How many mates?

Thunderthighz2005 द्वारा

83.6K 2.1K 592

When you grow up your parents, friends and even school teach you about soulmates and the moon goddess and how... अधिक

Chapter 1 - The new kids
Chapter 2 - Permanent reminders
Chapter 3 - School trip
Chapter 4 - What the fuck happened?
Chapter 5 - Spending time with my mates (The Avengers)
Chapter 6 - Spending time with my mates (Henry, Charlotte and Jasper)
Chapter 7 - Spending time with my mates (The Cullens and Jacob)
Chapter 8 - Spending time with my mates (DC superheroes)
Chapter 9 - Spending time with my mates (Teen wolf)
Chapter 10 - Spending time with my mates (13Rw)
Chapter 11 - Singing and school time
Chapter 12 - And it continues
Chapter 14 - Talk to them
Author's note
Chapter 15 - Today's the day pt. 1
Chapter 16 - Today's the day Pt.2
Chapter 17 - Relaxing
Chapter 18 - Last day
Chapter 19 - School time
Chapter 20 - She's awake
Chapter 21 - Thinking
Chapter 22 - The talk about Hunter
Chapter 23 - Mum? Dad?
Chapter 24 - Awkward Dinner
Chapter 25 - Who's Hydra?
Chapter 26 - The truth
Chapter 27 - Let them go
Chapter 28 - What did you do?
New book
New book
Announcement and new book
Chapter 29 - She's gone
Chapter 30 - 1/2 of the Avengers
Chapter 31 - We found her

Chapter 13 - Confrontations

1.6K 52 30
Thunderthighz2005 द्वारा

Jacob's pov

I was snuggled up with Rosalie and Bella on one of the sofas in the living room with the rest of Kel's mates and best friends.  We were all waiting for her to come home. Peter and everyone else was home. She told us she needed to stay late because of English tutoring. 

"We are going to find out why she has been so distant" Rhodes said

"She probably won't tell you" Shawn said

"She can be a very closed off person sometimes" Ariana said

"All the time" Chris said

"No not all the time only sometimes and she's not closed off she's secretive. She has all guards up since Tory to protect herself from being hurt." Camila said

"Yes but no is going to hurt her now we are here to protect her" Joker said

"We are her mates she needs to open up to us" Stiles said

"We have to give her time maybe" Jessica said

"Yes but how much time?" Charlotte said.

"As much as she needs" Loki said

"She's our mate she needs to open up to us" Steve said

"But we can't force her too" Allison and Diana said

"But if we want her to trust us we can't force things out of her" Justin and Zach said

"But we want to know if she's safe and alright, we don't want our mate in danger don't we?" Tony and Bruce said.

Someone's phone is ringing.

"Who's phone is that?" I asked

"Mine" Tony said

"It's Kelani's school" Tony said

"Put it on speaker" Esme and Emmet said

"Hello is this Mr. Stark" The teacher said

"Yes this is he" Tony said

"We seem to have had an issue with Kelani at school" The teacher said

"What is it? Is she alright?" Tony asked concerned. We all listened worriedly.

"We have had to exclude Kelani for two weeks as she was involved in starting a fight at school." She said

"Are you sure? Are you sure she was involved and started it?" Tony asked

"Yes positive there was a video that was recorded of the scene, I'll send it to you now" She said

"Thank you. Do you know where Kelani is now?" Tony said

"We sent her home so I believe she should be back soon Mr. Stark" She said

"Ok thank you for notifying me. Have a nice day." Tony said

"Your welcome goodbye" She said and hung up the call.

"What the hell is going on? She has never started fights." Camila said

"As soon as she gets in we are all going to have a talk to her about what's been going on" Tony said

"This is not right starting fights especially at school and now she's excluded for two weeks" Alex and Clay said.

"Put the video on" Henry and Jasper said

Peter (Quill) Put the video on and we all watched it. 

We played it but there was no audio. We saw these girls and this one boy walk up to Kelani and say something but we couldn't hear it. She ignored them and carried on with her work. Then they said something else and almost immediately she got up. She kicked the boy in the groin and he fell to the ground in pain. Then she got her books and hit two of the girls round the head and pull their hair and smash their heads against the desk. There was one girl left. Kelani tied up her hair and attacked the girl. 

They were punching each other and kicking each other. The girl repeatedly punched Kelani over and over in the face giving her a bloody face. Then the girl said something else. 

And I swear for a minute there was something evil in her eyes. She flipped them over and Kelani repeatedly punched the girl in the body and face giving her broken bones and a bloody face. She kept going. The teacher pulled Kelani off the girl and she ran back and attacked her again. The teacher ran at the other students and ran with them into other rooms before Kelani could attack them to.

End of video.

"What the hell was that?" Tony said

"Did you see the look in her eyes? It's almost as if something took over her body." Nick said

"That is not the Kelani we know" Shawn said

"I can't believe she did that to an innocent girl" Pietro said

"She had no right to do that to that innocent girl" Steve said

"She is not going out at all during her two weeks exclusion" Bucky said

"We can't put her on lock down" Alice and Jasper said

"Well she just hit and hurt all those innocent people it's not right is it?" Henry said

"Who agrees to have her sit down and talk about why she did it when she gets back?" Liam and Shuri said.

"We all do" Clark and Billy said

"Now all we have to do is wait" Natasha said

Kelani's pov

I was at in the library reading my book and all of a sudden Chad, Sydney, Emilia and Britney walked up to me. 

"Hello whore why are you here?" Sydney said

I ignored them.

"Hello whore can you hear?" Emilia said

I ignored her.

"Hello stop being a black bitch" Britney said

"Fuck off" I said

"Listen hear nigger go back to your country you piece of-"

Chad didn't get to finish his sentence as I kicked him in the groin and he fell to the ground. Then I got my books and Hit Sydney and Emilia round the head with the books repeatedly. 

"Leave me alone, I hate you, you racist bitches" I shouted.

I smashed Sydney and Emilia's heads against the desks repeatedly hit their heads against the desks till the face was like a bloody pulp. I tied my hair up and punched Britney over and over again. She punched me repeatedly and I couldn't get to her. 

She looked at me and said "They don't love you, they could never love someone of your colour, they are just going to leave you once they are done with you. They don't love you or want you. Your parents killed themselves because they couldn't stand the sight of you. I heard about your ex boyfriend Tory about he got you pregnant and killed your bastard baby. Good I'm glad he killed your baby, you will never be a good mother." 

That was it for me never speak about my fucking child, I don't give a fuck about he rest but never speak about how I lost my fucking child. I flipped us over and it was like this strange surge of evil energy washed over me. I wanted her dead and I wanted her dead now. I broke her nose and made it bleed and her mouth bleed and her face had all bruises all on it. I broke her ribs but I didn't stop for nothing and no one. 

The teacher pulled me of her and I attacked the teacher and went to attack Britney again but the teachers pulled her and the others away. 

She looked at me and said "Your excluded for two weeks go home"

I looked at her and said "Fuck off" I stormed home. I got to the tower and went up the lift. I arrived and saw all my mates in the living room but I didn't give a fuck, I stormed off to my room. I was just about to walk in when I saw Pietro grab me and speed me downstairs. They sat me on the sofa between Bucky and Steve.

"What? What the fuck do you all want? And why the fuck are you all looking at me like that?" I yelled.

"Language doll" Steve said commandingly.

"Fuck off Steve" I said

"Watch this and tell us what the fuck this is" Tony said.

I watched the video of me fighting the people at school.

"So it's me fighting so what?" I said with attitude.

"So what? So what?" Shawn said raising his voice.

"What the fuck is wrong with you starting a fight with innocent people? You never start fights" Chris said

"You haven't spoke to any of us in weeks literal weeks" Camila said

"What's going on with you Kel? Speak to us." Ariana said

"Why did you hurt those innocent people?" Bucky and Steve said.

"Innocent people? Innocent people you know nothing of what happened. So stop trying to assume you guys just saw a video. Why do you guys even care? Just leave me alone" I said

"Yes we saw a video of a fight that you started Kelani" Clay and Alex said

"Why do we care Kelani? Are you fucking serious? We are your mates and they are your best friends we care about you because we love you" Diana and Bruce (Wayne) said.

"Now tell us what is going on Kelani. We want answers and we want answers now" Steve and Bucky said.

"You want to know so bad huh?" I said 

"Yes" Scott (Summers), Stephen and Logan said.

"Fine don't interrupt and ask questions" I said

"I can't believe you did that to innocent people" Tony said

"You know what fuck you Tony, fuck all of you. I hate you all. You want to know why I beat up those people? This is why" I said and took my glimmer down. They all saw my new fresh bruises and cuts and burns and broken sticking out bones. 

"You want to know why else I did what I did? For weeks I avoided you all to protect myself. They said if I continued being a whore and being your mate they'd kill me for real they wouldn't beat me anymore they'd kill me. They called me racist names. They used the n word on me. They told me to go back to my country. They told me you don't love me, that you guys are using me, that I am ugly, worthless, stupid, pathetic. So many God damn things. 

You want to know so bad why I attacked first in the video because they told me my parents killed themselves because they couldn't stand the sight of me. That I was a bastard baby.

 Did you know I was pregnant? I was pregnant with Tory's baby. I loved the baby so much. I promised to protect it with my life. It was a boy and I was going to name it Malakai but Tory killed him . He killed my baby in my stomach. He beat him to death when he found out. He beat me until my baby boy was dead. I lost the only person I really cared about. The girl I attacked at he end of the video said she's glad my baby died that I deserved it and I would be a shit mother.

 Do you know how that fucking feels? To be told that? To go through my pain and have your child beat to death that you don't even get to meet them? Do any of you? That's what I thought. That's why. Not so innocent now are they? You wanted to know I told you everything. Now you guys thought I just go hit and injure innocent people. Some fucking mates and friends you are." I said breathing heavily on the verge of crying.

"We are so sorry, we didn't mean it" Bucky said

"Please forgive us" Carlisle and Esme said

"We are so sorry" Tony and Bruce said

"We didn't know" Charlotte, Jasper and Henry said.

"That's so horrible what happened to you" Liam, Derek and Allison said.

"Baby come here we are all so sorry" Clay, Alex and Jessica said

I got up and said "No none of you talk to me after all I'm just like Tory you guys basically think. Apparently I just go ahead and beat on innocent people. So now leave me alone, all of you can fuck off and I'll talk to you when I think I can forgive you." 

I walked off to my bedroom and got changed in my gym clothes. I walked into the gym. I let my anger out and repeatedly hit the punching bag. That wasn't enough to let out my anger. I started punching the wall, I kept punching until my knuckles ripped open and there was blood all over my hands and my blood was on the wall where I have been punching.

 I kept punching. Someone grabbed my knuckles, I was just about to punch them but I looked up and saw my friends. I thought they were my mates. I walked over to the door and locked it so my mates come in. I can't look at them at the moment. I walked over to my friends and broke down. They all hugged me.

Chris sat behind me rocking me back and forth and Shawn sat beside me stroking my hair and kissing my forehead. Camila and Ariana sat in between my legs and the other side of me holding my hand and squeezing tightly. 

"It's going to be ok babe" Chris said

"We are here for you" Ariana said

"We are so sorry" Shawn said

"I know, I know you miss him. We know how excited you were about your baby. We didn't know Tory killed him. We are so sorry" Camila said nd hugged me.

"I hate my mates, they thought it was my fault. I hate Tory and I hate my mates. It's not fault why is it always me who gets hurt? It's not fair" I cried into them.

"We know, we know" Ariana said.

Wanda's pov

"You want to know why else I did what I did? For weeks I avoided you all to protect myself. They said if I continued being a whore and being your mate they'd kill me for real they wouldn't beat me anymore they'd kill me. They called me racist names. They used the n word on me. They told me to go back to my country. They told me you don't love me, that you guys are using me, that I am ugly, worthless, stupid, pathetic. So many God damn things.

 You want to know so bad why I attacked first in the video because they told me my parents killed themselves because they couldn't stand the sight of me. That I was a bastard baby. 

Did you know I was pregnant? I was pregnant with Tory's baby. I loved the baby so much. I promised to protect it with my life. It was a boy and I was going to name it Malakai but Tory killed him . He killed my baby in my stomach. He beat him to death when he found out. He beat me until my baby boy was dead. I lost the only person I really cared about.

 The girl I attacked at he end of the video said she's glad my baby died that I deserved it and I would be a shit mother. Do you know how that fucking feels? To be told that? To go through my pain and have your child beat to death that you don't even get to meet them?

 Do any of you? That's what I thought. That's why. Not so innocent now are they? You wanted to know I told you everything. Now you guys thought I just go hit and injure innocent people. Some fucking mates and friends you are." Vincessa said breathing heavily on the verge of crying.

"We are so sorry, we didn't mean it" Bucky said

"Please forgive us" Carlisle and Esme said

"We are so sorry" Tony and Bruce said

"We didn't know" Charlotte, Jasper and Henry said.

"That's so horrible what happened to you" Liam, Derek and Allison said.

"Baby come here we are all so sorry" Clay, Alex and Jessica said

Vincessa got up and said "No none of you talk to me after all I'm just like Tory you guys basically think. Apparently I just go ahead and beat on innocent people. So now leave me alone, all of you can fuck off and I'll talk to you when I think I can forgive you."

She walked off and we all felt like shit.

"What have we done?" I said

"She's been hurt again. How did we not notice?" Tony said

"It's not our fault and it's not Kelani's fault" Bruce said

"We are her mates we are supposed to notice this stuff" Natasha said

"Me and Clint are trained assassins for God sake we are supposed to know everything about body language and stuff. We didn't notice that's how bad mates we are." Natasha said starting to cry.

"Babe it's ok, we are here now" Clint said

"But that's not good enough this could have been going on for weeks months for all we know" Scott (Summers) Said

"Your right but now we know and we will make sure we notice these things because we can't let people keep hurting our precious mate. Or it will get to the point where she gives up and you know" Clint said looking sadly.

"You dare finish that fucking sentence I'll kill you myself" Zach said to Clint

"Don't threaten our mate idiot" Bucky said to Zach

"Watch how you are talking to our mate" Justin seethed.

"Plus we met Kelani first" Alex said

"So what that doesn't make her your mate more than ours" Bruce said

"Whatever but it kind of does" Alex mumbled.

"She's our mate" Justin said

"No she's ours" Bruce, Steve and Bucky seethed.

"No she's ours" Jacob, Emmet and Rosalie growled.

"Hang on she's ours" Charlotte, Jasper and Henry said

"No she belongs to us" Diana and Barry and Billy said

"No she belongs to me and my mates" Liam said

"Everyone stop arguing. Are you all stupid? You are all her mates. You all share her. She doesn't love any of you more than the other. She loves you all equally so stop all acting If Kelani is a fucking object and claiming her. She's a fucking person an amazing person she's our best friend and if you love her you won't treat her as a fucking object do I make myself clear?" Camila said

"God your so hot when your mad" Shawn said

"Shawn" She glared and smacked him.

We all stifled our laughs.

"Right we are sorry you are completely right, she's not an object she's our mate we do love her. We all love her so much and we all share and we know she loves us equally." I said

"It's so horrible what happened to her" Jessica said

"She was pregnant and Tory beat her child to death, I can't imagine that" Natasha said

"Our poor princess" Peter (Parker) said

"She'll never forgive us" Charlotte said

"Did you know she was pregnant?" Clay and Alex asked her friends

They all sighed.

"Yes we knew she was pregnant" Shawn started

"When she lost her baby she broke, she was broken so badly she was in so much pain and cried for months." Ariana said

"But we didn't know" Chris said

"We knew she lost her baby. We didn't know how she lost the baby from it getting beat to death because from what she told us it was a healthy baby, so we thought it was just a miscarriage." Camila finished.

"So that sick mortal killed her child? When I get my hands on that desolate puny mortal, I will make sure hell gives him the worst treatment" Thor boomed angrily

"But we can't a lay a hand on him while he's linked with Kel's soul without hurting her physically as well." Diana and Harley said

"Well we better find a way and soon because we want to torture him good before he dies" T'Challa and Shuri said

Her friends got up.

"Vhere are you going?" I asked 

"To see Kel" Shawn said

"Maybe we should come with you" Tony said

"I don't think that's a good idea let he cool off before she sees you lot alright" Camila said sweetly.

We watched them walk off.

"Let's go see where she is on the cameras" Tony said.

We all followed him to the camera control room. We were shocked by what we saw.

We saw Kelani repeatedly punching the wall, she left loads of holes in the wall. Her knuckles were split and bleeding badly and the wall was covered with her blood. She was furious letting her anger out.

"She's going to hurt herself more we need to help her" Bruce said

"No we have to let her cool off like Camila and her other friends said" Tony replied

"But Tones she's gonna really injure herself" Nicky said

"Her vriends vill be there soon" I said

We watched as she kept punching and punching the wall to no end. Then Chris walked in and grabbed her hands, Vincessa was about to attack but wen she saw it was just him she relaxed. She went to the door and locked it to probably prevent us from entering. Then she walked over to her friends and broke down. They hugged her.

"We really fucked it up" Derek and Jackson said

"We made her cry we are such bad mates" Billy and Clark said

Chris sat behind vincessa rocking her back and forth and Shawn sat beside her stroking her hair and kissing her forehead. Camila and Ariana sat in between her legs and the other side of her holding my hand and squeezing tightly.

"It's going to be ok babe" Chris said

"We are here for you" Ariana said

"We are so sorry" Shawn said

"I know, I know you miss him. We know how excited you were about your baby. We didn't know Tory killed him. We are so sorry" Camila said nd hugged me.

"I hate my mates, they thought it was my fault. I hate Tory and I hate my mates. It's not fault why is it always me who gets hurt? It's not fair" I cried into them.

"We know, we know" Ariana said.

"I wish we were there to comfort her but she hates us" Harley said crying.

"She hates us" Tony said.

"We can't even protect her ow are we good mates?" Jessica said

"She'll never forgive us" Bucky and Steve said.

"We've blown it, it's all our fault" Henry said

"She doesn't like us anymore, I wish we could express to her how sorry we really are" Jasper said

"We don't want her to hate us more so we have to try and comfort her and talk to her when she comes out" Rhodes said

"No that's to soon, we have to give our queen time so maybe tomorrow we'll try" Loki said

"I vant her to sleep with one of us but it doesn't seem like that tonight" Pietro said

"Thank God it's Friday we have all weekend to speak to her. Let's all go to bed and try and make good with our gorgeous mate." Clay and Alex said

"Agreed" Zach said

"Till tomorrow" I said and we all went off to bed.

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