Stay ✓

By leviackermans1ut

77K 2.8K 810

Sasuke Uchiha and Mai Masaki used to be childhood friends. However, after the masscre of Sasuke's clan by the... More

Chapter 1: dead memories
Chapter 2: first day
Chapter 3: fallen flowers
Chapter 4: new weapon
Chapter 5: thirteenth birthday
Chapter 6: party
Chapter 7: spy
Chapter 8: complications
Chapter 9: clouds
Chapter 10: stay away
Chapter 11: training
Chapter 13:exam day
Chapter 14:squads assemble
Chapter 15:first mission
Chapter 16:hotsprings
Chapter 17:messiness
Chapter 18:stranded
Chapter 19: an understanding
Chapter 20:captured
Chapter 21:tortured
Chapter 22:late night walk
Chapter 23:curse mark
Chapter 24:panic
Chapter 25:waiting room
Chapter 26:forever
Chapter 27:trust
Chapter 28:comfortable
Chapter 29:departure
Chapter 30:failure
Chapter 31:winter
Chapter 32:back home
Chapter 33:anbu
Chapter 34:nothing
Chapter 35:mixed feelings
Chapter 36:overwhelmed
Chapter 37:crumbling
Chapter 38:impossible
Chapter 39:submissive
Chapter 40:changed
Chapter 41:stuck
Chapter 42:official
Chapter 43:brothers
Chapter 44:insanity
Chapter 45:the truth
Chapter 46:vengeance
Chapter 47:fervent
Chapter 48:im with you
Chapter 49:terrorist
Chapter 50:elimination
Chapter 51:you and I
Chapter 52:giving in
Chapter 53: inclination
Chapter 54:tension
Chapter 55:visitors
Chapter 56: accountability
Chapter 57: our sins
Chapter 58: end

Chapter 12: haunting past

1.5K 65 7
By leviackermans1ut

The room's silence was too loud. High pitched ringing and muffled voices were the only noises present to the young girl, who sat obediently as a death box with her older sister was carried out by four jonin who happened to be her teammates and Sensei. Silent sobs and cries made the young girl's heart hurt without physical pain being the cause. The room felt suffocating and ominous, the young girl found it desperately hard to breath, as it felt like no air was sucking into her lungs. Her throat made wheezing noises and her pale hand flung to her chest as she fell to the ground, gasping for oxygen as Her Golden honey eyes which had warm and welcoming colors in them were being replaced by dark and coldness. The young girls mother was to occupied with herself to pay attention to her youngest and now only daughter as she struggled to breath on the ground. Her father only sighed heavily as he became easily annoyed with his heartbroken daughter. Stares and condolences were being spoken to them as her father picked her up by her arm; dragging her into the bathroom. His rage and vicious discipline begun that day, and they haven't stopped since.

Mai's pov

I rolled over in my bed as my blaring alarm clock jolted my eyes awake. My body stayed tired and exhausted, however, I had classes today. I reached over to the repetitive ear raping alarm and slapped the button to halt the screeching noises.

I groaned as I lazily sat up, my spine sore in the process of straightening my back. My arms stretched out widely as I let out a audible yawn.

My blue hair that fell just past my breasts was frizzy and loose strands danced everywhere. I forgot I took my braids out last night and decided to not shower.

I groaned and walked sheepishly to my vanity and plopped down on the chair. I opened the right drawer that had my purple hair straightener I never use in it. Today, I would desperately need to put this to work.

Strand by strand the Smokey heat of the straighter made my locks vertical with no curls or waves visible. Good thing I never got rid of this thing. After every piece was straight, I then did my signature two French braids hairstyle.

My feet dragged me to my dresser as I rushed picking out my outfit today. A regular dark green short sleeve shirt that stopped just above my abdomen, and a pair of black shorts. Per usual I wrapped bandages around my thigh and made sure to grab my ninja tool pouch before heading to the academy.

When I arrived I immediately found Shikamaru and stood by him, Ino, and Choji. They were talking about a forced dinner that their parents were planning since they were all good friends.

"I'm on a strict diet! I can't be eating so much food! I was going to have a salad for dinner!" Ino's loud whiny voice yelled.

"Give me a break," Shikamaru rolled his dark brown eyes. "My mom always brings a salad to our dinners." He confirmed.

"You're missing out on all the meats, Ino! I guess that's just more for me!" Choji snickered as he pulled out barbecue chips from his school bag.

Ino sassily crossed her arms and huffed. "What-ever! I guess I have no choice then."

"What a drag," Shikamaru grunted as his eyes then met my presence. "Oh, what's up Mai." He greeted me.

Ino leaped at me and started pulling my arm to drag me away from Shikamaru and Choji. She seemed in a rush and desperately wanted to speak to me alone. I wonder what I did wrong now.

"I swear I wasn't following you, but I just happened to be out on a late night walk after a rough day of training," Ino squeezed her eyes shut and formed a fist with both hands. "You were at Sasuke's house. And.. you told me.. you guys weren't friends.." Her voice trailed off as she started stuttering.

I became slightly irked that she is still on this topic of Sasuke and I. Didn't I already thoroughly explain to her that he and I are not friends. We bicker all the time. That's it.

"Sasuke Uchiha and I don't like each other. In fact, he practically demanded that I stay away from him." I bleated as her facial expressions softened with realization.

"Oh, that's good to hear!" My blonde friend beamed.

She really is part of Sasuke's fan girls. Does she even know anything about him? Or does she just have a crush on him because of looks? Whatever, it doesn't matter...

"Anyway, we should get going to class, I don't want Iruka Sensei to write us up." I notified, and she nodded in response.

Like every day I sat next to my shadow user guy best friend. His dark orbs were half lidded and black bags were prominent under his eyes. How is he always tired? I mentally giggled to myself as Shikamaru rested his chin on top of his palm.

"As all of you know, the final exam is coming up very soon. Remind yourselves that if you are unable to make one clone, you won't be able to get your head band and graduate from the academy this year. So, today we will be going outside to the field and you each get to practice your clone skills alone before we chose partners to show case it to." Iruka Sensei explained today's schedule as we all nodded at his words.

Graduating the academy never faulted me; I am able to do a clone. so I know I'm set for getting my regulation head band. After this, I will finally become a genin.

Nerves filled my mind suddenly as I realized that Ino and Shikamaru could very well not end up on the same team as me. I wouldn't know what to do without those guys.

"Alright, make sure you have your ninja tool pouch and head outside." Iruka Sensei ordered and we all did as he told us to.

Shikamaru and I walked outside together, but we dispersed from one another as we stepped foot onto the long grass filled field.

My hands formed the sign for the jutsu, a poof and giant cloud of smoke emerged next to me and once it all cleared up a identical copy of Iruka Sensei was revealed.

"Hm," I grinned to myself for a moment before putting back on a straight face. "Good enough to pass the academy."


It was late after school and I found myself lying silently on the cold moist grass in a small random field in the middle of the leaf village.

I took my father being gone to my full advantage. When he is home, I can never do things like this for myself. It's always calming lying down and watching the beautiful dark midnight sky as scattered stars brightly shine throughout the blackness of night.

Footsteps could be heard in the distance, the sound of sandals stepping on the wet grass and creating a squishing sound was all I heard as it got closer and closer to me. I wasn't scared this time around, since I picked a field in the middle of Konoha and not somewhere outside it.

The mystery person sat down next to me and I picked grass from the moistened soil in the ground. I averted my attention towards the mesmerizing starry sky, waiting for whoever it was to speak up first.

"Could you do something for me?" A monotone voice pondered. I instantly knew who it belonged to.

My fingers then started to pick the grass from the soil again as I contemplated what to reply to him. He treats me horribly, yet wants me to do something for him? I want to scream no in his face, but I can't bring myself to do that.

"Depends. Enlighten me." I faltered, never giving him a glance.

I heard him sigh, "Ino is way to obsessed with me and it's so beyond irritating. She always looks for me and touch's me when it's blatantly obvious that I have no interest in her."

I raised an eyebrow upon hearing the desperation in his voice. Then, I audibly let out a laugh. I found this way to amusing; Sasuke pouting about being obsessed over.

His eyebrows furrowed as his glare shot daggers at me, but I couldn't care less. This was too hilarious to me.

"You gonna tell her to stop or not?" Sasuke questioned while snarling.

I finally managed to suppress my laughs as My expressions returned to a straight face. "I don't know, Uchiha. I don't really owe you anything." I purposefully taunted at him.

"Whatever. But don't come screaming at me when you find out I hurt your little annoying friends feelings!" Sasuke snapped as he stormed off into the dead of the night.

I let out a deep breath and shook my head in disbelief. Treats me horribly then wants my help. Funny.

Why does a part of me.. want to help him, though? Whatever, I will shake off that stupid thought out of my conflicted brain.

Feeling pretty much contented again, I headed on home to get a good nights rest.


Vote? Let me know what to do to better this if it's iffy???

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