Snape's Daughter • Draco Malf...

By bxdlovin

2.3M 62.8K 41K

"Anyone you excited to finally meet?" she asked. "Harry Potter obviously! Then again, my dad does talk about... More

Hogwarts Letter • Chapter 1
Reunited • Chapter 2
Welcome Welcome! • Chapter 3
Introductions Two • Chapter 5
Slytherin • Chapter 6
Potions & Dress Robes • Chapter 7
Dances • Chapter 8
Longbottom • Chapter 9
Ball Proposals • Chapter 10
Parkinson • Chapter 11
The Yule Ball • Chapter 12
New Friends • Chapter 13
Really Dad! • Chapter 14
Detention • Chapter 15
Apologies • Chapter 16
Second Task • Chapter 17
Rescued • Chapter 18
Cedric Diggory • Chapter 19
Year 5 • Chapter 20
New Professor • Chapter 21
I must not tell lies • Chapter 22
Medevial Methods • Chapter 23
Professor Potter • Chapter 24
Betrayed • Chapter 25
Caught • Chapter 26
We're in this together • Chapter 27
Just the begining • Chapter 28
He's back • Chapter 29
Glad your safe• Chapter 30
Year Six • Chapter 31
Amortentia • Chapter 32
Hexed • Chapter 33
Secrets & whispers • Chapter 34
Chosen • Chapter 35
Sectumsepra • Chapter 36
Proof? • Chapter 37
Three Words • Chapter 38
Malfoy's Mission • Chapter 39
Letters • Chapter 40
The Dinner {1} • Chapter 41
The Dinner {2} • Chapter 42
Silver Locket • Chapter 43
O Children • Chapter 44
Murmers • Chapter 45
Held Captive • Chapter 46
Lovegood • Chapter 47
Teasing • Chapter 48
Is it him? • Chapter 49
Girl-to-Girl • Chapter 50
Escape • Chapter 51
Battle of Hogwarts I • Chapter 52
Battle of Hogwarts II • Chapter 53
Battle of Hogwarts III • Chapter 54
Battle of Hogwarts IV • Chapter 55
Stay with me • Chapter 56
All is said, all is done • Chapter 57
• Nineteen years later •

Introductions One • Chapter 4

64.4K 1.7K 1.2K
By bxdlovin

Chapter Four

Y/n's P.O.V

"Y/n Snape! Look how much you've grown!" she said engulfing me in a hug.

"McGonagall, it's good to see you!" I replied grinning.

"You too sweetheart! Well your introduction should be starting any minute. Don't be startled when everyone stares, they will be extremely surprised." she said with a wink as we turned towards the door, and just waited.

It felt like forever but then I finally heard the head master begin to talk.

3rd Person P.O.V

The hall was filled with it's usual chatter among the students. Emaline snuck through the back and stole a seat next to her friends at the Slytherin table.

"Hey Ema" Blaise said as she snuck a seat next to him.

"Hey" She replied, she tried to hide it but she was nervous for the girl. "Where were you?" Draco asked as he looked at her.

"Just got back from my dorm, I had some cleaning up to do." she said trying to play it off as the boys just nodded.

"Everyone may I have your attention! First of all I just want to welcome you all back from your break, I hope you enjoyed it!" Dumbledore said standing up as the room went silent.

"Now second of all, before we start this dinner, I have quite the surprise for you." Once the words left his mouth the students' whispers were heard loudly across the room.

"What do you think it is?" Ron asked, looking at his friends.

"I don't know it can't be good, look at Snape's face." Harry said slightly worried as the group turned to look at a smirking Snape.

"What if we are taking exams earlier!" Fred said as George nudged him as they both look at each other worried.

A small yes could be heard from Hermione.

"Silence!" Dumbledore yelled making the whole room go quiet. "Now you may be wondering why we have gotten the sorting hat out." as if on cue some people moved a chair to be in front of the tables and put the hat on the seat.

Murmurs again once went throughout the crowd.

"I know that this year has already begun but we have a new student that will be joining us" he said loudly.

Everyone looked at their friends with surprised looks but Emaline just smiled. "Now most of you may not know this but Professor Snape will you please?" Dumbledore said motioning for Snape to stand up and walk next to him.

He nodded getting up and walking towards the man.

"Professor Snape has a child."

If you thought the whispers were loud before, everyone was basically screaming now.

"He has a what!" Ron basically yelled to his friends. "How did we not know this!" Hermione squealed.

"You think being taught by the man for six years we would have known about this!" George said, looking to his twin brother.

"Everyone settle down!" Dumbledore spoke, getting irritated by the kids.

"Snape having a kid, he must be horrible." Malfoy said to his friends, making the group laugh. "I doubt it." Emaline said, defending her friend.

"Now when they get here they will automatically join the fourth years, Snape has homeschooled them so they are well prepared. You will treat them with respect, and nothing less. Understood?" he said strictly.

Everyone nodded eager to meet the new student.

Chapter 4 done!!! I hope you guys are liking the story so far! Please leave a comment/vote down below!🤍

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