By Taehyungkimseokjin

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Mr.kim Taehyung will you accept mr.kimseokjin as your husband......... "YES" Mr.kim seokjin will you accept... More

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By Taehyungkimseokjin

Taehyung pov::

Australia ?? ....

i ... can't , i don't know how to react , but seeing jin's  unpriceable smile , excitement in his eyes made me swallow my  every questions... .i could just smile for him .

''i am thankful for jimin though ,if its not him ... i would have never imagined these things, ''

jin smiled at jimin ..

''oh shut up jin , what did i do  ?? its all your talent ...''

every minute passed , the uneasiness is filling me up and the stir in my stomach is increasing making me vomit this odd feeling out ...

''what's happening ?? suddenly Australia ?? ,, guys please enlighten us too ""

thanks to yoongi he took jin's attention ,i don't want him to feel i am not happy for him ,whatever that made him so happy  ...

''well jimin being jimin  , he filled my name in the competition , that i never dreamed of i will go ''

jimin leaned and covered jin's mouth and  made him exhale loud and accept the  defeat ,

''its nothing Yoongi , jin just praising me unnecessarily , see 2 months back i sget to know abouy about this cooking show , its actually at international level , means they select 3 cooks from each country , then further  rounds will happen , and the final winner will  get to  work  with worlds famous chefs , and of course the best cook award ,,so what i did is , i send jin's some of the traditional recipes  to them , and of course he got selected , didn't you see how many of our  customers praise jin's cooking ,they mad fan club for him i can say ,and his face also matters also ....''

cooking show ??

Before my mind process something , jin turned to me and held my hands and looked at me with so much hope in his eyes ....

''Taehyung , that's the reason i couldn't meet you , when jimin told about it i got freaked out really , but he really gave me confidence ,so i attended the round yesterday , and you know i got selected , i really cried there  like puppy , i am so happy Tae ,,i am surely going to make you proud of me and aunt will be happy right ,  i always felt i am not worth of her kindness ,  i think finally i can make her proud of me with this ,i think i can do it ,,, i really wanna do it ''

The thought of him having to prove himself to others including me too, it's not something i encourage , but if that's what  make him happy then i am never going to stop him ,, i will stand beside him and support him for what ever he wants to do ....

''what happened ?? are you angry at me  that  i didn't tell you anything before ?? but i was not confident on myself , i doesn't wanted to make you sad .....and ..''

''oh no jin ,, i am not angry on you ,its just i missed you so much , but trust me you can do whatever you want , even its success or fail  it doesn't matter , i want you to do what ever makes you happy ...'

i squeezed his hand which is holding mine ,how can i be angry at him ?? 

''What about this Australia then ??''

yoongi questioned , jin turned his attention to yoongi but mine not leaving him ,not even for a second ...

''Ahh,, they told they will train us there ,,its like how to appear in show and also we have to learn English  too , and there will be cooking classes and they will give us  mentors too ''

''ohh, that's so nice, so you are going to come on T.V, i am excited now only ,..but how long it will all take ??''

''Training in Australia is for 3 months , and the show will go in 10 rounds ,so 10 weeks ,,if i am out in first round then i will be home soon ..''

 ''what are you saying , you are going to win the show ''

jimin came beside jin and hugged him ,, and yoongi showed the thumps up to cheer jin ,,all i could do is smile ....

i am definitely happy for him , i want to include myself in this celebration , but there is some uneasiness in my stomach ,, nothing will change between me and jin right ,, is we can handle this long distant relationship ,??

i know its all my insecurity , i only told jin that we should grow out of it ,, not to let our insecurities to grow ,, he is fighting against his insecurity ,,then i should also do the same right??

''I am so happy for you jin ..''

 Now the topic that i wanted talk  about...  him moving in is not so important , i felt ......

''okay ,,, okay .....you guys order the menu ,and me and jin will go wash room and comeback ....''

Park Jimin being Park Jimin , how he know jin want to use wash room ?? that to ordering me ??

''Are you okay ??? you look pale ''

yoongi caught me ,, best friend for reason ....

''Nothing ,,its just ...''

''Don't worry ,, everything will be alright ...you have to believe  jin ,and you have to believe the love you share ,and importantly you have to believe on yourself ...take out that negative thinking about long distant relationship from your brain okay ??Not every  distant relationship is failure ...''

I know ,, i know i shouldn't compare it with my past experience , but everything was fine when Minho and me were in the college ,until he shifting for training and meeting his old boyfriend , everything got changed after that  it seems ,, he told he never loved me ,, it was all to get reaction from his past lover ,,but what if they didn't meet in that training period ??? what if he didn't get to know that his past lover still was in love with him ??

but i am happy though ,,,that's the reason jin came into my life ,, but ....

No ....Jin likes me ,,,not liking ,,,he loves me .....we planned our future together ,,there is nothing can go wrong ,,its not some drama ....its real life , i hope my life doesn't have anymore  twists ...because i am happy now , too happy .,that i will never wish for any other happiness ...

I  just want jin .....and his  love ....




seokjin's pov ::

I don't understand,  if he wants  to pee why i have to come with him , its not like we are some school going  kids ...

''I don't want to pee , why are you dragging me along ??''

''By looking at your hand which was rested on his thigh earlier ,to the point  upper thigh ..reaching to groin..i got it  you wanted to give handjob to your husband'

''oh god ..you ''

i closed his mouth against all his resistance ,,what if someone hear us ?? its family restaurant .....

''what ?? didn't you want to ??''  

his cheeky smile .....i hate it,

''Its not i don't want to .. but clearly not here ...i am not bold like you '' what he thinks is that easy ..?might be for him ...but not yet to me ....

'' Oh god please take care of Kim Taehyung's dick ''..

I slapped his arm ,,making him whinn .....

''Aww,, you are rude ...but jin seriously , even though i don't like him ,but i have to say he really looked he is going to cry ,,poor boy he really loves you a lot ''

Its not that i didn't see the hurt in his eyes when  i said i am going to Australia .....but i really wanted to make him proud ...but after seeing him sad , i want to rethink about my decision ...

''Jimin ah ,, i .....what should i do ?? i don't want to see him sad , i think i shouldn't ..''

''oh god , stop there ...don't even try to complete it ,i know he is not ready ,its just you two get to close , but its life jin there will be  turns  and more of , if you backup for this reason,trust me he won't feel good ,yes he will be lost puppy without you , but he loves you so much he will never  want to be a reason for you to stop reaching your dreams ,....

but i think you should be nice to him , seriously the guy deserves something ...''

jimini can make me emotional ,and at the same time he can make me embarrass ....

''Its not that i didn't , i ...i was about to but ''

''How about blowing him ?? ,,both his mind and ..''

''jimini.....!!!!!!''    god he doesn't have filter 

''He really needs it ,don't you think so ??''

''I... i want to ,, but ......''

I really want to , but i don't know how to approach him ,,that to now ...when i made him sad ...

''oh  my god,  i recommended you so many videos ....didn't you watch it ??''

''ye...ye , i seen it ...i think i should  give him  ......that ''

''Blow job ....jinni blow job ,, Taehyung is really have lot of patience when it comes to you ''

ye definitely , i also think this often though ,, he is patient enough , he never make me uncomfortable , he make sure i don't feel low of myself , and he loves me so much ......

 he made me believe  for the first time  that i am also lucky ....

I love you Taehyung,  so so much .........

...opinion please )))))

Always give time to yourself , be happy and healthy  .... and don't let anyone look down on you , you are doing great , fighting ...

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