Happy Endings Do Come To Thos...

By Blueberrywriter10

8.7K 523 454

This is most likely sad and a bit ooc but meh. Hope you enjoy! Also the cover was drawn by WingnutJMB01 on de... More

Ch. 1
Ch. 2
Ch. 3
Ch. 4
Ch. 5
Ch. 6
ch. 7
ch. 8
Ch. 10
ch. 11
Ch. 12
Ch. 13

Ch. 9

641 35 15
By Blueberrywriter10

C decided to call Corrupted and tell him that they found lavender friend's, him walking a bit away from the group to do so.

While he did that, Lavender , X, and epic were trying to figure out what Lavender's error should be called. Kevin didn't really care about it, choosing to clean his feathers while the skeletons spoke.

X hummed, tapping his chin in thought, " How about........ Erry?"

Epic shook his head, a flash of knowing crossing his face, " No can do, bruh. Swap calls this universe's error that. "

Error rose his brow, confusion clear in his expression, " SwAp? WhO's tHaT?"

Epic chuckled, putting his hands in his pockets, " Well, most call him swap. Error was the one to nicknamed him Blue."

Lavender and X froze, eyes widening in surprise and concern. They quickly glanced at Error worriedly, noticing how his face overshadowed at the mention of the name.  Lavender panicked slightly, not wanting that to cause his Glitchy friend to break down.

Epic noticed the panicking and spoke quickly, hoping to ease the situation," Ok, uh this swap is different then yours judging by your personalities, bruhs!"

Error mumbled, shaking now noticable as his glitches worsened slightly, " YoU sUrE....?"

Epic nodded, grinning as he spoke," Swap's a sweetheart. Promise, Bruh."

Error gripped his hood, looking away from them, " o-oK...."

X snapped his fingers, catching their attentions easily. He grinned, them practically seeing the lightbulb light up above his head, " I got a name! Erru! "

Error rose a brow, face morphing into confusion," ErRu??? "

X grinned, a triumphant gleam in his eyelights, " Yeah! It's kinda like Erry but different!"

Epic frowned, tilting his head to the side a bit, " I dunno, bruh. How about.... Erro? Which one do ya like best, Error?"

Error hummed, tapping his fingers on his other hand in thought," Hm... HoW aBoUt ErRu....?"

Lavender grinned, hugging his old and new friends," I think it's a great name!"

Erru smiled sheepishly, hugging the excited skeleton back.. X grinned, putting a hand on his own chest and standing proud in a pose, " I know. Being a creator has it's perks."

Epic laughed, rubbing X's skull enthusiastically, " Sure does, bruh. "

Kevin clucked happily, agreeing with the name as he stopped preening his feathers.

C then walked over to them, smiling as he started to explain the situation to them," Called Corrupted. He'll be here in a bit."

Epic nodded, grinning at his friend, " K bruh. Guess what, Got a name for Error bruh. It's Erru."

C hummed in approval, a thoughtful gaze on his face, " Sounds good. "

"Erru sounds odd.", They all jumped at the slightly ghost like voice, a transparent figure appearing next to C.

X stared at the figure, a look of recognition on his face.

The figure was a human , with really pale skin and snow white hair that seemed to float. They wore an outfit the was a black sweator , a white short sleeved jacket, black and white pants, white shoes, and black fingerless gloves. The whites of their eyes were black, the eye colors red and purple with X like marking in them visible. They had a black marking on their face.

At the moment , they looked unamused with their arms crossed.

Lavender was confused. Who the heck was that? He didn't recognize them... Apparently X did, though. He wondered why.

C sweatdropped, looking at the figure," Of course you would think that... Guys, this is Cc, or Cross! Chara. She's from my AU... "

Cc waved, a dull look on their face," Yo."

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