Mistaken || 𝖩𝖤𝖭𝖫𝖨𝖲𝖠

由 knowname_97

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How long does it take for a life to change irrevocably? An evening, an hour, a split second? On the way to he... 更多



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由 knowname_97

Like a deranged woman on a mission, Irene barrelled her way into the middle of their circle.

"Oh, now it all makes sense." She looked at Lisa and Jennie's joined hands. "How long has it been going on? Under my bloody roof! You have until noon tomorrow to get out," she practically screamed at Jennie. "If I get home and your stuff is still there, polluting my house, I'll have it removed and donated to the Salvation Army."

Anger radiated off Minnie in thick waves. "You can't do that."

Ignoring the curious glances shot their way, Lisa put a reassuring hand on her little sister's shoulder. "Don't worry, Irene's full of hot air."

Irene pressed her lips together in a thin, angry line. "Really? Try me."

"Been there, done that, didn't like it," Lisa deadpanned, delighted when Irene's mouth fell open.

"How dare you. How dare both of you. I treated you with nothing but kindness, and you..." Irene turned her angry glare on Jennie. "You, Jennie. I gave you a roof over your head and you repay me by lying and stealing my girlfriend?"

"I didn't lie to you," Jennie said softly. "And I didn't steal your girlfriend. We didn't start dating until you broke up."

"Oh, I don't doubt that, but I'm sure you were screwing each other well before then. I figured Lisa was getting it from someone else, but never thought to look under my own roof."

Minnie tapped Lisa on the shoulder, a mischievous glint in her eyes. "Is she always this obnoxious, Lis? Sheesh, no wonder you never wanted me to meet her."

Anger contorted Irene's features. "Who asked you, pipsqueak?" Okay that was pushing it.

Reigning in her fury, Lisa spoke in a low, controlled voice. "If you know what's good for you, Irene, you'll walk away. We received your message, and will do your final bidding."

Unbeknown to Irene, she'd done Lisa a favour. Once they got home they'd no longer have to hide their relationship.
Concern gnawed at Lisa's insides when Jennie wouldn't meet her gaze. But she wasn't about to ask what was troubling her while Irene was within earshot.

When Irene's gaze locked on something, or someone, over Lisa's shoulder, the tension that rolled off her was so thick it was palpable. "There you are, sweetheart."

There was no mistaking the tenor of Seulgi's voice. Like fingernails on a chalkboard the high-pitched screech made Lisa cringe. She didn't turn around though, it was more entertaining watching the emotions playing out across Irene's face. None of them happy.

Her cheeks turned crimson, whether from anger or embarrassment, Lisa couldn't be sure. Probably both. The fact Seulgi was now calling her boss sweetheart was almost laughable.

"I told you, I'd meet you in the tearooms." Irene breathed heavily. Lisa wouldn't have been surprised to see fire burst forth from her nostrils.

"I know, but you've been gone for so long, I started to worry you got lost. It's a big place, you know?" Seulgi whined like a petulant child.

In that moment, Lisa didn't know who she pitied more, Seulgi or Irene. On second thoughts, they deserved each other. The thought made Lisa smile.
After a brief stare down with Irene, Seulgi finally took stock of the three women before her. Feeling smug, Lisa smirked and waved. Minnie and Jennie stood mute.

Ignoring all three of them, Irene held a finger to Seulgi's lips. "I'll be right there, now go."

"Fine, just make sure you don't give any money to gold digger over there." Acting like the self-entitled bitch she was, Seulgi poked her tongue out at Lisa then spun on her heels.

The comment bounced off Lisa like a poorly aimed dart. While she didn't doubt Seulgi had always thought Lisa only dated Irene for her money, she no longer needed to defend herself.

Somewhat proud she'd resisted the urge to call after Seulgi, "enjoy my leftovers," Lisa took the opportunity to turn the entire debacle back on the person making a scene.

Folding her arms across her chest, Lisa quirked an eyebrow. "Pot, kettle, black? How long have you two been cosy?"

"It's not like that." Irene looked at the floor, her bravado gone.

The fact Irene's obnoxious P.A. was now calling her sweetheart suggested otherwise. "Tell it to someone who cares."

Lisa entwined her fingers with Jennie and linked her other arm with Minnie's. "Come on, ladies, there are more entertaining exhibits to see than this...this..." Lisa trailed off leaving Irene to fill in the blank.


After nabbing Ten on their way past the bathroom, Lisa put her arm around Jennie's waist and guided them toward the ground floor. Ten walked with a stoop, his ear close to Minnie's mouth as she no doubt gave him a rundown of the drama he'd narrowly avoided.

The good-natured humour they'd all enjoyed had been replaced by a dark gloomy cloud. One minute they'd been exploring the wonders of the world, the next a volcano had erupted and spewed shit on them.

"You okay?" Lisa squeezed Jennie's side, pulling her closer.

"No." Jennie shook her head. "But I will be." Her sad smile punched Lisa in the gut. Fuck Irene and the high and mighty horse she rode in on.

Back outside, loitering around the front entrance, Ten spoke first. "I have a work van. If you need a hand to move, I can follow you back to Palmerston."

A strong desire to launch herself at Ten rocked Lisa to her core. "You really are sweet, aren't you?" He shrugged.

Minnie burrowed into his side. "He is."

Looking at her little sister, all grown up, Lisa swallowed the lump in her throat. If one good thing came out of today, it was knowing that Minnie had met a good man.

Jennie let out a humourless chuckle. "That's a lovely offer, Ten. The thing is, I have no idea where I'm moving to."

The penny finally dropped, and Lisa could've kicked herself. No wonder Jennie had looked so distraught. At the time, Lisa's mind had immediately flicked to the fact Irene had done them a favour. She'd overlooked the bigger picture. Jennie was soon to be homeless.

Actually, no she wasn't, not if Lisa could help it. "You can stay with me." Lisa beamed, feeling proud of herself, and excited by the prospect.

Minnie's eyes lit up. "Great idea."

Jennie's piercing gaze bore into Lisa. "Don't you think we should talk about that first?"

"Oh yeah," Minnie said, sounding as flat as Lisa felt.

Even though what Jennie said made sense, Lisa couldn't deny the disappointment that weighed heavily on her shoulders. Her emotions were all over the place.

The next thought made Lisa's stomach lurch. What if Jennie moved back to New Plymouth? Surely she wouldn't.

"How about Mum's place?" Minnie asked.

"That could work," Lisa replied. "Mum would love the company."

"I couldn't impose on your mother." Jennie shook her head, her black hair fanning out like a raven about to take flight.

On second thoughts, perhaps it wasn't such a bright idea. Lisa's mum appeared to have come to enjoy her own space, to such an extent that a few weeks ago she'd asked Lisa to text ahead of time if she planned on visiting.

At the time, Lisa hadn't thought much of it. Now though... No, she wouldn't go there, not while there were more pressing matters to take care of.

Zeroing in on something over Lisa shoulder, Minnie eyes went wide. "Don't look now."

A sense of Déjà vu crawled up Lisa's spine. However, unlike the night Jennie had uttered those same words, Lisa didn't turn around. She didn't need to, she could sense Irene's presence.

Craning her neck, Jennie glanced behind them. "Shit, here we go again." After what felt like forever but was only a matter of seconds, Jennie exhaled a breath, shoulders relaxing. "It's okay, they've turned left, toward the carpark. At a guess, not only did Irene piss on our parade, but she's ruined her day out as well."

"Damn, and I thought I could turn scarlet," Ten said, looking equal parts appalled and amused. "That woman's angry scowl could give a vampire squid a run for its money."

"Say what?" Jennie scrunched up her face.

"Another time." Ten grabbed Minnie's hand. "You two need to talk. How about we take a rain check on the cable car until next time you visit. Because there will be a next time. You'll get through this." He spoke with such conviction, Lisa's spirits lifted.

"Yes, we will."

Minnie launched herself at Lisa, wrapping her in a fierce embrace. "Love you, Sis."

"Love you too, Minnie." Lisa stroked Minnie's long mousey brown hair. Jennie hadn't been far off the mark when she'd quipped that Minnie and Lisa looked alike. They had the same doe eyes as their dad and the same thick mop of hair as their mum.

With a final squeeze, Minnie extricated herself from Lisa, turned to Jennie, and held out her arms. Jennie stepped into the embrace like a lifelong friend. Watching them hug made Lisa tear up. She couldn't recall Minnie ever hugging one of her girlfriends, much less be anything more than cordial.

After bidding Ten and Minnie farewell, Lisa's smile faded. She took Jennie's hands in both of hers. Her expression matched Lisa's, anxious, but whereas Lisa's hands were dry, Jennie's were hot and clammy.

"Nerves getting the better of you?"

Jennie smiled, but it looked forced, painful even. She pulled her hands free and rubbed her palms together as if the friction would dry them out.

"It's hot." She looked away, and Lisa let it go.

In spite of being pissed off that their day had turned to shit, she was determined to stay positive for Jennie's sake."Everything will work out. I'm a firm believer in the saying, 'When one door closes another opens'."

The twinkle in Jennie's eyes made Lisa feel self-conscious. She wasn't normally one for making sentimental declarations. But then again, her entire perception of what a relationship was all about had changed. "Nice analogy, Lis."

"Oh." Lisa chuckled, finally understanding why Jennie looked amused. "I meant when a door figuratively closes, not literally."

"I know." Jennie fiddled with her shoulder bag. "I planned on moving out within a month or two anyway. I won't miss all the social hob-knobbing."

"See, you're already finding positives. Now give me a genuine happy smile." Lisa put a finger on each side of Jennie's mouth and pulled her lips up.

"Stop it." Grinning, Jennie smacked Lisa's hand away.

"Better." Lisa's heart inflated, like it always did when Jennie flashed her a smile, one that reached her eyes and lit up her face.

Lisa's phone chirped. For a minute, she considered ignoring it. Then her mind ran rampant. It could be Minnie, her mum, Rosé, or worse, Irene.

Jennie started walking toward the carpark. "You gonna get that?"

Lisa fell into step beside her. "I should, it might be Mum."

It was Minnie. "You've got a good woman there. Let me know what happens, I'm worried about you. About you both."

A huge smile spread across Lisa's face. On impulse, she grabbed Jennie by the arm and yanked her to an abrupt stop.
"Oops, sorry," Lisa apologized to a scowling couple as they stepped around her.

"Here." She shoved her phone into Jennie's hand. "Read this."

Eyeing Lisa curiously, Jennie shielded the screen from the sun. Her frown morphed into a silly grin. "That's sweet. But I don't want her to worry about me."

Across the road, a green sedan made a hasty exit from the service station leaving a puff of exhaust fumes in its wake.
Jennie wrinkled her nose and coughed. "I hate the smell of petrol."

"I kinda like it," Lisa confessed.

"You like petrol fumes but hate petrol heads. Got it," Jennie said with a decisive nod.

Even under duress she was on form. It was another trait of her personality that Lisa found alluring. "Let's grab a cold drink for the road. We have a two-hour drive to figure out what to do, okay?"

"Sure." Jennie punched the button by the zebra crossing.

A breeze ruffled the bottom of her slacks and drew Lisa's attention to her strappy sandals. Lisa couldn't say she was a foot person, but Jennie had beautiful feet, long and elegant, like the slope of her neck.

"What are you looking at me like that for?" Jennie narrowed her gaze.

"Like what." Lisa feigned innocence.

Jennie leaned in close and whispered in Lisa's ear, her warm breath sending tingles up Lisa's spine. "Like you want to eat me."

"Oh, that. That's my normal look around you."

The little green man flashed, and the walk sign dinged. They crossed the street, swept along with the crowd like a piece of driftwood floating downstream.


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