𝐑𝐞π₯π₯𝐨 𝐑𝐚𝐩𝐩𝐒𝐧𝐞𝐬𝐬...

By peachymaximoff

76.5K 1.9K 334

ON HOLD "happiness is a butterfly which, when pursued, is always beyond our grasp, but if you sit down quietl... More

00. cast + summary
01. welcome to the world
02. our little butterfly
03. a month of pure joy
04. when hell freezes over
05. half the challenge
06. code of silence
07. so much to be grateful for
08. happy turkey day
09. act of betrayal
10. december 25th
11. not your enemy
13. only innocence
14. birthplace of our sorrows
15. a vow of our own
16. we fight for those we love
17. forgiveness
18. you'll always have me
19. five years later
20. we have tomorrow
21. just as strong
22. my legacy
23. mother's innocence
24. birthstones
25. promises we can't keep
26. a bond not broken
27. our first moments

12. the workaround

1.7K 58 2
By peachymaximoff

s3e13: heart shaped box

Brynley, Freya, and Elijah, who held Evie, in his arms walked on to the balcony of the compound to see Klaus holding a police officer by his neck, threatening to drop him of the ground below.

"I see we're in for another normal Mikaelson breakfast." Freya sighed and Brynley gave Elijah a look.

"Niklaus, for Heaven's sakes! Release the poor creature." Elijah demanded and Klaus shrugged.

Klaus released the man and he fell on to the floor below, Brynley jumping. "Oh my god!"

"That's not what I meant!" Elijah exclaimed.

"He'll live! And he'll remember to do better." Klaus replied.

"Their humans trying to find an 1000 year old vampire who's a crazy bitch, what did you expect?" Brynley crossed her arms.

"Well, I don't see you doing much to find her and the only thing on this earth that could kill all of us." Klaus glared.

Aurora currently was in possession of the only white oak left on Earth, and she was missing.

"I have Audubon guards looking all over the city." Brynley said and grabbed her purse from a table. "I'm gonna join them, she won't get far."

Elijah gave her a worried look as the fairy kissed Evangeline's cheek, then kissing Elijah. "Elijah, I'll be fine."

Brynley walked out of the compound and down the streets of New Orleans. She was about to enter Audubon park when Aurora De Martel grabbed her by the neck, shoving a syringe into her neck.


Elijah let out a sigh as he continued to rock Evie in his arms, who was crying loudly. "Princess, come on, what's wrong?"

Evie just screamed louder, making Elijah worry. "Evangeline."

He bent down and grabbed the butterfly plushie from her cradle, offering it to her, but more tears just ran down the baby's cheeks.

"She's awfully fussy today." Klaus said as he walked into the room.

"And I think I might know why," Elle ran in, holding a piece of paper. "This was found right outside Audubon Park."

Elijah handed Evangeline to Klaus and took the paper from Elle.

How long do you think soulmate magic can save Brynley before she finally kicks the bucket?

"Aurora has her." Elijah whispered angrily.

"I'll send guards all over the city." Elle promised and took Evie from Klaus.

"Elle," Elijah called and looked at his daughter. "Keep her safe."


Brynley awoke on a couch of a carpenter's shop, Freya next to her. She hissed at the pain from the burning ropes of fairleaves around her wrists.

"Oh goody," Brynley looked up to see Aurora standing there smiling.

"What did you do to us?" Freya asked.

"I used the same concoction on you that my brother crafted for my... episodes. It's rather effective, wouldn't you say?" Aurora explained and looked at Brynley. "And for you I've practically drowned you in fairleaves, but wow, you are strong! And then we have ropes soaked in fairleaves to keep you from doing any fairy ju-ju."

"A cierta-" Freya began but the witch collapsed back on the couch.

"Freya." Brynley called.

"Oh... Poor dear. To think, Freya, we could've been sisters. Unfortunately, I've spent enough time with witches to know that casting spells requires focus, and focus requires clarity of mind, something you don't currently have." Aurora smirked.

"Elijah and Klaus will come for us." Brynley panted, wincing in pain.

"That's good. 'Cause that's precisely what I'm counting on." Aurora replied and picked up a gun. "The only question is... Will you two still be alive when they get here?"

Aurora shot Freya in the stomach once and then Brynley in the stomach three times. The fairy let out a scream in pain, her eyes glowing glow and Aurora covered her ears.


"You track the scent. I'll take the cabin." Elijah said as he and Klaus walked through the woods.

Klaus nodded and began to walk in another direction.

Elijah turned back around. "Niklaus... She has Brynley."

The hybrid looked back at his older brother.

"My soulmate, the love of my life, the mother of my child," Elijah whispered. "Whatever happens, you promise me..."

"Aurora dies today." Klaus agreed.

"Brynley," Aurora sighed as she tied Brynley up against a tree in the woods, the fairy barely conscious. "I know I can't killed you, well, not exactly. The only way I can kill you is by killing Elijah."

Aurora held up the gun filled with white oak bullets. Brynley looked up at the vampire, tears in her eyes. "Good thing I have this, huh?"


Elijah stood in the carpenter's shop, looking at the sketches of the Hope's toy that the bullets that Aurora's gun held. Aurora walked into the room and held up the gun, the gun that held the only white oak bullets in the world. "Aurora."

Elijah turned to look at her and Aurora smirked. "Modern weaponry for the modern woman. With a little bit of flair, of course. I couldn't help myself. It's pretty, no?"

"Pretty vulgar." Elijah replied, rolling his eyes. "Theatrical and tasteless as ever. Where's Brynley and Freya?"

"Oh, Elijah... You remain a stick in the mud. And it seems your darling sister takes after you, she's stuck in the mud, too. Somewhere out there, busy as a little bee, dying. If not already dead." Aurora explained and continued to hold the gun to his head. "As for Brynley, she will be dead, once I kill you."

Elijah looked at her, unimpressed.

"And once the two of you are dead," Aurora smiled. "I'm coming after that little girl of yours."

That's when Elijah got angry.



Brynley's eyes opened when she heard the sound of Evangeline's laugh.

"Brynley!" She looked up to see Elle holding Evie and Chase standing next to her.

"What is are you three doing here?" Brynley mumbled. "What is Evie doing here?"

"Saving your ass." Chase shrugged with a smirk.

"Aurora wants her dead!" Brynley reminded as Chase untied her hands.

"But she wouldn't stop crying and then when we finally started walking she stopped crying." Elle rambled. "But then we turned right, she started crying again."

"So we turned left and she was fine," Chase added. "And then we turned another corner and then another, noticing when she started crying and when she stopped."

"And now we're here." Elle smiled. "So, Evie basically led us to you."

"Of course she did." Brynley sighed and Chase grabbed her hand, his eyes glowing silver.

"Cura al cremat, cura al cremat." Chase whispered and Brynley's wounds began to heal, the fairy eventually healing completely.

"Thanks Chase." Brynley stood up. "Alright, I'm gonna go help Elijah and Klaus, you three need to get out of here. Now."

Evangeline babbled and Brynley looked at her, tears brimming her eyes. The fairy took the baby from Elle and kissed her cheek. "Thank you, blossom."


"There it is... That look." Elijah smirked angrily at Aurora. "I know it all too well. You think, somehow, I'm responsible for your little breakup. How adorably delusional of you, Aurora. You do realize that you're utterly insane? Niklaus can be resilient, but there's only so much madness even he can take."

Aurora pointed the gun at his legs while Elijah continued to speak. "I suppose, eventually, he was able to distinguish between real love and some... petty desire. Once he'd discarded you, the veil was lifted and all that remained was something quite pathetic."

Elijah lunged at the vampire but Aurora turned around and held the gun right against his heart.

"The veil is lifted, all right. Love is nothing but a trap. The one truth you speak, the one thing that I agree with entirely, only the love of family is unbreakable." Aurora's voice broke out of sadness. "It is the only love worth fighting for. And my beloved brother, Tristan, suffers in a box, drowning over and over again, unable to die."

"So I will end his suffering by ending you, his sire." Aurora tried not to cry. "And the look on Niklaus's face as a white oak bullet pierces your heart and takes your life... Will be the salve for my own broken heart. And then the look on his face when he realizes killing you also meant killing Brynley, which means, his little niece is all alone."

Aurora turned around when Klaus and Brynley bursted into the shop.

"Yeah, I don't think so." Brynley smirked.

"Stop this." Klaus demanded.

"Why? One brother's life to end another brother's torment? It's almost poetic." Aurora replied.

"The bullets... they're white oak, Niklaus." Elijah said to his brother but he was looking at Brynley. The fairy didn't move, knowing that Aurora could end Elijah's life with the click of a trigger.

"We both know you're not going to pull the trigger." Klaus walked over to the vampire while Brynley held Freya, who was wounded.

"Cura al cremat, cura al cremat." Brynley whispered and Freya's wounds began to heal slightly.

"Yet again, you're wrong." Aurora smirked and pulled the trigger.

"Perdut!" Brynley screamed and raised her hands. A gold cloud surrounded the bullet and it turned around, not even getting close to hitting Elijah's chest. It hit the wall before it bounced and hit Brynley in the arm.

Aurora sped away as Brynley mumbled. "Bitch."

"Tend to Freya and Brynley. I have to murder my ex." Klaus smirked.


"The attack was about breaking the sire link. Marcel told me that Aya's witches already have a spell to do it." Hayley explained to Brynley, Elijah, and Klaus at the compound. The hybrid looked at the soulmates. "The reason they sent a vampire after Evie a couple weeks ago was because the sire link spell is easier for witches to undo if they have your blood, Elijah."

"But her blood isn't Elijah's blood." Klaus reminded.

"But it's close enough to it," Brynley spoke up, standing up from her chair. "Today, Elle and Chase were able to find me because of Evie. She led them to me, it's like she could sense me. Elijah, we're soulmates. We can sense when something is wrong with each other, when one of us is hurt, so is the other."

"She shares our bond." Elijah sighed and Brynley nodded.

"Apart of it." Brynley corrected. "After Klaus pulled the white oak out of you, I called Elle and she said Evie was fine. So she doesn't share that part of our bond but she shares apart of it, enough that her blood is close enough to yours."

"And how does your heart play into all of this?" Klaus turned to Hayley.

"I'm the only un-sired vampire in history. Apparently, along with Evie's blood, that's the key to making it work." Hayley replied.

"And yet, Marcel neglected to mention it this morning." Klaus rolled his eyes.

"Hey! Ease up. He saved me." Hayley reminded.

"Well, we don't have a lot of time before the Strix come for you or Evie again," Brynley said.

"They'll find a witchy workaround." Hayley shrugged.

"Evangeline's blood is the workaround, the workaround for my blood." Elijah explained and Brynley looked at him with a worried look.

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