Game On!! || Dream SMP! [ D...

By kamobokotrio

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How did you ever get into the situation, where you would be the one claiming war on L' Man and The Dream Team... More

Author's Note
Yo! Someone clip that!
".. That was Sapnap, wasn't it?" Chapter Two
"Wow, I got a lot of people to disappoint!" Chapter 3
Author's Note
"You're going to all regret this." Chapter 4
"... Eret?" Chapter 5
"... Like the Titanic." Chapter 6
"I'll make a deal with you." Chapter 7
"Traitor? Wh- I am not!" (A Small Note.)
"How the heck was I supposed to know?!" Chapter 9
"Building an alliance, with unlikely allies." Chapter 10
"IT'S A TRAP!" Chapter 11
"Escaping Manburg." Chapter 12
Editors Note
Author's Note !

"Stick to the plan, Eret!... Oh hi, Wilbur-" Chapter 8

5.6K 164 49
By kamobokotrio

Theft: Theft is the taking of another person's property or services without that person's permission or consent with the intent to deprive the rightful owner of it.

("You little thieves! Get back here!")

Small, smaller author's note from R0X4NN3:

[>] Hey guys, gals and enby pals! Just wanted to say thank you! As a general statement and a loving statement as well! Thank you for reading this, it means a lot that Lunar's writing is getting out here, so don't worry! More is soon to come! Also, uh, quick request. Don't let Dream, George, Sapnap, Wilbur, Eret, Niachu, Badboyhalo, Skeppy, or anyone of them find this book. Anyways! Enjoy the chapter! [<]

"A party?"

Eret nodded, inserting some more iron that he unearthed in a cave in a neighboring chest. Twisting your body halfway in the oak stair you were on, you spun your body towards him, giving him a sort of puzzled look. Here? Not even in real life? Well, no, you all couldn't meet up in real life, it would take too long and some of you guys had more necessary stuff to do than to travel globally just to meet everyone on the SMP server. A party here would require a lot of work, but notice that two of the best builders you knew had residences here (Tubbo and Purpled), you had no uncertainties that they couldn't build a magnificent party house in a matter of seconds. It would probably take them, what? Maybe two hours to make a two-story house for everyone to chill in? Yeah, that would work completely with what you were thinking of, so everyone can cooperate and have enough room. However, the fact remained that you still had to get those mending gold pants that Fundy had asked of you. With that, you let out a discouraging sigh, and Eret must have been thinking the same thing, because he promptly put a hand on your shoulder, a small smile residing on his face.

"I know... I don't know what to do either, I don't know how we'll be able to do it since everyone might be at the party."

"Can't exactly sneak out either, someone will get skeptical."

"Man... We can't withdraw if everyone is there. A lot of people are going, and we don't have a lot of time..."

His hand left your shoulder to go to the menu, shaking his head. His sunglasses were somewhat tipping off his face, showing agitated in his eyes. Agitated, and livid, those were the two emotions that resided in his face, almost silently they made a move to hide. Shaking your head, you had to think of something. You couldn't stay out of it, that was for sure, everyone had been invited and had been expected to log on at the same time, which meant more eyes everywhere. If you couldn't get the mending pants, you would have no hope to get Fundy to your side.

How would it manage?

How would you do it?

Closing your eyes, you began to fantasize, something along the lines of that.

You found yourself dashing, somewhere, but you didn't know where. Meadow and inferno were around you, but you couldn't stop, no, you had something someone needed. Screams were behind you as arrows hurtled past your head, an ambush maybe? You heard more detonations as you attempted to look behind you, taking a small sidestep and going towards a cliff, the flushing embers on the small side of your irises. TNT was continuously blowing up, Niachu was trying to put the fires out while everyone was hollering, many rushing away while some tried to confront with the others, Wilbur with his squad and Dream with his. Dream's mask was splintered, you could see that, but no mind, you had to get to the water, and then you could evade them.

"(your name)!!!"

That... That was Tubbo, wasn't it?

"(your name)!!!"

You clicked back to reality, shaking your head rapidly before rising, hurriedly might I add.

"I'M UP!"

"Jesus... Star, it's me, George."

You put a hand to your head, feeling coldness over your surface. What had happened? Oh, you must have been fantasizing again, that was something you did in-game. Looking up, you did recognize that it was George, not Eret trying to play another stunt on you while you had dazed off.

"George...? George! What are you doing here?"

"Well... We were hiking by and decided to say hey! You know, like regular buddies would do to each other?"

"Wait, what do you mean... we?"

"Oh! Me, Bad, Sapnap, Dream-"

You squinted. Did you listen to him right?

"I-... You... Said Dream...?"

"Yeah! Dream's outside under a tree-"

"... Gogy, no-"

You were now, screwed. Examining the way George looked at you with your lifeless expression, you quickly fabricated a smile.

"No! George! It's fine. I was just responding that I am so sorry..."

"Well, that's fine. But, you're appearing to the party, right?"

"I- I- Yeah! I'm coming, why?"

"Great! All of the guys will be waiting outside for you!"

"W-W-Wait, we're hiking together...?"

"Yeah! See you in a little bit!"

You feigned a smile, but as soon as he withdrew, you almost instantly screamed internally, slumping backward on the ground. You didn't ask for any of that to develop, but yet it did. That delivered, so many more wrenches in your plan, it didn't even move anymore. Your eyes gradually started to close, not on their own accord by the way, just as someone else started to communicate outside. Eret must have been outside too since you could see the small poof of the top of his head from the small white glass pane you had set up for the front of your foundation. This was abominable. Stretching a bit, you hopped back up, pulling up your menu and going towards the skin area. Thankfully, you at least had some nice attire at least. Picking a random attire, you found yourself in a short blue (gown, or uniform, or a suit dress, or a dress suit, whatever you want, it's your clothing, rock it!) while they waited outside. Giving a grin, you sort of wore (favorite color) tennis shoes for more enjoyment, as you booted down the wooden birch gate that was established in the small two-block opening.

"So! How far is the hike, and does anybody have music?"

Everyone at least didn't expect you to do that, as Dream started to wheeze, his famous tea kettle laugh coming through to everyone as you started to laugh at Dream.

"L- WHAT?"


"Hey, Star? How did you start streaming?"

Turning towards the voice, you noticed that it was BadBoyHalo, a rather pure YouTuber and streamer on the Twitch platform, he was one of the rather underrated (and unofficial?) representatives of the server. He didn't deserve all the bad memes about him being bald and such, and he just... adorable, special, amazing, he's all of them!

"Oh! Well... I sort of got inspired by you guys to stream Minecraft and such!"

You took note of Bad's clothing, a nice, and very wealthy, tuxedo, he looked straight out of a James Bond movie. Hell, he could have been the next James Bond to you, but we all knew that as soon as Bad sees a gun and curse word, he's yelling "MUFFIN HEADS!" and "LANGUAGE!" to try and get them to stop. His skin was a dark black, only the white of his eyes and teeth were showing. It sort of expressed like he was blind in a way, but not in a sense of manner. He did have on sort of a dark blackish-brown hair, swaying to the side while he walked, which you found that sort of welcoming and cool for Bad's taste. He didn't have anything else, but you knew that Bad was disinterested during this war, so you would have to keep this in mind while you communicated to everyone.

"Huh? From us?"

You turned towards the other sound, George, and gave a smile. For him, dark brown hair covered a small part of his goggles, causing it to look cracked in a sense. His smile was still there, as Dream was teasing him about his height in-game and out of the game. He wore only a blue suit... And now that you've seen it, all of them were wearing suits to match their skins, Bad with black, George, with a light blue, Sapnap, with a greyish white, and Dream, with a lightish green.

"Yeah! I mean, you were pretty cool when I met you... And I didn't want to seem weird or anything, but like, I was craving to be you. And no, it's not those sappy fantasies where the kid is hurt a lot during their past and now they wanna change. I just had a normal life, tough parents, but they were cool, I know that now."

"Huh, so you're just... Here?"

"Yeah? What's so wrong about that?"

"Nothing nothing... Just thought you had something else haunting that would probably make you like, I don't know, some sort of weird idol?"

You squinted again, before snickering. Do they think you were special? You were ordinary, why couldn't they see that for themselves! Eret, however, seemed to just, go off towards the side, a small glimpse at him and you pulled up your chat, quietly though.

TheEret whispers to you: Make sure to get the mending pants, it's our only chance, you better stick to whatever plan you have in your head.

You shook your head, rolling your eyes as you muttered to yourself, and somewhat him as well.

"Stick to the plan, Eret...! Oh hi, Wilbur!"

You immediately pulled down your chat, giving Wilbur a small smile of acknowledgment. He nodded at you, smirking back as he was busy talking to Tubbo and Tommy, congratulating Tubbo for being such a good sport, and of course, congratulating Purpled for composing this sort of house in a matter of hours. You slithered past them, giving a soft nudge to a mundane figure that you knew all too well.

"Fundy, Fundy, didn't expect you to come, you sneaky fox!"

Fundy bolted at the tone you were giving but started to snicker afterward once he realized it was you he was chatting to. An orange suit consisted over his body as the mask was secured to his head in a way that it wouldn't fall out if someone had accidentally knocked into him. You gave a smile before he held up two fingers, making a bunny motion before making jazz hands.

"What? Fundy, I don't know what you're-"

"You'll see."

That... Was spooky. He didn't tell you about anything else that was happening. Now that you saw it, L' Man and Dream Team was keeping to their respected sides, the neutrals, along with you, Fundy, and Eret, hanging out in the midst. So this is what it's like to keep your colleagues close, but your competitors closer. But.. what in the world was Fundy talking about-

"Tubbo! My partner, my comrade, my brother, light the fireplace will you!"

"Yeah alright, where are my stress relievers?"

"you'll get them afterward, now light it up!"

"Alright alright!"

As Tubbo started to walk over with the flint in steel, it clicked. A slight too quick for you. The jazz hands, the arrangement, everything, was it set up by L' Manburg! Fundy wasn't just making antics at you, he was trying to warn you of the explosion that was happening!!


Too late. A small vibration of light enveloped everyone while you held your arms over your face, to which it blasted you back into a wall, and that's when your eyesight went dark, the small flicker of everyone's eyes at you going dark in your consciousness.

5.6 pages, 1,984 words

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