The Last Moon (destined seque...

By Little_Freesia

60.4K 2.5K 562

Losing two of his important persons, made pharms life changed. his once loving mother becomes distant to him... More

Author's Note:


940 50 21
By Little_Freesia

Note: sorry for the wrong grammar. English is not my first language.


Rome and In woke up the next day, they went straight to their garden, the two smiled when they saw that the flowers are now starting to bloom, they starts to waters the plant.

"This will be the last time that we can water those flowers, I hope that they can still live", In commented with a sad smile.

"Yes, this place becames our home for some weeks but all of the good things need to end, he was our enemy and staying here only makes p'pharm unable to fight freely", rome added to his brother, the two touch the flowers in front of them and smiled sadly.

"Come on rommie let's go inside and cook some breakfast", In muttered softly to his younger brother, he laid his hand infront of rome who gladly accept it.

"Sure I will surely make the most delicious food", rome muttered in so much happiness, the two happily enters the castle and went straight to the kitchen to cook.

"What's into the both of you?", rome and In both stunned when they heard a new voice behind them, they saw their auntie luna leaning on the doorway.

"Do you want to go with us?", rome suddenly asked suprising not only In but also luna.

"Rome are you out of your mind, what the hell are you thinking?", In exclaimed in annoyance to his brother, but rome ignore his brother, he just keeps looking at his auntie.

"What are you talking about?", luna asked with her eyed narrowed.

"You're also a prisoner in this castle, and I'm giving you a chance to break the chains that caging you in this place, you're our auntie after all", rome explained to luna, luna smirked and laugh.

"You didn't know what I did to your mother-------",

"I know", rome muttered, luna eyes widens in shocked.

"Then why-----",

"I know that you hated her so much to the point that that my mother had a miscarriage resulting to our older brother or sister death, but that mistake doesn't described your whole character, in our life we always did a mistake but the most important is the way that you do to make the things right", rome muttered with a soft and caring voice, tears of overwelmed falls from lunas eyes, she smiled and look at rome.

"You're indeed the son of my twin sister, you harbors her selflessness and forgiving heart, I'm going to help you this time, I'm going to reverse what I made", luna announced seriously to the two, rome and In both smile and run straight to embraced luna.

"Thank you auntie luna!!!", rome and in muttered in unison.

"Enough with the hug, continue what you two were doing, I'm hungry now, apollyon and lhong will arrive shortly", luna said to her nephews, she also decided to help the two.


Later that night, rome, In and luna is preparing to leave the light kingdom castle when the door suddenly opens reveilling apollyon and lhong.

"What are you three doing?", apollyon asked with so much venom on his tone, roem and In noticed his hands are now in fist.

"We're leaving", In bravely replied to the prince.

"Who gave the two of you the permission to leave my castle!!!!", apollyon muttered in so much anger.

"I gave anything that you two want, I let you build a garden, I let you two roamed in this place without any guards or chain, I let you two have all of the things that you want, isn't that enough!!!!", apollyon added in such anger and pain on his tone.

"You're only using the two of us, you're still killing so many wolves around the continent, you think that we will not know about the things that you did outside this castle, we tried we really tried to change you but you always refuse and you always giving us a false hope!!!!", rome suddenly exclaimed with tears streaming down on his face. Apollyon and lhong both look at rome.

"I already learned to care for the both of you, I already learned to love you as a father, but all of those hopes breaks when I heard that you destroyed more than a twenty packs in just a day, why why did you need to do that?!!!!!", rome asked in so much pain in his voice, In just listened silently to his brother, he knew that rome starts to adored and treat apollyon like a father and he's also hurting right now for his brother.

"Those wolves takes all of my most important persons, they killed diana and my unborn child, those reasons is already enough for me to kill those fucking werewolves!!!", apollyon exclaimed back to the child, rome shakes his head.

"You're wrong prince of darkness, you're the reason why our mother died, she saved you, she saved you remember, she saved you from her own father, she choose you more than her own family, and yet here you are killing what she wants to protect!!!!", rome said.

"Enough!!!!!, I don't want to talk about that anymore, forget the thought of you two leaving my castle if you want to stay alive, lhong take luna and bring her to the cell in the basement!!!", apollyon exclaimed, lhong nodded and about to walk to luna when rome muttered some words.

"I rather die than stay in this castle with you, you're such a revengeful person, killing won't solve everything, you can't bring back what you already lost, if you want to kill all of the wolves, my brother and I was not an exemption, but let me ask you one thing, are you really going to be happy when all of the wolves die?, do you finally have peace when we're all gone?", rome speak that made apollyon stunned. Apollyon turned around when he noticed yellow light shines, he saw a yellow circle appears below the three, his eyes widens in panic.

"Lhong stop them now, they're leaving our castle!!!!!", apollyong screamed in panic, he run to stop them but a green shield surrounds the two.

"You can't stop us now", In muttered in a low voice, apollyon starts to try to break the shield, for some reason tears starts to stream from his eyes.

"No, you two can't leave my!!!!!", apollyon scream as he keeps attacking the shield, rome lifted his head and look straight to apollyons eyes.

"Crying doesn't suit you, I like your smile more, I'm sorry to leave you but I need to do this, take care of yourself cause when meet again, I will be one of your enemy, we will need to kill each other until only one remains standing. Goodbye and thank you for everything, I love you dad!", rome muttered with a smile, after that the three dissappears in a thin air.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!", apollyon screamed in so much pain and anger, the whole castle shakes, lhong was on the corner just watching his crying lord with a sad look on his eyes.


Dean and pharm was about to sleep, when a sudden knock both suprise them, dean went to the door to opens it, they saw can outside the room.

"P'can what's the matter?", pharm asked to his brother. Can take a deep breath and look to pharm with so much happiness in his eyes.

"Pharm, our little brothers are now back, they're here now!!!!!", can informed the two, pharm and dean eyes widens and the three hurriedly run outisde the pack house.

The three smiled when he saw rome and In, now in luna kits arms crying, their pack mates and the moonlight pack surrounds the two with a smile on their faces. Pharm and can walk forward to their family, rome and In lifted their eyes and look to pharm and can.

"We're back p'pharm and p'can!", the two announced in so much happiness, pharm and can tears falls down as they kneel down and embraced their little brother. Alpha smiled as he also kneel down and hug his family, atlast after two years their family was now complete again.

"Welcome back my sons", alpha ming announced to his two sons.

"We're back!", rome and In said and they snuggled on their families warm hugs.



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