
By EdsGryff

66.7K 3.5K 13.8K

𝐅𝐢𝐫𝐬𝐭 𝐁𝐨𝐨𝐤 𝐨𝐟 𝐭𝐡𝐞 '𝐀𝐥𝐥𝐢𝐚𝐧𝐜𝐞' 𝐒𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐬 Once upon a time, in a faraway land- well, ac... More

Chapter 1- Momentum
Chapter 2- Occursum
Chapter 3- Conjugium
Chapter 4- Si Vu Amari, Ama
Chapter 5- Adcessitus
Chapter 6- Profectio
Chapter 7- Aenigma
Chapter 8- Fissum
Chapter 9- Calfacio
Chapter 10- Haeres
Chapter 11- Filius
Chapter 12- Lux Lunae
Chapter 14- Apsens
Chapter 15- Sentio
Chapter 16- Tutis
Chapter 17- Solum
Chapter 18- Protego
Chapter 19- Lente
Chapter 20- Salvus
Chapter 21- Patere
Chapter 22- Consone
Chapter 23- Liber
Chapter 24- Cupla
Chapter 25- Deliciae
Chapter 26- Exspectat
Chapter 27- Per Aspera Ad Astra
Chapter 28- Impetus
Chapter 29- Nuntio
Chapter 30- Amor Vincit Omnia
Chapter 31- Filia
Chapter 32- Beatifico
Chapter 33- Semper Ad Meliora
Chapter 34- Identitatem
Chapter 35- Amare
Chapter 36- Dignitas
Chapter 37- Experimentum
Chapter 38- Officium
Chapter 39- Cunabula
Chapter 40- Vale
Chapter 41- Paene
Chapter 42- Proelium
Chapter 43- Postea
Chapter 44- Reconciliato
Chapter 45- Cineri Gloria Sera Venit
Chapter 46- Relinquere
Chapter 47- Volens Et Potens
Chapter 48- Revelare
Chapter 49- Sub Rosa
Chapter 50- Quæ Volat Sui Alas

Chapter 13- Regina

1.4K 67 210
By EdsGryff




Love has tied your little wings,

sprinkled you with cheap perfume,

set you fainting in the fire

and given you, in your thirst, hot tears to drink.


"Sanya- Sanya!"

Sanya turned in surprise, and saw Edmund running up to the courtyard. "What is it? Is Jem-"

"No, no, Jem's okay. I just- one second." He held up a hand to her, as he breathed heavily before straightening up. "I didn't- do you- Happy Anniversary."

"Oh. Yes. Happy Anniversary to you too." She replied normally, though her heart was thumping.

"I didn't get you anything- I don't know if you expected a gift- I mean, I didn't even remember-"

"Nor did I." She couldn't bring herself to give him a comforting pat on his shoulder, which was strange because she'd given him more than just comforting pats on his birthday. "It's alright, I swear."

“Ah, good, but- I thought, what with Jem, and us growing closer-”

"We aren't growing closer." She said sharply, cutting him off. "We're friends, at best- don't misinterpret it, Edmund."

"Yes, I know that, Moonshine, I just thought-" He tried not to show the crushing disappointment on his face- why did he feel like that? He hadn't come out expecting a declaration of love- in fact, he'd expected a similar thing to what she actually was saying. Then why?

"Wrong." She felt clammy, and shook her head quickly. "You thought wrong, Edmund- if you thought we were anything but married only in name and title."


"I have to spar now. Bye." She avoided looking at his face as she spoke.
Turning around, she kept her face impassive and emotionless as she walked away, working hard to not look back at him.



Sanya didn't quite have to force herself to smile as her mother threw her arms around her, pulling her in for a very tight hug. "Hello, Amma."

Pulling away, she smiled up at her dad, "Hello, Abba."

And to her surprise, her father pulled her in for an embrace as well.

Absence did make the heart grow fonder, it appeared.

"Where's Bhai?" She inquired about her little brother, after she had stepped away from her father- and got her question answered in the form of another tight hug from Sameer.

"Anyone else left?" She asked dryly after she had ruffled her brother's hair and taken his hand in hers- he was nearly to her shoulders now. Despite the dryness in her voice- oh, she had missed him.

Edmund forced himself not to laugh, and stepped forward, holding Jem's hand. "Hello, Your Majesties."

"King Edmund, welcome to our home again." His mother-in-law smiled, before she and her husband took notice of the small boy clinging to him. "And this must be-"

"Jem. James." Sanya nodded, quite visibly nervous. She felt so much joy at returning home, but she couldn't help her nerves. "My- our- son."

"Hello, sweet shona.” The High Queen had blinked- but now she smiled warmly at him, and extended her hand. "I'm your grandmother."

Jem looked uncertainly at her with his green gaze, before looking up at his father, who gave him a reassuring nod and smile.

As Jem smiled back charmingly and took his grandmother's hand, Sanya nudged Sameer, a mischievous smile on her face, "You're an uncle now."

He made a face at her in reply.

Their mother nudged her husband, who jumped. He'd been trying to wrap his head around all this.

"King Edmund." Sanya's father really didn't know what to say after his daughter showed up after one year of marriage with a- he didn’t even know how old he was- possibly two-year-old child in tow- and decided he would figure that out later. "I need to speak to you, about a matter I believe is of some urgency and importance.”

“Yes,” The High Queen nodded, “you two must speak at the earliest.”

Before Edmund could answer her parents, still remembering her argument with Peter, Sanya asked at once, "Well, I'm going to be High Queen, shouldn't I know as well?"

"It's about defence and militarial matters, Sanya, and concerns the Narnian monarchy and army more than it does us." Her father explained. "If it was something about Rihaaya, I would of course ask you to join us, even if you're still too young for such meetings."

"I'm almost eighteen! I'm going to be crowned High Queen in less than a month-"

"Shall we go now, Your Majesty?" Edmund cut off her frankly petulant retort. "I'll inform you about anything I- we feel you should know." He added to his wife, after the elder King had nodded.

She blinked, before nodding.
“Thank you.” She said quietly, before looking at their son, and then saying to her husband, “Jem will be with me if you look for m-him later.”

He nodded as well, "Okay," before joining her father in leaving the room.

"So, Sanu, how is Narnia?" Her mother asked, turning to her daughter.

“Bhalo.” She answered that it was good- even though she was distracted both at Edmund’s ongoing aloofness and because she really wanted to see- “Diana and her pups- they are alright, na?”

Sameer nodded excitedly and said, "She had three more puppies last month! I was going to name them, but Abba didn't let me."

"And that's because I'm his sweet baby girl, the firstborn child and the daughter, I’m most important." She teased him lightly, but loving her father so much right then. She laughed at his expression, and he clung to her hand, both making faces at each other.
Sanya glanced at her mother, then, who was smiling at her son- oh, she was glad she had accepted him. Adopted heirs were not usually the norm in Rihaaya- or anywhere, really. Besides, Jem was a boy, and Rihaaya usually had High Queens.
"Well, Amma, do you want to join me and Jem in going to see the dogs?"

"Doggies!" Jem clapped his little hands. "Love doggies!"

"Like his mother." His grandmother tried to look disapproving and failed- she really had missed her child very much, and her adopted son- while she may not agree fully with adoption- was adorable. "And yes, I have missed you so I will join you."

Sameer grabbed at his nephew's hand to hold it, and pulled him along- thankfully gently.

Sanya reddened a little at her mother's words- nothing lovey-dovey for her- before nodding and letting her short mother put her arm around her.

"Missed you too, Amma." She murmured, meaning it with her whole heart.


"They're- but they were relatively peaceful last we heard, they hadn't attacked-"

"They still haven't." The Rihaayan King interrupted him. "But they have been calling for meetings with their brethren who live scattered throughout Narnia- using talking birds- vultures-"

"Vultures fought for the White Witch." Edmund sank into a chair. "The Giants are planning something against Narnia."

"Scouts saw orknys and ogres crossing River Shribble too-"

"I have to get word to my brother-"

"But we stopped them," He continued calmly, "and are caging every talking vulture which crosses over Rihaaya's territory."

That took Edmund aback, and he could find nothing to say, no way to express his gratitude and only said, "Sanya won't be pleased to hear you've got animals locked up."

A smile flitted past his father-in-law's face, as he dropped down into a chair too, "That's true, extremely. But, Edmund, even if we've hindered communications and travel for the giants...there's only so long we can hold them off, a few years at best. Not to mention, there is one ready battalion of giants at the foot of one of the mountains in Ettinsmoor-"

"We sent Gryphons to check that rumour, they found nothing!"

"Gryphons- those large winged creatures, yes? With a lion's body?"


"Very easy to spot coming too, over sky." The King frowned over his reading spectacles. "Humans are far sneakier and much less easy to detect."

"Who knew the giants had got smart?" Edmund muttered to himself, before speaking louder, "I'll travel to Ettinsmoor myself and find out more specifics."

"Surely, one of your fauns would be better on this mountainous expedition?" He hadn't expected the young King to be so rash- he'd known him to be a calm and rational fellow.

"There's no one I trust that much, no one up to the task, at least. And I know giants- they're enormous and they're violent and bloodthirsty, most of them. I'm not having one of my subjects be killed, I just can't have that."

"That's a decision I can respect." He nodded sombrely. "You will not leave till after Sanya has been crowned- and especially not during this freezing winter. Ideal time would be the spring- March or-"

"I can't wait that long, I must confer with Peter and set off as soon as possible." He sighed, massaging his temples. "Till after Moon- Sanya's coronation is possible, though."

"Glad we've got that settled, then."

"Yes, and, please, Your Majesty, I can't say how grateful I am to you, for telling me this and helping Narnia-"

"You are family now, Edmund, and Rihaaya and Narnia are joined together." The elder King said, a smile on his handsome face. He might not be good at being verbally expressive with his feelings, but he hoped he knew that he was proud to have such a son-in-law. "There's no need to thank me."

Edmund smiled. "Yes, sir."

"Now, about the ramifications of adopting that cute little boy, ruling wise-"


"The tiara the dwarves made was better."

"Well, that was a custom made tiara, this is a crown which has been in the Reza family for generations." Sanya said as she walked along the crowd, arm-in-arm with Edmund and wearing a fake smile on her face as she nodded to various nobles and other people of important rank.

She had just been crowned High Queen, received a few dozen new titles as a result of it, been applauded for nearly six minutes, and she was now basking in how it felt.
She knew it wasn't easy, not at all, but for now, she would think of only how happy and proud she felt. She loved her country, and she loved her people, and she would do her best to do right by them. This was what she was born to do, born to be.
She was the High Queen of Rihaaya.

“Suits your head very well, at least, my High Queen.” He spoke calmly, smiling to someone who he knew had been at their wedding but had no other idea about. “Silver does suit you.”
And the fact that it was her family’s crown, a crown that had been part of the Rihaayan royal family for eons, certainly helped.

"Why you got me a silver ring this time, Just King." She replied, using her left hand to push back her hair- and showing off a diamond and silver ring patterned with leaves and flowery vines. It stood out starkly against the golden-brown of her skin and the dark sienna-red of the mehendi that covered her hands in intricate patterns- and she loved it. "Half a year after you said you would."

"Are you stating a fact or starting an argument?" Edmund queried, inwardly bristling and sure it was the latter.

"I- Khala!" Sanya stopped and a truer smile came on her face as an older woman bearing great resemblance to her mother stopped her. "I thought you weren't able to come!"

"As if I would miss my most beloved's coronation. Happy Birthday, sweetest." The woman smiled, her wildly curly hair bouncing as she leant forward to give the new Queen a hug. "Your cousin and uncle couldn't make it, unfortunately."

"Oh, that's fine, as long as you're here." She grinned before remembering the King on her arm. "Oh, Khala- this is Edmund, my- uh- my husband. Edmund, this is my mother's elder sister, and my aunt. We call aunts 'khala'."

Oh, Edmund knew her. Well, of her. She had not made it to their wedding, on account of some crisis he couldn’t remember, but he did remember some mention of her gift to Sanya- a vast collection first and original drafts of Sanya’s favourite novels, all of which currently comprised one entire wing in the Library of the Azraq palace.
He bowed, before extending his hand, “Nice to meet you, Your Maj- High-”

"Grace." She smiled, curtsying as he bowed. "Duchess of Galma."

"Oh, that island off the Narnian coast. My younger sister, Queen Lucy, went there once on a visit, she said it was beautiful."

"Queen Lucy was a delightful guest, I remember." She nodded, before turning to her niece. "Oh, Sanu, I am sorry I couldn't make it to your wedding-"

"Please, it doesn't matter." She waved her off. "It was an arranged marriage and basically a barter exchange, so I didn't really care."

"As you can see, we're very happy." Edmund said sarcastically, making them laugh, before he whispered into his wife's ear, "I'll go check up on Jem, shall I?"

Sanya nodded at him, a small smile on her face as she watched her husband depart.

"I didn't say anything to chase him away, did I?"

She laughed at her aunt, “No, Khala, of course not. He went to see if Jem’s alright, he’s fast asleep in my bedchamber.”
Her childhood room, technically- but, to her, it would always be her bedchamber. Always hers.
Only hers. But she’d let her sweet son borrow it, of course.


Sanya's eyes widened slightly, "Oh. Oh, didn't Amma tell you? We- Edmund and I- we have a son. Adopted, he's two and a half, we found him lost and alone in the woods, and I took pity on him." She added quickly, as her aunt looked near-faint.

"I- your mother never tells me anything!" She scowled before straightening her face. "Oh, why wasn't he at the ceremony? I'd have liked to meet him."

“We- I didn’t want him to have to meet the whole Queendom and be paraded around. He’s so small.” She said softly, not sure if she ever wanted him to deal with the pressures of being royal- but being royal was in his blood, after all. "As for meeting him, he's tucked out for the night, but if you're staying- I hope you are- you can see him tomorrow.''

"Sounds like a plan." Her aunt grinned happily. "Well, I have to speak with some of the old crone noblewomen, and you must socialise."

She made a face. "I hate socialising."

"Ah, but you're High Queen."

"Oh, chup koro." Sanya grumbled at her aunt to shut up, before stalking away to- ugh- socialise.


"Jem really does have some sort of charming power, my aunt saw him for one second and snatched him away."

"Well, he is a faerie and a child of the Gods and being raised partly by me, so what can you expect?" Edmund shrugged, next to Sanya as they walked through the Gardens.

"Point." Sanya admitted, nodding. "Well, we'll set off tomorrow for Cair, if that's alright?”
She did not want to leave. That was the obvious fact of the matter- this was home, after all. But the longer she stayed in Azraq, the longer she fell back into her comfortable life that had ended due to the dreaded marriage alliance, the longer she was at home- the worse she would feel when she’d eventually have to return to Narnia.

Her husband looked at her, his brows risen, “Already? I thought you had much work to do, still, being the new High Queen.”
She had been very absorbed in her role, and he had hardly seen her in the last couple of days. She was so busy she hardly even managed to make time for Jem, which both mother and son were quite desolate about.
But Edmund had got Jem a few dozen new toys to make up for his mother’s sudden absence, and they spent nearly every hour of every day together. That, coupled with Sameer and his maternal grandparents spoiling the little Prince rotten, had very much cheered him up.

“Haan, but the initial work I had to do as High Queen is done, and I’ve passed on my next orders to my parents and had the courtiers informed-” and had had to undergo many, many, many interactions and socialising, “so we may return whenever.”
She had actually been stupendously busy since her coronation, and had just about had enough of her royal study. Once she’d finalised the draft for the first law she intended to pass, one regarding marriage, she had practically teleported out of her office. She had intended to retreat to her beloved bedroom and sleep in peace, but had chanced upon Edmund on the way- and before she had known it, they were strolling in the gardens, arm-in-arm, and most thoughts of sleep had left her brain.
Most. Not all. Sleep would always be there in her mind.

Edmund rather liked the warmth, and the entire feel of the tropical land, but he had to agree with her- he did have to set off to scout after the giants, after all.

He didn't quite know how to tell her he was going.

"That's alright."

“Jem enjoys it here, didn’t you say?” She said absently, trailing her eyes over the scenic greenery. She had missed her son badly over the last couple of days- she’d wished to go to him, but had been informed that he was having his afternoon nap.

“Yes, he really does. He has playmates here, after all.” He nodded. Edmund was with him most of the time, yes, but Jem mostly was preoccupied with others here. “Your brother, the children of the maids and servants- even the puppies! He has no one back at Cair except for us, and while we may be young, we’re not children- or near his age at all.”

"Hmm..." She nodded, frowning. She supposed she had had playmates, occasionally, as a child, but otherwise- she had been a solitary child. Lonely. Until her baby brother had come along, but she had been nearly nine by then- and how could she have played with a newborn baby?
Still, he was probably the first companion of her life- well, first that was human, of course. The true first was unequivocally Moonlight.
"We should bring him here more is only two weeks' journey, after all?"
She would get to come home more often, then. To her family, her castle, her people, her queendom.

"As you wish." He shrugged. “What’s the matter with your aunt? Why doesn’t she visit more often? Exiled or deported or extradited or something?”

“Do you always have to think of the worst case scenario?” 

“No, I think of the realistic scenario. The pessimistic one is your forté.”

Sanya rolled her eyes, “Like it’s my fault that the world always ends up proving my pessimism right.”

Edmund did agree with her, but he was rather too interested in whatever the situation with her aunt was to continue this topic.
“Then your aunt was exiled?”

She gave him a look, before shaking her head, "Of course nothing like that. The journey from Galma to Rihaaya is long- and she doesn't really enjoy returning to the place where she abandoned her birth-right-"

"What birth-right?"

"To be Queen." She answered. "She wanted to carve out her own identity, travel the world- I wanted to be just like her, do the same. She ultimately did become something royal when she married the Duke of Galma, though, a few years ago."

"I thought she was your mother's sister?"

"She is."

"But- wait, your father wasn't royal?"

"No." She laughed, not having known that he didn't know. "Abba was a sea merchant by birth, but his father- my grandfather- died when he was only sixteen- so he started learning the trade of the navy, and the officer he was training under was called to the palace one day- not long after my mother was named Crown Princess- and my father came too. They met, fell in love- oh, the first few months of their courtship was secret, actually- and they married three years later. I was born two years after."

"A nice little story. The Princess and the Pauper." He smiled, genuine warmth in his chest. "Never would've thought that your father wasn't royal- wait, but you said the crown had been in the Reza family? Your father was the one who was a Reza, I thought?"

"Haan. My mother's High Queen- well, she was. Rihaaya has historically been ruled by a High Queen, and her chosen Consort."
It was a fact she was quite proud of.
"But it's annoying for Amma to deal with every little unrest and battle, so Abba deals with those. It's an equal partnership, as all should be. And I say Rezas because Rihaayan royals don't have surnames, and saying the 'long reigning royal family of Azraq' is too tiring." She shrugged. Oh, she should get a book on Rihaayan history. He would actually quite enjoy it. "Technically and legally speaking, I'm Pri- High Queen Sanya and Sanya Reza."


"Sorry?" She looked to him as they walked, confused.

Edmund looked straight ahead of himself as he spoke, "Pevensie. Your name's Sanya Pevensie- since we are married in name, remember?"

The air seemed a little cooler now.

"Yes." She nodded. "I suppose I am Sanya Pevensie now. Your button's undone."

The abrupt change shook and confused him. "Excuse me?"

"The button of your tunic. It's unbuttoned." She repeated and then pointed at the offending button.

"Oh." He nearly went cross eyed trying to look at where her finger was pointing. "I-"

"I'll do it up for you, it's alright." She offered and moved so that she was in front of him, her mouth roughly level with his jawline- and she swallowed and tried to keep herself cool. "My brother is very proud of his ability to do up buttons quickly."

"Well, everyone has their own talents." He replied, voice almost as low as a murmur, and he worked hard to not look at her face, which was so close to his- or to lean in.

"Well, I am clumsy and my fingers fumble a lot, so- oh, done!" She announced, pleased as well as surprised and moved back to his side. "That's one wifely duty I carried out in the past year. Besides sex." She added quietly, as he opened his mouth.

His mouth immediately closed- but then it opened again, "I mean, you're strolling with me- spending time with your husband is a wifely duty- even if you're just doing it for your subjects' benefit." He added casually, discreetly turning his eyes to the various palace workers strewn around the Gardens.

"And because I was at loose ends."

"I thought you prided yourself on being an introvert." He raised an eyebrow.

Sanya scowled, but remained silent.

"No retort?"

"Shut up, husband. It’s also your husbandly duty to spend time with your wife, but if you keep irritating me, you’ll be walking alone.” She was cross now, an emotion indicated by her crossing her arms. “Do you want to wander around alone?"

"I'd much rather have my most beautiful wife on my arm." He said loftily. "Am I allowed to put my arm around you, wife-only-in-name?"

"You can be so childish, husband." She said, resisting the urge to make a face at him- yes, she knew she was equally as childish as him, if not more- but contentedly allowed him to slip his arm around her waist. "You know not to expect romantic love from me, so I don't know why you're so bothered."

“Yes, we are married, it is such an unthinkable idea for me to want our relationship to grow.” He said heatedly, but kept his expression cool, as fitting a King.

"I've already told you-" She felt awful, but- but- oh, she just felt awful and regretful and sorry for everything, but she couldn't change how she felt.

"Forgive me for thinking things might change over time."

And his hand dropped from its comfortable position on her hip.

"I'm sorry." Sanya said honestly. She hated confrontations, verbal in particular.

Edmund took a deep breath. She was right, he was acting childish.
But he just wanted to be honest.
"It's not like it's so easy for me to- to feel things like that, either, but I wouldn't have minded trying. For Jem, of course- parents who care deeply for each other always help a child to be happy."

She felt even worse. She didn't know why- she had married him, been vaguely open and had talked deeply with him, read with him, she had fought by his side, she had kissed him, fucked him, supported him, defended him, laughed with him, and was raising a child with him. So, why then was the simple thought of being in love with Edmund Pevensie so unimaginable?

So terrifying?

She had no answer to it, but that did not mean she'd change her mind- or heart, whichever. She doubted she ever would.

"Were your parents in love?" She asked instead of voicing any of this, realising she knew nothing of his past before he came to Narnia, save for Spare Oom and War Drobe.

The question jolted him, and took him by surprise. He hadn't thought of his parents- his mum, his dad- for years. His siblings were the only family he truly remembered.

"I can't remember." He admitted, not liking the fact. "I think they were- but I can't recall anything much before I came to Narnia. Brief flashes- hazy images- but nothing definite. I can't remember what Dad- Mum's name was Eileen- no, wait, it was Helen- see? I can't remember. I mean, I can't even remember what our home was called."

"Maybe one day you will. You might even get to see your parents again, who knows?" She said, shrugging. "Life is uncertain."

"Believe me, I know." He was about to laugh, before he remembered they were not in a place where they’d laugh together.
He'd been irrationally upset for nearly two months now, and so dejected that he hadn't even made- well, not love to her on her birthday, as was starting to be their tradition. This was just why he should never have agreed to get married. It was making him feel, and he wanted it to stop. The only feelings of any sort Edmund allowed were sibling/familial love, equine loyalty, devotion to his country and annoyance. Whatever this was, was not allowed- not in the very least.
"I'll leave you now."

Her first instinct was to ask him, to request him to stay, or to say that she wanted him to be with her. But as that was the exact antithesis of what she'd been holding on to, what she'd been saying, she didn't go with her instincts. Instincts and reflexes were good in fights and spars, but in love and communication? Not quite as much.

"Alright." She tucked a lock of silky dark hair behind her ear, her expression turning troubled as soon as he walked away. Was she ever going to figure out the jumbled mess which was the tangle of the utterly contradictory thoughts and emotions which resided in and baffled her?


-✧・: °*✧*°:・✧-

Preity Zinta as Duchess of Galma

I didn't have the coronation bit in detail, but I just made this and I wanted to put this on here 💖


(This is what the coronation was actually like, clothes/jewelry/crown/face-wise. She's only eighteen here, after all.
(This is probably over a year after this chapter is published, yikes)

(Almost four years late, but finally got around to what Sanya looks like as she is crowned High Queen. Not sure anyone is even still reading this book, but still 💀)

(Oh, Sanya, you just keep lying to yourself. You and Ed are VERY MUCH 'growing closer'.

Picture posted 16th October 2023, though chapter was published on 27th October 2020.)

(She's rejected him and he's been rejected by her just a month before this, and now they're looking at each other with the biggest heart eyes. What is wrong with you idiots.

Picture posted 16th October 2023, though chapter was published on 27th October 2020.)

Love is a scary thing. Not as scary as the dark, though.

If you're seeing this, I humbly and unashamedly beg you to vote on the chapters, please.

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