Possessed Boy

By kimselaa

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There was always something spooky about the Kim's mansion. A happy family commited suicide all together wasn'... More

Friends ?
The unsolved mystery
The Kim's (part 1)
The Kim's (part 2)
Mysterious shadow
True Feelings
Boy in Love
Trusted you
I'm fine
Mission rescue
It follows
Move in
New Start
Winter Bear
Just Look at me
A Misunderstanding
love me the same
If you
No more
Found you
1 Step front and 2 steps back
Help Me or Kill Me
The Truth
Son of the Devil
Love or Lust
Possessed boy
Possessed Boy Cast Part 1
Possessed Boy Cast Part 2

First Session

3.8K 230 55
By kimselaa

(Firstly I wanna clear it out that I'm not Christian so whatever I wrote in this chapter is from what I know about it. If I accidentally wrote something inappropriate or maybe something that triggers you please infrom me so I'll make the changes immediately )


5 November 12:30 pm.

Soon yoongi arrived and they carried Taehyung's body till his car.

As Jin was with them the apartments watchman and other people didn't said anything thinking they were taking him to the hospital.

"Ok jimin so from here I'm taking taehyung to the Exorcist and you stay here with jungkook and... " Yoongi paused for a second.

"And what "

"You have to tie him up and lock him in his room "

"But why"

"Try to understand jimin he is not your jungkookie , right now he is under taehyung hipnotesis and if he somehow ran away from here he could be a problem for us "

"Okkk" Jimin replied softly yoongi sighed and cupped jimin's cheeks

"Hey mochi don't worry everything is gonna be ok just like before ok just think about it by doing this you are helping jungkook don't be sad " Yoongi comforted his boyfriend and kissed his forehead.

"Take care of yourself " Jimin replied

"You too baby I'll be leaving with jin hyung now bye "

"Bye , be careful "

With that they both left with taehyung and jimin went up to his apartment to tie and lock jungkook.

As jimin reached towards jungkook he could see the boy is having a nightmare as he was Mummering taehyung's name like a chant. He sighed looking at his baby brother's condition.

"What has taehyung done to you " He carried him in his room tied his leg with a rope he found shut the windows and then finally locked the door.


While driving yoongi can't help but look back through the mirror. Taehyung was laying back but still he felt a fear of him suddenly waking up and attacking them.

"Yah yoongi focus on the front while driving we might get into an accident "

"Ah sorry I have been spacing out "

"Is there something bothering you " Jin asked.

"No actually I'm worried for jimin he really loves jungkook what if we won't be able to get him back "

"Don't think negative yoongi we'll definitely pass this "

"Let's hope so " Yoongi said giving a last glance at his mirror to see taehyung.

The location was an old temple where the ritual would be performed. First they decided to perform it at yoongi's house but then due to some reason they changed the location.

They finally reached there , picked taehyung and entered the temple/shrine. Yumi was standing outside waiting for them.

"You kids took longer than we thought " She said

"Yeah we got stuck because of jungkook " Jin replied

The Moment she saw taehyung's face her body stiffed. She was terrified but she tried to pretend to be strong not wanting to look weak in front of them.

"Ok now follow me " She guided them to a room where a boy nearly of their age was waiting for them. They laid taehyung's body down and tied him up with thick metal chains.

"Mrs jung I remember you said the exorsist has came but I can't see him anywhere "

"Oh dear he is right in front of you "

"Whattt, this boy "

"Hii my name is Hong Joshua I'm a junior priest at the Seoul International Catholic Church "

"Seriously Mrs Jung this kid doesn't even look capable of doing anything why couldn't you hire any professional "

"I have already taken my Vows and by the way Do you even know the process of exorcism. You have to take permission from the church then they will send someone to look over your case and when they think you really need an exorsist then they allow you and this process takes months to get permission. And here I'm secretly trying to help you , even though I never performed an exorcism on someone pracitally but I have been with other professionals and I believe in myself. "

Yoongi shut up when he heard Joshua's words.

"You shouldn't have said that " Jin whispers in yoongi's ears.

"Ok shall we start the process " Yumi said

"Yeah sure I would need some alone time with him " Joshua said

"Oh sure let's go kids " Yumi took Jin and yoongi outside.

Joshua took a deep breath and walked towards taehyung. He traced the crucifix or a cross ✝️ over taehyung's face till his toes. He opened his Bible and start reciting and occasionally sprinkling holy water on taehyung's body.

He saw taehyung's body started to react to it.

Meanwhile yoongi and others were sitting outside. This exorcism mean everything to him right now and he doesn't trust a bit on joshua. All he cares about is jimins and jungkook safety even though he is being selfish here but that's what's he care about.

"I know what you are thinking " Jin said
"See yoongi you are not the only one who want to get rid of this just look at Yumi she is Continuesly praying for her life just imagine the women who was ready to push you out and slam the door is suddenly interested to help us , you know why " Yoongi nodded no.

"Because even she is scared for her life what my point is we all have different reasons but we have a same goal so have faith ok " Jin explained and yoongi nodded.

"You are right hyung I must think about everyone"

"Mrs Jung? " Jin called her.


"If this process is illegal then why this guy is ready to help us "

"Actually I know Joshua from a long time now, he's a really sweet boy we have met in church. So when I told him about my condition he hesitated a bit but then accepted the offer "

Suddenly a loud and terrifying scream was heard from inside . All three of them gasped listening to that loud scream.

"In the name of God and the holy Spirit I command you unholy spirit talk to me " Joshua said and sprinkled the holy water on taehyung's face. While he was growling and shouting .

"Who are you demon and what do you want speak to me "

"I want my son "

" Why do you need him leave his body and let him live his life " He asked but didn't got any answer. He sighed and placed the cross near him. Taehyung shouted and tried to move back as far as he can .

"Answer me "

"Nooo my son I won't leave him, I always wanted to have a child but that stupid baekhyun didn't wanted to so I prayed from the demon's itself to grant me a child and after I got him I was killed by them I couldn't hold my own son that's why I'm not gonna leave his body it makes me feel like I'm with him till the end of his life and you can't do anything to change that "

Taehyung said in his demonic voice and started laughing like a manic.

"How did you made contacts with the demon. "

Taehyung stayed quiet and didn't replied so Joshua threw holy water on his body and he again started screaming in pain as it was burning his skin.

" You motherfuckers I won't tell you asshole fuck yourself ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh" His body toss and turn trying to break the chains but couldn't.

" Answer me you nasty spirit speak yourself "

" I used to pray God and ask for help but I realised that it was too weak to help me he was just powerless and useless so instead I prayed the demons who were more powerful and grant our wish .I made a path in the basement and summoned him "

Joshua kept asking him questions and the spirit kept replying. After a long session taehyung's body went unconscious , the 'First Session' took 5 hours of exorcism . Joshua came outside and met the three terrified face asking for an explanation.

"Let's sit and talk " They all sat down and Joshua started speaking.

" After this first session I learned many things it may sound unreal but are true but first I want to ask why baekhyun didn't wanted to have a child "

"It's because he didn't wanted his child to be born in Mr Kim's bungalow as a slave. He wanted to live in his own house with taeyeon and his child, he was even looking for a house when things changed " Yumi explained.

"I don't know this baekhyun guy but I surly feel bad for him " Jin said and everything hummed.

"Ok so whatever I'm going to talk about listen very carefully and it's true. In 1876 a woman from Mexico drowned her own 5 months baby in the nearby lake when people asked her she replied that her baby started talking to her like a very grown up man , she claimed that her baby was already possessed. Another case is of India which is very relatable to our case. There was this group of demon worshipers who use to torture innocent women and summon the demon to rape them so that they are impregnated with its offspring. And once the process is done they seal a mark on those women's in order to recognise the producer. The same has happened with taeyeon, even if we somehow manage to remove her spirit from taehyung's body he is still a demon's child. "
( this part was inspired from a movie I don't know if it really happens or not but mythologically people use to believe it)

"How do people get rid of those children"  Jin asked

"They used to kill them or burry them alive in their fetus state because once they grow up they become really powerful " Joshua explained

"So what should we do isn't there's a way to end it " Yumi asked

"I'll have to study about it and talk about it to my senior priest then only we can conduct the second session "

"What about taehyung " Jin asked

"Don't worry he will wake up to his own self make sure he eats enough we have to keep him alive "


Jungkook was constantly banging on the door and jimin was sitting in the living room with Irene.

"Let me out of here where did you took taehyung ,give him back to me, GIVE HIM BACK TO ME.....I swear I'll kill everyone one of you once I'm out of here " Jungkook screamed , jimin was silently crying while Irene was comforting him.

It has been a week taehyung was not eating anything so Jin supplied him food by putting a pipe of glucose in his body. Jungkook was getting violent and out of control day by day. Whereas Joshua was still studing about the different levels of exorcism "


15 November morning 11:00 am.

The day has finally arrived to the second session of exorcism . Everything was ready but taehyung was being strange the moment Joshua reached there. He was smiling and grinning in himself. The young priest thought that maybe it's common for him to do something like that.

Yoongi got a phone call it was jimin. Taehyung smile widen.

                       📞 On the Call

Yoongi : hello jimin is everything alright.

Jimin : y-yoongi here....problem...he left.. "

Yoongi : what are you trying to say jimin why are you panting is everything okay.

It caught everyone's attention .



I'm really bad at it I'm so sorry for this shitty chapter I tried to make it interesting I j hope you like it 🤡

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