A Year Agreement (PUBLISHED!)


25.1M 718K 168K

Jenna Howard is not your regular 19 year old. She's been by herself since she was just 5 years old. After bei... Еще

Authors Note
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4...
Chapter 5...
Chapter 6...
Chapter 7...
Chapter 8...
Chapter 9...
Chapter 10...
Chapter 11...
Chapter 12...
Chapter 13...
Chapter 14...
Chapter 15...
Chapter 16...
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24...
Chapter 25...
Chapter 26...
Chapter 27..
Chapter 28...
Chapter 29...
Chapter 30...
Chapter 31...
Chapter 32...
Chapter 33...
Chapter 34...
Chapter 35...
Chapter 36...
Chapter 37...
Chapter 38...
Chapter 39...
Chapter 40...
Bonus Chapter 1...
Bonus Chapter 2...
Bonus Chapter 3...
Release Day!!

Chapter 1

1M 21.2K 4.2K

Picture of Jenna Howard played by Nicola Peltz. She's gorgeous ->

Trailer above for the book! ^^^^ 



Life has an uncanny way of turning out the opposite of what you thought it would. For most people that means they don't end up with their high school sweethearts or they don't go to their dream college; for me it was everything about my life. I didn't think I would be dropped off at an orphanage when I was just five years old. I also just barely graduated high school and am working two awful jobs just so I can pay rent. You could say my whole life so far has been one big disappointment.

"Jenna you're needed at table 3!" A voice interrupted my thoughts. Sighing I stood up from my stool and headed to my table. I hated my job, well actually I 'disliked' my job. The small diner, Ruby's, I worked at was a dive. The painting on the wall was chipped and peeling away. The seats of the booths have holes in them and crayon marks from little kids. There is always something wrong with the place but people seemed to keep coming. I guess the only thing really good about the diner was the food. It was pretty good compared to the outside/inside decor. I have been working here for almost a year and everything still looked the same.

After serving the older man some coffee at table 3 I went and sat back down. It was a Monday morning and it was super slow. I was already wanting it to be the weekend but the week only just started, hell it wasn't even 10 o'clock yet. I was looking forward to finally having a weekend off since I have worked the last three weekends. I haven't been more thankful for Friday in a long time. My plans consist of sleeping in until noon and laying around in my pjs the whole day.

I ran my hand through my dirty blonde hair that was in a high ponytail as I looked around the diner. There were only three customers scattered around drinking coffee and reading the newspaper. Most of them were older people that always came here every other day. With a sigh I laid my head on my hands. Having not got any sleep last night I was ready to take a nap right here on the counter.

"Why so tired?" Asked a voice that belonged to my only friend here at the diner, Sophia. "Long night?" She stood behind the counter grabbing a wet towel and starting to wipe the counters while looking at me.

"You could say that. I ended up having to stay until 4 at the club last night to close and clean up. Then had to be here at 6 to open." I said stifling a yawn behind my hand. Sophia was the only person who really knew anything about me and my past. Usually being closed off from everyone Sophia wormed her way into my life and stuck. She was a good three or four years older than me with short blonde hair and the prettiest blue eyes I have ever seen.

"Girly you work to hard. You need time to rest." She said sending me a condescending look. At times Sophia likes to act like my mother even though she is only a few years older than me.

"I'm fine Soph. Plus I need the money to pay rent this month and my bills."

"If you need money ask Pete for a raise, he may give it to you." Pete is the owner of the diner. He is a huge guy standing at 6'3 and about 230 pounds if not more. His once brown hair was turning grey and he had a few more wrinkles than he use to. Even at the age of 61 he looked younger and was still built with muscle. I wouldn't want to find myself alone with him in an alley. But once you get to know him you find out he is a big teddy bear who would do anything for you if you needed.

"I can't do that. This place doesn't do that good enough business for me to get a raise. I'll just keep working more hours here and at the club, it's fine." I said shaking my head at her idea. I couldn't borrow money, I wasn't that kind of person. I would rather be tired and worn out all the time earning money than borrowing it from someone. I've been doing everything myself since I was 14 and now is no different.

"Just think about it okay?" She asked her eyes pleading with me.

"I will Soph. Thank you." I said shooting her a small smile. Just than the bell chimed above the door announcing someone was here. Groaning in the back of my mind I jumped off the stool and towards the front door.

Thankfully the day went by pretty fast and before I knew it my shift had ended. Saying goodbye to Sophia over my shoulder I left the diner and started walking to my apartment. I didn't live in the best neighborhood but it's the only thing I can afford. Thankfully I didn't live too far from the diner so I only had to walk maybe a mile or so. It was mid-september and it was starting to become chilly. Living in New York during the fall/winter was not fun. The freezing cold was something I never looked forward to. I wrapped my thin jacket around me tighter as the wind picked up a bit. My uniform from the diner did not cover much leaving goosebumps up my legs and arms.

A few minutes later my apartment came into view. I picked up my pace and entered my building in a few minutes. Climbing the stairs I reached my door and slide my key in. Dropping my bag and jacket on my counter I plopped down on my worn out couch. I leaned my head back and let out a sigh as my body sunk into the cushion. Turning my head towards my clock hanging on the wall I saw it was 2:30 pm. I have about three hours before I have to change and head to the club. Along with my waitress job I work as a bartender at an exotic club down the road. Exotic is just a fancy word for a strip club. This job I honestly hated. I had to dress in short shorts and a tight tank top and had to wear makeup. And most of the time the men I'd deliver to would grab my ass or something. It wasn't a good job but it paid well and I got tips added on top of that. So dressing in short and tight outfits and sending men flirty smiles gets me about $100 extra per night if I'm lucky.

I know I am not of legal age yet to sell alcohol but the owner of the club let's me work. Teddy, the owner, was almost just like Pete from the diner. He was a big man with light brown hair with little grey specks in it. On the outside he looked mean and scary but to me and the other girls he was nice. He wasn't one of those owners who didn't care about his workers, he always asks us how we are and about things we are doing. Teddy always seemed to have a soft spot for me, instead of sending me away when I asked for a job he made me promise I would only bartend, no drinking. If someone was messing with me call one of the guards over immediately, and to never take shit from anyone. Teddy was protective of all the girls but slightly more of me since I was only 19.

I stared at the wall straight ahead of me my thoughts drifting away. The wall was suppose to have a tv hanging on it but because I didn't have enough money to buy one I didn't. I didn't even have a cellphone like most people do nowadays. Even during High School I didn't have a phone, the home didn't provide us with them. I didn't see the point when I only went from one job to another then back to my apartment. With no friends or family I stayed to myself and did what I needed.

The next couples of hours passed quickly and before I knew it I had to get in the shower and get ready. As I stood under the warm water I closed my eyes and let the water cascade over me. I didn't get the chance to shower when I got home this morning so the water felt great. I quickly washed my long blonde hair and my body not wanting to be late. Reluctantly I stepped out of the warm water and wrapped a towel around myself. Walking into my room I dried my body and wrapped the towel around my head as I got dressed. When I first started at the club I didn't have the 'right' clothes so Teddy had one of the girls take me shopping to get 'sexy' clothes as she called them.

Getting dressed in my black shorts, almost like spandex, and a tight white tank top that showed an inch of my skin below my navel. Like a normal person I slipped on my cheap black converse instead of heels, I don't wear heels. Heading back to the bathroom I brushed my hair and pulled it into a high ponytail even though it was still wet. Looking in the mirror at myself I sighed. My green eyes were the same dull color but had big bags under them making me look older than I was. Every time I looked at myself in the mirror I couldn't help but feel disgusted with myself. I looked just like my mother when I last saw her, I had her eyes and her shape of face. I've always wondered if I didn't look so much like my mom maybe she wouldn't have left me. Before I could depress myself I grabbed my bag and jacket before leaving my apartment and making my way to the club.

I walked quickly to the club the chilly wind biting my bare legs. Five minutes later I rounded the corner and caught sight of the big 'Tammy' sign above the entrance of the club. I came to the side door meant for workers and tapped on the door. It slide open to reveal Tom's face staring down at me. All the guards standing at the doors and randomly around the club were huge. Teddy hired the best 'bodyguards' to protect us in case some customers got too handsy.

"Hey Tom." I said smiling at him as he let me inside the warm room.

"Hi Jenna. Nice to see you. How are you this evening?" He asked shutting the door and looking over his shoulder at me.

"I am good. How are you? How is Kendra?" I asked slipping my jacket off and hooking it on the coat rack by the door. Kendra was Tom's long time girlfriend. They have been together for years but he has never married her and I don't know why. I've met her a few times and she's super nice and cool to talk to.

"I'm doing good. Kendra is good as well. Just driving me nuts as always." He said smiling talking about her.

"You better put a ring on her before she gets some common sense and leaves you." I joked to him as I walked backwards towards the door leading to the bar. Tom has always been my favorite guard and we both love to shoot remarks at each other. The best part is we both can take it and have had multiple conversations shooting sarcastic remarks back and forth.

"Yeah yeah whatever. You better shut your trap before I leave you out in the cold next time." He gave me a look but I just laughed.

"You wouldn't. You love me Tommy." I said sending him a wink and a wave as I left and headed to the bar to start my shift. I slipped behind the bar and saw Candy was working with me today. Most of the girls here are nicer than they look. Actually most of the girls who work here are just here to pay for school, or for their children or even just for some cash. Candy was one of those that worked for her to support her 4 year old daughter, Sky. She got pregnant when she was 17 and her high school boyfriend left her the moment he found out she was pregnant. Now at 21 she is by herself having to raise her daughter who is by far one of the cutest kids i've ever met. For a 4 year old she's got the best manners and is always making me laugh when I see her.

"Hey Candy!" I practically shouted over the loud music.

"Hey Jenna. Your working again?" She asked pouring vodka into a glass and then some water. She worked with me yesterday but got off 4 hours before I did.

"Yeah I am. But i'm off at 11." I said then got to work on someone's drink they shouted at me for. Pouring whiskey into a glass I slide it across the bar and grabbed the money the man had laid down. One after another I poured drinks and collected the money. Before I worked here I did not know there were so many kinds of drinks. There were Sip and Go Nakes, Buttery Nipples, Rum and Coke, Margaritas, all different kinds of Beers, etc. I would be lying if I said i've never drank before but that was only once when I graduated and got dragged to a party by one of the other kids in the home. I drank way too much and ended up with a terrible hangover, after that I vowed to never drink again. Plus alcohol does not taste good to me.

For the next hour I made one drink after another never having a break. Thankfully on the top of every hour the girls would put on a show leaving us bartenders free for about 30 minutes or so. Since this was a strip club every hour a hand full of girls would go up on stage and 'perform' for the gentlemen. I usually took that time to run to the bathroom and wash my hands/arms. When it gets super busy the drinks usually splash up on your arms making your arms and hands sticky and smelling like whatever you were serving. As I was wiping the counter down I felt like someone was watching me. I looked out the corner of my eye and saw Candy was doing the same thing I was. Frowning I kept wiping the counter until all the alcohol spills were cleaned up. Taking a step back I pulled down my tank top that had ridden up. I ignored the feeling of being watched when a man walked up to the bar.

"What can I get you?" I asked setting my rag down.

"You can give me a lap dance." The guy said shooting me a white smile. I watched as his eyes traveled down my body but only went to my stomach the counter blocking the rest of his view. The way he was looking at me made my skin crawl.

"Sorry not my job. You can go ask one of the girls over there." I said gesturing to the right of the bar where the girls who usually did lap dances stood. I turned away from him to another guy that had come up. The new guy wanted a beer so I turned around and grabbed a glass to pour it in. As I poured the man's beer the creepy guy stood there staring at me. Trying to act like the guys stare wasn't freaking me out I handed the new guy his beer with a smile.

"Jenna there's a guy over there that wants you to bring him his drink." Candy said sliding up next to me.

"What? Why?" I asked confused. Usually the men just came to us.

"I don't know but he specifically asked for you. So here." She said handing me a whiskey and nodding towards the section the 'guy' was sitting in. Silently I was glad to get away from the creepy guy. I past Candy and exited behind the bar on her side, heading to the man with his drink. It was kind of hard to tell who I was suppose to go to with the lights down but when I edged around a table I saw a pair of bright blue eyes staring straight at me. My legs seemed glued to the floor as I kept staring at the man. Even from here I could see his face and to say he was gorgeous was an understatement. He had high prominent cheekbones and a jawline that could cut you if ran your finger over it. His blue eyes were bright and intense as the unknown man stared at me. I finally forced my legs to move to him somehow knowing that's who ordered the drink.

"Here you go." I said quietly setting the whiskey down. Now being up close to him I realized he was even more handsome. Instead of thanking me he just nodded his eyes hard. Slightly taken back I nodded back and turned away. I frowned as I walked back to the bar. Why would he ask me to bring him his drink and not say anything? I wondered. Wait why do I even care? Shaking off the mysterious man I got back behind the bar, thankful the creepy guy was gone.

The rest of the night went by quick and nothing else weird happened. The mysterious hot man either left or didn't order anymore drinks, and the creepy guy was gone but that still didn't mean I didn't get hit on. Once the clock hit 11 I stepped back and Stacey, the girl taking over for me, took my spot and started serving drinks.

"I'm off. I'll see you tomorrow." I called over to Candy. She smiled and waved at me over her shoulder. I weaved past drunken men and to the side door for my jacket. Pushing through the door I saw Tom still there. "You're still here?" I asked grabbing my jacket and putting it on. I could already feel myself shivering and I haven't even stepped outside yet.

"Yeah I am here until closing." He said smiling over at me. "Do you want me to call you a cab?" He asked going to open the door for me.

"No that's okay I'll walk, but thank you. I hope you have a good night Tommy." I said shooting a smile at him as I slide past him. I heard him shout 'goodbye and a be careful' as I walked away from the club. As the cold air blew I shivered in my thin jacket picking up my pace. I did not want to be out here longer than I have to. Just as I was walking a car suddenly pulled up beside me. Like an idiot I stopped dead in my tracks. A minute later the door opened and a tall figure stepped out. The street light hit the figures face and I tried not to gasp as the mysterious man's face was lit up.


Hi everyone. This is my new story and I hope you guys enjoy it. It was like midnight and I thought it up so I decided to write it down. I know the first chapter isn't very good but I just wanted to lay down what jobs Jenna has and alittle bit of her past/feelings. I would love to know what you guys think! If its absolutely terrible just comment or send me a message because if it is I dont want to waste time writing when no one will read it.

If anyone can think of characters, songs, or anything for the chapters I'd love it!! :)

Let me know what you think. VOTE, READ, and COMMENT!!!



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