Dynamite || kth.

By Jimin_foundhis_jams

252 24 43

"How does a dynamite work?" "Shall I teach you by setting you on fire?" @jaewritings. 2020. do not plagiariz... More

1 : aliens?
2 : gaemin
3 : meet mr. hot
4 : tf bro im no alien
5 : run away
6 : stalker
8 : i'm a dumb fuck
9 : breakfast disaster
10 : THE day
11 : heh
12 : weird day

7 : breakup

10 2 0
By Jimin_foundhis_jams


Little did any of you notice.

a pair of eyes following you guys' every move, every step. 


The two of you had walked home, or more like your dorm. Yes, you were slightly nervous about your roommate, Irene rejecting Mark's arrival. 

Not because you wanted to sleep with Mark at your house or something, it was just the fact that you didn't want to disappoint him, after promising him something. 

By now, the two of you had reached your dorm. Yes, you had a key but you being the gentlewoman you are, rang the doorbell. 

You could hear footsteps, coming to open the door. Mark wasn't even nearly concerned as you were, because he took his phone out and was trying different poses and facials expressions for a selfie. 

"Can you fucking not?" You hush, poking Mark's ribs with your elbow. 

Just after that, the door opens to reveal a crying Irene, who immediately rushed to you and hugged you tighter than she ever did. 

"Irene? What's wrong?" You ask, out of concern for your sister-like roommate. "Did someone hurt you? The fuck happened while I was gone? Did you fight with your boyfriend again?" 

No reply, she just kept crying her heart out. 

You slowly got some hair out of her face and managed to calm her down. "He...he.....that fuckface broke up with me..." She muttered. 

You could clearly see that Mark felt awkward. He said, "Uhh... I'll get going...Sorry for interrupting your.....nevermind...." 

He stepped back and turned around, ready to leave when Irene said, "Bring him in." Through her tears.

"Uhh....thank you?" He said, more like asked. 

You brought Irene inside, with Mark following you guys like an idiot. 

You both get into full business with Mark, and start comforting Irene with words like, "He wasn't good enough for you." or "You deserve someone much better." 

She finally managed to stop screaming, when the dumbass Mark asked, "But, what's your boyfriend's name?" 

Irene stopped sobbing and glared at Mark with her eyes. She looked like the witch who used to appear in almost everyone's nightmares when they were younger because her mascara was ruined and so was her eyeshadow. 

Mark gulped.

"Uhh... I mean... you.....Your....boyfriend is a ....bitch!" He gulped out.

Irene glared at him for a few more seconds before muttering a not-so-nicely-meant "thank you." 

She once again resumed her crying session and began fanning her with YOUR hand. 

You stared at her for a few seconds like, "what this bitch doin" 

After she had calmed down a bit, you had led Mark to the guest room and you had gone to your room. 

So many things had happened in a day. 

To be honest, it wasn't a surprise to you when Irene and her boyfriend broke up. You had never bothered knowing his name or identity, Irene always wanted to introduce you to him. But, as said before, you had never bothered much about him. 

According to Irene, he was literally the hotest guy that can exist. 

And to be honest, Irene was really a clingly and overprotective (in a not so good way) girlfriend. 

She called in 3 times in an hour, and from what you've seen, her boyfriend somehow always tried to remain patient. 

And now... your attention was coming back to the lisa incident. That's when a notification popped up on your phone screen. 


still thinking about your friend?

10:23 pm 


"what..." you murmured. 


Unknown :

still thinking about your friend?

                                                                                                                                    You : 

                                                                          WHAT TYPE OF FUCKERY IS THIS

                                                           WHERE DID YOU GET MY NUMBER FROM

                                                                                                                      YOU BITCH



hello to my beautiful readers! this was a really short chapter, sorry for that! ALSO, TAEHYUNG'S LOOK IN THE NBC CITI MUSIC THINGY IS SO FUCKING HOT DHWYDFSYUDFSDTUFDGFDGHS'FGYDSJFG 


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