Dear diary. I mean journal! (...

By queen_pepe_bitch

15.1K 618 215

Draco felt embarrassed that he has to write in a stupid book about his emotions even more so that he was alwa... More

Here we go again
Its not a diary!
A smokers dream
Dont skip classes kids!
Harry is jelly
A nice night
Grass is green
Should we date?
I swear it doesn't hurt
Malfoys fiancé
Blood is thicker than water
He is okay
Luna Love
Maybe break ups
Cigar burns
Not actually dating
Daddys home
Dear journal
A life to remember


1K 38 16
By queen_pepe_bitch


'-a death eater you say!? Are you alright is he in Azkaban!? Also a male!? So many new questions Mr. Potter!'

'I can't answer a lot of them but yes he is male I'm bisexual which means I love both females and males. But no he did not get to Azkaban he is one of the only blond guys that didn't go to Azkaban haha'

Draco was fuming

He had so much anger built inside his lungs that even the students that bullied him couldn't get in his way.

He gripped the paper in his fist and swung open the door to the great hall. Every student and teacher turned to look at him some smiling broadly and other giving him snide looks

Of course, he ignored them holding the paper even tighter as he made his way to the Gryffindor table where Harry sat messing around with Neville. Draco approached and slammed the paper on the table to catch his attention

"What the hell potter" Harry smiled sheepishly. Turing a light shade of pink.

"This isn't the best place to do this Malfoy" Draco chewed the inside of his lip debating if he wanted to go to Askaban for murdering Harry Potter

"Do what? I want you to explain yourself!" Draco felt shaken Harry hadn't said anything in his interview by name just vague or maybe sometimes very explicit details.

"Listen Malfoy. Let's step outside and talk okay?" Draco felt as if he was about to die at that moment. He hated this man. Despised him even.

However, he picked the paper up and stomped out the door with Harry close by. Harry pushed Draco into a corner where no one would find them and smiled awkwardly as Dracos cheeks turned pink

"Get off Potter!" Draco shoved Harry softly and Harry sighed running a hand through his hair

"I'm sorry about the newspaper," he said softly and Draco scowled at it

"What was it some kind of joke? It isn't very funny you bloke!" Harry winced and turned back to Draco who was still rightfully angry

"The only blond who didn't go? You should have just said my damn name!" Harry winced at Dracos voice and he shook

"I'm sorry okay!" Draco glared at Harry who kept his eyes to the floor

"I overheard some people in the ministry talking about you. They said that you not being romantically involved with someone could affect your probation!" Draco blinked and ran a hand through his hair he no longer gelled to cement it to his head Harry watched carefully swallowing

"That doesn't make any sense," Draco said harshly crossing his arms and glaring at Harry who adjusted his glasses

"That's what I thought! But listen your family has gone generations wanting to stay pure-blooded now that. I mean. Well. You know your dad." Harry seemed flushed at this point Draco assumes in embarrassment and he sighed

"My father is in Azkaban what does that have to with me being romantically involved as you say?" Draco pinches the bridge of his nose and Harry stared at him curiously

"With your father gone, you are expected to continue your family's bloodline. If you marry a pure-blooded witch or wizard you know not to discriminate. Harry said awkwardly. Draco fought a small smirk and continued to listen to Harry's explanation

"Anyway. Not seeing you involved in something major could raise suspicion of you and have you go on trial again without me defending you. I'm sorry I didn't run it by you first but I wanted to help!" Harry said chewing the inside of his lip

"What makes you think I wanted it?" Draco said ignoring students that were walking by and giving them odd stares

"Wanted what?" Harry said stupidly

"Your help. When did I ever ask for your help?" Draco said sourly. Harry swallowed down the knot in his throat and stood proudly

"You didn't have to ask," Harry said through gritted teeth

"Oh? So what you did it so I could thank you? Oh wow, potter thank you so much! You saved me from what I knew my fate was already! Thank you for publicly outing me! Oh, and I can't forget to thank you for saying you're in love with me when yeah you're right I hate you!" Draco clamped his mouth shut at his words. He looked at Harry who's face was red

"Potter I'm sorry-" Draco began he extended a hand towards Harry who took a step back

"I was only trying to help. If you don't want it. I'll tell everyone you didn't feel the same so you won't be under heat." Harry walked away feeling his heart beating in his chest Draco leaned against the wall and sighed heavily.

He reached for his pocket and took out a small box and a lighter placing a cigarette in between his lips and lighting it taking a deep breath. He had spent a lot of time in the muggle world by order of the ministry. Cigarettes were a big thing with people his age so he thought he would try it. At first, he hated the scent, the taste, even the way he felt his lungs give in with any intake of the poison. But soon enough dreams catch up of terrible things he'd done in his past and he set his lungs on fire with a strong huff and exhale of the toxins. It was a euphoric feeling in Draco's opinion.

"Hey darling what are you doing over here," Pansy said running up to Draco as he took a long drag from the cigarette letting the ash fall to the ground

"Again Draco?" Pansy said worriedly watching her friend drop it to the floor and step on it

"I needed one," he said nonchalantly and walked past her to make his way to his next class.

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