Humanity 4 "The Rivalry"

By Fiveboyfriends

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"To punish the oppressors of humanity is clemency; to forgive them is cruelty." ~Maximilien Robespierre SEQUA... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22

Chapter 9

3.4K 75 33
By Fiveboyfriends


I wake up and look over to see Elena lying next to me. Stefan and Ashley are gonna kill me.

“This would be so much more fun if we were naked.” I tease groggily, trying to keep the mood light.

“That was you call, not mine.” She says, rolling over to face me.

“I was being a gentleman. You shouldn’t have stayed.”

“I know.” She smirks as I stand up and walk over to my dresser.

“I should have made you leave. Sent you packing. I promised Stefan.” I groan.

“I know.” She repeats, sitting up in bed.

“You’re sired to me, Elena. Which means everything you think you feel might not even be real.” I remind her.

“I know, Damon, but it feels real.” She says, walking over to me. “And I’m not ready to let go of that.”

“Well, I can make you. I can invoke the sire bond.” I say with a shrug.

“So do it.” She whispers. Her body is only a foot away from me.

“I told him I would set you free. Right after I didn’t tell him that we slept together.” I say in frustration.

“So, what do you want to do?” She asks and I sigh.

I don’t know what I want to do. I know that there’s a hole in my heart where someone else used to be. Now I can’t tell if my feelings for Elena are real or if it’s just my mind trying to fill that hole.

All I know is that I need to do something to get my mind off of all of this.

“I wanna throw you back in my bed and never let you leave.” I whisper, not sure how much of that is true.

“So do it.” She says with a grin. I lean in and am about to kiss her when her phone buzzes and she pulls away.

“Saved by the cell phone.” I mumble to myself.

“I have to meet Bonnie. She’s teaching Jeremy how to not kill me.” Elena says, rolling her eyes. She walks away from me to get her bag, but she stops and turns back around. “Wanna come?”


Stefan and I still would like to find this cure for Elena. Whether Damon is in the picture or not, Elena has changed since her transition and I want the old Elena back. I told Stefan I would try to see if Klaus is still on our side in all of this.

He wasn’t a big fan of the idea, but he let me go because he knows that Klaus won’t hurt me.

“That’s beautiful.” I say as I walk into Klaus’ living room. He’s facing away from me, painting a giant snowflake on a canvas.

“I prefer to think of it as an expression of post modernism.” He says, lowering his brush and turning to look at me. “It’s my donation to the Winter Wonderland charity event tonight.”

I’m about to speak when Klaus’ hybrid, Adrian walks into the room. “You said it was urgent.” He says to Klaus.

“Yes, take this to the Mystic Grill immediately.” Klaus demands, pointing at the painting.

“You want me to be a delivery guy?” Adrian scoffs.

Klaus walks over and stands close to Adrian. “What I want is for you to do whatever I say. Without the attitude.”

Adrian glares at him a moment before taking the painting and leaving the room.

“Abraham Lincoln freed the slaves, you know.” I say and he turns his attention back to me.

“What is the point of my hybrids being sired to me if I can’t maximize on the benefits of free labor? What are you doing here?” He asks me.

“Elena is sired to Damon.” I announce, walking further into the room.

“I intuited as much.” He says.

“Which means Stefan wants the cure now more than ever.” I tell him.

“I would imagine you would want it just as much…for Damon’s sake. Although, aren’t you and Stefan together now. It’s all rather confusing.” Klaus says with a smirk.

“Yeah, it’s complicated and really none of your business.” I snap, not wanting to get into any of that right now. “We need the cure and you’re sitting around painting postmodern snowflakes.”

He smiles at my sass and walks over to wipe his hands on a cloth. “I’ve delivered.” He speaks. “I retrieved the hunter’s sword from Italy which we’ll use to decipher the map hidden in the hunter’s mark. You and Stefan are supposed to deliver the hunter and his mark.”

“Well, Jeremy is the hunter, and he has to keep killing vampires to complete his mark, but we can’t keep him from killing Elena or Stefan or Damon.” I explain.

“Sounds like quite the chore. Which is why I feel perfectly justified in doing a little charity work.” Klaus smiles.

“Or maybe you’re lying about finding the sword.” I suggest and he shakes his head.

“Why would I lie to you, Ashley?” He asks, walking past me and into another room. I follow him and he stops in front of a vault bolted to the wall. “We’re in this together.”

I watch as Klaus turns the dial on the vault before pulling the door open. He pulls a sword out and I observe it for a moment.

“The hilt acts as a cipher which we’ll use to decode the marks on Jeremy’ tattoo when he’s killed enough vampires to complete it.” He explains, placing the sword on a table.

He sits down on the couch and props his feet up so I take advantage and pick up the sword. I hold it in my hands and look at the words and patterns.

“I heard Stefan moved in with you.” He comments and my head snaps up to look at him. “Moving a bit fast, huh?” He asks and I shake my head.

“I’m not here to talk about any of that, Klaus.”

I place the sword back on the table and look at Klaus who’s smiling at me. “Oh, on the contrary. I think that’s exactly what you need. Someone to talk to about all of this. I can see it in your eyes that you have absolutely no idea what you’re doing. You’re with Stefan, but you want Damon which is precisely the reason that you’re here right now. You hate seeing your best friend with your lover and you want to put an end to all of this…with the cure.”

He finishes speaking and I’m speechless. I don’t want him to be right…but at the same time, I feel like he is.


I’m in my room getting dressed for this Winter Wonderland when my phone rings. I look to see that it’s Caroline and I know she’s going to be pissed because I’m not there yet.

“Hey, sorry. I know I’m late.” I tell her right away.

“You and Stefan both promised that you would be here for me. I’m in a crisis. Where is Stefan?” She asks.

“He’s at his house. Why? What’s wrong?”

“My boyfriend is a dumb ass martyr. Wait, why is Stefan at his house? Isn’t he trying to keep his distance from Elena?” She asks as I finish putting my shoes on.

“Well, Elena’s not there anymore. Damon took Jeremy to the Gilbert lake house with Bonnie so I guess her house is safe for her again. Hey, listen, I got Klaus to tell me a little bit more about this hunter’s sword. You know that map in Jeremy’s tattoo? The sword decodes it. It’s literally the key to finding the cure.” I explain to Caroline.

“Klaus told you this?” She asks me and I frown.

“Yeah, why?”

“And did he happen to hand over the sword for safekeeping?” She asks. Is she serious? In what world would he do that?

“What do you think?” I ask and I hear her sigh on the other end. “What’s wrong?”

She takes a frustrated breath before answering. “We need to get our hands on that sword. Like today. Tyler and his hybrids are taking out Klaus…tonight.”


Caroline quickly invited Klaus to visit her at the Winter Wonderland in town square and of course he said yes. I filled Stefan in on everything with the sword so we both met at Klaus' house.

I led Stefan to the vault and he’s been trying to open. He tries one more hard hit on the handle and the vault finally breaks open. He pulls the door open, but we both groan in frustration when we see that the sword is gone.

“Well, he’s not walking around with it. Check the rest of the house.” Damon says angrily into the phone as Stefan and I sit in Klaus’ living room with Damon on speaker.

“We are. We haven’t found anything.” Stefan tells him.

“Try the sock drawer. People leave the sketchiest stuff in sock drawers.” Damon says and I laugh a little bit, but Stefan is unamused.

“I’m gonna need real ideas, Damon.” Stefan drones as he stands from the couch and starts looking through more drawers.

“Here’s two. Kill Tyler before he goes after Klaus or, since Klaus has suddenly become MVP in our relay race for the cure, tell him about the hybrids and he’ll kill Tyler.” Damon suggests.

Stefan doesn’t say anything and I look up to see him looking at some letters he found in a drawer.

“Nobody’s killing Tyler.” I speak up, since Stefan is still quiet.

“Well, that’s one opinion.” Damon scoffs. “Stefan? Hello? Stefan?” Damon asks.

Stefan finishes reading the letter he was looking at. “Look, I know it’s a touchy subject for everyone, but do you know where Elena is today?” Stefan asks Damon.

Damon is quiet for a minute and that seems suspicious to me. “I think she’s running around…trying to figure out how to deprogram Jeremy.” He finally speaks.

“How’d she take it last night? You telling her to stay away from you?” Stefan asks him and I stay quiet.

“Not well.” Damon answers shortly.

“You okay?” Stefan asks.

“Peachy.” Damon is quiet for a minute before speaking quickly. “Gotta go. Bonnie has enlisted Dr. Evil, aka professor Shane, in her plan and I have to thwart him.”

He quickly hangs up the phone and Stefan and I look at each other. That was very strange.


Stefan and I meet up with Caroline in an alleyway away from all of the people getting ready for the event later.

“Hey.” Caroline says when she reaches us. “Did you find the sword?”

“No.” I tell her and she looks upset.

“What are we gonna do now?” She asks with a sigh.

“Klaus is the only shot we have at finding the cure. We need him. Tyler has to call it off.” Stefan tells her.

“Well, that’s not gonna happen.” A voice says from behind us and we all turn to see Tyler in the stairway. “You told them?” He asks Caroline angrily.

He walks down the steps and comes closer to us. I’m not sure what’s going to happen because he looks really mad.

“I’ve had twelve hybrids sworn to secrecy for a month. I have Hayley and a witch risking their lives and you’re blabbing my plan to these two?” Tyler asks again and Caroline stays quiet.

“Look, all I’m asking you for is a little bit of time, okay?” Stefan asks, stepping closer to Tyler.

“How long? A hour? A day? Because every minute that goes by that we don’t do this, they’re at risk. You and Klaus already served one of them up for Jeremy to kill.” Tyler says with venom in his voice. “I don’t owe any of you anything. I’m taking him out.”

Tyler starts to walk away, but Stefan speeds over and appears in front of him, stopping him from leaving.

“I’m sorry, but I can’t let you do that.” Stefan says calmly.

“Stefan.” Caroline says weakly and I know that this hurts her because Tyler is mad at her.

Stefan looks back at me and her and shakes his head. “I’m sorry, but I can’t.” He tells Caroline.

“Stefan.” I say his name this time, but for a different reason. I see hybrids coming down the steps behind him and Stefan slowly turns to face them.

I turn around to find the rest of the hybrids behind me and Caroline, blocking both exits of the alleyway.

“Sorry man, but you don’t have a choice.” Tyler says to Stefan.


I feel extremely guilty for not letting Elena go like I was supposed to. This is just further proof that maybe my feelings aren’t as real as I’d like to think. If I felt something for her, I wouldn’t feel bad about it. I never feel bad about anything.

I walk out to the edge of the dock where Elena is sitting by herself. She’s supposed to be helping Jeremy learn to tolerate being around her, but it isn’t going so well.

“You’re not allowed to feel this sorry for yourself unless you’re sitting on a bar stool.” I tease as I sit down next to her. “Fortunately, I travel with the bar.” I pull out a bottle of bourbon with a smile.

“It didn’t work.” Elena says quietly. “I shouldn’t have put so much hope into reprogramming someone’s mind. If it were that easy, then you and I wouldn’t be in this situation.”

She turns her head to look at me and we look at each other for a minute as I see the sadness in her eyes.

“Right?” She asks with a sigh. “Last time I was here, I was so completely in love with Stefan. Now, it’s barely a memory. Is that the sire bond? Or just that I’m so happy to be here with you?”

She reaches forward and places her hand on my cheek and I tense up. This is not supposed to be happening and I don’t think it’s what I want.

“Maybe there’s something else they can try.” I suggest as she pulls her hand away from me.

I stand up quickly and walk back to the house.


Tyler and his hybrids took me, Caroline, and Stefan down to the cellar beneath his property. I cannot believe this is happening right now. He pulls some chains out and throws them on the ground.

“Tyler!” Caroline yells angrily.

“Keep them down here until we’re ready to bring Klaus in.” Tyler instructs Kim, without even looking at Caroline. “Use the chains if you have to.”

“Come on, Tyler.” Stefan says, stepping closer to him. “This is bigger than you. It’s about more than revenge for us.”

“I know what it’s about for you, Stefan. It’s about the cure. You know what happens to a hybrid when he’s cured of being a vampire? We go back to being werewolves. Turning on every full moon. We could give a rat’s ass about the cure.” Tyler spits.

“Tyler, come on.” Caroline tries again as Tyler starts to leave.

He turns around and looks at her for a brief second. “I needed you on my side, Care. That’s all I wanted.”


I went inside and suggested that Jeremy use Bonnie to channel his emotions since he doesn’t have a supernatural urge to kill her. My advice was actually greatly appreciated so I left them alone and walked back outside to find Elena talking to professor super sketchy.

I hear him telling some sappy story about his dead wife and Elena seems to be falling for every word.

“If your hypo herbs work, we should be singing Kumbaya around the fire by dinner.” I announce as I reach them. “So now, tell me why I’m not killing you?” I ask Shane, picking and axe up from the ground and twirling it around.

“Damon.” Elena says, taking a step forward.

“I’m serious. Why are you after the vampire cure?” I ask Shane, ignoring Elena.

“I didn’t say I was looking for the cure, but I can tell you where to find it.” He says as I move closer.

“Klaus’ sword will tell us where to find it.” I argue.

“The sword will lead you there, sure, but so can I.” He says and I raise an eyebrow.

“What? How?” Elena asks for me.

“Because I’ve already been there.” He admits and I look at Elena who is just as surprised as I am.


We’re inside and I watch as Shane pulls a stone out from under and old cloth to show me and Elena.

“It’s a rock.” I scoff.

“It’s not just any rock.” He tells me and I remember him mentioning this thing at his seminar at the high school.

“So is this that little wives tale that you told at the occult exhibit?” I ask, grabbing a bottle of bourbon from the counter.

“Right, long story short. Once upon a time, there was a witch named Silas who loved a girl, who wanted to be with her forever. So, he and his best friend, another witch, made an immortality spell and then Silas’ best friend witch got jealous and killed Silas’ girl before he had a chance to make her immortal. Well, cursed to an eternity without his one true love, Silas finds a way to reverse the immortality spell and then before he has the chance to take it, his former friend buries him underground, leaving him and the cure to rot.” Shane explains.

I’m a little surprised by how much information he actually knows.

“So, it’s a cure for immortality?” Elena asks.

“Human blood is the life force of an immortal. No more immortality, no more need to feed on blood. You dig up Silas and you’ve got your cure.” He adds and we both sit in silence, taking all of this in.


“Ugh, this is ridiculous. We are not hostages!” Caroline yells as we stay, trapped in this cellar.

“Sure you are, sweetie.” Kim smirks.

Caroline glares at her before speeding over and standing in front of her, trying to intimidate her. Stefan’s phone starts ringing and all of the hybrids look at him.

“Relax. It’s my brother.” Stefan says, calming them down before answering the phone. “What’s up?”

I walk over and stand by Stefan so that I can hear Damon.

“Don’t ask why or who, but I just found the answer to your Tyler problem.” I hear Damon say and Stefan looks at me before turning away. I know that he doesn’t want the hybrids to hear, but I kind of wanted to hear.

“You’re kidding.” Stefan says and he listens to whatever Damon is saying before hanging up the phone and looking at me. “We don't need the sword.”


The hybrids let us go and Caroline went to go find Tyler. Apparently the plan was for them to use a witch to transfer Klaus into Tyler’s body and somehow that would kill Klaus. I’m not sure what would happen to Tyler, but I don’t think Caroline wanted to know.

She came up with a great plan to transfer Klaus into Rebekah’s body instead. That way, both Originals would be out of our hair.

I told Caroline I would call Bonnie for her to figure how to put Klaus in Rebekah’s body. I don’t have a lot of time though, so I quickly dial her number as I walk through the crowd in town square.

“Ashley, hey.” Bonnie says when she answers.

“Bonnie, I need you to think fast. I know that the daggers don’t work on Klaus, but what if we put his essence into Rebekah? It’ll work, right? Say it’ll work.” I plead quickly.

“Slow down, slow down, what’s happening?” Bonnie asks calmly.

“Just come on, Bonnie. Will it work?” I ask again.

“Yeah, I don’t see why not.”

“Uh thank god. Bonnie Bennet, I love you!” I yell happily.

“Do you need my help?” She asks. “I can leave Elena here with Jeremy.” Her words make me stop.

“Elena? She’s there too?” I ask with a frown. Damon was supposed to let her go. He said she was somewhere in Mystic Falls. They are not supposed to be together.

“Yeah, she came with Damon. Who’s being slightly less horrible than usual.” She says and I shake my head.

“Okay, Bonnie, thanks for you help. I gotta go.” I say quickly before hanging up.


I walk into the living room of the lake house to find Elena going through a box of Christmas decorations.

“Jer and I should take these decorations home with us. We could use the holiday cheer.” She tells me as I take a seat on the table in front of her.

“Look at you, suddenly poly optimistic.” I say with a smile.

“I think Shane’s gonna get us through this. I trust him.” She says and I roll my eyes. “But you clearly don’t.” She adds.

“Maybe because I think he blew up 12 people at the Young farm.” I admit.

“What?” She asks with a frown.

“Little tip, professor, I heard you before you even took your first step.” I speak up before turning to see Shane standing in the doorway.

“I see we’re back to the false accusation part of our relationship.” He says with a smirk as he steps into the room.

“What is he talking about?” Elena asks Shane.

“Damon discovered that I was in contact with Pastor Young prior to the explosion at the Young farm.” He explains. “And the Pastor was severely depressed. He had lost his wife to cancer and he sought me out for a little supernatural assistance. I tried to help, but he was too far gone. I just…I never expected that he would take eleven innocent lives with him.”

I’m not buying any of this crap, but before I can argue, Jeremy and Bonnie walk into the room.

“Elena.” Jeremy says and I stand up when I see him holding a stake. “It’s okay. I think I’ve got this all under control.” He says and Bonnie nods.

“Elena, don’t move, okay? No matter what.” Bonnie tells Elena, but I see Elena keeping her eyes on the stake in her brother’s hand.

“Jeremy, remember the detour. Choose the right path.” Shane gives him some philosophical load of bull and I roll my eyes.

Jeremy starts walking towards Elena, but I quickly step in front of him. I look at Jeremy and then down at the stake. Jeremy looks over at Bonnie who gives him a smile and a nod. He looks back at me and hesitantly raises the stake up, placing it in my hand.

I take it from him and step out of the way. He takes another careful step towards Elena so that he’s directly in front of her. They look at each other for a long moment before Jeremy wraps his arms around Elena.

Elena smiles and hugs him back. Thank god.


I met up with Stefan in the middle of town square and he’s been keeping an eye on Klaus. I notice that Hayley is talking to Klaus, but when we start to approach, she leaves.

“She doesn’t like me much. Where have you two been all day?” Klaus asks us.

“We’ve been around.” Stefan answers and Klaus rolls his eyes.

“I’m not interested in vagary, Stefan. You’ve been dodgy and Caroline’s been lovely which I’ve come to recognize as a tool of distraction, now, do you have something to share with me or should I compel it out of you?” He asks, keeping his eyes locked on Stefan.

“I broke into your safe to look for the sword.” Stefan admits.

“Why?” Klaus asks, clearly surprised by Stefan’s bluntness.

“Because I don’t trust you.”

“I showed Ashley the sword. I explained it’s value to her, which I never said she had to keep from you. I’ve been on your side the entire time. What do you want from me? A secret brotherhood handshake?” Klaus asks. I feel like he has a point. He has been honest for the most past through all of this.

“I found letters. You’ve had a few pen pals over the centuries.” Stefan adds referring to the letters he found in Klaus’ house earlier today.

Klaus smiles smugly before replying. “Well, is keeping my victims’ letters really so different from writing their names on a wall? Like you did, ripper?” Klaus asks and I cringe at those memories.

When Stefan doesn’t answer Klaus smiles at me before walking past us. I’m about to say something to Stefan, when Klaus stops and turns back to us.

“Loneliness, Stefan.” He says as Stefan glares at him. “That’s why you and I memorialize our dead. There’s the briefest of moments before we kill where we literally hold their life in our hands and then we rip it away. And we’re left with nothing. So, gathering other people’s letters or writing their names on a wall is a reminder that in the end, we’re left infinitely and utterly alone.”

Klaus finishes and turns to walk away with Adrian. I feel guilt pulse through my body as I think about the fact that Klaus is walking to his death.

I have to push that thought away and focus on all of the bad things he’s done to us.

Stefan looks at me for a moment before calling Caroline. We have to let her know that the hybrids are ready to kill Klaus. She doesn’t answer and I start to panic. Where could she be?

We split up to look for her, but as I’m walking my phone vibrates. I pull it out to see a text from Caroline.

Caroline- That little werewolf slut has lost her mind. Go to the Lockwood cellar and make sure that Rebekah’s body is still there. I’m gonna find Tyler. Hayley is trying to screw this up.


“Hey mom, I don’t see you. Things have changed, it’s gonna be fine.” I leave a quick message for my mom before I spot Hayley walking through the crowd. “I’ll be back later. I’ll pick you up.” I say, hanging up my phone.

I jog through the crowd to catch up with Hayley because she isn’t supposed to be here right now.

“What are you doing here? You’re supposed to be taking the witch to the cellar.” I say, referring to the witch Hayley found to put Klaus’ essence in Rebekah’s body.

She takes a deep breath and looks at me. “There is no witch, Tyler.” She admits and I frown.

“What?” I ask in disbelief.

“I made it up.”


I walk through the woods as I keep a firm grasp on Adrian. Oh, how the tables have turned. I see the hybrids gathered in the distance.

“Where the hell is the witch? Adrian should be here any minute.” Kim says, completely oblivious to the fact that the witch is not coming.

I throw Adrian forward so that he appears in front of his pack.

“Kim.” He says weakly as all of the hybrids look at him.

In one quick motion I lunge forward, ripping his heart from his chest and letting him fall to the ground.


“I never intended for you to put Klaus down.” Hayley confesses as I continue to stand in shock. “I needed him for the sacrifice.”

“The what?” I ask.


All of the hybrids gasp as they see me standing behind Adrian’s lifeless body, holding his heart. I smile before pulling the hunter’s sword from my jacket.

I don’t hesitate to rush towards them as I begin to rip the apart, one by one.


“I don’t know how to explain it, but I made a deal with someone who can help me find my family.” Hayley explains.

“What are you talking about? What kind of deal?” I ask, still confused.

“There needed to be twelve for the sacrifice, Tyler.”

“Twelve what?” I ask, not liking where this is going.

“I’m sorry.” She whispers.

“Hayley, what did you do?” I raise my voice because I’m not getting an answer.

“If you run now, you might make it out alive.” She admits and I look at her in shock.

She needed to sacrifice twelve people to find her family. I’m the twelfth and Klaus is the happy volunteer to take us all out. I stare at her for one more moment feeling anger and betrayal before I stand up and take off through the crowd of people.


I look around at the ten dead bodies before me. I’m breathing heavily, but I feel so empowered. I hear whimpering and I know that I’ve found body number eleven.

I follow the noise down to the Lockwood cellar where I find Kim hiding in the corner, crying. She looks up at me as I stalk towards her.

“Where is Tyler Lockwood?” I ask. She continues to cry as I walk closer, pointing the sword at her neck. “You’d do well to answer me, love.” I smirk.

She stays quiet so I bend down in front of her face. I press the knife to her neck and she begins to cry harder.

“Where is he?!” I yell.

“I don’t know.” She whimpers.

“Wrong answer.” I smile before pushing the blade to her neck and slicing her head clean off.


I sit outside on the front porch as I hear Elena and Jeremy inside laughing and having a good time. 

“Of all the drama, you’re missing the actual fun part.” I hear Elena say and I turn to see her walking out onto the porch with me.

She holds a piece of mistletoe above her head and I shake my head. “Elena, we can’t. I can’t.” I tell her and she frowns, lowering the mistletoe.

“Damon, you can’t keep telling me that this isn’t real. I know how I feel and that you feel it too, so stop fighting it.” She says, but I don’t know what to say.

“It’s good to see you like that. All normal with your brother. I want that again for you.” I change the subject. “Christmas was always mine and Stefan’s favorite holiday when we were kids. Not that I’ve celebrated it since. I kind of miss that.” I admit.

“You’re thinking about how upset he’ll be when he finds out that you and I are together.” She says, reading my mind.

“I’ve been lying to him all day. Lying to both of them.” I say, thinking of Ashley, causing a pain in my heart.

“No, you were helping me with Jeremy.” She tries to change my mind, but it’s already made up.

“The point is not what I was doing. The point is that I’m here with you. I was supposed to invoke the sire bond, Elena, send you away. I was supposed to do the right thing by you and by my brother, which is what I’m doing right now.” I say with a sigh.

I’m selfish. I’m selfish and lonely and jealous that my brother has what I can’t have. That’s the conclusion I’ve come to. I’m still absolutely and completely in love with Ashley Scott.

It’s not fair to me or to Elena to keep pretending that this is what I want. It’s all been a distraction to keep me from what I really need.

Elena frowns as I turn and look at her. “You’re gonna go home.” I start.

“What? No, Damon.” She tries to fight it.

“I’m gonna stay here with Jeremy. I’m gonna help him complete the mark. I’ll teach him how to hunt. I’ll protect him. And we’ll kill vampires without you.” I continue to use the sire bond to push her away.

“Damon, please.” She says as tears come to her eyes. I know that my feelings for her aren't strong, but I still hate doing this to her.

I take a deep breath before finishing. “I’m setting you free, Elena. This is what I want. This is what will make me happy.”


I walk into Stefan’s living room in a full blown panic. Hayley snapped Caroline’s neck because she didn’t want Caroline messing with her plan…whatever her plan even is. When Caroline woke up, April was there and Caroline had to compel her to forget.

The problem is that April has a vervain bracelet now so that didn’t work.

“Matt can’t find April and Caroline can’t reach Tyler. This is a disaster.” I say nervously as I sit down on the couch across from Stefan. “Is this you in crisis mode? Cause it’s a lot more subtle than mine.” I say when Stefan stays quiet.

“You know I thought I’d be happier watching Klaus get led away to his slaughter, but for some reason I can’t help but feel kind of guilty.” Stefan admits and I’m glad he feels that way too.

“Yeah, you and me both. All day I’ve been trying to remind myself of all the horrible things he’s done.” I sigh.

“See, that’s the thing, we’ve all done horrible things.” He says and I nod as he stands up and comes over to sit next to me. “And I’m sitting here, trying to figure out what makes us any better than him. And I think it’s just that, we have family that we can trust.”

“You’re right, Stefan. Trust is everything.” I say, thinking about all of the trust and lack of trust I’ve been going through lately. “Have you heard from Damon?” I ask.

“Yeah, he’s still with Jeremy at the lake house.”

“Did he happen to mention where Elena was?” I ask casually, avoiding Stefan’s eyes. When I accidentally look up, his eyes are locked with mine.

“Wait, why are you…why are you asking me this?” Stefan asks and I look away. “They’re together, aren’t they?”

I take a deep breath and nod slowly as Stefan shakes his head. I know that this hurts him as much as it hurts me. He still cares about Elena and I still care about Damon.

As hard as it is for either of us to admit, we are using each other to get over the ones that we really want. I’ll always care for Stefan, but I don’t think that he’s what I really need right now.

“How together are they?” Stefan asks me, but I don’t want to answer that question either. He takes my face in his hands and forces me to look at him. “Ashley, tell me. How together are they?”

When I don’t say anything, he releases my face and we both sit in silence.

Suddenly, Stefan stands from the couch. I jump slightly as he throws everything off of the coffee table. He proceeds to throw the table across the room and I watch as it slams into pieces against the wall.

I bring my face into my hands and cry…because I don’t know what else to do.


I walk through town square. The party is over and almost everyone has cleared out.

“Tyler, honey, you’re supposed to be my sober cab. I think I drank half the party.” I hear Carol Lockwood’s voice and I look to see her hang up her phone before sitting down on the edge of the fountain.

“Good evening, Carol.” I say with a charming smile. “You’re looking for Tyler. I’d like to have a word with him myself.”

Her face changes from a smile when she sees that I’m still covered in blood. I clutch a bottle of champagne in my hand as I take another swig.

“Klaus, please, don’t hurt him. He’s my son. He’s all I have.” She says nervously.

I take a deep breath, walking closer to her. “And you’re all he has. There’s a beautiful symmetry to that, don’t you think?” I ask with a smile.

Before she can say anything, I grab the back of her neck and she screams. I muffle the noise by plunging her head into the fountain behind her. She fights me as I hold her under the water. When she takes her final breath, I smile, releasing her and walking away.

***Author's Note***

Damon is still in love with Ashley! And Ashley still cares about Damon!

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