Wakemastopilus Highschool: Ac...

By kawaiiangels85

124 0 0

Felicity is a new student at Wakemastopilus Highschool. However she will soon learn that nothing is as it see... More

it was meant to be
if you'll be mine
feels like we've been livin' in fast forward
I know we only met but let's pretend it's love
maybe we'll be closer
fall into my arms

Wakemastopilus Highschool: Act II

53 0 0
By kawaiiangels85

The school was very quiet as Felicity Marshall entered it. She wasn't really nervous about starting her new school. Her previous school hadn't been that good, though it was good in academics, but poor especially in the sports department. Felicity loved playing volleyball, so their lack of a team made her sad. She was super happy that Wakemastopilus Highschool had one.

Felicity was short but slender, with a long black braid that bounced when she walked, and though she had a  skinny frame she was much more athletic than anyone gave her credit for. She was an ace at volleyball and she rode bikes competitively. Despite her athletic nature, she also enjoyed music - One Direction in particular. She loved them. She put on her favorite song by them, What Makes You Beautiful.

You're insecure

Don't know what for

She burst into the classroom with a smile on her face. The teacher at the front of the room looked surprised, but his surprise melted away as he smiled, waving her in. "You must be the new student."

"Yes!" She said brightly. "I'm Felicity." Everyone was looking at her. Felicity didn't particularly like being in the center of attention, but she could handle it better than others could, probably.

"Why don't you take a seat," the teacher said, gesturing to the classroom. "Anywhere is fine. You came in during a lesson, so I'll talk to you after, okay?"

You're turning heads when you walk through the door

She walked over to a desk by the windows. It was not a very good desk, she noticed, as there were etchings and gouges in the surface. Writing on it would be really hard. She took it anyway, liking the character it had. As she sat, she noticed the gaze of a boy that was still staring at her. He had dark hair that curled around his pale face and striking eyes that pierced into her very soul. Well, not really.

Don't need make-up

To cover up

Being the way that you are is enough

The person who had the desk next to hers was also looking at her. It was a girl with light blue hair. So eccentric! Felicity smiled at her. "Hi! I'm Felicity."

"I know," the girl said. Her voice was pretty deep for a girl's. "I heard."

"I like your hair," Felicity said. The girl's face turned red and she looked down at her desk. Felicity was excited at the prospect of making new friends. She wiggled in her seat excitedly. "What's your name?"

"I'm Bianca," the girl answered. Bianca! What a beautiful name.

"It's nice to meet you!" Felicity smiled. She had a bright smile. Brighter than Bianca's hair. The other girl squinted a little in the light radiating from Felicity. "I transferred today. Can we be friends?"

Bianca looked uncertain. "…sure," she answered. "Why not. Do you always ask people if you can be their friend, Felicity?"

Felicity smiled. She loved having friends. Just as she went to talk to Bianca again, the bell rang. She really had come in at the end of a lesson. Well, it's not her fault that her uncle had insisted on driving her that day instead of letting her just riding her bike to school, like she did at Jeffersonian High before.

Bianca waved goodbye to Felicity before picking up her things and leaving. Felicity watched as everyone left before getting up and approaching her teacher. On her schedule, it said his name was Cameron Williams. She decided that she would call him Mr. W, because why not?

"Nice to meet you Felicity," Mr. W said as she approached. They shook hands. Felicity appreciated his strong handshake. "I'll be your English teacher this year, and your homeroom teacher. Are you enjoying Wakemastopilus so far?"

"I only just got here five minutes ago," she said. "I was a little late today."

Mr. Williams chuckled. "I meant the city."

"Oh!" Felicity nodded. "I love it. It's much nicer than Jeffersonia. Have you ever been there, Mr. W?"

He looked taken aback by the nickname before he smiled. "No, I haven't. It's a good hour drive away, after all."

"I took the train in. It's only twenty minutes." She smiled. "You should go! It's so different from Wakemastopilus."

"Maybe I will." Mr. W sat behind his desk and removed his glasses, setting them in front of him. "You should get to your next class, then, Miss Marshall. Do you know where it is?"

Felicity grasped at the straps of her backpack on her shoulders. "I'll find it on my own. Thanks, Mr. W!" She set off for the door, waving behind her. "See you tomorrow!"


The house was quiet when Felicity came home. Appropriate. Her uncle was a real weirdo - he liked to sit in silence for long periods of time, not doing anything. Like right now, he was sitting in the living room, flipping through the pages of a book silently, not even reading the pages. The reading glasses on his nose looked like they were going to slip off at any moment.

"How was school?" He asked in a low murmur as Felicity shut the front door behind her, sending the room into darkness again.

"It was okay," she said. "Can I turn on a light? How can you read in the dark?"

"Sorry. I hadn't noticed," he mumbled. She turned on a lamp. "So you enjoyed yourself?" He paused. "Did you make any friends?"

Felicity flopped down onto the living chair across from the couch her uncle was sitting on. She sighed, letting herself sink into the plush cushion. "Yeah! There was this girl. She seemed really cool. I liked her hair. It was blue, but like really light blue. It was so cool."

Her uncle smiled softly. "It sounds it."

"Anyway, I'm going upstairs." Felicity picked up her backpack again. "I already have homework. It's so unfair, right?"

Her uncle didn't answer. She skipped up the staircase two steps at a time. She didn't actually have homework. She just didn't like hanging out with her uncle. If she had her way, she would still be living with her parents. She didn't like the haunted look on her uncle's face. It was waaaay too unsettling. It was like he had seen a ghost, or something!

She entered her room, and with a stretch, she hopped over her bed and flung open her window, gazing out into the street. The tree in front of her uncle's house created patterns with the sunlight on the driveway, and two children played a few doors down, filling the air with happy, playful shrieks. Felicity wanted to join in.

She was going to enjoy Wakemastopilus!

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