genuine affection, he's just used to Fangirls forcing themselves on him.

My eyes watered with joy once I felt his hands finally hug me back; and we stayed in this undying moment for what it seemed like forever. He doesn't even need to say 'we're friends again' him saying I'm not annoying as he lets me hug him, that's enough. I know now, that I have him back.

"Let's get you home, are your parents there?" Sasuke queried as he released me from our hug.

Disappointment sprung within me as my face fell. "Yeah, they are."

"Alright then, lets go."

My eyes widened. "You're going to stay?"

"I already told you. I'm letting letting you leave my sight. Even if I have to deal with your pathetic father."


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