RED X BLUE (Oc x Shuu x OC)

By Strawberry-Doll

313 56 3

Twin Oni sisters Sachiko and Yumi wound up at the Sakamaki mansion as experimental "brides". However, the boy... More

Character Info
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9

Chapter 6

21 6 0
By Strawberry-Doll

((**A/N** Hi, everybody! I got another quick chapter out! :D Please read, vote, comment, and enjoy! The outfit above is what Yumi is wearing, btw~))


My first time sleeping all day does not go well. I toss and turn like crazy, and barely get any rest. When I look in the mirror in the evening... I don't like what I see. My hair is a mess. I have dark circles. My everything looks downright exhausted.

I get dressed anyway. A comfy sweater and skirt are a little more tame than what I usually wear, but I don't have the energy to do anything better.

Next, I head down to the kitchen for breakfast... I guess? There's plenty of food to pick from, and I wind up going with toast with butter and strawberry jelly. As I'm eating, I think about what I'm going to do tonight. I'll be starting college soon enough, but for now, I'm about as free as it gets. Sachiko and I really have nothing to do.

But... I do have an idea.

Since I live in the house with all of the boys, I have to be allowed to talk to them, right? There's really no way they can stop me. And that means that I can see what Shuu's doing!

I grin to myself, stand up, and stretch. At the very least, talking to such a cutie will make this night much better. I won't be bored if I'm hanging on every word Shuu has to say, and I'll get to stare into those pretty blue eyes some more too.

That means finding Shuu, though, which also means that I'm going to have to do some house-searching. And this mansion is HUGE.

So after I finish my toast, I get moving. I don't want to ask anyone where he's at. As an Oni, I should be able to sense him pretty easily... whether by smell or otherwise.

I remember what Shuu smells like pretty well.

It takes a bit of wandering around the house, but before long, I pick up Shuu's scent.

I follow it. After a bit of a walk though the unreasonably huge house, I come across a richly-furnished living room... with Shuu lounging on one of the couches.

As usual, he looks amazing. I can't tell if he's asleep or not, but with his eyes closed, Shuu is the picture of peaceful. He's laid back on the couch with his feet kicked up over the side, one arm behind his head, and his head tipped back.

"Hello, Shuu!" I chirp as I approach him. Shuu doesn't answer.

When I get close enough, I notice that he has his earbuds in. Oh. No wonder he's not realizing I'm here. I don't know if I should tap his shoulder, speak louder, or what.

For a moment, I just stand there. I'm not used to being this nervous, but Shuu already seems to be bringing out my shy side.

Fuck it. I'm no coward!

Just as I'm going to give Shuu's arm a poke, his sapphire-blue eyes crack open.

"What are you doing?" he asks.

"Oh! You're awake. Sorry, silly me. It looked like you were asleep there, and you have your earbuds in, so I was going to try to get your attention..." I trail off, feeling awkward.

Shuu reaches up and tugs one earbud out of his ear, then looks at me with what can best be described as boredom.

"You're dead-set I'm bothering me, aren't you?" He sighs. "No matter... I guess it's okay to entertain myself for a while. What do you want?" The smirk that creeps across Shuu's face makes my heart flutter. He's so handsome when he's smiling. I can barely take it.

"Nothing much." I smile back. "I just wanted to talk to you, y'know? I'm new here, and you seem really nice, so... maybe we can get along. I so don't want to be alone here."

"Don't you have your sister?"

"Well, yeah, but she's not, you know, a man. It's a totally different kind of company."

"I see," Shuu chuckles. "And let me guess... I happen to be the best man here?"

"Totally! But, um, enough of that... Mind if I sit down?" I gesture to the couch. Shuu's smirk still has me off balance. It's hard to focus when he's looking at me so intently.

He moves his legs enough for me to perch on the edge of the couch. Which isn't saying much. Still, I think the fact that I got this lazy prince to move over for me says a lot. I'm already kind of proud of myself.

Trying to think of what to say next, I glance at Shuu's earbuds, one still in his ear.

"What are you listening to?" I ask.

"Here, find out."

With those words, Shuu offers me one earbud. I can't help but light up. This is so intimate! He must really feel like we're hitting it off.

I take the earbud and put it in my ear. It takes a moment for the sound coming though to become clear, and a moment beyond that for me to recognize the female voice and realize exactly what it is. But when it sinks in...

"Ah!" I yelp and scoot away. That was porn. That was a woman moaning, no mistake.

"Don't like it?" Shuu asks with a wicked smirk. "I'm surprised. You seem like the type of girl who'd be into this kind of thing."

I feel myself blushing. I was already on edge from this whole interaction; blatant porn in my ear is just too much. I'm way too overwhelmed. I stand up and brush off my skirt on reflex. This is so far beyond embarrassing, but at least Shuu seems to be amused.

"Sorry, but I don't like porn! I thought it would be music, okay? And why were you listening to that stuff out here, anyway?"

"You'll figure that out later," Shuu says lazily. "Now, run along. I want to get back to my nap."

With those words, he puts his earbud back in, closes his eyes, and moves his legs back so there's no room for me to sit. I stand there helplessly for a moment, trying to process what just happened, but I eventually give up. I'm just confused and flustered.

Still red-faced and reeling from the encounter, I begin the walk back to my room.

Wait until Sachiko hears about this.

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